Three Wishes (Dreams Come True #3) (15 page)

BOOK: Three Wishes (Dreams Come True #3)
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Chapter Fifteen




Another week passed. Sure, we were still in the hospital, but it wasn’t so bad. Ollie was getting stronger every day. Her color was better, her oxygen saturation was back to normal, and she could even get out of bed to go to the bathroom. We were breathing easier, feeling more relaxed, and there was an end in sight.

Charlie, though not fully recovered, now could hobble along. Her mood had improved significantly. Of course, if I were no longer helpless and feeling dependent on people, I’d probably morph into a ray of sunshine too. Still, I hoped her newly found happiness might have a little something to do with me. I know I hadn’t been this relaxed and comfortable with my life in years…many many years.

“So, I’m guessing we won’t see you much tomorrow,” Charlie commented as we snuggled on the window seat that doubled as her bed the last hour before the nurses would kick me out. 

“What makes you say that?” I stared into her eyes. “I’ll be here, same as always.”

“Oh. I read your blog this morning. The update on our situation, and the reminder about the donor drive tomorrow. I figured you’d be busy.” She shrugged. “It’s no big deal. I just…thought I’d ask so I’d know what to tell Ollie when she wakes.”

I squeezed her close. “Tell her that I’ll see be here around nine, same as always. We’ll work on her movie. Nothing changes. I’ll go to the donor drive during her nap.”

Charlie sighed. “What did I do to deserve you?”

“Just being yourself. That’s enough.” I kissed the top of her head. “Oh, and I think this about you about twelve times a day.”

She laughed. “Obviously, you’re cursed.”

I frowned and looked off into the distance without releasing her. “I’ve often thought that.”

“Why would you say that?” Her brow furrowed and I worried I’d upset her.

“My childhood. My life before you. That’s all.” I inhaled deeply. “I don’t like to talk about it. Instead, I focus on the positive. You and Ollie, my friends. This is my life.”

“Huh. I thought films were your life.” Charlie looked down and played with my hands, tracing the veins.

“No. That’s the way I make a living. Never confuse the two.” I glanced at the clock on the wall and gave her one more kiss before standing. A second later the night nurse peeked in and gave me the look. I nodded in response. “So, see you in the morning.”

“Yes. I’ll be here, eagerly awaiting your arrival.” Charlie leaned back on the bed and stretched out now that she had the whole thing to herself.

I pulled the covers up over her. “Night, babe.” I kissed her and watched as her face lit up.

The next morning, I woke early. It was more of giving in to the start of the day. I couldn’t sleep. So much was riding on this day. Would there be a strong turnout? Would we find a donor match for Ollie? Wondering and worrying had taken over my mind. There was only one way for me to calm down. I worked out as hard as I could, then rushed through my routine. Finally, I sent Charlie a text.


me: Morning, babe. See you soon. Give Ollie kisses for me. I’ll give you yours when I get there.


It took at least ten minutes for me to get a response. My guess was I’d caught her in the shower. The drive to the hospital seemed longer than normal. Halfway there, I received a new text message.


Charlie: Take your time getting here. Maybe you could wait until 10?


Something was up for sure. Why would she suddenly be putting me off when last night she had been trying to make sure I was coming early in the morning? Instead of responding, I ignored the text. If my girls were suffering from nerves, I could better help them in person. If there was some other reason for her text, I’d rather handle that in person too.

I parked and rode the elevator up, same as always. Turning the last corner on the way to Ollie’s room, I froze in the hallway. Charlie was leaning against the wall talking to some unfamiliar man. He wasn’t in hospital uniform, so I knew he wasn’t an employee. She looked mildly uncomfortable, which had me on alert. I recognized the stiff way she held her body, and the tight look on her face. Her arms were crossed over her chest. When I was within a few feet of them, I saw the man had a rag doll in his hands and exuded a cool confidence that annoyed me instantly. As I neared, he reached out to touch her, just as Charlie met my eyes.

Reaching out, I smoothly blocked him and leaned in to give her a kiss on the lips. She responded slightly, relaxing at first, then stiffening up again. “Morning.” I smiled, hoping to hide the turmoil brewing within me.

“Oh, I thought you weren’t coming until ten,” Charlie murmured, her eyes darting back and forth between us.

“No, I said nine and you texted me too late. Sorry.” I shrugged. “Is Ollie awake yet?” I suppose in the mind, I hoped if I kept talking, he’d take the hint and leave us alone, but instead when I glanced his way, I could read laughter in his eyes. I held out a hand. “And you are?”

He gripped mine and the subtle battle for male supremacy began. “I’m Damien, Olivia’s dad, and Charlie’s first.” He grinned, obviously hoping to hit a nerve.

“Nice to meet you,” I lied. “I’m Ben, Ollie’s future step-dad, and Charlie’s last.”

His smile faltered. “I didn’t know you were engaged?” He peeked at Charlie’s bare ring finger.

“We’re not.” She sighed.

“Yet.” I shrugged. “So, how did you find us?” I threw an arm around Charlie’s shoulders.

“Oh, I’ve been looking for some time, but my last internet search uncovered your blog. And here I am.” He crossed his arms over his chest.

“Well, nice meeting you. We’ll tell Ollie you stopped by.” Then I started to steer Charlie into the room, but she pulled away.

“I’ll be right in.” She glared at me. “Ollie’s dying to see you.”

“Right. Okay.” Then I walked into the room alone, like it was no big deal, even though I felt like she had stomped on my heart.

“Who’s Mommy talking to?” Ollie was sitting in bed looking worried. “That guy just walked in, but my mama pushed him out the door and said she’d be right back.” She looked sad and scared, which was pretty much how I felt too.

“Well, I haven’t ever known your mother to lie. I’m sure she’ll be right in.” I stretched and looked at the clock. It was ten minutes after nine and even though I had always appreciated the privacy from having no window out to the hall, now I was wishing there was no wall either. What was taking so long?

Ten minutes later, Charlie still hadn’t entered the room. I strode to the door and threw it open. Damien stood entirely too close to her. “I just want to be here for Ollie. I just want to help.” He was staring at her with this heated gaze I recognized all too well. Charlie blushed, but didn’t look away. Obviously, she was more than a little familiar with it too.

“Perfect.” I clapped my hands together and startled both of them. I threw a friendly arm around his shoulder. “Come with me. Today is the donor drive. You can be first.” I took a few steps and my hold on him left no option but for him to stumble along with me. “We’ll be back!” I called to Charlie over my shoulder.

“Wait!” He tried to dig in his heels. “I was talking.”

“What’s there to talk about? You want to help? Prove it. Get tested to see if you’re a match for Ollie. I’m being tested too.” I stared at him evenly, but allowed him no out. Charlie was watching.  Ollie was waiting and she was running out of time.

“Okay. Damn, man. I can walk by myself.” He straightened his jacket and ran a few fingers through his hair as if he were concerned I’d messed it up. I might have. Just a little. Intentionally.

While I didn’t know him, I hated Damien on principle alone. That was enough cause. Nothing he’d done in the roughly ten minutes since we’d met had changed my opinion of him. I doubted anything would.

“Fantastic. Have at it then. One foot in front of the other. Chop chop! They’re ready for us.” I forced a smile then glanced over his shoulder at Charlie, standing frozen in the hall. Part of me knew I was handling this badly. Problem was, I didn’t care. I could apologize later, but for now, my need to protect my girls was fierce.

Together we rode the elevator down to the first floor where they had the donor drive set up in a private room. The lab techs were all lined up, ready to take our blood. Damien froze. “Shall I go first?” I shrugged and stepped forward to fill out paperwork and begin the process. “I thought you might want that honor since you’re Ollie’s biological father.”

He understood my meaning. I was more of a father to her than he had ever been. Damien knew it. Would he care without having Charlie there to witness his actions? We’d soon see.

Finally, he stepped up and grabbed the clipboard. I’m not sure which of us was more surprised. Fifteen minutes later when it was all over, I turned toward the elevator, expecting he’d join me on the return trip to Ollie’s room. Instead, he studied his phone. After responding to a text message, Damien frowned. “I have some business to take care of. Tell Charlie I’ll be back later.”

“No problem. I’ll pass that message along. I’ll be here all day.” Then I stepped into the elevator, hit the button, and smiled as the doors closed between us.

Breathing easier, I stepped off the elevator and rushed to Ollie’s room. I swear I just wanted to gather both of them in my arms and never let them go, maybe run off even. We could find a new hospital, new doctors, and I’d stay off the internet this time.

That thought was immediately crushed when I met Charlie’s scowling face at the door. “Outside,” she growled as she backed me out of the room.

“So, we gave blood. Damien says he’ll be back later, but you never really know with that guy, do you?” I shrugged. “Anyway, I’m here, and I thought I’d work with Ollie for a while before her lunch and nap. You know, the usual, from a guy you can count on.” I started to give her a kiss on the cheek, but she pushed me back. Undeterred, I started to open the door.

“We’re not finished yet,” Charlie snapped.

“We aren’t?” I feigned confusion and scratched at my head as if I couldn’t possibly imagine what we had left to say to one another on the subject.

“Listen, you need to pull it together. I can understand why you’d be upset…” She threw her hands in the air.

“Good. I’m glad you get it. I’m glad you understand.” I huffed for a moment, but the last thing I wanted was to push her further away. Rubbing the back of my neck, I bit my cheek for a moment as I struggled to calm down. “Please, can we get back to where we were, before he came, back when you liked me?” I gave her a pleading look.

Charlie softened some. “I’d like that, but I think there’s something you need to know first.” She limped closer and wrapped her arms around my waist. I could feel my fury beginning to dissipate. “Damien wants to spend time with us, wants to get to know Ollie.”

I stiffened and peeled her off me so I could look her in the eyes. “Do you think this is a good idea? She’s so fragile right now. I mean, the way you explained it, the guy abandoned you. I don’t want Ollie exposed to someone who could hurt her like that.” I meant it too. It was all about what was right for Ollie. It just so happened that having him gone for good was better for Charlie and me as well.

She took a step back and crossed her arms over her chest. “Then it’s a good thing this isn’t up to you. Who do you think you are anyway?” Charlie frowned.

“I thought I was the guy who loved you, the guy who was always there for both of you. I guess I thought maybe that gave me the right to an opinion, being taken into consideration.” My heart sank. “I forgot there’s only room for two in your world. My mistake.” Slowly, I turned to walk away. I needed to clear my head and get these raging emotions under control before I spent any time with Ollie. The kid didn’t miss a thing and she didn’t need to be part of our fight.

“That’s right. Run away. Run just like every other guy I’ve ever known,” she hissed.

Whipping around, I flexed my hands a few times before speaking. “I’m not running. I need a cool down period. I think I deserve at least that. I’ll be back.” I sighed. “I always come back.”

Charlie crumbled against the wall. I wanted to go to her, to hold her and tell her everything would be all right, that I would help her handle whatever came our way. Only this time, I didn’t know if it was true. I didn’t know where I stood now that Damien had returned. There was an ache in my chest like I hadn’t felt since my mother died. Oh, but I recognized it, the feeling of loss, despair. Although this time, no one had died, but our relationship seemed to be in cardiac arrest.

Frustrated and scared, I hopped in the car and drove. I pretended I didn’t know where I was going until I ended up at Gabriel and Isabella’s house. It was almost lunchtime and I was showing up utterly uninvited, but I’d never known them to turn away a friend in need. Usually, this was when they rallied most. After I rang the doorbell, I stood there looking down at the stone steps, wondering what the hell I was going to say, how to explain everything to them. Almost immediately, Isabella answered the door.

“Come in, Ben! This is a wonderful surprise.” She looped her arm through mine and urged me into the house. Together we walked toward Gabriel’s office in the east wing on the first floor. “Your timing is perfect. Gabriel is home today. I just finished a photoshoot, but I’m more than happy to leave you two alone.” Isabella smiled warmly at me. Everything about her was so welcoming and genuine, I knew why I had been drawn here.

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