Through The Eyes of A Hoodrat

BOOK: Through The Eyes of A Hoodrat
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Also by Shontaiye

All 4 Da Doe

All 4 Da Doe 2

Deceit, Lies, & Alibi’s

Coming Soon by

Deceit Lies & Alibi’s 2

Blood 4 My Brother

Wrong Turn

Thru the Eyes of a Jackboy




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Through The Eyes of A




Uptown Books

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This is a work of fiction.
All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this
novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used


Through The Eyes of A
Hoodrat. Copyright © 2015 Uptown Books. All rights reserved. No
part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner
whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief
quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.







I just want to express appreciation
to the people that have actually read my book. I appreciate that
you took the time to read a novel by an unknown author. Thank you
to my mama who gave me suggestions and wonderful feedback, and last
but not least, my family for being always present and


The blow to my jaw sent my body
reeling backward and leveled me with the floor. The instant
overwhelming pain and looseness around my mouth confirmed that my
jaw was indeed broken.

I wanted to beg for mercy but it hurt
too much to speak. I said a quick prayer to God, asking for
forgiveness since I knew the motherfucker standing in front of me
had already confirmed they weren’t there for forgiveness. I knew I
was going to die. I had wronged many people and more recently I had
drastically affected lives. I hated to admit, but I deserved this

I closed my eyes and
prepared to die in shame. I had many opportunities to do right and
my children suffered the most because of my actions. I had
inappropriately stamped myself as a bad bitch when I was nothing
more than a hoodrat; a hoodrat who was about to die for all the
scandalous bullshit she had done. The saying was true;
you do dirt, you lie in it


I quickly pulled my truck over to the
side of the road and aggressively threw it in park. Fed up and
irritated at the constant crying of my four year old son RJ, I
reached around the back of the seat, and slave smacked the shit out
of him. That would shut his little whiney ass up. We had only been
in the car five damn minutes and he was crying because he’d dropped
his Spiderman toy in the floor.

I couldn’t wait until I got him over
to my mama’s house so she could keep his crybaby ass for the night.
I needed a break. Shit, I had the motherfuckers all week. I looked
in my rearview mirror and looked at my three children. The twins
Mookie and Dayday were leaned against each other fast sleep.
Mookie’s nose was home to a ring of crust that seemed like it never
left, and Dayday’s ponytails were sticking straight out like bow
and arrows. Mookie had gotten a cold because she constantly ran
outside without a jacket, and Dayday won’t ever sit still long
enough for me to do her hair. At seven years old you’d think they’d

I checked my phone to see if Tyree had
texted me back. He was why I needed the night to myself and away
from the kids. We were supposed to meet up and hang out at a
private party at a local pool hall Rack Em Up, however, I had other

Tyree wasn’t cute by a long shot,
however, his ass had a couple coins. He was a little on the short
side, about a few inches taller than me, and had a small peanut
head that looked silly on his overweight body. Even though he was
fat he was very generous and was helping me with my bills. I
wouldn’t go as far to say he was whipped, but he definitely was
under my bad bitch trance.

To say I was a fly bitch would be an
understatement. I was a caramel brick house with a beautiful set of
D-cup breasts. Even after birthing three brats, my girls still sat
up. I wasn’t top model in the face, but I still considered myself
fairly cute. Plus, I only fucked with nigga’s with doe and that
allowed me to keep Remi stitched to my head, and designer names
attached to my body. Even if no one else agreed, I had stamped my
own damn self as a Certified Bad Bitch.

I pulled up to my mama’s house and
parked my new model Ford Expedition. The truck was ridiculously
oversized for me, but I needed enough space for my three kids, and
I definitely wasn’t driving a van.

I got out of the truck and went to the
back seat to let out my kids. Seeing them still sleep, I reached
over and aggressively shook them awake. My girls were heavy
sleepers and I didn’t feel like dragging them out of the

“Dayday and Mookie! Yall get the hell
up. We at Mommom’s house.—Get up!” I yelled when I saw that they
appeared to be frozen in place with slobber dripping from their

Startled they jumped up and climbed
out of the truck, almost falling. I unstrapped RJ from his booster
seat and helped him out of the car. Walking into my mother’s was
like walking into a soul food restaurant. The pleasant smells of
garlic and meatloaf overwhelmed my nostrils as I entered the home.
My mama was always cooking something. She couldn’t have weighed
more than 130 pounds but she was constantly eating.

“Hey mama,” I greeted her, while
walking into the kitchen to give her a hug. As I approached her she
walked off like she didn’t see me headed towards her. I shook the
energy she just gave and took a deep breath.

“Hey Sierra,” she said dryly, before
walking to the stove to tend to her pot of mashed potatoes she was

“Did you give the twins some medicine
for the cold they got? I just saw them come in and Mookie had snot
all up her nose and could barely breathe. Dayday still coughing
too. I sent them in the bathroom already so they can get ready to
get cleaned up.”

Here we go with this
, I thought. My mama was always in my
business regarding my kids. It seemed real funny that she gave two
fucks about my kids when she didn’t give a damn about the two she
pushed outta her own stank ass pussy. At five I was making my own
breakfast, and by six, I was walking to school alone and getting
myself up with an alarm clock. Her ass was always working while my
now deceased brother Chris and I were running around like mini

She was extra hard on us, even as
small children. She used to say we would “hold our own weight” and
“earn our keep.” I did everything to do just that, and as soon as I
turned 18, I rolled out of the hellhole I was standing in

“I was gonna pick some up tonight from
Walmart. Those colds just popped up the other day,” I

I wasn’t about to waste my money on
any medicine. My plans was to set up an appointment with the doctor
so I could get a prescription for cough syrup. That way, their
insurance would take care of the bill.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll go grab
them some in a little bit when Todd gets off of work,” she said. My
mama had a two seat Convertible that she couldn’t fit all the kids
in. She always had a thing for luxury cars.

“He’ll be off in about an hour,” she
continued. Todd was my mother’s second husband, after my father. My
father had rolled out on us when I was a little girl. Rumor had it,
my father had a thing for young girls including his own daughter.
When my mama found out, instead of kicking his ass to the curb and
getting him arrested, she begged him to get help. He said he didn’t
need help and he didn’t need her. He left and never looked

Some say he ended up with some 18 year
old, 15 years younger than my mama. She hated him and it seemed
like she despised us too ever since.

My mama met her current husband Todd
when we were teenagers. He owned a tow truck business and made good
money. Once they got married, she miraculously overnight became
better than everybody. I found that incredibly amusing since Todd’s
old butt was really no better than my father. But, let my mama tell
it, he was her knight in shining armor.

“Thanks Mama. Listen I’m out of here.
I’ll be back in the morning. Thanks again for keeping the kids for
me,” I said.

She didn’t bother to respond so I
walked out of the kitchen and headed out of the small, but
beautiful Mediterranean style house. Once I reached my car I
exhaled a deep breath. Dealing with my mother was like getting bit
in the ass by sharks. She was always so hostile, nitpicking and
pointing out every little thing about the kids. Nevertheless, I
knew for sure that she genuinely loved her grandkids. Hell, she
loved them way more than she loved me.

My mama was constantly buying them
shit and showering them with affection. I found it really weird,
and I often wondered if my mother had been touched by an angel. She
definitely wasn’t the same lady I was raised by. She probably
called herself making up for treating us the way she

The majority of my life I grew up in
the hood. My older brother Chris managed to keep me out of trouble
but couldn’t seem to stay out of it himself. As we grew older the
neighborhood we lived in Philadelphia became worse. Instead of
moving us to a better area she partied and kept a foreign car
parked in a yard that was littered with trash and broken

Working for the transportation company
provided her with respectable pay that could have had us living
modestly in the county somewhere. To her though, that choice was
not an option. Our lives changed when I was 16 and my 18 year old
brother Chris was gunned down at the neighborhood park. My young
heart turned cold when I was given the news that my protector had
been slain. All the love that once resided in my body was buried in
the dirt next to my brother. I would later become as grimey as the
streets that took him from me.

I shook the thoughts of my brother and
mother, and crept out of the suburban neighborhood I spent my final
teenage years in. I slipped back onto the busy expressway so I
could get ready for my date with Tyree. My condo was only a few
miles away, however the traffic would cause it to feel like a cross
country road trip.

The vibration from my ringing phone
briefly took my focus off the road and caused me to swerve my SUV a
little since I had reached over to grab it. The blaring honking
sound from the aging white man in the Toyota Camry in the next lane
got my attention.

“Shut ya old ass up! Wasn’t nobody
gonna hit that piece of shit,” I yelled, while flipping him the
bird. I scooped my phone up and checked my messages as quickly as I
could. I knew I shouldn’t text and drive but realistically, who

I smiled when I saw that it was Tyree.
He confirmed that he was meeting me at eight which gave me enough
time to get home and get ready. I smiled in satisfaction as I
slowly crept my way along the jam-packed expressway. I had
something special for Tyree along with something even more special
for me. I planned to give it to him raw and dirty; the only way I
knew how.


I finally got home 45 minutes after
leaving my mother’s. I didn’t have a ton of time so I made my way
to my walk-in closet to find something to wear. I searched for my
body suit that was amongst a sea of other fashionable

Once I found it I went to take a
shower. Before I could step my pedicured toes into the tub, I heard
my phone ring from the bedroom. I turned around and walked briskly
to go answer it. I saw that it was the twin’s father. I waited for
it to stop ringing and rolled my eyes.

He probably wanted to pick them up.
Too bad, I thought. I asked his ass before he went to work was he
going to get them. He said something about having to work late, so
my mama got first dibs. He could see them another day.

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