Tiger Moths

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Authors: Sandra Grice

BOOK: Tiger Moths
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Sandra D. Grice


Ellechor Publishing House, LLC


Unless otherwise notes, all scriptures are taken from the New King James Version, © 1984 by Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers.

Used with permission.

Ellechor Publishing House

2431 NW Wessex Terrace, Hillsboro, OR 97124

Copyright © 2010 by Sandra Grice

© 2011 Ellechor Publishing House Paperback Edition

Grice, Sandra, 1959-

Tiger Moths/Sandra Grice.

ISBN 978-1-9378449-4-3

Library of Congress Control Number: 2011935414

All rights reserved. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. No portion of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any form without the written permission of the Publisher. Please purchase only authorized editions. For more information, address:

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Dedicated to Haley, God’s gift of love to me.




It was only when I grew up that I began to understand the blessings of my childhood. The love and security of my home was the only thing I knew. And, having accepted Christ as my Savior at an early age, I knew little about those who had not.

Now I know differently. I have defended a child who was sexually abused by an authority figure. I have been beaten and nearly raped by someone I once trusted. I have looked evil directly in the face. So now I know it firsthand. And now I cling all the more to my heavenly Father. It was by His hand that His plans for me came to be - and they were far greater than I could ever have imagined.

It all began in my childhood – and, for better or for worse, so it does with us all.



, J
UNE 1970


The little girl watched the caterpillar move slowly, but certainly, across the sidewalk, its movement undeterred by the cracks and uneven pavement. Cracks put there by time, and dropped toolboxes, and the shelling of walnuts. She picked up a twig and created an obstruction to see how the wooly creature would react. Intrigued, she watched it feel around the twig and then climb atop it, its full length now spread out on the stick.

Overwhelmed, the child drew in her breath as a tiger moth floated by. She marveled at the lesson her father had taught her, about how these two beings were one and the same. She had asked him how that could possibly be true. He had smiled and told her that nature was a miracle of God. It was, he said, full of incredibly amazing mysteries.

The crawling creature demonstrated its short tolerance of the view from the twig and found its way back onto the sidewalk. The moth flew away in a zigzag path

“Don’t worry, little guy; one day you will have wings too. And ya won’t have to crawl around on the dirty ground and worry about people steppin’ on ya. Till then, I’ll keep a watch out over ya, and see that you’re not squashed to death.”

Still squatting over the object of her fascination, she picked up the twig and tossed it aside. Then came an unexpected nudge from behind that sent her tumbling toward her adopted charge. She turned awkwardly and managed to miss landing on the future flyer by mere inches. Lying spread eagle in the grass, she enjoyed the friendly mauling of her best buddy. She giggled and reached over to pet his furry head.

“Paco, Paco,” she said and giggled louder as he ran his tongue all over her face. His sweet breath smelled of this morning’s early breakfast. “Okay, okay, enough already. You know I’m happy to see you too; and I love you soooo much.”

She reached around the collie’s full frame and gave him a bear hug. He had both paws on her chest and continued to lavish her face with his saliva bath.

“Ugh, boy, you are so heavy – bet you weigh as much as I do now; don’t ya, fellow?” She patted the top of his head again and looked full into his huge brown eyes.

“What a pair you two are, Eliza. I would say Paco doesn’t weigh quite as much as you, kiddo; but he is a heavy weight.” Ann Grayson reached down to help her daughter extricate herself from the family pet. She smiled at Paco and patted his back. There was no doubt that he was as much a part of the family as any of them.

“Thanks, Mom, I needed that.” She smiled fondly at her mom and continued to run her fingers through Paco’s fur. “Are you sure we can’t take him with us? You know he would be good, and he would have a great time.”

“Oh, honey, I would love to take him, but it is a really long trip. I don’t think our friend would much care for being in the car for eight hours. And once we got there it would be really hot for a fella that wears a big ol’ fur coat like our Paco boy.”

The girl reluctantly gave in to her mother’s reasoning and bent down next to the panting dog. “Yea, I guess you are right; he is already overheating, and it’s not near as hot here as it will be there.”

She resumed her gaze into Paco’s eyes and spoke sweetly to him, “Okay Paco, you know I love you, and you know that we will be back. We would never, ever, ever just leave you. Irene will give you food and water every day, and you will have the run of the yard. So be our good watch dog and when we get back I’ll bring you lots and lots of treats and hugs and kisses.” She plopped a kiss on his head. Paco’s tail responded by instantly accelerating its wag. He stood up and tried to kiss her back.

She smiled again and looked up at her mom. “Did you call Irene and make sure she understands all of the directions? Paco has to stick to his routine or he will be upset that we left him.”

“Okay, Eliza, I will do the very best I can; although I am no substitute for you, that’s for sure.”

“Irene!” Eliza jumped up and ran over to her favorite neighbor as she ambled into the backyard. After years of fighting the battle of the bulge, Irene had surrendered. There was simply more for Eliza to hug now, she explained.

Eliza embraced her warmly and said, “I’m so glad you came by! ‘Cause I want to make sure you know where everything is for Paco. His food is in the laundry room closet. His toys are in the garage. His ...”

David Grayson had followed Irene outside. “Sweetheart, we have gone over this with Irene a dozen times. I think she has got it memorized by now. And you made that nice written outline for her just in case. I do believe you have covered all of the bases, and then some.”

“Oh, okay then, Daddy.” She eyed Irene to make sure she was clear on the all-important instructions. “Irene, are you sure you don’t have any questions? This is very important. Remember, Proverbs 12:10 says, ‘The righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.’ “

David and Irene exchanged glances. “I think she has a photographic memory when it comes to Scripture. It started in Vacation Bible School two years ago; she has a Bible verse committed to memory for just about any occasion now,” David said and laughed.

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