TirzahsAllure (8 page)

Read TirzahsAllure Online

Authors: Gabriella Bradley

Tags: #shapeshifter,romance,fantasy,science fiction,gabriella bradly,cats

BOOK: TirzahsAllure
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“It is time. They call me to return.”

“I didn’t hear anything.”

“They speak here.” Tirzah pointed to her head.

“Oh. Be strong, babe. I’ll be there, just remember that.”

Tirzah took her place in the center of the small arena and faced the tribunal of elders. Her heart was heavy, its beat a drumroll within her chest.

“Tirzah, daughter of Calira and Henke. You will share your experiences with us now.”

It took her by surprise. Instead of receiving punishment, they wanted her to talk? She hadn’t expected to share her story during her trial. It didn’t matter. The adrenaline set her body afire. Her mind churned to recall every little detail as she started talking. She didn’t omit a thing from the moment she left the compound to when she arrived in the city and met Cain. When she finally finished, there was a long silence. During the telling of her journey, she’d heard restlessness among the people on the bleachers. She was sure they were shocked at her findings, astounded there was a civilized species on this planet.

“This tribunal is adjourned. We will resume in two hours.”

Her heart filled with hope. They had listened to her, and now they were aware of what was out there. Maybe her punishment wouldn’t be that harsh. Then again, she didn’t know of anyone who had ever been judged by a tribunal or punished. They were probably going by the old laws on the home planet, laws she knew nothing about.

Instead of joining Cain, she ran to her mother. “Mother, what is the worst punishment they can give me? You know the old laws of Alishur.”

“Sweetie, everything was different then. The worst punishment was to be banished to the badlands. And that was only if the crime was really bad. It happened a few times that I recall. Since there were no black cats left on Alishur, no one was ever called before the elders for consorting with the enemy—if you can even call that a crime now. We can’t even be sure your Cain is a descendant from the forbidden tribe. If he is, by what you’ve told me, he is not aware of it. Anyway, that war happened so long ago, before even my grandparents were born and their parents. It was a stupid feud. They wanted to be the rulers of Alishur and so did our people. The wars were terrible. Many died before our people were victorious. The black cats decided there wasn’t enough room for both species, so they left the planet to settle elsewhere and peace returned to Alishur.”

“It all sounds barbaric, violent.”

“Perhaps we were then. We evolved.”

“Apparently not enough or I wouldn’t have been called before the elders and accused of mating with one of the
tribe. My only crime should have been the one of disobedience.”

“You’re right. Those laws are hundreds of years old. I think it was the shock of seeing the black cat enter our village, then change into the black man he is. I must admit, it shocked me, too. I had learned about black men and black cats in history at school, but that’s it.”

“Cain says there are many black people on this world, but they are not cats. I told you, I saw people of many skin colors in the city.”

“There is your Cain. He is looking for you.”

Tirzah whirled and ran to her man.

Embracing her, he said, “Since I didn’t understand a word, can you tell me what just happened? You talked for a long time.”

Tirzah looked up at him and grinned. “They ask me tell story of my journey to city.”

“Really? That’s a good thing. Isn’t it?”

“Yes. Mother say maybe see black cat and black man was shock.”

“Perhaps, since you told me everyone on your planet is fair, like you. And looking at everyone here, you sure all are.” He laughed. “Maybe they thought I was a ghost from the past.”


“Spirits, the dead when they come back to haunt you.”

“Oh. We walk?”

“Is there time?”

“Yes. Elders are in meeting.”

“Just a minute,” Calira had sidled up to them. “I want to talk to Cain.”

Much to Tirzah’s astonishment, her mother spoke Cain’s language. “Mother, how—”

Calira pointed at a small round disc, hardly noticeable, on her temple. “This is a universal translator. We’ve never had to use them. Our science officer, Zinpa, retrieved all the universal translators from the ship. They’re powered by magnetic impulses from our brains. I didn’t know she had them until she gave me one after the trial. There are only sixteen.”

“Your mother speaks perfect English, Tirzah.”

“By using the translators, we will learn the language fast as our brain picks up each syllable and word. After wearing it for a few days, we won’t need it anymore and others can use them.”

“Amazing technology. What our government wouldn’t give to get their hands on it,” Cain said.

“Perhaps we can negotiate with…eh…your government? You mean elders? Your council?”

“Similar. Each country has its own government. Some countries have a king or queen.”

Tirzah knew Zinpa well. Why the elder had waited until now to reveal that she had the translators, she had no idea. “Is one for me?”

“For now, only the elders, your father and I have been given one. There are five elders, so that leaves nine translators. I will ask after the tribunal concludes. I believe the elders want to question Cain next.”

“Zinpa never told you she had the translators?”

“No. I suppose she thought there was no need since we had no contact with the wild tribes or anyone else. She now saw the need. It has been so many years. She’d probably forgotten about them herself.”

“I think I’m going to wake up soon and realize I found myself dreaming about
Star Trek.”

“Cain, you are not sleep,” Tirzah told him and poked him. “What is
Star Trek

“Science fiction series and movies on TV. It is all scifi fantasy about a starship that travels the universe and makes contact with aliens. Stories. I can’t wait until you can wear one of those gadgets so you learn proper English.”

“Tribunal is come back. They say bring Cain,” Tirzah pulled his arm.

“That was a short two hours. Well, I guess it’s my turn on the chopping block.”


“Oh, I mean they will question me now.”

“Tirzah, you will wait until you are called to appear before us again,” Opek told her tersely.

She hastened to the bleachers where she joined her parents. More than anything, she wished she had the translator so she could follow every word said. Though she’d learned a lot of English, there were many words she still didn’t know, or the proper composition of sentences.

The bell rang and the murmurs on the bleachers stopped.

“What is your name?”

“Cain Jones.”

“When were you born, Cain Jones?”

“Thirty-four years ago on April the first. That is the date the nuns found me so they made it my birthday.”

“What is April?”

“We have a calendar. The year is divided into twelve months. Each month has a name and is divided into days. A day is twenty-four Earth hours. I was born on the first day of the month of April. Or, I should say I was
on the first day of April. I don’t know the exact date of my birth but I was only about fifteen months old according to the nuns at the orphanage.”

“What is a nun?”

“A woman who devotes her life to God, our Creator.”

“It is a religion?”


“You say you were found. What does that mean?”

“I was abandoned in a park. An old homeless man took me to an orphanage and left me on the steps. I was raised in the orphanage.”

“You do not know where you came from. Who your parents are.”


“But you must have parents and they must be black and cat shifters like you.”

“I have searched for cat shifters all my life and not picked up any scent. But America is a big country. Earth is a big world. They could be anywhere. Or maybe they are dead and that’s why I was left in the park.”

“People on Earth do not like cat shifters?”

“They don’t know any exist. Except in books and movies.”

“What are movies?”

“Stories we watch on a screen.”

“If Earth people knew about your existence, what would they do?”

“Hunt me. Subject me to experiments, examinations and tests. I would be locked up, caged. But no one has ever discovered that I can shift into a cat.”

“You are not a flesh eater.”

“No. I do not kill. But most people on Earth do eat meat from animals, after it’s cooked.”

“You do not have the urge to kill when you are a cat?”

“No. I very seldom shift into my cat. I live in the city and there’s no place for big cats there.”

“You can help us leave this planet?”

“No. I’m afraid not. We are not technologically advanced enough. We have sent spaceships to the moon, probes into deep space, but we cannot travel the universe yet.”

“You can help us live among your people?”

“Yes, but I don’t quite know how yet. It will require careful planning.”

“Your government will not help?”

“If my government found out about you, you would be kept in a science facility. You would be examined, tested, questioned endlessly. You would have no peace.”

“Then how can you help us live among your people?”

“As I said, I don’t know yet. You all require papers and that costs a lot of money. You need birth certificates, Earth names, social insurance numbers, to start with. I would have to obtain them illegally.”

“Without them we can’t live in your city?”

“No. I would also need to find places for you to live. Houses or apartments, and that costs money. I earn good money, but I’m not rich. You would all need to find a job. Any kind of job, as long as you can earn a living.”

“If you can find your kin, they could help.”

“I don’t know if I have any kin. I told you, I haven’t found any other shifters. And believe me, I’ve searched.”

“There are fifty-six of us, men, women and children. Fifteen of us landed on this planet. On our home world, we are allowed more than one mate. On this world, are you allowed more than one mate?”

“No, although there are groups where the men have more than one wife, but it is heavily frowned upon by our government in some states. Some states allow it.”

“Do women have more than one mate?”

“Not legally as far as I know.”

“What are states?”

“My country, America, is divided into separate regions, states.”

“It all sounds very complicated. On our world, there is only one government, that is why the war started so many years ago. The black cats wanted dominion over Alishura.”

“Tirzah told me your world was about to end. Where do you think the rest of your people are now?”

“We don’t know. Somewhere on a planet in our galaxy. Much of our equipment was destroyed beyond repair when we crashed, so we lost all communication. We were lucky to have survived. We only lost one of our crew.”

“I’m amazed no one has ever found you. Tirzah said you’ve seen planes and helicopters in the sky. Sometimes they take pictures.”

“If that is so, then we are in danger. We ask you now, please help us return to a civilized city. We have had a good life here in this wild region, but we, especially those of us who remember our world, long for a normal life.”

“Life among people on Earth is very different from your world. Do you think you can adjust?”

“We adjusted to primitive living. We can adjust to anything. We can teach the younger generations the language by using the translators. We are mastering your language as we speak. So will they.”

“Knowledge of English isn’t enough. Tirzah and I will have to bring you books so you can learn about Earth and its customs, its countries. I will have to do a lot of research on how I can get you all papers. It won’t be easy. And there is the problem of money.”

“Money? Please explain.”

“Money is used for payment of goods, food, houses, cars, and in this case, false papers. False papers are illegal and cost a fortune. A fortune I don’t have.”

“Does Earth accept jewels?”


“We have found several caves that have many beautiful stones in the walls. We make jewelry for our women from them. Like this.” Opek pointed at a strand of beads around one of the female elders’ neck.

At least Cain had thought they were beads, at first. When he looked closer, he knew they weren’t just beads. “Those look like diamonds. Yes, they can be worth a lot of money. And some of those stones look like emeralds.”

“We can give you many of these stones to take with you.”

“And what do I say when I try to sell them and they ask where I got them?”

“We don’t know. Maybe you found them but you don’t remember where exactly?”

“I will do everything I can to help you, but you must promise me not to punish Tirzah.”

“Tirzah disobeyed us.”

“But because she disobeyed you, I am standing before you. If you had not given up your explorations and gone further, you would have found civilization, like she did.”

“You are right and you are wise. We will reprimand Tirzah only. We have decided. You may mate with Tirzah at the Festival of Flames one day hence.”

Chapter Eight

Cain’s head spun.
My God, I’ve taken on some task. How the fuck am I going to get all these people out of here? And how do I get them settled in the city? Damn, but I love that woman. I’ll do anything for her. But this is a bit much. I still think this is all a dream. I’m going to wake up soon and laugh about my science fiction fantasy. So in my dreams, I go for a bite to eat and meet a shifter like me. Is it my deep down wish to meet others like me causing this dream? Or is it becoming a nightmare?

“Cain. I understand some, but not all. Mother will give translator. Then I understand everything.”

He startled out of his thoughts and turned to his mate, the woman of his dreams, his blonde, blue-eyed angel.
She’s real. This isn’t a dream. What have I gotten myself into?
“Baby, they’re not going to punish you.”

“I heard the words.”

Calira joined them. “That went well, Cain. Daughter, come here.” She pointed an instrument at Tirzah’s temple and he heard a hissing noise. When she withdrew the instrument, Tirzah had a tiny round disc implanted in her temple. It resembled a silver stud with a tiny red stone in it.

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