To Explain the World: The Discovery of Modern Science (73 page)

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Greeks on, 8, 19, 25–29, 51, 129, 133
Huygens and, 194–97
medieval Europe and, 134–35
Newton and laws of, 225–26, 234–36, 243–44, 254
Zeno of Elea on, 8

Muhammad, prophet, 103, 104

Müller, Johann.

multiverse, 164–65

music, 125, 171, 191

Pythagoreans and, 15–17
technical note on harmony, 279–82

Mysterium Cosmographicum
(Kepler), 162, 165, 169, 171, 173

natural, vs. artificial, 24–25

Natural Questions
(Adelard), 126

natural selection, 24, 248, 265–66

navigation, 56, 75

neo-Darwinian synthesis, 266

Neoplatonists, 5, 47, 51, 80, 97–98, 127

Neptune, 250

Neugebauer, O., 64, 372, 373, 376

neutrinos, 9, 263

neutrons, 243, 262–64

New Atlantis, The
(Francis Bacon), 202

New Experiments Physico-Mechanical Touching the Spring of the Air
(Boyle), 200

Newton, Isaac, 29–30, 40, 46, 69, 91, 106, 146, 172, 188, 199, 202, 205, 212–13, 215–55, 265, 268

background of, 215–18
calculus and, 223–25
cause of gravity and, 243–44
celestial and terrestrial physics unified by, 228, 249, 260, 268
centripetal acceleration and, 196, 226–30, 361–62
Descartes and, 213
diffraction and, 205
Earth’s axis, 74, 153
Earth’s radius and, 361–62
Galileo and, 194
general relativity and, 250–53
gravitational constant (
), 238, 240–41, 287, 289, 363
Huygens and, 196–97
importance of, 244–45, 247–49
mechanics of, 152, 260
momentum and, 133
Moon’s motion and, 93, 196, 226–30, 361–62
motion and gravitation and, 99, 133, 136, 190, 225–45, 254, 363
opposition to theories of, 245–48
optics and, 218–20, 222–23
planetary orbits and, 212, 225–31, 236–41, 244–45
ratio of masses of planets and Sun, 238–39, 364–65
religion and, 245–46
rotation of Earth and planets and, 241–42
telescope and, 79, 219
theory of matter of, 256–57
tides and, 242–43
Tycho and, 251–52

Newton’s laws of motion

first, 234
second, 234–35, 286–88, 363
third, 234–35, 237–38, 363

newton (unit of force), 199

Nicaea, Council of, 60, 218

Nicholas of Cusa, 140–41

Nicias, 46

Nicomachus, 23

Nineveh, battle of, 103–4

nominalists, 132

north celestial pole, 56–57, 74–75

Novara, Domenico Maria, 147

Novum Organum
(Bacon), 201–2

Numbers, R. L., 377


Aristotle and, 24–25, 27, 64, 113, 115, 185–86
ben Maimon on, 115
Copernicus and, 91, 149–55, 158, 162, 172
errors in, and Aristarchus, 69–70
experiment vs., 189
Francis Bacon and, 201
Galileo and heliocentrism, 172–73
general principles and deductions blended with, 202
Greek theories of motions of planets and, 90, 91
Grosseteste and, 137
homocentric models and, 86–87
Kepler and, 166–67, 172
mathematics and, 20, 99
medicine vs. physics and, 115–16
medieval Europe and, vs. deductive natural science, 132–34
modern theoretical physicists, 97
Newton and, 242, 248, 250–51
planetary motion and, 189
Plato and, 61–62
prediction and, 146
Ptolemy and, 88, 90–93, 95, 115
small conflicts with, 151–53, 190
success of explanation and, 248, 254
Tycho and accuracy of, 160–61

observatories, 118, 142

occasionalism, 121–22, 131

octahedron, 10, 12, 162, 163n, 275, 279

octonions, 163

(Homer), 47, 56

Oldenburg, Henry, 219

Omar, caliph, 103

On Architecture
(Vitruvius), 35

On Floating Bodies
(Archimedes), 19, 38–39, 66, 189, 291–94

On Nature
(Empedocles), 6

On Paraboloidal Burning Mirrors
(al-Haitam), 110

On Speeds
(Eudoxus), 80

On the Equilibrium of Bodies
(Archimedes), 38

On the Forms
(Democritus), 14

On the Heavens and the Earth
(Oresme), 135

On the Heavens
(Aristotle), 25, 27, 64, 80, 127

On the Heavens
(Cleomedes), 75

On the Measurement of the Earth
(Eratosthenes), 75

On the Motion of Bodies in Orbit
(Newton), 231

On the Nature of Things
(Lucretius), 46

On the Republic
(Cicero), 17, 71

On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies
(Copernicus), 48

On the Sizes and Distances of the Sun and the Moon
(Aristarchus of Samos), 66–67

Ophiuchus, supernova in, 166

ophthalmology, 118

(Newton), 223–24, 245n, 247, 256–57

(al-Haitam), 110

(Descartes), 206–7

(Euclid), 35

(Ptolemy), 37, 208

See also
light; reflection; refraction

Arabs and, 110–11, 117
Descartes and, 206–12
electricity and magnetism and, 259
Francis Bacon and, 138
Greeks and, 33, 35–37
Grosseteste and, 137
Huygens and, 196–97
Kepler and, 166
medieval Europe and, 137–38
Newton and, 218, 256–57

Opus Maius
(Bacon), 174

orbital periods, 364

orbits, 53, 79.
See also
planetary motions;
and specific moons and planets

circular vs. elliptical, 8, 95, 154–55, 165n
sizes of, 149–50, 154

Oresme, Nicole, 71, 132, 135–37, 139–40, 161, 191

Orion, 176

orrery, 71–72

Ørsted, Hans Christian, 257

Orthodox church, 61

Osiander, Andreas, 156–57, 182

Ostwald, Wilhelm, 260

Othman, caliph, 103

Otto III, emperor of Germany, 126

Ottoman Turks, 116

overtones, 16, 281–82

Oxford University, 131, 137–41

oxygen, 259

Padua, University of, 134, 140–41, 147, 173, 178–80, 193

Pakistan, 104, 123

Palestine, 116

parabola, 40, 194

orbit of comets and, 247
trajectory of projectiles and, 194, 342–46

parallax, 94, 148

annual, 70, 148, 160–61, 177
diurnal, 159–60, 182, 321–23, 361
lunar, 307–9

(calendars of stars), 56

Paris, University of, 125, 127–35, 138

Parmenides, 7–9, 12, 23, 63–64

Parts of Animals
(Aristotle), 24

Pascal, Blaise, 194, 199

pascal (unit), 199

Paul, Saint, 49–50

Pauli, Wolfgang, 261

Paul III, Pope, 48, 153

Paul V, Pope, 183–84

Pecham, John, 129

pendulum, 191, 195–96, 241, 246, 341–42

(Pascal), 199


of planets, 150, 227
of Jovian moons, 178

Perrin, Jean, 260

Persia, 5, 7, 103–6, 108–11, 116

Peter the Great, czar of Russia, 245

Peucer, Caspar, 158

Peurbach, Georg von, 141

(Plato), 10

phase transition, 267

Philip II, king of Macedon, 22

Philolaus, 78, 153

Philo of Alexandria, 62

Philo of Byzantium, 35

Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
(Newton), 227n, 231–47

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
, 219–20, 224–25

philosophy, 3, 27–28, 101, 106, 112, 141, 146, 179

Philus, Lucius Furius, 71

Phoenicians, 13, 56–57

photographic emulsions, 180

photons, 220, 223, 249, 261–62

(Aristotle), 19, 23–26, 96, 127

See also
specific concepts

Arabs and, 110
Aristotle and, 23–29, 115–16, 128, 131
biology and, 266
Galileo and, 179
Greeks and, 19
Kepler and, 170
mathematics and, 20–21, 246
medieval Europe and, 128, 131, 137
modern science and, xiii–xiv, 146, 170
Newton and definition of, 246

, 12

pi, 39, 294–95

Piaget, Jean, 132

Picard, Jean-Félix, 228n

pions, 82

Pisa, University of, 134, 172, 173, 178, 180

Planck, Max, 248, 261

Planck mass, 268

Planetary Hypotheses
(Ptolemy), 94, 107, 149–50

planets and planetary system.
See also
Earth; Sun;
and specific concepts; individual scientists; and planets

ancient mechanical model of, 71–72

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