To Love a Man (10 page)

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Authors: Rontora Nolan

BOOK: To Love a Man
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“What ok what is the problem just spit it out?”

“Fine you like him and I am just not sure he likes you in that way.” Before Desiree could say a word Nikki continued.

“You know I think you are very beautiful and kind and sweet, but we both know that you are not his type.”

Desiree felt like someone punched her in the gut.

“And why would you say that Nikki because I am not as thin as you or as pretty I can’t believe you would even say something like that.”

Nikki got defensive.

“I didn’t you did. Not being his type from my point of view is you are not famous or someone who sleeps around. I wasn’t trying to put you down. But if you think that way then that must be something you are feeling.”

Desiree sighed                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

I am not thinking that…ok so I am ok what if he really is just trying to be nice…what if all the talking and laughing was just that.”

I never wanted to make you feel like you are not worthy of a man like that. Because you are. I just want you to know that if he doesn’t like you then that is on him not you.”

“You are right and I know it I guess I just needed to hear it.” Nikki smiled through the phone.

“Now that we got that out of the way…I cannot believe that you are going to see him” Nikki squealed.

“If you’re so worried come with me.”

“Don’t tempt me because I will but I have kids so no but you better call me.”

“I will you go back to dinner and I will do that same.”

“Ok you want a ride?”


“Ok I will pick you up in the morning. Good night sweetie.”

“Night chica.”

Desiree hung up and walked into her room. She had to find something to wear.

Ramón walked over to Aj humming. He joined him and sat on the bench.

“Ok I am here let's go over the plan for Saturday.” He said glancing down at the forms in his hands.

“Where were you?” he asked glancing at his best friend.

“I had to make a few phone calls.” Ramón said smiling to himself.

“Oh really
?” Aj looked at him lifting his right eyebrow and cocking his head. “And to whom were you speaking with?”

“I took your advice and invited Desiree here tomorrow.”

“What?” Aj stood in front of Ramón. “Are you serious?”

“Yeah it kinda just happened I called her to talk to her about how well Zack was doing and we just started talking about the past and life it was nice you know.”

“So you just bring her out here?” he asked.

Ramón shrugged.
“It’s not like I don't have the money to bring her here and make her happy, and I want to make Zack happy too. He is a great kid and seeing his mom is something I know he would love.”

Aj noticed the far off look in his eyes and knew there was something more to it.

“What’s going on?” Aj sat back on the bleachers.

“What do you mean?” Ramón asked knowing what he meant.

“I see it in your eyes. You really like her don’t you?”

Ramón looked at hi
m and sighed deeply.

“I thought I liked her before, but aft
er talking to her I just I can’t get her out of my mind and I don’t think I want to.”

Aj looked at him. “You don’t think?”

Ramón ran his fingers over his head and rubbed as he sat down next to his best friend.

“I don’t know.”

Aj lightly slapped his back.

“Well I am kinda curious to meet her.”

Ramón looked at him “You're gonna be nice aren’t you?”

“Yes I am. I’
m always nice.”

“Not always.”

“Well most of the time I am.”

Ramón exhaled. “I need to tell you though see she is not my typical kinda girl.”

“I know you told me.”

“She’s amazing really but she is no America’s next top model.”

Aj glanced down to the forms Ramón handed over to him. “Does that bother you?”

Ramón looked over to him and smiled.
“No, it’s crazy normally it would but with her I don’t seem to care.”

Aj smiled impressed with his boy.

“That is good to hear.”

“I really do wanna see if there is something here.”

“And for your sake I hope there is something there. I haven’t seen you smile this much in a long time.”

“Oh whatever let's go get the things for this weekend.”




Desiree pulled out another shirt and threw it to the floor. She hated her clothes and hated her body. Everything she wore made her look like a fat slob. Someone knocked on her door. Desiree ran to the door and Nikki smiled.

“I am getting sick and tired of being your taxi driver.”

Desiree let Nikki in shut the door.
Nikki smiled widely.

“I love your hair, did you do it?”

Nikki twisted one of the spirals from Desiree’s hair.

“Yeah took me three and a half hours last night to
put the tracks in and get the invisible part just right but it turned out great.”

What style is it?”



“French Roll.”

“Cute I like that little Aaliyah swoop.”

Desire laughs. “Shut up.”

“Ok so where was I? Oh yeah hate being your taxi.”

“You love it and you know you do. But I have an emergency my fli
ght leaves in two hours and I have nothing to wear. I don't know what I am supposed to be wearing to see my son but also Ramón.”

“You really like him don't you?” Nikki asked as she followed her best friend back to the bedroom.

“Nikki he is Ramón Norris come on of course I like him.” Desiree said throwing her hands in the air after punching a shirt on the hanger. Nikki laughed shaking her head and looking through the closet.

“Well if you really wanna impress him then you need to wear something that is accessible but cute.”

began moving the hangers aside as she shook her head no. “How about…this.” She held up a black sheer blouse, with a studded V-neck and sultry slits in the 3/4 sleeves. “Add a pair of jeans and your black heeled boots and that new do you will definitely turn heads.”

Desiree smiled as Nikki held up the outfit. “What would I do without you?”

“I don't think either of us wants to know. But I think you need to finish getting ready and come on so you don't miss your flight.” Desiree looked at her watch and smiled.

“You’re right I gotta get going.”

Four hours later Desiree as walked out of the ladies room towards the baggage carousel with her carry on book bag hanging off one shoulder, she ran her palms down her jeans as she waited for her bag to move by. Once it did, she grabbed her rolling duffel bag and turned noticing man with long sandy brown hair, black sunglasses and a sign that read Desiree Holloway. She walked towards the man.

“I am Desiree Holloway.”

“Can I see some form of ID not that I don't believe you but I have had people tell me they are someone and I give them a ride and find out I was played I just like being on the safe side.”

Desiree looked at him for a second and then folded her arms.

“How do I know you are who you say you are? Let me see some ID first?”

Karl’s lips twitched for a moment then pulled out his ID.

“Mr. Norris said you might be curious so he said to tell you Eagle789.”

Desiree glanced at his ID then handed it back.

“Sorry but you can never be too careful.”

“I understand and that’s not a problem.”

She dug in her wallet and handed him her ID. As he handed it back at her he held out his hand.

“So can I grab your bag?”

“Ok?” she said as she grabbed her bag and handed it to him. “So your name is Karl?”

“Yes and
I will be driving you to the gym.”

It’s nice to meet you Karl and thank you.”

He nodded as he opened the car door and waited for Desiree to enter. She stepped into the all black Lincoln Navigator and placed her seatbelt on. She felt nervous as he drove onto the expressway and towards the camp. She grabbed her compact mirror and looked gave her face one last look over
smiling at her reflection. She placed her hair behind her hair and secured it with a bobby pin and smiled running her tongue over her teeth. She pulled out a winter green life saver and placed it in her mouth. As they arrived to the camp Desiree beamed as, she saw the kids running laps around the outside track.

She saw Zack leading the pack and was immediately proud of her son. She placed the compact back into her bag as Karl opened her door.

“Thank you Karl.”

He nodded as she stepped out the car and Ramón ran outside to greet her.

“Desiree, glad you made it safely.” He hugged her and Desiree felt her body shutter as the butterflies set loose in her stomach.

“Me too, t
hank you again for helping me get here.”

“No problem. So if you would follow me I can take you to where the rest of the parents are.”

“Rest of the parents?” she asked. She didn’t know why she thought it would just be her. She smiled trying to hide her disappointment.

“Yes we have a few other people wanting to visit their kids.”

“Oh ok.”

Desiree followed Ramón into a large gym and
grinned as she saw all the excited parents waiting to see their kids. She sat down on the bench and felt jealous of all the women suddenly fawning all over Ramón and the attention he gave them. She knew they would but couldn’t help and feel jealous of the way he smiled and laughed back at them and with them.

Desiree didn’t understand why she thought things were going to be different, why she thought she would come and he would sweep her off her feet. He was just being generous and she had to thank him for that. She was determined
to make the best of this trip because at least she got to see her son.

sighed as she began to sit silently as Aj walked over to her.

“Excuse me are you ok?”

She looked at him and smiled. “Me? Yeah I am fine.”

He extended his hand. “Hi, I am Aj Hickson one of the coaches for today.”

“And Point Guard for the Greenville Eagles.”

He looked at her surprised. “Yeah. And you are?” he inquired.

“Desiree Holloway.”

He smiled finally getting to meet the woman who was driving his best friend crazy.

“Holloway oh you are Zack’s mom.” He asked knowing the answer he could see the resemblance any one can.

s and I am so proud of him.” She smiled proudly.

.” He asked sitting next to her. “Why are you sitting here alone?” she tried to steal a glance over to Ramón then looked back at Aj.

“Just waiting for Zack
to get on the court I can’t wait to see him play.”

“Yeah you’re waiting for Zack but staring at Ramón.”

He saw her blush a little and look down to her feet.

“I am just…
thinking.” She looked over to the court and sighed. Aj smirked.

About what or should I say who?” he said as his smile widened.

“Just thinking

I know you are thinking about Ramón the question is, are you thinking about him as a man or about telling him off again?”

She looked up to him feeling embarrassed, “You heard about that?”

“Yeah I did. I found it kinda funny.”

“You did?”

He sat back on the bleachers allowing Desiree to take him in. she smiled thinking he was handsome. Nice Mocha completion, beautiful light brown eyes hidden under bushy eye brows. Just like Ramón she could take one glance at his body and know that he had muscles on top of muscles.

Aj smiled at her again. “Nobody talks to us like that it was kinda refreshing his head needed deflating anyways.”

“I thought you guys were friends?”

“We are. Ramón is my best friend so I can say things like that.”

“I feel so stupid about that now. He helped me get here. Because of him I get to see my son.”

“He did that because you made an impression on him.”

“I did?” Aj noticed a spark in her eye.

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