To Love a Man (11 page)

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Authors: Rontora Nolan

BOOK: To Love a Man
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Desiree looked up as Zack ran over to her. She opened her arms and hugged him.

how are you?”

“Good camp is so much fun and we get to show you what we have learned.”

“And I can’t wait to see. I have been hearing great things about your progress.” Desiree beamed.

“Yeah he is a talented student. And a fast learner.”

Desiree smiled at Aj as Maddie ran up to her.

“Hi Ms. Desi!”

“Maddie hi.”

Desiree hugged Maddie as Ramón blew his whistle.

“Ok little Eagles let's show your parents what you can do.”

As the kids ran onto the court, Aj walked over to Ramón.

“I see why you are falling for her she is something else.”

“I never said I was falling for her.”

“Oh you and I both know you are.”

Ramón blew his whistle again
while looking at Aj.

“Ok guys let's start with blue on red then the winning team will play the winner of the white and green teams.”

As the team began to play, Desiree couldn’t help but cheer and feel absolutely proud of her son. He played hard. As his blue team won the first game, Desiree saw Zack and Maddie beaming from the win. She looked at Ramón and couldn’t hide the smile creeping on her face.

Ramón smiled over to her and Aj laughed at himself as he noticed the glances between Ramón and Desiree. Just from talking to her, he knew there was something different about Desiree and whatever it was Ramón was taken by it.

A few hours later after the blue team won it all and they had the S’mores Desiree’s heart broke as she said good night. She couldn’t take Zack back to the room with her because it went against the rules. As she walked out Ramón walked over to her.

“So what did you think?”

“I think I am so proud of Zack. This camp has been good for him
and he seems so happy.”

“He is a great player. And the way he is with the other players is just amazing. He is a great captain in his division.”

“Yeah.” She said placing her hair behind her ears.

Ramón looked over to her and noticed the sadness in her eyes.

“Hey how about you come out with Aj and I we are picking up his wife and going out to eat.”

She shook her head.

“No thanks.”

“What?” he looked at her confused.

“Look I like talking to you and I think Aj is really cool but if your idea of going out is going to a club or some high class restaurant where I gotta get all dolled up that then no thank you.” She began to walk away but he stopped her.

“Wait, stop. It's nothing like that we were just going to Dave and Busters.”

She looked at him and cocked her head.

“Dave and Busters really?”

“Yes.” Ramón said with a large grin.

“I haven’t been there in a while.”

“So come on with us it will be fun.”

“I’m sorry I just I.” she stopped talking and exhaled. He held her hand.

“You tend to put your foot in your mouth a lot don't you?”


Ramón smiled down to her and she couldn’t help but smiled back.

“I am sorry.”
She said as she placed her hair behind her ears again.

“It’s ok as long as you come with us.”

Desiree looked down to her cell phone and at the time.

“Well I guess as long as we aren’t out that late.”

“ok good I am gonna call Aj and let him know you and I will meet him and Gia in about twenty minutes so come on to the car and let's get going.”


As they walked to the car, Desiree tried to hide the excitement growing in her stomach. Desiree overlooked the car and smiled.

“Ok so what kind of car is this?”

“It’s a 2010 GMC Yukon Denali Hybrid.”

“It’s a big car.” She said giving the car a once over.

“Technically it's an SUV.”

“Oh my bad.” She said putting her hands up.

“You don't know much about cars do you?”

Desiree stepped into the vehicle and Ramón shut her door then walked around. She looked at him.

“You know I may not know the make of a car but I do know how to change a tire and the oil and when something is wrong with the car I can hold my own.”

“Oh my bad.” He said mocking her tone earlier.

She laughed as he rolled his eyes and smacked his teeth.

“Ok smarty pants let’s talk about something else…what's your favorite book?”

“Mines really?” he asked surprised at the question. She looked at him with curios eyes.

“Yes I really want to know.”

He started the car and looked at her.

“It's gonna sound weird but I really like The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger.”

“Really?” she asked amazed at his answer. She didn’t think of all the books he liked that would be the one.

“Yeah why do you look surprised?”

“Honestly I just didn't expect that one.”

,” he said putting the car into Drive. “It's a really good book.”

“I believe you. So do you get joked about reading it on the plane?”

“Actually I don't have a copy. I did but last year I moved here due to my new contract and in the move to my new place I misplaced it and haven’t gotten another copy. Not because I didn't want to but with everything on my mind I tend to push out the things not on a need to get basis.”

She nodded agreeing with him.
“I get that. Sometimes I am so busy I forget the simplest things. Like once I had just got home from shopping and I knew I bought toilet paper. I couldn’t find it anywhere so as I was getting ready to go back to the store I went to the freezer to take the meat out for dinner and there it was.”

She looked at him as he laughed.
“Wow and I thought I was forgetful.”

She looked down to her hands biting her lower lip.
“Sorry for talking so much ima talker. It's who I am.”

“I don't know why you’re apologizing I love a talker.” She smiled
up to him as he scratched his head, then stopped at the upcoming red light. “So what kind of music do you listen to?”

“I love gospel and R&B.”

He looked towards her. “Old or new?”

“Gospel both but R&B old of course.”

“I feel the same.”

Ramón turned on the radio as Brian McKnight “Back at One” filled the car. As they drove Desiree’s hum turned into singing. Ramón looked at her with a wide grin and she smiled.


“You were singing.” He said impressed with her voice.

“I’m sorry I didn't mean to bother you.”

“You didn't. It’s just ok most women wouldn’t cough in front of me let alone sing unless they were trying to get me to get them a deal.”

She sighed. “Yeah no I just like singing. They call me the Encyclopedia of music. I can name eight out of ten songs every time. Mostly though in R&B and Gospel with Rap I'm out of my element.”

“Oh? Well let's test your knowledge shall we?”

He turned on his IPod touch and a song came over the speakers. Desiree laughed.

“Please give me a challenge. “Candy Rain” by Soul For Real.”

“Ok. But do you know the words?”

.” She began to sing with the music. “My love do you ever dream of candy coated raindrops you’re the same my candy rain. Have you ever loved someone so much you thought you’d die? Given so much of yourself it seems the only way, tell me what you want and I will give it to you because you are.”

“Ok lucky guess.”

He hit the next one and she smiled.

“‘You remind me of something
R Kelly. Please this is armature hour.”


“No wait don’t turn I wanna hear you sing it.”

“What?” he asked surely she wasn’t serious.

“I want to know if you know the words.”

“I know that words.” He said confidently.

“Ok.” she beamed, “Sing it.”

“Ok listen to this. “You remind me of my jeep I wanna ride ya. Something like my sound. I wanna pump ya. Girl you look just like my car I wanna wax ya. And something bout my bank account I wanna spend it baby. Something about your love that’s got me going crazy. And girl I really like your Vegas style. So get a little closer to my ride baby and hit me up on how to get inside you.”

Desiree laughed as he sang to her while he drove. She loved how down to earth he was and how much fun she was having. He looked at her.

“Ok if you think it's so funny let's find something a little current.”

He pushed another button. And she laughed.

“You have got to be kidding me. “Find your love” by Drake. Dude I still watch him on Degrassi reruns.”

“You watched Degrassi?”

“It was like on
e of my favorite shows for a long time…kind still is.”

They laughed. As he went to change it she stopped him.

“Don’t I wanna hear it?”

He left it alone as she began to sing with it.

“I’m more than just an option Hey hey hey. Refuse to be forgotten. Hey hey hey I took a chance with my heart.”

She turned to Ramón.

“Come on and sing with me. I better find your loving I better find your heart I better find your loving I better find your heart I better find your loving I better find your heart I better find it all my love and nothing’s gonna tear us apart.”

She laughed as they sang for the remainder of the ride. As Ramón pulled into the parking lot,
she suddenly felt nervous. Desiree took a deep breath once the car stopped. She didn't know if this was a date or not but that didn't stop her from feeling nervous. She had to keep reminding herself she was with Ramón Norris cause when she was around him all she thought was she was with a great man famous or not she really like him. As they walked to the door Desiree grabbed his arms.

Ok I know a song you won’t get.”

Ramón smiled as he looped her arm in his. “
Hit me.”

If you want it to be good girl get yourself a bad boy.”

“That’s not a song.”

“Yes it is its early 90’s.”

Gia laughed. “It’s
The Backstreet Boys.”

Desiree turned and looked at Gia and smiled.

“Right! You’re down with the BSB?”

Gia let a hug
e grin come across her face. “Ever since I was a teen. I loved me some Howie D.”

Desiree removed Ramón’s hand from hers and turned fully toward
s Gia. “Me too. But I'm more a Nick fan.”

Have you heard their latest album ‘This is Us’?”

“Yes that album
was on point.”

“I know.”
Gia squeal with excitement knowing that just from the first few minutes with Desiree she was a good match for their little group. Desiree moved closer to her.

“What was your favorite song?”

“What wasn’t? I spent hours listening to l their songs. Old and new.”

“Ever tried the
“everybody” dance?” Desiree asked smiling.

Gia nodded her head.

“Me and my girls used to do it all the time.”

Desiree’s eyes lit up.
“So did we. That was my first boy band crush…those were the days.”

Gia smiled

“There is one true way to tell if you are on my BSB level. Finish the song.” She
began to sing.

‘You are my fire my one desire believe when I say that I want it that way?’”

Desiree smiled. “
‘But we are two worlds apart can’t reach to your heart when you say that I want it that way.’ That was too easy you need a do over give me a hard one.”

She smiled cracking her knuckles.
“Ok finish this song…‘I’d walk halfway around the world for just one kiss from you.’”

Desiree joined her.

“‘Far beyond the call of love the sun, the stars, the moon, as long as your love’s there to lead me I won’t lose my way believe me even in the dark of night you know. I’d go anywhere for you anywhere you ask me too I’d do anything for you anything you ask me too. Your love as far as I can see is all I'm ever gonna need there’s one thing for sure I know is true, baby I’d go anywhere for you.’”

Aj and Ramón applauded them but the girls were still in their own world. Desiree liked Gia she was a woman after her own heart and she seemed so down to earth.
As the girls walked in chatting away Aj looked at Ramón.

“Are we invisible?” he asked shocked at his wife’s behavior.

“Yes. Yes we are.” They laughed as they followed the women in.

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