To Love and Trust (Boundaries) (3 page)

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Authors: Katy Swann

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: To Love and Trust (Boundaries)
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“Wow!” She’d had no idea that Adam was an artist, but then again, she wouldn’t have had him down as being owned by two cats either. She walked over to the far wall where several canvasses were leaning, one against the other. She flipped slowly through them, exclaiming at each one.

Some were landscapes of magnificent mountains and lakes, a couple were of the cats and a few were stunning portraits of beautiful women in subtle, but erotic poses, suggesting some form of light bondage. One in particular caught her eye—it was the back of a young woman, naked and kneeling with her hands tied behind her back with a red satin ribbon. It was so simple and yet captured a special moment of beauty and sensuality.

“These are fantastic,” she cried, turning excitedly to face Adam.

“Thank you.” He seemed shy, almost embarrassed at her praise, and her heart melted a little more at this gentle, artistic side of him.

Suddenly, a thought struck her. “The picture of the Northern Lights downstairs, did you paint that?”

He nodded. “I painted that when I was fifteen. I was visiting my grandmother in Norway and the holiday just happened to coincide with the most spectacular lights in years. It brings back wonderful memories, which is why it’s hanging in my living room.”

“Why didn’t you sign it?” She turned back to the stack of paintings, eyeing each one in awe.

He sighed, then from behind stretched his arms around her chest and pulled her close to him. “I grew up on a rough council estate. Boys were tough—they played football and rugby and got into fights, they didn’t paint pretty pictures. I was as tough as the best of them and when I returned home after that holiday with the picture, I was too embarrassed to admit it was me who had painted it. I deliberately left my name off and just told people my dotty old granny gave it to me.”

Rachel was stunned at his words. “You grew up on a council estate?”

“Hey, don’t sound so surprised. There’s nothing wrong with living on an estate,” he said good-humoredly.

“Oh, I know. It’s just that you’re so…so… Well, you’re so
.” She hoped that didn’t sound offensive, she hadn’t meant it like that, it’s just that she had assumed he came from a privileged background with private schools and nannies and stuff.

“I was lucky. I was bright and breezed through school. Normally the brainy kids got picked on, so I joined every football and boxing club I could and won the respect of the other kids through sheer, tough determination. I could beat most of them, whether it was in a football match or a fight, and they just accepted me as one of the gang.” Rachel smiled and reveled in his soft, deep voice, which tickled her ear as he shared his childhood with her.

“But not enough to make you feel like you could tell them about your painting.”

“Something like that. Have you seen enough?” He turned her around and pulled her close. “I’ve got a sudden craving for dessert,” he growled in her ear.

Her body sprang back to life as if he’d flicked a switch.

She followed him back down to the living room, excitement building with each step. He walked her over to the fire, which wasn’t burning quite as fiercely as it had been earlier, although it still emitted a little heat.

“Stay there,” he ordered.

She stayed put as he walked slowly and purposefully across the room and sat down on one of the sofas. The cats had ventured into the kitchen, no doubt to hunt for any leftovers.

“Rachel, I expect you to obey me without question.”

His words sent sharp shocks of lust through her entire body and her legs quivered slightly as her pussy dampened.

“Oh, and you don’t have permission to come until I say so, is that clear?”

“Yes, Sir.” Boy, was he back in Dom mode. The sensitive artist and cat lover was gone and the man staring at her from the sofa was hard and powerful. She could literally feel her control oozing out of her body as his dominance overpowered her.

“Strip!” he ordered.

Oh shit
. She hated having to take her clothes off in front of anyone, although at least here, there wasn’t anyone else around to see her nakedness.

“I said,
.” His voice had turned as cold as the steel blue of his eyes and she jumped slightly at the effect they had on her.

There wasn’t that much to remove actually—she was already naked beneath the dress so, leaving her shoes on, she slowly undid the zip at the back and let the dress slide off her body onto the floor.

“Good girl. Leave the shoes on.”

Good girl? Patronizing bastard
. If it wasn’t for the fact that she was so bloody turned on, she’d tell him where to go.

She stood as elegantly as she could, trying to keep her balance in the high heels and pulling her stomach in. It was an unnerving feeling—even though he’d seen her naked before, she felt incredibly self-conscious, especially with him sitting opposite, fully dressed and staring directly between her legs. She fiddled with a strand of hair and waited awkwardly for him to tell her she could move.

“You see that crop lying on the chair next to you?”

She glanced to her right and saw the ominous-looking riding crop that she could have sworn hadn’t been there before. “Yes, Sir,” she whispered, as fear mingled with unashamed excitement.

“Pick it up, get on your hands and knees and crawl over to me with the crop in your mouth.”

She gasped in shock.
No way!

“Rachel, you
feel the crop tonight. How hard is up to you, so do as you’re told.
!” His tone was harsher now, which only added momentum to her thunderous heartbeat.

Scowling at him, she picked up the leather crop and got down on her hands and knees. She looked pleadingly at him to spare her the embarrassment of crawling over the floor with the damned crop in her mouth, but his eyes told her there would be no leniency. Her face burned with humiliation, but she swallowed her pride and grudgingly carried out his order. She had never felt more submissive than she did at that moment. And aroused, God, she was so turned on she could hardly see straight.

When she reached him, she waited for him to tell her what to do next and the bastard left her on all fours with the crop still in her mouth for way longer than he needed to.

Finally, he spoke. “Good girl.”

He leaned forward and took the crop out of her mouth, leaving an empty taste of leather behind. “Now, present yourself to me.”

She frowned as she tried to work out what the hell he was talking about.

“I told you to remember the kneeling position from Saturday night.” He sounded impatient now and was tapping the crop softly and rhythmically into his hand as a warning.

Oh, yes
. She quickly sat back on her heels, pulled her ankles together and spread her knees apart. The warm air in the room brushed against her pussy, sending little shivers through her body. When she placed her hands behind her back and looked downwards, he reached over and patted her on the head. He actually patted her on the fucking head! A surge of annoyance shot through her, leaving her wondering why the hell her pussy was throbbing so much when all she wanted to do was grab the fucking crop and wallop him with it.

She heard Adam chuckle, then he reached down and stroked her exposed sex, easily sliding his finger inside her. He withdrew it almost immediately, leaving her desperately wanting more, and held it up in front of her face. “Very nice,” he said, showing her the wetness of her arousal. “Get back on all fours.”

She did as she’d been told and waited, arse in the air and breasts hanging heavily down, her hard nipples giving away how turned on she was. He stood up and walked around her, tracing the leather tip of the crop along her back and down her buttocks to her thighs. She sighed in pleasure as anticipation replaced her irritation. He continued lightly trailing the crop over her body, up and down her arms, over her nipples, even over her bare mound.

She was quivering with excitement by the time the crop returned to her arse and she deliberately stuck it out a bit more in the hope that he was going to hit her. He did, suddenly and hard.
The sharp pain rushed from her buttocks to her pussy and she felt her internal muscles tighten slightly as the sensation filled her with delicious pleasure. He hit her again on the other cheek, only slightly harder, which intensified the pleasure she felt in her groin. What the hell was wrong with her that she should enjoy this so much? Surely it wasn’t normal?

“Ahh!” The crop hit her several times in a row and to her shame she felt the juices from her arousal trickle down the inside of her leg. She hoped he wouldn’t notice but, of course, he did and slowly ran the crop along the wet trail and up over her stinging buttocks.

Then, to her complete dismay, he stopped and let the crop fall to the floor. But…

When she heard the sound of a zipper she dared throw a quick glance in his direction and was thrilled to see his huge erection standing proudly out of his jeans. He grabbed her hair and pulled her head back so she was looking up at him. At that moment, she would probably have done anything for him—she was in that ultimate submissive state again and suddenly nothing mattered except pleasing him. Just as well, as he then growled, “Suck me.”

She grinned up at him, eager to take him in her mouth. “Yes, Sir.” Turning her body to face him and, still on her knees, she took him into her mouth. He groaned and an inner smile spread through her body. It meant everything to her that he enjoyed this so she tightened her lips around his cock and sucked hard, giving him her all. Slowly, she ran her tongue along the length of him, teasing him and tickling his balls with the tips of her fingers as he hardened even more.

Suddenly, he pulled her toward him, forcing her to take more of him into her mouth. He was so big, she wondered if she would gag, but she slowly relaxed her muscles and let him go deeper into her throat until she couldn’t breathe. Just as she needed to come up for air, he pulled out, allowing her a few gasps before pushing back in.

She’d given blow jobs before but never anything like this. This surely had to be the most erotic thing she had ever experienced and she allowed herself to become lost in a cloud of euphoric lust as his groans became louder and his cock swelled inside her mouth.

Her body melted. He groaned and her excitement soared when his cock twitched inside her and the first shot of cum spurted down the back of her throat. She swallowed quickly, but there was so much of him and she desperately needed air before she choked on him. As if sensing her discomfort, he pulled out of her mouth, allowing her to catch her breath as his cum continued to spurt out of his cock onto her face. She opened her mouth and caught what she could, licking her lips to catch the trickles running down her chin and, when he was finally empty, she licked his cock again until there was nothing left.

She looked up at him and grinned. He looked shit-hot, standing over her naked, kneeling body, and the delicious feelings of surrender almost overwhelmed her as her pussy begged for attention. She wasn’t disappointed.

“Get on the sofa,” he said, his voice still husky.

“Yes, Sir,” she said without hesitation and quickly sat down on the soft leather.

He pushed her back and spread her legs wide open then, with a deep groan, thrust his tongue inside her wet pussy. She was still excited from the blow job she’d just given him, so it didn’t take much for her tingling nerve endings to start screaming with need as he ran his tongue along her labia then back inside the hot, wet walls of her pussy. It was when he flicked his tongue over her clit, though, that all the pent-up need finally got its release and she cried out as a powerful orgasm racked her body in glorious waves of intense pleasure.

“Hmm,” she mumbled, when he climbed back up onto the sofa and pulled her into his arms. She clung to him, savoring the feel of his damp skin and musky smell.

“You’re mine, Rachel,” he whispered in her ear and tightened his grip on her.

“Yes, Adam. I’m yours.” She shuddered as she realized that was the closest she had come to a declaration of love with him, and the prickle of fear she was so familiar with returned to her stomach with a heavy thud.

Chapter Three

Rachel woke when a cold, wet nose headbutted her cheek. She opened her eyes to find a black furry face staring at her, purring loudly and demanding her attention. Rachel blinked as she struggled to remember where she was. Adam tightened his arm around her and it all came back instantly—the dinner, the paintings, the blow job.

“You’re gorgeous when you sleep.” Adam’s voice softly dragged her further out of her sleepy haze. She turned her head and smiled sleepily at him.

“Hmm.” She sat up and stretched. Thor pushed her arm away so he could get onto her warm lap. “Insistent little fella, aren’t you? A bit like your owner.”

She looked around the room while stroking Thor’s soft head then glanced at a nearby clock. It was just gone one in the morning. The fire had died, leaving only a few glowing embers and a slight chill in the room. Her dress lay crumpled on the floor in front of it, and her shoes and the riding crop lay on the floor by their feet. A rush of warmth ran through her as she recalled kneeling in front of Adam with the crop in her mouth.

“Would you like a coffee before you leave?” asked Adam, tickling Thor under his chin and making him drool happily.

She looked at him in dismay. “Leave?” Oh, she’d sort of hoped she’d be staying over.

He must have seen her disappointment because he kissed her again and pulled her closer to him. “There’s nothing I’d like better than to have you stay all night but, trust me, if you did, neither of us would be getting any sleep and you’ve got work in the morning.” He laughed when she groaned. “And I happen to know that your boss gets extremely grouchy when his PA is late for work and can’t stop yawning all day.”

He had a point, unfortunately. She couldn’t stop a naughty grin escaping as she imagined what Adam might do if she were late for work—spank her, maybe?

“Don’t even think of arriving late in the hope you’ll get punished.” He laughed. “By the way, are you free on Thursday evening?”

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