To Protect His Mate (9 page)

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Authors: Serena Pettus

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance, Shapeshifter

BOOK: To Protect His Mate
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“That sounds nice,” Stephanie replied. “And thank you for all of your help.”

“A little excitement does a body good. Isn’t that right, dear?” The look that Angela sent her husband was unmistakable.

“Get a room,” Abraham grumbled. “At
house!” he added when they made their way out the bedroom door.

“Spoilsport.” His father chuckled, winking at Stephanie as they left.

“It’s amazing I wasn’t mentally scarred as a child.”

“I think it’s sweet. They obviously love each other very much.”

Was that how it was for mated couples? Would she and Abraham enjoy that kind of carefree love? Stephanie sincerely hoped so. She loved this man to the deepest depths of her soul and knew she’d slowly wither and die if he should ever be taken from her.

The fact she was human didn’t seem to worry him, at all. Stephanie, however, was left feeling as if she didn’t quite measure up.

She wasn’t strong, didn’t have heightened senses, and she certainly didn’t sprout fur on occasion. She might grow a tail and some horns for a week at a time, but so did most women.

“What’s wrong?” The concern in his eyes told her he’d obviously picked up on her emotions. Yet another shortcoming on her end. She couldn’t sense Abraham’s emotions, at all. Not that she couldn’t read his moods, but that had more to do with body language and facial expressions than actually
the emotions.

“I’m all right, Abe. I guess, I’m just indulging in a little pity party.”

He looked ready to argue but let the topic drop. “If you’d like a bath, I can fill the tub for you. I’m pretty sure I have some Epsom salts around here somewhere.” Abraham kissed her brow before rising and striding to the door. “I’ll be right back to get you.”

“I can walk.” When he frowned at her, Stephanie sighed. “I promise you, I’m fine. I bumped my head, got a slice on my arm and have acquired a few bruises, but it’s nothing crippling or life threatening. I need to move around, or I’ll go stir crazy.”

“As long as you don’t mind if I follow you around. I’m sorry, but I think today took ten years off my life.”

“Well then, I guess we’d better get this mating completed before you turn into a grumpy old man.”


Chapter Ten



Abraham’s head shot up at her teasing tone. Did she mean it? Was she aware of how her words had brought his inner wolf to full attention? The anxious beast now paced a tight circle inside.

“Are you saying you’ll be mine? You’re ready to be my mate now?” Not willing to take the chance he’d misunderstood, Abraham held his breath, awaiting her answer.

When she gave him that special little half-smile and a nod of her head, he sighed his relief.

Marching back to the bed, he scooped her up into his arms and sealed his lips over hers, making certain she felt his love and his overwhelming joy in every caress of their lips.

Stephanie’s body relaxed against his, accepting his support and the dominance in his kiss while adding to his arousal.

His wolf, never far from the surface when his emotions were involved, was eager to mark and claim its mate. Abraham, on the other hand, knew he’d need to deny himself that privilege for a few more days.

As he drew back, putting a few scant inches between them, Stephanie whimpered at the loss. He couldn’t help but smile.

“Not now, sweetheart. You’re still sore, and you need to recover before we go there.”

“I’m fine,” she purred, running her fingertips over his muscled chest, down his well-defined abs and lower…

“Stephanie…” The half-growl, half-groan brought that smile back to her face. The smile combined with the flush in her cheeks and her shining hazel eyes gave her the look of a temptress. “Trust me, there’s nothing I would love more than to lay you out on that bed and make love to you for hours, but you need to heal. I won’t risk hurting you, and I can’t promise to be overly gentle, either. God, I’ve been dying to claim you for weeks now. Another few days won’t kill me.”

Lifting her into his arms, Abraham carried her to the bathroom. Once the tub was filled and everything was set, he quickly ducked back out of the room. If she were to take her clothes off in front of him, he may not be able to keep his word, and she did need to heal a bit before he took her. His wolf rode him so hard he knew their initial mating would end up being a fast and furious coupling, and he refused to risk causing her more pain by taking her with her current bruises and other injuries.

Just a few days. You can do this. Just a few more days…
Those words would be running through his head like a mantra, but he’d make it work, somehow.

* * * *

It had been a week since the accident on the bridge, and Stephanie was fed up. She was healed up and horny as hell, but Abraham still avoided being alone with her. The man was driving her utterly insane, and she was close to coming completely unglued. Luckily, it was Wednesday night, and that meant that the guys would be off running in the woods while girls’ night was in progress because she needed some help.

Over the past week, there’d been no sign of Stephanie’s attackers, and she’d begun to think she was finally free. They obviously thought she’d been killed in the accident since she hadn’t been to her home or work, but Abraham wasn’t taking any chances.

He’d moved most of her things into his home, and there was now a mixture of their two styles in every room. His rustic bachelor pad now boasted a china cabinet, colorful throw pillows in the living room, a few delicate Tiffany lamps, some throw rugs and wicker furniture on the porch.

Sarah emerged from the kitchen, shaking her head and grinning. “I still can’t believe all of the changes to the house,” she gushed. “It’s so cozy now! Hell, if I didn’t know better, I’d swear that Abraham had been tamed and domesticated.”

“Hardly. I just wish he’d let his wild side loose on
. I’m getting so antsy I’m likely to strangle his ass before long.” Casting an apologetic glance toward Angela, Stephanie said, “Sorry about that, Angie. I’m sure you don’t want to hear that about your kid.”

“I know he’s not a child anymore, and personally, I think it’s past time you two got down to business. I’d like some grandchildren before long, so let’s see what we can do to get things moving in the right direction, shall we?”

The look she cast between Sarah and Stephanie spoke of her conniving and her sense of humor where her kids were concerned, and Stephanie loved it. She loved all of his family.

“Let’s get you into some sexy lingerie and see what we can do to break that control of his,” Sarah suggested. The evil little gleam in her eyes told Stephanie she already had something in mind. “I know Abe has kept you cooped up in the house all week, but
went shopping.” She darted into the dining room and emerged with a small gift bag no bigger than a greeting card. “Voila!”

“There’s clothing in that bag?” That earned her a “well, duh” look from both women.

“You go get bathed and shave your legs, and we’ll do your hair. Then we’ll head out, and you can call Abraham.” Such a simple plan but Sarah was forgetting one minor detail.

“He’s avoiding being alone with me. He waits until I’m asleep before coming to bed then he’s up and gone in the morning. If I couldn’t smell him on the pillow next to me, I’d swear he wasn’t coming to bed, at all.” Stephanie plopped down on the couch. “I can’t take much more of this. If he doesn’t come to bed tonight, I’ll just take matters into my own hands, and we’ll see how he likes

“Oh, he’d like it all right. Erik loves it when I’m the aggressor, not that it stays that way for long, but it sure does get things going.”

The women set out to create a romantic theme throughout the house while Stephanie retreated to the bathroom. With her legs shaved and smooth, she proceeded to lotion her skin with a light floral scent before opening the little bag Sarah had sent in with her.

Inside was a sheer white teddy, along with a white lace thong. The material was delicate, and when she had it on, it appeared to float over her body like a cloud. She had no doubt if Abraham saw her in it, he’d finally snap that leash on his control.

Time and again, she’d caught him staring at her with lust raging in his silvery eyes, but he always broke away, only to grumble about having something to do before leaving the room. There was no doubt he was attracted to her—wanted her—but he still feared hurting her.

Tonight would end that. She was no delicate little flower, so he’d better get with the program.

Stephanie slid on her pink satin robe, belted the sash and looked back in the mirror. The robe only came to mid-thigh, but it was still long enough to hide the minuscule scrap of fabric she wore beneath.

“Are you ready for us to do your hair?” Sarah called from the bedroom.

“I’ll do your makeup while she’s rolling your hair,” Angela added.

Stephanie stepped out to find both women waiting. Angela had a chair set up near the dresser, with a set of hot rollers warming and an assortment of brushes and such scattered about.

“I’ll grab my makeup bag,” she said. Once she stepped back out, Stephanie was ushered to the chair, and the primping commenced. Thirty minutes later, Sarah and Angela declared her ready for seduction.

“All right now, we’re going to head out. I’ll send a message to Abraham that you want to be alone, so we are leaving. That should bring him right home.”

“I thought they were out running the woods.”

“They run for a bit then they usually head over to the local bar or to play poker somewhere,” Angela shrugged. “They’re men.” As if that explained everything. “Storm and Lightning are outside and have been here since the men left. They’re sweet animals but vicious protectors.”

“Storm is a sweetheart, and Lightning is starting to warm up to me, but he still keeps to Abraham. It must be a guy thing.”

“More than likely,” Sarah replied as she tapped away at the keyboard on her phone. “All right, the message is sent. He should be heading home pretty quick since I told him we were leaving. Now, you just relax. He’ll be
when he sees you.”

Stephanie said her goodbyes and thanked both women before returning to her room to take her first look at her appearance. When she glimpsed herself for the first time, Stephanie was speechless. Her hair fell around her shoulders in large, soft curls that moved whenever she did, and her skin had a radiant glow while her eyes were shadowed just enough to give their hazel color a little punch. She looked like a model from a magazine! The transformation left her feeling sexy and brazen. Now, all she needed was for Abraham to come home.

As if on cue, the garage door engaged, and she hurried to get the candles in the living room lit. She was just bending to light the last two when she heard a sharp intake of breath behind her. Knowing her robe only barely concealed her bottom, she glanced over her shoulder to see Abraham standing in the doorway, his eyes glued to her rear.

“It’s about time you came home,” she purred.

“What are you wearing?” The rasp in his voice spoke of his arousal.

“Not much.”

“I can see that. It’s damned cold outside, you should have on more clothes.”

“It’s plenty warm in here, and I actually feel like taking more off.” Stephanie slid her fingertips down the part in the robe, gliding over the satiny fabric on her way to the sash.

In two quick steps, Abraham was in front of her. “What are you doing?”

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m taking my robe off. I’m trying to seduce my mate into completing a bond that apparently he doesn’t want as badly as I thought.” Damn it, she didn’t want her voice to crack. “Why don’t you want to make love to me, Abe? Have I done something?”

“Woman, you make me crazy,” he growled. “How could you think I don’t want to be with you? Christ, I’m walking around with the imprint of my fucking zipper on my dick because I’ve been hard for days.”

“Then why are you avoiding me?”

“Because I’m scared!” he roared.

“Of what?” She was thoroughly confused. What in the world did he have to be afraid of?

“I’m scared I’ll hurt you. Steph, I want you so damn bad right now all I can think about is lifting that robe and burying myself so deep inside of you that you’ll never be rid of me. Good God, I have so many thoughts running through my head I can barely think straight. First, I thought about how nice it would be to take you to the floor, right by the table, and make love to you by candlelight then I got a mental picture of you bent over the couch, completely submissive to me. Right now, though, I’m a hair’s breadth from taking you against the damned wall.”

Stephanie felt her panties growing damper with every word he said, and the way his nostrils flared, she had no doubt he smelled her arousal. Deciding that now was the perfect time to push his control, she slowly untied the sash and allowed the robe to slide from her arms and pool at her feet.

“You’re an angel.” The words were spoken on an exhale, but she heard them nonetheless. “Stephanie, I don’t think that I can be gentle with you right now.” His voice was tortured, lust raged in his eyes, and a fine tremor was visible in his hands. His eyes went to pure silver as he took her into his arms.


Chapter Eleven



Abraham knew he had to keep himself in check. He’d die if he ever hurt Stephanie, but what man could resist his woman when she so clearly wanted the same thing he did?

He’d been stunned when he’d found her bent over in the living room, the hem of her robe teasing him with the idea of seeing her sweet little rear raised to him—bare. But, good lord, when she’d looked at him over her shoulder, he’d nearly taken her then and there. Where she’d gotten that transparent little scrap of a gown at, he had no clue…and he didn’t care to ask. Hell, words were almost beyond him at this point.

Taking her into his arms, Abraham covered her mouth with his and was lost. She opened to him on a moan and wrapped her arms around his neck as he stroked her tongue with his own. He wasn’t sure what she had put on, but her skin smelled like the sweetest flowers. That combined with the scent of her arousal reminded him of a fragrant field after a spring rain.

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