To Seduce a Bride (26 page)

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Authors: Nicole Jordan

BOOK: To Seduce a Bride
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Unable to curb her vivid imaginings, Lily tossed and turned sleeplessly the entire night. By Saturday morning, she decided she needed to talk to someone who could understand her dilemma. Thus, when Tess came to London on business for one of her charities, Lily eagerly invited her to stay for luncheon.

They settled in the small garden at the rear of the house, shielded from the bright summer sunshine by the shade of an elm tree.

Lily began by telling Tess about Lord Claybourne's recent generosity, but it wasn't long before she found herself confessing her mixed feelings about the possible end of his courtship.

Tess's first response was surprise. “I thought you would be pleased if he is no longer set on pursuing you. Isn't that what you wanted all along?”

pleased,” Lily assured her. “I mean…I will be very glad if he is no longer interested in claiming me for his marchioness.”

“So what has made you so melancholic?”

“I don't know exactly.” Lily shrugged. “I suppose I am just frustrated at being confined here with so little to do. I feel I cannot leave London until our friends' debt is paid and they are out of danger. And Roslyn's wedding to Arden will be held at St. George's on Tuesday, so of course I want to remain here for that and the dinner Marcus is giving in their honor the night before. And there is still the uncertain outcome of my game with Lord Claybourne. The two weeks we agreed to will be over on Monday. He earned another point yesterday for giving one of our boarders a home at his family seat in Kent, so he has nine points thus far, nearly enough to win. But he may have no desire to finish the competition.”

“Is that what concerns you? You have become attached to him, and you don't want your game to end?”

Lily hesitated. “Perhaps ‘attached' is too strong a word. But I do admit that I am exceedingly attracted to him.”

When she fell silent, Tess fixed her with a penetrating look. “Is there more you aren't telling me, Lily? What did he do to make you so attracted to him? Kiss you?”

Lily hesitated; Tess knew her too well. “What we did was far more intimate than kissing.”

“More intimate?”

“Yes. And I discovered that I liked it—very much.”

Tess frowned a little. “You didn't let him make love to you?”

“No. I am still a virgin. He wouldn't go further until I agreed to marry him. But the truth is…I wanted to go further, Tess.” Lily's voice lowered to a bare murmur. “Claybourne says that I don't want to remain a spinster all my life, and it is partly true. I want to know what it is like to lie with a man, with
I want to know about passion, about pleasure.”

“So do I,” Tess said with a soft sigh.

Lily gave her a quizzical glance. “You wonder what making love would be like?”

“Yes, I have for quite some time. But my scruples always kept me chaste. Lamentably so,” she added with a wry grimace. “I could have given myself to Richard before he went off to war and was killed, but I saved myself for marriage. I regret that more than you know, Lily. I wish I had enjoyed our time together when I had the chance.”

Reaching across the table, Lily took her friend's hand. “Oh, Tess, I am cruel, speaking of passion and lovemaking when you lost your betrothed. Please forgive my thoughtlessness.”

Tess summoned a cheerful smile. “There is nothing to forgive, dearest. I am done with mourning. It has been two years now, and I cannot keep wallowing in grief and sadness—nor would Richard want me to. I realize I must live my life, despite my loss.”

“Yes, you must,” Lily agreed warmly. “And I suspect you haven't given up your desire to marry and have a family.”

“No. I want a husband and children someday, even if I cannot have Richard.” Her gaze grew distant. “I don't know if I will ever love so deeply again. They say that true love only comes once….” Tess suddenly looked back at Lily. “But enough about
It is your future that is in question just now. What is it you want, Lily? Do you even know?”

Lily gave a rueful laugh. “Well, if I am
honest…I would like to have Lord Claybourne for my lover.”

Tess hesitated. “You won't consider marrying him?”

“No, but I might consider becoming his mistress. Are you shocked, Tess?”

“I cannot say that I am. But there could be serious consequences.”

It was Lily's turn to sigh. “I know. It isn't fair that gentlemen are allowed to have as many lovers as they wish, but ladies can be ruined by a mere hint of indiscretion.”

“Indeed,” Tess agreed. “But that is the way of the world.”

“Still,” Lily mused aloud, “if I thought I could keep an affair secret and avoid scandal, I wouldn't hesitate. If I never plan to marry, it matters little if I lose my innocence.”

“I suppose not.”

“And an affair with Claybourne wouldn't last long—I would make certain of it. I won't risk becoming so enamored of him that I wouldn't want to end it.”

“Would it be so terrible if you fell in love with him?”

Lily replied emphatically. She never wanted to feel the misery and pain that came with loving someone. Never wanted to be enslaved by her love for a man. For too many years she had witnessed her mother's anguish. Her mother had loved her father at the beginning of their marriage, and look where
had lead.

Lily shook her head firmly. Her greatest regret was that she couldn't save her mother from such misery. But she could save herself. All she had to do was to keep her emotional defenses strong.

Admittedly, she had come to respect Heath a good deal in the short time she had known him. And she was supremely grateful to him for aiding her friends even when she'd been so reluctant to accept his help. But she would not let respect and gratitude affect her heart.

Indeed, an affair with Heath needn't be anything more than the pursuit of physical pleasure. She could satisfy her burning curiosity about passion. Furthermore, making love to Heath would hopefully put an end to the frustrated cravings that had plagued her so relentlessly of late. It might also serve to keep him from seeking comfort in the arms of another woman.

Most importantly, if she offered to become his paramour, he might give up the notion of matrimony for good. At least if she took so drastic a step, Heath would see how adamantly determined she was to refuse his marriage proposal, even if he did win their game and the right to publicly court her.

The thought was interrupted when Tess spoke. “Sometimes it is wiser to follow your heart, not your head, Lily.”

“Not in this instance.”

“Well, then…if you want Claybourne for your lover, I think you should act now. If there is one thing I have learned, it is that life is too short, and you are foolish to sit passively on the sidelines while it passes you by.”

Again Lily nodded, in full agreement with her friend. It was time to take her fate into her own hands. She had been fighting her desire for days now, and she wanted to end it.

Despite her decision, however, she lacked the experience to set an affair with Heath in motion. Lily's mouth curved as she laughed inwardly at herself.

“The thing is, Tess…I wouldn't know how to begin. I cannot ask Fanny for advice, for she will only tell me that I should wed Lord Claybourne. I don't even know how I can manage to be alone with him.”

“That shouldn't present a problem,” Tess replied. “You may use my rooms at the Darnley Hotel. It is very quiet and discreet, and you can wear a veil and pretend to be a widow.”

Tess stayed at the Darnley whenever she had to remain in London overnight, Lily knew.

“So the next question is
” Tess added thoughtfully.

Lily pursed her lips, realizing that time was running out. Their game would be over in three more days, but she didn't want to wait until then. Yet how would she contrive an opportunity to see Heath if he was set on avoiding her? He was certain to be at Marcus's London home Monday evening for the dinner in honor of the bridal couple, however….

“I expect he will attend Marcus's dinner. You are coming, aren't you, Tess?”

“Yes, I wouldn't miss it.”

“I plan to remain there afterward and spend the night,” Lily added, “so my sisters and I will have some time together before Roslyn marries.”

“Then it must be before Monday. Perhaps tonight.”

The thought that she might be with Heath tonight sent a shocking little thrill through Lily. “But how do I persuade him to meet me at the hotel?”

“We will think of something,” Tess said confidently. “And of course you will have to take precautions against pregnancy. There are methods…. One of your friends here should be able to advise you.”

Lily's brow furrowed. She hadn't thought that far ahead, although now that she did, Peg seemed the logical choice to counsel her about such intimate details. Even so…“How do you know about such things, Tess?”

Faint color warmed her cheeks at the question. “I have had this same discussion with Fanny, in the event I decided to take a lover myself.”

Lily's eyes widened a little. It seemed surprising that Tess would have considered something so scandalous since she was the epitome of a genteel lady. Yet her next words were even more startling:

“If Claybourne is concerned about dishonoring you, Lily, you may have to be prepared to seduce him.”

After a surprised moment, Lily gave a soft laugh—not so much at the idea of seducing Heath, but that Tess had been the one to suggest it.

It was a relief, however, to have her decision made. She would become Heath's lover, even if she was required to act as his seducer.

She wondered how he would respond when
was the pursuer for a change.

Amusement curled the corners of Lily's mouth. It was difficult to think of herself as a brazen femme fatale and Heath her victim. Even so, the endeavor should prove vastly interesting.

Chapter Fourteen

Seducing him was more difficult than I expected. Lord Claybourne can be a very stubborn man.

—Lily to Tess Blanchard

Lily's stomach felt highly unsettled as she waited in her borrowed rooms at the Darnley Hotel for Heath to appear. She'd written to him directly after luncheon, asking him to meet her here at ten o'clock tonight, yet she wasn't certain he would come.

She was seated facing the door, at a small table near the hearth, although she hadn't touched a bite of the sumptuous supper the hotel staff had served a short while ago. She was too aware of the curtained bed at one side of the chamber to have much appetite.

When a quiet knock sounded at the door, Lily gave a start, but she wet her dry lips and bid entrance. Her heart began thudding in recognition even before Heath stepped into the room and slowly shut the door behind him.

He looked supremely handsome dressed in formal evening finery, Lily saw, taking in his burgundy coat, silver embroidered waistcoat, and gray satin knee breeches. His gaze swept over her own attire—a modest, high-necked gown of sapphire silk. She had kept on her veil to maintain anonymity before the servants, and that was what Heath studied the longest before finally speaking.

“What do you mean by asking me here, angel?”

Removing her veil, Lily summoned a welcoming smile. “I wanted to thank you properly for your generosity. You refused Fleur's invitation to dinner last night.”

“I had a previous engagement last night.”

“Oh?” she asked casually. “You were not simply avoiding me?”

His gaze remained enigmatic. “No. I attended a musicale hosted by Lady Beldon—Marcus's aunt.”

The disclosure raised Lily's curiosity more than it should. “I suppose Lady Eleanor was there as well?”

“Of course. Lady Beldon is not only Eleanor's aunt but chaperone also. Nell lives with her.”

“And tonight? Did you have a prior engagement this evening?”

Heath's gaze narrowed. “I was at my club. What does it matter to you, sweeting?”

“I was simply curious,” Lily prevaricated.

“What of you? I trust you mean to explain what you are doing alone in a hotel, unchaperoned by a maid. Do your friends even know you are here?”

Lily shook her head briefly. “No, I made no mention of it. I allowed Fleur to think I would be staying at Marcus's house tonight, helping Roslyn with her wedding plans—which is certainly not the case.” Her smile turned impish. “Roslyn doesn't want my help, I suspect because she is afraid I will try to talk her out of marrying her beloved duke. Won't you join me?” Lily added, gesturing toward the empty chair at the table.

Although Heath's penetrating regard never faltered, at least he moved a few steps closer. “I am not hungry.”

“Well, I am. I couldn't eat a bite all evening, I was so anxious.”

That much was true. There was a quaking excitement inside her that set all her nerves on edge.

Heath did not appear to share her excitement, however. On the contrary, he looked impatient. “Why don't you come to the point of your invitation, Lily? What the devil are you up to?”

She swallowed. “Well, the thing is…I have a proposition to put before you.”

“What proposition?”

His tone was as un-loverlike as possible, Lily noticed, her lips trembling with nervous amusement. “I know it is normally the gentleman's prerogative to initiate an affair, but…I want you for my lover.”

His brows snapped together. “Is that so?”

“Yes. You were right, Heath. I don't want to remain a virginal spinster all my life. And that is all your fault. You gave me a mere taste of passion when I want the full experience. But you have tantalized me long enough.”

“You don't honestly expect me to deflower you?” he retorted. “You are supposed to be a lady.”

“True,” Lily agreed, a humorous smile hovering around her mouth. “But you know I have never conformed to the proper rules of society. And you said you wanted me in your bed.”

“As my wife, not my paramour.” Heath's frown deepened. “What is this, Lily? Your next move in our game? Because Fleur and Chantel are likely to take away points from my total if they learn I have despoiled you?”

She shook her head. “I have no intention of telling them. And this has nothing to do with the game. It has to do with desire.” Lily stood slowly, holding his gaze. “I want you Heath. I want to be your lover.”

Unmoved, he crossed his arms over his chest. “You know my terms, Lily.”

She pursed her lips thoughtfully. “Tess warned me that I might have to seduce you.”

At her blithe admission, one dark eyebrow shot up, but otherwise he didn't respond.

“Although I suspect,” Lily went on, “you won't like it if I ape all those other women who have chased you from the time you were out of short coats.” As she spoke, Lily reached up to pull the pins from her hair. She was gratified when Heath's eyes followed her movements as she let down the dark tresses and combed them out with her fingers.

“Don't you want me, Heath?” she asked in a pouting voice.

“You know damn well I do.”

“And I want you. So what is the difficulty? I am willing, even eager to become a scarlet woman.”

“I have no intention of making love to you until you agree to wed me, you know that.”

“Why not?”

“I won't risk getting you with child, for one thing.”

“Ah, but I have a solution. Sponges soaked in brandy or vinegar are deemed most effective, I am told. Peg gave me some to use tonight.”

His gaze sharpened, but he stood there obdurately, his jaw set.

Bending, Lily drew off her evening slippers one by one. Then reaching behind her, she unfastened the hooks at the back of her gown. When she let the garment slip to the floor and stepped out of it, she was left wearing only a delicate lawn chemise and silk stockings.

Sensation danced over her skin as Heath's golden gaze fixed on her breasts. Her nipples had hardened and the rosy aureoles showed through the thin fabric of her chemise. When his gaze dropped lower, she knew he could see the shadows of the dark curls below her belly. The desire that flashed in his eyes was unmistakable, and it encouraged her a measure.

With a casualness she wasn't feeling, she leaned down and undid the ribbons of her garters, then slowly peeled the silk down her legs.

“Lily, stop right now.” The command was low but husky.

“I don't believe I will, Heath. If you won't make love to me, then I shall have to be the aggressor.”

A muscle jumped in his jaw. He was making an obvious effort to resist the temptation she presented, Lily realized.

When Heath didn't speak, she moved around the room, turning down the lamps until only a faint glow remained from one on the bedside table. While there, she drew back the bed curtains. Then silently, she went to the door to lock it and withdrew the key.

Turning, she dangled the key from one finger provocatively. “You will have to take this from me if you want to escape.”

“Lily…” There was exasperation in his voice along with a faint note of dismay. Yet he didn't look as if escape was on his mind. Instead, he stood rooted to the floor, watching her every move.

His eyes had darkened with hunger, Lily saw. It gave her the confidence she had lacked until now. Tossing the key in the direction of her discarded gown, she crossed to Heath, then reached up and began to untie his cravat.

“Lily, devil take you….”

She laughed softly. “You may swear at me all you want, but I intend to have my way with you.”

Her laughter affected Heath more than anything else she could have done. He stared back at Lily as she unwound his cravat from around his neck. A teasing smile graced her lips, while her eyes were innocent and full of deviltry at the same time.

That look enchanted him, sending a hot rush of need straight to his loins, even before she slid her fingers down his waistcoat to probe the firmness of his burgeoning erection beneath his evening breeches.

“Do you really think you can resist me?” Lily murmured tauntingly. “Do you even want to try?”

Her big dark eyes sparkled with repressed laughter and something more: desire. She had been truthful when she said she wanted him. The realization aroused Heath even more than her tantalizing touch.

“I understand that seduction is an art,” Lily was saying as she knelt before him. “And I know firsthand that you are a consummate artist. So I hope you will forgive me if I am not quite as skilled at pleasuring you as you are at pleasuring me.”

When she unbuttoned the front of his evening breeches so that his sex sprang free, Heath muttered another oath and growled in a low voice, “Lily…I am not made of stone.”

“I should hope not,” she murmured, curving her fingers lightly around his cock. “Although this
rather like granite.”

Then she began stroking him…cradling the thick shaft of his manhood, grazing the blunt head with her fingertips, cupping the heavy, swollen sacs beneath.

At her boldness, Heath sucked in a harsh breath. He had never seen Lily like this. She had taken complete control, playing the enchantress, determined to seduce him. Her willfulness not only delighted and tempted him, it jolted him with stronger emotions he couldn't begin to sort through just now. It was a struggle simply to remember why he had to resist her sensual assault.

“Am I doing this correctly?” Lily asked innocently, gazing up at him. “You had best advise me, or I might inadvertently hurt you.”

He didn't reply except to curl his hands into fists at his sides. Then her touch grew even more brazen, her fingers wrapping around his turgid length, sweeping slowly up and down, squeezing, kneading gently.

Heath's jaw locked and his entire body went rigid as he fought for control. Lily's erotic caresses made him throb with heat. And when she leaned forward and pressed her lips to the crest of his arousal, it jerked eagerly.

He gave a low, strangled sigh as she closed her lips over the swollen head, tasting him with her tongue. A rush of fire flared through him, destroying the last vestiges of his resistance.

Tangling his hands in her hair, Heath closed his eyes and let his imagination take over. He could almost feel his shaft gliding slickly between the feminine folds of her sex….

The fire built inside him as Lily went on suckling him, plying him with warm caresses of her tongue and lips, laving and pulling, coaxing a shudder from him.

Heath finally yielded before he exploded. With a low groan, he grasped Lily's shoulders and pulled her up. The satisfied smile on her lips gave him absolutely no choice but to haul her close and seize her mouth in a hungry kiss. He couldn't possibly stop himself.

And in truth, he didn't want to stop himself, Heath thought dazedly, drinking in her breaths as their tongues fiercely tangled. His strategy of keeping away from Lily seemed to have succeeded; she had come to
this time. Not only was she offering herself to him willingly, she was the pursuer, bent on his seduction—a huge step in their courtship war. And he intended to let her win this particular battle.

Lily would share his bed one day, it was inevitable. Even though she hadn't yet agreed to wed him, she would soon. And claiming her body now would only hasten the day when he could make her his wife.

With that calming reflection, Heath forced himself to slow down. Although he was still breathing hard, he broke off their kiss and divested Lily of her chemise. Then he stepped back a short distance, the better to see all of her.

In the soft glow of lamplight, she looked like a cherished fantasy. A cloud of vibrant chestnut tresses framed her face and drifted about her shoulders, while her skin gleamed pale gold. Her disheveled look entranced him, but it was the sight of her luscious body that made his blood pound. Her high, ripe breasts. Her narrow waist. Her sweetly curving hips. Her slender legs. He wanted to explore the silken mass of her hair with his hands while he tasted every inch of her creamy skin. Yet he held back his impatience as he let Lily undress him.

When he was completely naked, she moved closer, into his arms. All her amusement seemed to have faded. Instead, she held his gaze solemnly, her hands roaming over his body as if she was hungry to touch him—which only made Heath hungrier.

In turn, he skimmed the undersides of her breasts, cupping her fullness. Lily made a breathy sound as he palmed the soft mounds in his hands, a sound that became a whimper when he thumbed her taut nipples. He was mesmerized by the lure of her bare skin, yet he wanted more. Much more.

“Come,” Heath said hoarsely, taking her hand.

He drew her to the bed and lay back upon the sheets, pulling Lily down on top of him. But then he let her take the lead again. Her dark, fragrant hair fell in a silky curtain around their heads, then teased his skin as she bent and pressed passionate kisses over his jaw, his throat, his chest.

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