To Tempt A Rogue (25 page)

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Authors: Adrienne Basso

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Harriet was pleased with the inn Nathaniel selected. It was small, yet large enough to give them anonymity, and most important, clean. The innkeeper and his wife were friendly and seemed genuinely happy to have them as guests, especially when Nathaniel provided a generous tip for bringing in the luggage, fetching hot water for washing, and providing a hot meal in one of the two private dining rooms.

Harriet was nervous about Phoebe and Jeanne Marie making their first public appearance dressed as boys, but as Nathaniel had predicted no one so much as glanced in their direction when they were guided through the public rooms to the private dining room.

All three youngsters were glad to be released from the confining interior of the coach and provided their usual lively dinner conversation. Observing their antics made Harriet's heart swell with emotion. The mutual affection between the children and their uncle was glaringly obvious and it had deepened and strengthened in the weeks they had been together.

Silently, Harriet renewed her vow to do all that she was able to ensure that Nathaniel was appointed the children's legal guardian. For while the children did indeed have a great need of him, he too needed those youngsters.

When dinner was over, Harriet and Nathaniel hustled the trio through the tap room and up the stairs to the rooms that had been secured for the night. Nathaniel had expressed delight when he had seen their accommodations. Their rooms were at the back of the inn, which meant they would be quieter, though this establishment did not have the amount of traffic a city or even a crowded village would generate.

Apparently the key appeal was the configuration of the rooms. They were connected by an interior door, but the second, slightly smaller room had no separate access to the hallway. Nathaniel immediately decided the children would sleep in the smaller room. If there was danger of any sort, the intruder would have to go through him to reach them.

As they prepared for bed Harriet bustled between the two rooms. The hot water in the pitcher that so pleased her was not met with the same enthusiasm by the children. There was a disagreement about which bed the trio would share and a general complaint that the air smelled of vinegar. They were not impressed when Harriet insisted that was a sign of cleanliness and one they should look for in future whenever staying at an inn.

“Well, I believe I have finally settled them down for the night, though I would not be surprised if one of them needs a drink of water or a trip to the privy soon,” Harriet said as she walked into the larger room to bid Nathaniel good night.

He was pacing with restless energy. He had stripped to his shirtsleeves, but still wore his black riding boots and snug breeches. The aura of male power and strength permeated the chamber, for his presence seemed to fill the room.

“I've been waiting for you.” Nathaniel smiled warmly at her, his mouth tilting in a sexy, inviting manner. A shiver of pure sensation rolled down her spine, yet Harriet did her best to hide her reaction and cautiously back away from him.

“I intend to sleep in the other room with the children,” she said.

“And leave me here all alone?” He strode towards her then stopped, his booted feet apart, his hands at his back. “The bed looks very comfortable and is certainly large enough for two.” His voice was low and husky and dripping with illicit temptation.

Harriet ruthlessly tamped down the impulse to fling herself in his arms. “Really, Nathaniel, what would the nursemaid think if I spend the night with you?”

“That I am irresistible?”

Harriet rolled her eyes. “Servants who don't respect you will not follow orders nor work with diligence,” she said primly. “Besides, if the children have need of me during the night, I must be close at hand.”

“What of my needs?” He captured her in a loose embrace and pressed his lips to her neck.

Harriet turned her head. “Your needs will have to wait.”

“Hmm, sometimes I really dislike how you are always so damn responsible.” He cushioned his words with a gentle caress of her cheek. “Yet I am forced to agree it is safer for us all if I remain undistracted for the night and you, Miss Sainthill, are a most devilish distraction.”

Soothed by his teasing comment, Harriet grinned. Though she could not fault him for his honesty when remarking on her sense of duty, it was an aspect of her character that she could only temper, but never change. Thankfully it appeared that Nathaniel had decided he was going to cope with it. And her.

Harriet watched the candlelight flicker over his handsome face and felt herself flush with heat. His desire for her was evident in his expression and the hardness of his body and it still amazed her that he felt this strongly toward her.

She felt almost light-headed remembering the sight of his bare chest and rippling muscles, recalling with delight the intimacies they had shared, the heights of passion and pleasure they had achieved. A tangle of erotic images kept playing through her mind, filling her senses to overflowing.

It was difficult to keep her hands to herself. She wanted so badly to kiss him, to fondle and caress, to tease and excite. She pulled away, yet the primal urge was so strong, Harriet could not resist the opportunity to rub herself playfully against him as she walked past on her way to her room.

Nathaniel's armed snaked out quick as a flash. Holding only the back of her neck, he drew her towards him. Harriet laughed softly, allowing her common sense to flee for just a moment. She closed her eyes, savoring the satiny warmth of his mouth against hers. Time slowed as a pulsing urgency sprang throughout her body. He was like a drug she craved, an addiction she could not control, for he freed her spirit and allowed the love in her heart to flow unrestrained.

She gave herself permission to indulge for a few mindless moments, pressing herself closer so that their bodies melded together. “You must not kiss me,” she mumbled, twisting her head and burrowing it into his shoulder.


“ 'Cause it is sheer torture when you stop.”

He laughed, hugging her tight. Then he moved his hands to the front, cupped her breasts and began to slowly, erotically knead them. The nipples hardened. Harriet could scarcely breathe. She raised her head from his shoulder. Passion darkened his eyes. Passion, hunger, and love.

“Ah, sweetheart, don't you know our fates are forever entwined?” he whispered. “That it will always be torture for me whenever we are separated?”

Something quivered inside of Harriet. His words brought her joy, but there was an edge of fear creeping into her consciousness that she could not ignore. Their future was so uncertain, their chance at happiness fleeting. Though she fervently hoped otherwise, she knew these few nights might be all they would ever have together.

Harriet clung to Nathaniel. This tangible bond they shared completed the person she was, made her stronger, more confident. The physical pleasure he could so easily create was raw and intense and it spread like wildfire through every inch of her body. But the emotions he evoked were solid and lasting and even more miraculous.

He maneuvered her to the far side of the room. Harriet waited expectantly to be tossed onto the bed and was surprised to instead feel the solid hardness of the wall against her shoulder blades.

He pressed his full length against her. Harriet wet her lips, staring at him. As if sensing her desire, Nathaniel dipped his head and kissed her thoroughly, his tongue delving deeply, his hips rotating in a slow, grinding motion that made her shiver with pleasure.

Beneath her gown, Harriet felt her breasts tighten and tingle. The familiar restless ache began along her inner thighs and up into her belly. The yearning and need to give of herself and in turn be filled by him caught and held her heart.

“We must stop,” Harriet whispered. Yet even as she spoke the words her hands slid down his shirt front, around his waist and beneath his coat. She stroked his muscled back, then reached lower, grasping his tight buttocks through his breeches.

He groaned and pressed her harder against the wall. Harriet leaned her head back and sighed with contentment as he wove a trail of kisses down the curve of her neck. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, her body trembled against his.

Because she was unable to do otherwise, Harriet surrendered to the madness. She knew no other man would ever make her feel this way, would make her shudder and want and need. Only him.

“Is there a lock on the door that connects this room to the children's chamber?” she asked in a raspy, unsteady voice.

“Yes, and I turned the key the moment you entered the room.”

She inhaled slowly, then lifted her head and stared at his handsome face. His eyes were sensual and heavy-lidded, his smile tender and loving. Harriet felt her body grow wet with anticipation and need.

“I'm so desperately in love with you,” she whispered, almost in awe of the depth of her feelings.

“I hardly deserve such an incredible gift,” he replied solemnly. “But I'm not fool enough to turn away from it.”

His hands moved caressingly up and down her back. Harriet arched her hips forward and settled her belly against the thickness of his arousal. Then she moved and she felt his penis flex, growing even harder.

Between her own legs the dampness and pressure grew. It brought on a restless ache that he seemed to know of, for he thrust his hand beneath her gown and his clever fingers quickly found the slit in her drawers. She parted her legs so he could touch her more completely, caress the spot where she ached and needed him most.

“This is how I want you,” Nathaniel whispered. “Burning with desire for me. Needing me. Craving me.”

His fingers circled her moist cleft, then thrust inside the warmth. The heat of his touch ignited fiery sparks in her blood. Harriet trembled so much she could only remain upright by clinging tightly to Nathaniel's broad shoulders.

He stroked her until she was panting and tossing her head, until she was nearly out of her mind. Then she felt his rigid flesh probing her body and she knew he meant to take her there, standing against the wall. Her legs convulsed around his waist and she opened her body wider.

“Now,” she gasped loudly. “I want it now.”

He sank into her and Harriet joyfully clenched her muscles around the thick hardness inside her. The intense pleasure made them both shudder.

Nathaniel thrust harder and Harriet rocked forward against him, eager to meet the heat of his straining body, eager to surrender to his possession. His breath sounded harsh in the stillness of the room, while her own voice was a whimper of feminine need. Harriet wrapped her arms around Nathaniel's broad shoulders and held on tightly, arching her spine, opening herself wider so he could press deeper into her body.

It was an exquisite sensation, this urgency that built so quickly yet could be sustained for as long as Nathaniel desired. She felt him reach down between their bodies. His touch was clever and knowing, circling and teasing the most sensitive part of her flesh. He drew heat and fire from her and she shattered, shuddering under the force of his thrusts and the unbearable pleasure of his caress.

His orgasm quickly followed hers. A moan burst from between his clenched lips. Harriet felt the hot rush of seed spurt into her in a powerful stream. The muscles in his neck corded as he drove into her one final time, until the last drop of his passion was spent.

Nathaniel fell against her, gasping for breath. They clung to each other in the aftermath, pulses still racing. Gradually Harriet realized her feet were once again on the floor. Yet when she tested the strength of her legs, she found she could not yet stand unassisted.

Harriet rested her head against the base of Nathaniel's throat and listened to the frenzied beating of his heart. It was such an utterly perfect moment. She had opened herself up to this man physically and emotionally and he had accepted her completely. A lethargic sense of peace and contentment settled over her.

It was difficult to leave. The bed looked so inviting and Nathaniel looked even more irresistible. Her hunger had been sated, but she knew it was a momentary satisfaction, knew that she would soon be craving his touch. But as Nathaniel had so glaringly pointed out earlier, Harriet also knew her duty.

She straightened her clothing as best she could, then smoothed back her ruffled hair. Nathaniel reached for her but she slid out of his embrace, not allowing herself to be tempted.

“Good night,” she whispered.

With a final farewell kiss, Harriet slipped quietly into the other room. Everyone was sound asleep, including the nursemaid. Harriet gave a quick look upon the children, then stripped down to her chemise and curled contently in her bed, feeling safe and loved and surprisingly happy.

Chapter Nineteen

It was chaotic in the morning and no simple task getting the children dressed and fed and ready to face another day of traveling. To obtain their cooperation, Harriet promised if the weather held they could each take a turn riding on horseback with their uncle. This promised treat of escaping the confines of the carriage held great appeal and put all three children on their best behavior.

All the rushing and organizing left Harriet a bit frazzled and she did not listen closely to Nathaniel's instructions. Misunderstanding his orders, she arrived too early in the inn's yard. Their carriage had not been brought out and neither Nathaniel nor the male servants were in evidence.

Harriet felt conspicuously exposed standing in the open yard, the bright morning sunshine beating down on her bonnet, but the children were happy to be outdoors. The girls especially seemed to enjoy the freedom of movement their male attire provided. Since there was a greater chance of getting into mischief and revealing their disguise inside the inn, Harriet decided to stay, figuring that Nathaniel was no doubt in the stable at this very moment, seeing to his mount and supervising the harnessing of the coach horses.

“You're it!” Gregory called out merrily. He poked his sister in the ribs and scurried behind Harriet, clutching on to her skirts.

Jeanne Marie giggled and lunged forward, attempting to retaliate. Gregory skillfully evaded her tag, so Jeanne Marie took the easier choice and tagged Phoebe. The older girl smiled and reached for her brother. Gregory pulled away and the game began in earnest.

Harriet allowed it to continue for a few minutes. “Enough !”

Recognizing her tone, the children stopped. Harriet nervously touched the cap on Phoebe's head to make certain it was secure and admonished both Jeanne Marie and Gregory to stay close by her side and away from any of the horses being brought into the yard.

“Jane, please walk down to the stable and look for Mr. Wainwright. Inform him that we are ready to leave,” Harriet instructed the nursemaid. She knew it was partially her own over-active imagination, but Harriet felt edgy and anxious without Nathaniel. The sooner she and the children were safely settled inside the carriage, the better.

Jane, an affable, middle-aged widow, curtseyed slightly and left on her errand. Harriet took a deep breath and gathered the children close. She glanced about the yard, relieved to see that everyone seemed focused on their own business.

Yet Harriet still remained vigilant, her eyes darting about the yard every few minutes, alert to danger and also anxious for a glimpse of Nathaniel. Her attention however was soon caught by the figure of a man standing several yards away. She assumed he had been a guest at the inn and was waiting for either his carriage or mount to be brought around.

Yet after five minutes Harriet knew it was not her nerves or imagination. The stranger was definitely regarding her and the children with keen interest.

Harriet's heartbeat quickened. The hairs on the nape of her neck prickled slightly, the classic warning sign of danger, yet she could hardly claim the man was acting in a threatening manner. She supposed it was a rather uncommon sight to find a gentlewoman and her three young children standing alone and unescorted in the yard of an inn. Perhaps the man was merely curious about them.

As Harriet tried to calm her thrashing pulse, her gaze accidently met the stranger's. He nodded and smiled at her in a polite manner. Harriet bit her lip to control her gasp. An over-reaction to such an innocuous gesture would certainly draw more curious eyes.

“I'm relieved to see it is such a fine day for traveling.”

The low rumble of the stranger's voice startled her and Harriet stiffened slightly. He had moved closer and stood but a few feet away. A touch of nausea attacked her stomach. Her first instinct was to grab the children and run for the stable, her second was to open her mouth and scream at the top of her voice.

“Yes, 'tis a lovely day,” Harriet replied, proud of the steadiness of her voice. She inclined her head marginally, so as not to appear terribly rude, but also turned her shoulder in a dismissive gesture to discourage any further discourse.
Where was Nathaniel?

“I imagine the children are quite a handful in the carriage. Boys don't take kindly to being cooped up for long periods of time. Do you have a long distance to go?”

An edge of annoyance momentarily pushed aside Harriet's fear. The man certainly had no right to be so bold and daring merely because she had acknowledged his presence. It was highly improper for him to approach her and try to engage her in conversation and Harriet was miffed by his lack of manners.

His clothing was of good quality, his accent English. He seemed to be a man who would certainly understand the proprieties, yet he chose not to follow them. Well, she was finished with allowing males to take those sorts of liberties!

“Excuse me, I see my husband and our coachman approaching.”

“But that's not our—”

Harriet pulled Jeanne Marie against her side, effectively muffling the rest of the child's words. “Come along, boys,” she said, warning them with her eyes to be cautious.

The children meekly fell into place and Harriet guided them across the yard. As they walked away, she noted the stranger pointedly looking down at her ringless finger. Harriet instinctively clenched her gloveless hands and told herself it meant nothing, she had hardly given herself away as an imposter. Not all married women wore rings.

She moved across the yard at a steady pace, her back straight, chin up, her hands grasping the coats of all three children. She knew the stranger was watching her closely, so she neither quickened nor slowed her pace, but kept her stride even and purposeful.

A coach and four pulled directly into their path, slowing as it prepared to make the turn out of the yard and into the road. Forced to stop, Harriet tapped her foot impatiently as she waited, not daring to turn around and see if the stranger was following.
What could possibly be keeping Nathaniel?



Jerome Brockhurst watched the woman and her three young children with a jaundice eye. There was something not quite right about them, yet he could not put his finger on anything that specifically justified his suspicion.

She was clearly nervous, but there were any number of things that could account for that behavior. Women often exhibited oversensitive nerves when traveling. He probably should not have spoken to her, though he hardly looked like a villainous thug intent on doing her harm.

When she first entered the yard she had been attended by a female servant who had later been sent on an errand, presumably to find out why their carriage was not here. Perhaps she was upset because the start of the day's journey had been delayed. Yet her level of agitation seemed disproportionate to her circumstances. Deciding to test his theory further, Jerome stopped a young groom and asked in a deliberately loud voice.

“I'm searching for a friend of mine and was wondering if he has come this way. By any chance, have you recently seen an English gentleman? He'd most likely be traveling by private coach since he'd have three children with him, two girls and a little boy.”

The groom shook his head, but Jerome hardly noticed. He was far more interested in seeing the woman's reaction. She stiffened slightly, then seemed to force herself to relax. Jerome's already heightened senses went on alert.

He began walking towards her. She must have sensed his approach for she turned and glanced at him over her shoulder. He smiled pleasantly and tipped his hat. She gave him a haughty glare and he noticed her arms reaching down protectively around her children.

Inspired, Jerome shouted, “Miss Sainthill, please wait!”

The name seemed to hang in the air, echoing through the bustling yard. The woman jerked at the sound of his voice, turned her head, then gasped in horror as if realizing she had just acknowledged her identity. She held the children in front of her body. The moment the coach moved out of the way, she pushed them forward. She shouted something to them, but a second carriage rumbled into the yard and Jerome could not understand her command.

He tried to get closer, tried to warn her not to run away, but he wasn't quick enough.

“Nathaniel, help!”

Jerome turned in anticipation, anxious for his first sighting of Lord Avery. Then a fist shot out of nowhere and caught him square on the jaw. He tilted backward and hit the ground with a resounding thud.

Harriet had never been more relieved to see anyone in her life. She fell forward, practically collapsing into Nathaniel's arms. He caught her against his chest, and held her close. Harriet concentrated on taking long, deep breaths, amazed that her trembling was even greater now that the incident was over.

Nathaniel shifted his position and slid a supportive arm around her waist, his eyes anxiously searching her person. “Are you all right?”

“I think so.”

“My God, what happened? Did that man assault you?”

“No.” Harriet shivered with suppressed emotion. Her eyes darted frantically about the yard. “Where are the children?”

“In the carriage with Jane.” Nathaniel brushed his hand gently across her cheek. “My heart nearly ceased beating when they came charging into the stable. Then I heard you scream for help. Are you certain you are unharmed?”

“Yes, I'm merely frightened. And angry.”


“At myself.” Harriet glared down at the man sprawled in the dirt. “I walked so neatly into his trap. He must have suspected my identity, but like a dolt I confirmed his suspicions by reacting to my name.”

“Well, he's hardly a threat now. He's out cold.” Nathaniel removed a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Harriet. She pressed the clean cloth to her upper lip, surprised to realize it was moist with perspiration.

“He had an English accent,” Harriet said.

“He must be a runner, hired by my uncle to find us,” Nathaniel decided.

“Which isn't very difficult, thanks to my letter and explicit directions,” Harriet said wryly.

“ 'ere now, what's the trouble?” The burly innkeeper marched out into the yard, leading a small army of curious spectators. “We'll have no brawlin' at my place, even if you do take it outside. It frightens the women and chases away the customers.”

“This stranger accosted my wife,” Nathaniel told the innkeeper and the gathering crowd. “Apparently he mistook her identity and when she pointed out the error he refused to believe her.”

The innkeeper looked aghast at hearing the news. “Why the blighter! I've never heard of anything like that happenin' 'round here. We run a quality, safe establishment, always have, always will.”

“I am certain this is an isolated incident,” Nathaniel declared. “Clearly the man is deranged.”

Harriet saw the nods of agreement from the crowd and drew a sigh of relief. All eyes turned to the runner, who lay meek and motionless on the ground. She caught Nathaniel's gaze and understood his silent message to try to slip away as the crowd debated the appropriate punishment for the attacker.

Harriet almost felt sorry for the runner when one woman suggested that hanging was too good for the likes of him and another man offered to beat some manners into him. Only one level head voiced the suggestion of calling the local magistrate, but that idea was quickly overruled. Everyone else seemed to favor a more physical retaliation.

“Please, do not make any more of a fuss. It will upset the children.” Harriet lifted the handkerchief and held it to her mouth. “I know I'll feel better once I am in our coach, with my wee ones gathered around me.”

“Of course ye would, puir dear,” the innkeeper's wife agreed, elbowing her way through the crowd. She patted Harriet's shoulder with solicitous female comfort. Then she turned to the crowd and bellowed, “Make way fer the lady.”

She linked her arm with Harriet's and parted the crowd. Flanked by the innkeeper's wife and Nathaniel, Harriet was escorted to the coach. She thanked the woman profusely for her kindness and understanding, then stepped inside.

The children fell on her like eager puppies, alternating questions and hugs with equal fervor. Gregory's eyes were round as saucers and he was nearly bouncing with excitement.

“We saw the whole thing,” he stated eagerly.

“Uncle Nathaniel planted one right on that man's jaw and
he fell over. I even heard the noise when he fell down. It was marvelous.”

Harriet sighed. “While I was certainly relieved to have your uncle's assistance, only under the most dire of circumstances does a gentleman resort to fisticuffs in public, Gregory.”

“Did the man hurt you, Miss Sainthill?” Phoebe asked anxiously.

“Heavens, no.” Harriet hugged the child reassuringly. “He merely startled me. However, the incident was partially my fault and should be a lesson to us all. A respectable lady must never engage in any sort of conversation with a gentleman until she has been properly introduced, especially when she is in a public place.”

The girls both nodded their heads in understanding, but Gregory was too enamored with the outcome of the event to listen to any advice. After listening to him retell the story several times, Harriet decided that Gregory would become like most men of his class and enjoy the manly pursuits of sparring, horse racing, shooting, hunting, fishing, boxing, and swordsmanship. Especially with Nathaniel as his guardian.

Gregory's hero worship reached epic proportions by noon. Harriet elected to allow him the first horseback ride with his uncle. She and the girls needed a respite from the little boy's exhilaration, though she hoped the child's constant chatter would not be too taxing on Lord Avery.

She felt rather nervous about stopping for the night, wanting to put as much distance between them and the runner as possible. Nathaniel humored her concern by pushing forward until full darkness. The inn this night was not as clean, but it was not as crowded either. Two rooms were engaged and Harriet insisted Nathaniel sleep in the larger room with the children while she and Jane took the other chamber.

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