Tokyo Underworld (48 page)

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Authors: Robert Whiting

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Tim Porter, photographer; Richard G. Roa, business consultant, Tokyo; John Roberts, author; Richard Roa, publicist; Masako Sakata, president, Imperial Press; William Salter, CPA, Tokyo; Eduardo Sanchez, advertising executive; Hiroshi Sasaki, journalist; Kenichiro Sasae, Foreign Ministry of Japan; Nobuko Sasae, simultaneous interpreter; Keiko Sato; Tetsuo Sato, attorney-at-law, Tokyo; Professor Bruce Scott, Harvard University; Mark Schrieber, author; Tom Scully, editor; Professor Robert Seward, Meiji; David Shapiro, author, playwright; Hitomi Shapiro, actress; Derek Shearer, director public policy, Occidental College; Takashi Shimada; Richard Siracusa, attorney-at-law, New York City; Dwight Spenser; Robert Spenser; Ernie Solomon; Albert Stamp; Martin P. Steinberg; Albert Stovall; Roger Suddith; Reikichi Sumiya, editor
Asahi Geinno
, Toshiro Suzuki, general manager, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Japan (ret).

Yoshiko Takaishi; Kenichi Takemura, author, TV commentator; Masayuki Tamaki, author; Kozo Tanaka, Tanaka Kozo law office, Tokyo; Masahiro Tani,
Sumiyoshi Rengokai;
Hide Tanaka,
Asahi Shimbun;
Takao Toshikawa,
Tokyo Oriental Economist;
The Honorable Judge Edwin Torres, New York City; William Triplett, US Senate Foreign Relations Committee; Ichiro Tsuge,
Shukan Asahi;
Douglas Victoria, Professor Ezra Vogel, Harvard University; Larry Wallace, Drug Enforcement Agency (killed in action); Richard Walker, vice president, Grolier (ret.); John Wheeler, Japan Society, New York; Steven Weissman, New York
Juan Williams,
Washington Post;
Phil Yanagi; Junji Yamagiwa, author, NHK commentator; Atsushi Yoneyama; Nick Zappetti; Mary Zappetti; Patricia Zappetti; Rose Zappetti.

Among those who refused one-on-one interviews were Hisayuki Machii (due to poor health) and Joseph Nicola. Yae Koizumi, Zappetti’s second and fourth wife, participated in some of the taped discussions I had with her husband, but declined to be interviewed one-on-one. I interviewed three organized crime figures in Tokyo, one member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, and one individual associated with the Los Angeles Police Department, all of whom wished to remain anonymous.

Ray Dunston, Mike Sullivan, Miyoko, Tani and Zack are pseudonyms for people who did not want to be interviewed or identified. Also interviewed were Jack Howard, Rick Jason, Raisuke Miyawaki and Dan Sawyer.



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Yobo No Medeia [Ambitious Media]
. Tokyo: Shogakkan, 1990.

Ishihara, Shintaro, and Akio Morita.
No To Ieru Nihonjin
. Tokyo: Kobunsha, 1989. Translated as
The Japan That Can Say No
. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991, with Ishihara as the sole author.

Itagaki, Shinsuke.
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Keisatsu Cho Hen.
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Kodama, Yoshio.
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Yaocho [Fix]
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Oshita Eiji.
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Tachibana, Takashi.
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Rokuiido Saiban Bochoki [A Record of the Lockheed Trials]
. Tokyo: Asahi Shimbunsha, 1981 (vol.1); 1982 (vol. 2); 1983 (vol. 3); 1985 (vol. 4). (Special paperback edition of all four volumes published in 1994 by Asahi Shimbunsha Bunkobun.)

Takahashi Kunio.
Tokyo Jidai [Tokyo Era]
. Tokyo: Asahi Shimbun, 1984.

Takashina Shuji and Haga Toru.
Sekai Toshi No Joken [Conditions of World Capitals]
. Tokyo: Chikuma Shobo, 1992.

Taoka, Kazuo.
Yamaguchi Gumi Sandaime: Taoka Kazuo Jiden [The Autobiography of Kazuo Taoka, Third Generation Yamaguchi Gang]
. 3 vols. Tokyo: Tokuma Shoten, 1974.

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