Too Naughty (14 page)

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Authors: Brenda Hampton

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Too Naughty
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“You and Nokea? Man, what the hell is wrong with that fool? Why would he say something that fucking stupid?”
“C-r-a-z-y.” I looked at my watch. It was getting late. “But, uh, let me get back at you a li'l later. Tell Nokea I said what's up and give her a kiss and a hug for me.”
“Will do,” Jaylin said. “Give me a holla later.”
I grabbed my keys from the top of the fridge and jetted.
Since it was the weekend, I knew Jay's would still be crowded. I had a difficult time finding a place to park, and when I found one, it was almost two blocks away. I walked inside, and my eyes searched around for Scorpio. As they searched for her, it seemed as if all the women were searching me.
“That's the boss lady's man,” Bernie said. “So, close your mouths and shoot for the next man who walks through the door.”
I smiled, giving Bernie a hug. “Where my girl at?” I asked.
“She's in her office. But you'd better be nice to her. She's been kind of moody all week, and I have a feeling that you're responsible.”
“That skeeza ain't been getting no dick,” Jamaica said. “Bernie, you know she gave you the DL on her and Shane. Baby, if you want a woman who doesn't run her mouth to her friends, I suggest you hook up with me. I promise to keep all that caramel chocolate—”
“Jamaica!” Scorpio yelled as she walked into the work area. “Don't get thrown out of here on your butt, okay?”
“Now, I'd like to see you do that. Ain't no damn woman that bad where she gon' throw me out on my ass.”
Scorpio folded her arms. “Keep talking.”
Jamaica rolled her eyes and turned her head. She mouthed something underneath her breath, and Scorpio gave her a soft shove.
Without saying a word to me, Scorpio turned and headed toward her office. Looking awfully good in her pleated miniskirt and knee-high boots, I followed.
No sooner had I walked inside the door than she approached me with major attitude.
“So, it took you almost a week to respond to your woman's phone calls, huh?”
Before responding, I took a seat on the soft yellow leather sofa. Knowing that we'd probably be here for a while, she sat in the chair in front of me. “I did call you, Scorpio. I called and told you how busy I was. Didn't you get my message?”
“Yes, I got it. But that was only after I called you—at least, ten times.”
“Scorpio, every time you ring my phone, it doesn't mean I have to jump to it and call you back. I told you I was busy with work and I'd call as soon as I had some free time.”
“Oh, so, now you only call me whenever you have free time? I thought we had a relationship, Shane? One where we talk every day to see how the other person is doing. We had it before, but I guess you're still tripping off of what Jaylin told you. Sadly, you haven't even listened to my side of the story. Yet, you claim to love me. What kind of love are you offering? Because I'm seriously not feeling it at all.”
“Are we going to sit here all night and argue, or can I take you out to dinner, like I'd planned to?”
“Dinner? I'm not interested in going to dinner. I'm more interested in why you have this nonchalant attitude about everything. You are truly too laid back for me, and I can't tell if you give a damn or not about this relationship.”
“Is that how you really feel? Do you really think I don't give a damn about you, Scorpio?”
“Yes, I do. I feel like a stepchild or something when it comes to how you treat me.”
I stood up. “Baby, if that's how you feel, then I can't do anything to make you feel any differently.”
Scorpio looked away and ignored me. I walked to the door and then stopped in my tracks. When I turned to look at her, her head was still turned in the other direction. She looked too good for me to walk away. Besides, I was horny as hell.
“Honestly,” I said. “Don't you feel my love for you?”
She moved her head from side to side.
“Not just a tiny bit?” I said, walking back over to her.
She moved her head from side to side again.
I bent over, put my face in front of hers, and straddled my hands on her chair. “Why you pouting? You look so damn beautiful when you pout. But never forget that you have a man who loves the hell out of you. I apologize for not calling you back, but at times, I do require my space.”
“Space, my ass, Shane. You—”
I quickly sucked her lips into my mouth and kissed her. She worked with me, so I knew the night wasn't going to turn out too bad.
“Mmmmm,” I said, wiping my lips as we finished. “You have some of the sweetest lips, girl.”
“Oh, you are so good. Look at you trying to work your magic. Now that you have my attention, though, where are you taking me for dinner?”
“Dinner?” I said, taking a few steps back to the sofa. “Who said anything about dinner?”
Scorpio playfully cut her eyes at me. “I guess you're teasing me now? You previously mentioned dinner, or have you forgotten?”
I shrugged my shoulders. “I don't know what you're talking about. I mentioned nothing to you about dinner.”
She sat quietly for a moment and stared at me from several feet away. She then stood up, lifted the sides of her skirt above her hips, and eased her pretty pink lace panties to the floor. She tossed them on my lap and sat back in the chair. Once she took a seat, she lifted her right leg on the arm of the chair, stretching her legs apart.
“If teasing me is what you came here to do,” she said, “then I most definitely can play your game better than you.”
She hiked up her skirt a bit more, placing her hand on her stomach. As her hand lowered, I turned to look away.
“Oh, no, baby. You've got to get a glimpse of this.
been purring for you. It's only fair that, since you made
wait so long for you, you make your way over to satisfy
Unable to resist, I scooted back on the sofa, lowered my eyelids, and focused in on what was being offered tome.
Within seconds, Scorpio had me on cloud nine. She separated her neatly shaven slit with her fingers and massaged her walls. They instantly got wet, and so did her middle finger as she worked it inside. Her thumb circled her swollen clit, and when she inserted more fingers, I could barely take it anymore. I placed my hand over the hard hump in my pants and got ready to release my monster. Scorpio saw how excited I was, and she continued on with her festivities. She dropped her head back and moaned her words.
“Shaaaane. Baby, why? Why would you make me do this to myself? Your ... your fingers and dick inside of me would make me feel so much—”
Before Scorpio could finish her words, I relieved her. I moved her fingers away from her slit, picking up where she left off. As my fingers entered her, I leaned my head down for a kiss. She moved her head back and placed her fingers in my mouth so I could taste her. No matter what form or fashion her pussy came in, it always performed at its best. I widened my mouth, welcoming the taste. Soon, she brought her lips to my mouth, and we both sucked her fingers.
“Mmmmm,” she moaned as I worked her down below. “But faster. I want you to go faster.”
I knew exactly how Scorpio liked it, so my turning fingers put in the extra work. She tightened up and lifted her butt from the chair. Since she was about to cum, I surely didn't want any good juice to go to waste. I buried my face between her legs and sucked down what belonged to me.
“I ... I just want to cry.” She smiled. I loosened her grip from my hair and stood up. I slid my Ralph Lauren belt from the loops of my stonewashed jeans and pulled my hooded sweatshirt, along with my white wifebeater, over my head.
“You got all night to cry,” I said. “Especially after this whuppin' I'm about to give you for being so bad.”
“Oh, you'd better whup me good.” She stood up and started to remove her clothes. “I have no intentions of being a good girl tonight, so make sure that you punish me to the extreme.”
We got naked, and I punished Scorpio all over the room. After smacking it up, I had no problem rubbing it down. As always, sex between us was off the chain, and we didn't wrap it up until the wee hours of the morning. We had interruptions, but since the knocks on the door were ignored, they all went away.
Things were going along pretty darn smoothly. The money Jaylin had to hand over to me sure as hell helped out. It made up for losses at Davenports, and I didn't care how many accounts Shane had taken from the business. If I wanted to, I could've sued him big-time, but my newly found income had me on cloud nine.
Stephon and I had been spending an enormous amount of time together. I had some pretty strong feelings for him, but I couldn't say love was what I felt. Since Jaylin dogged me out like he did, I had a difficult time trusting and loving any man again. I never trusted him, because I always knew he was a ho and he'd continue being a ho. I hated to keep thinking about that
who called herself his wife, but she had to be the biggest damn fool I knew. I was surprised she didn't show up at the meeting we had, but I was sure she knew how much money I got out of the deal. As usual, he probably threw his dick on her, and by now, it didn't even matter. Bottom line, to hell with them all! Shane could keep on fucking the playboy bunny, and Jaylin could have his Mother Goose that did nothing but lay his eggs. I was happier than I'd been in a long time, and I had no one but Stephon to thank for supporting me.
I held up my end of the bargain and gave him half of what was left after my attorney's fees. Stephon paid off the second mortgage on the barbershop and bought himself a Denali.
That sucker was cutting up so bad that it made me want to trade in my Lexus for an upgrade. Just so I didn't get ganked, Stephon told me he'd go to the Lexus dealer with me. But when I called his house, I got no answer. I knew he was home, so I decided to go over to his place.
Within the hour, I made it to Stephon's house on the north side of St. Louis. He lived in a newly remodeled house that was close by his shop in the Central West End. We'd talked about going to purchase furniture for his new place, but that had to be put on hold until I got my car. Since his Denali was in the driveway, I headed for the door. Nearly five minutes later, he opened it.
“Hey, Felicia,” he said with a tired look on his face. He stepped back so I could come in.
“Were you sleeping?” I asked. “You look awfully tired.”
“Nah, I wasn't sleeping. Just laying my head down and watching TV, that's all.” He made his way back to his room, and I followed.
When we stepped inside, his room had an interesting smell. He crawled back in bed, covering himself with a thick blanket.
Without any hesitation, I asked what the smell was.
“What smell? I don't smell nothing.”
“Sex. It smells like musty sex, and please don't tell me you've been having sex with somebody else. Is that why you didn't answer your phone when I called?”
He peered over the blanket and then pulled it back. He sat on the edge of the bed while gazing down at the floor, with his boxer shorts on.
“I didn't answer my phone, because I wasn't feeling too well. I know I told you we'd go look for your car today, but my stomach hurts. I've been in and out of the bathroom... .”
“Uh, no need to elaborate. I don't care to hear about your trips to the bathroom.” I fanned my hand in front of my nose and looked around his room. “Do you have an air freshener around here? I'm serious about the smell in this room.”
Stephon didn't answer, so I made my way over to his closet. He watched my every move, and when I reached for the knob to open his closet, he quickly jumped up.
“Look, why don't you go have a seat in the kitchen? I'll get dressed so we can go. All right?”
“I see you're feeling better already.” I tossed my braids to the side and kept my hand on the knob. “Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to see for myself who or what is giving up ass that smells that horrible.”
Stephon spoke sternly. “I said, go into the kitchen and wait until I get dressed. I will be there in a minute.”
I ignored his demand and folded my arms in front of me. “I will go into the kitchen once you open this door. Like I said before, you and I are only lovers. You told me that you weren't seeing anyone else, and all I ever told you was to let me know if you were. That way, Negro, I had a choice. Messing around with a woman whose pussy lights up an entire room, ain't no telling what I might have. So, either you open this door and tell this ... this funky
to leave, or else you'll be added to my shit list. And trust me, Stephon, you don't want to be on my shit list.”
Stephon placed his hand on the doorknob, rolling his eyes at me. “Will you go in the kitchen and sit down? I need to handle this, all right?”
“Tame it,” I said, moving back to the bed and taking a seat. “It smells like an animal that needs to be tamed.”
Out of the closet stepped a young, light-skinned chick with green eyes and sandy brown hair. She barely looked over eighteen, and Stephon knew better.
“Put your clothes on and go to my car,” Stephon said, reaching in the closet for her clothes. She had a sheet wrapped around her and was afraid to look my way.
I sat, frustrated. “How old are you?” I asked. She and Stephon ignored me, so I asked again. “I asked, how old—”
“Twenty-two. Why?” she snapped.
“Felicia, cool out,” Stephon said, moving her toward the bedroom door so she could go somewhere else to get dressed.
“Shut up talking to me. She ain't no twenty-two, because a twenty-two-year-old would know better than to bring her goodies over to a grown man's house like that.”
She turned, and Stephon blocked her in the doorway from getting to me. “Trick, who you talking to like that? You don't know me. I will bust a cap in your ass.”
I threw my hand back at her. She wasn't worth my time. “Yeah, right. And while you're busting a cap in my ass, squirt a douche in your vagina.”
“Felicia and Honey, stop the bullshit!” Stephon yelled. He turned to Honey. “Go get your clothes on so I can take you home.”
Honey cut her eyes at me and walked into another room. She slammed the door, and Stephon turned to face me.
“You are so damn rude, Felicia. I can't believe—”
I stood up. “No, Stephon. I can't believe you're rolling your women around in a truck that I bought for you. How dare you—”
Stephon brushed me off. “Yeah, whatever. I've heard you loud and clear. Now, I'm gon' get dressed and take her home. If you still want to go see about getting a car, then wait here until I get back. If not, then go home and I'll meet you at your place.”
My mouth hung open. “Are you out of your mind? You must be smoking again, right? There's no way in hell I'm going to stay here and wait until you take Ms. Chlamydia home. I need a new car now! I've waited long enough.”
Seething with anger, Stephon squinted his light brown eyes at me and walked over to his closet. He pulled a sweatshirt over his head and stepped into a pair of jeans. By then, Honey was dressed and stood in the doorway, waiting for him. I leaned against the wall and waited as he groomed his bald head while looking in the mirror, combing his thinly shaven beard. He put the comb down and reached for his keys. Again, he ignored me and looked at Honey.
“Are you ready?” he asked.
She nodded, and he made his way to the door. I grabbed his arm and squeezed his muscle.
“I won't be here when you get back.”
“Good, because I'm not coming back,” he said and then snatched his arm away from me.
I wanted to go after him, but I wasn't about to make a fool of myself in front of his low-class hoochie. Instead, I slowly walked to the front door and watched as they got inside of Stephon's white BMW. I guess he tried to show me a tiny bit of respect by not driving the Denali, but I was pissed. He looked at me while backing out of the driveway, and so did she. She smiled, and I couldn't help but give both of them a finger.
Once they drove off, I planned to stay at Stephon's place and rummage through his things, but I decided against it. I already knew what kind of scum he was, and there wasn't anything in his place that would reveal anything different to me. Instead, I left without closing the door, heading back to my place. I wasn't up for car shopping anymore, and I had a feeling that Stephon would show up, apologizing, soon.
Throughout the night, I tossed and turned. Stephon was on my mind, but so was everything else. I hadn't handled my business at Davenports like I normally did, and having so much money caused me to splurge more than I thought. Plus, I was starting to regret giving Stephon half of the money, especially given how he treated me today. And then not to call or come over really made me mad.
Furious, I looked at my alarm clock, and it was almost midnight. I looked at the phone and thought about calling him, but I decided against it. Instead, I did the norm and rushed out of bed to get dressed. I hurried into my orange and white Baby Phat sweats and put my long braids into a ponytail. After sliding into my clean white tennis shoes, I headed out.
Stephon's house was pitch black on the outside and inside as well. His cars were both there, so that was a plus. Alone? I wasn't sure, but I really didn't care. I needed an apology from him; and as much as I did for him, he had to give it to me.
When I reached the door, I knocked several times but got no answer. I rang the doorbell over and over again, but still, no answer. I paused for a moment and then, reached for the doorknob and turned it. The door was open, so I stepped inside.
“Stephon?” I whispered and reached for the light switch on the wall next to me. I flicked the switch several times, but the light didn't come on. I closed the door and tiptoed down the hallway to his bedroom. His door was closed, and as soon as I reached for the knob, somebody's hand touched the top of mine and squeezed it. Immediately after, a hand covered my mouth, and whatever that awful smell was, it caused me to pass out.
What seemed like hours later, I was awakened by the same smell. My head was spinning, and all I could see was a blurred vision of Stephon sitting naked while on the couch. He had a cigarette dangling from the side of his mouth, and as I attempted to sit up, I couldn't, because my body was sore. I heard him mumble something, but I couldn't quite make it out.
“What did you say?” I asked while rubbing my eyes, looking in his direction. He removed the cigarette from his mouth and smashed it out in the ashtray in front of him.
“I said it's about time you got your lazy butt up.”
My body was cold, so I knew I didn't have on any clothes. And from the wetness between my legs, I knew I'd had sex with Stephon. For the moment, I couldn't remember a thing.
“Wha ... what did you do to me? I don't remember anything, and what is that smell?”
He stood up and walked over to me. He lifted my chin and looked down at me. “The only thing I smell is pussy. That would be yours, since we've been having sex for the last two hours. So, why don't you get up and go clean yourself?”
He removed his hand from my chin and walked away. I slowly got up from the floor and felt extremely light-headed. I was so woozy that before I fell, I had to quickly make my way to the couch. Stephon came back into the room and gave me some towels.
“Your bathwater is running. Can you make it to the bathroom or not?”
After reaching for the towels, I laid them on my lap. I placed my forehead in the palm of my hand.
“I am really feeling ill. Now, I asked you before... . What did you do to me!”
“Woman, I didn't do nothing to you. You did it to yourself. Don't you know better than to walk into a man's house, or anybody's house, unannounced? Not only that, but leaving my door open earlier wasn't cool. I was mad at ya, so you know I had to put a hurting on you. Right now, you're just feeling the aftereffects. Once you take a bath, you'll be okay. Then we can finish where we left off,” he said, taking my hand and placing it on his dick. I wanted to yank that motherfucka from his body, but I didn't have the strength to do so. Aside from possibly raping me, I knew he'd done something else to me. Until I had it all figured out, I had to play it cool. I moved my hand away from him and slowly stood up. Like a turtle, I moseyed down the hallway, making my way to the bathroom. I locked the door and sat on the toilet to gather myself. I was still light-headed, and needing a bath like it wasn't funny, I dipped my hand into the water to feel it. It felt soothing, so I stepped in and lay back. I closed my heavy eyelids and could hear myself snoring.

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