Top Me Maybe? (2 page)

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Authors: Jay Northcote

BOOK: Top Me Maybe?
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“You’re on.”





Chapter Two


Dinner was wonderful—perfectly cooked steaks with a couple of different types of salad.

When Tyler had finished eating he put his knife and fork together and picked up his wine glass again. “That was delicious.” He gave Duncan a dirty grin. “You certainly know what to do with your meat.”

Duncan raised his eyebrows and his lips quirked. “I think you knew that already.”

After they’d carried the plates to the kitchen, Duncan shooed Tyler in the direction of the living room while he loaded the dishwasher. “Go and choose a film,” he said.

“What are you in the mood for?”

“Anything. I don’t care. The film’s just an excuse to grope you on the sofa while our food goes down.”

Tyler chuckled. “You don’t need an excuse to grope me. But okay.”

He scanned the neat rows of DVDs on the shelf over Duncan’s TV, chose one, and loaded it into the machine.

By the time Duncan came back from the kitchen, the credits had started.

“Good choice.” Duncan sat down close beside Tyler and put his arm around him.

“Yeah? Cool. I never get tired of watching
Captain America
. Plus, he’s very easy on the eye.” Tyler leaned into Duncan’s side and Duncan put his arm around him.

They made it through half the film before their hands started to wander. There was only so much
Captain America
goodness a gay man could take before his thoughts turned dirty. Tyler started it, letting his hand slowly creep higher up Duncan’s thigh until it was practically in his crotch. Duncan ignored it and carried on watching the film, but the hitch in his breathing gave him away. When Tyler finally cupped the bulge in Duncan’s jeans, he was good and hard.

At that point Tyler lost all interest in the film. Sure, Chris Evans was hot, but Duncan was equally hot, and he was here with a hard-on for Tyler. Tyler had been stuck with a semi ever since the kitchen blowjob earlier and he didn’t want to wait anymore.

He climbed over and straddled Duncan’s lap, pushing his fingers into the short spikes of his hair. They stared at each other for a long moment. Something exploded on the TV behind Tyler, and Duncan chuckled.

“Romantic soundtrack. Shall I turn it off?”


As soon as the TV was off, they kissed like they’d both been starving for it. Tyler ground down against Duncan and tugged on his hair, tilting his head how he wanted it. Duncan moaned into his mouth, his hands on Tyler’s arse, grabbing and pulling him closer. It was a battle for control and Tyler didn’t care whether he won or lost. He just wanted to come.

Duncan pushed Tyler’s shirt up, breaking the kiss to tug it over his head, and then his warm hands were everywhere as he slid them over Tyler’s torso, leaving tingling trails of sensation in their wake. He followed them with his mouth and tongue on the parts he could reach. His teeth grazed Tyler’s collarbone and then he got his mouth on one of Tyler’s nipples and sucked hard. Tyler gasped and bucked his hips, his cock aching and desperate to be touched.

“What do you want?” Duncan asked between kisses. “Want me to suck you? Fuck you? Eat you out?”

“Fuck… all of it. I don’t know. This is good. I want you inside me like this. I wanna ride you.”

Duncan groaned, his breath hot on Tyler’s skin. “Yeah. Yeah sounds good. Okay.” He slapped Tyler’s arse. “You’ll need to get up for a minute. Get naked.”

Tyler stood and stripped out of his clothes while Duncan did the same. God he was fucking beautiful to look at. Tyler’s mouth watered as he admired Duncan’s powerful torso and the generous curve of his buttocks as he bent to get lube and condoms out of a drawer in the coffee table. His balls hung low between his hairy thighs and Tyler wanted them in his mouth. He wanted everything, all at once, but getting fucked was his priority.

Duncan tossed the supplies onto the sofa and took Tyler in his arms, kissing him passionately again. Pressed against him from knee to chest, Tyler’s body was alight with sensation. Duncan’s body hair against his own hairless chest and belly felt amazing. His hot, hard cock jutted against Tyler’s hip.

Tyler turned them, shoving Duncan back to sit on the sofa so he could climb into his lap again. Their erections bumped and slid together as they kissed, messy and frantic. Duncan’s hands were on Tyler’s arse now, his fingers slipping into his crack.

Tyler grabbed Duncan’s wrist and brought his hand up. He sucked two of Duncan’s fingers into his mouth and got them good and wet. “There,” he muttered, pushing Duncan’s hand south again. “Do it.”

Duncan’s fingers went in easily, but the burn and stretch still sent shocks up Tyler’s spine. He arched his back, greedy for more, and fucked himself on Duncan’s fingers as he took Duncan’s dick in his hand and pumped it slowly. Slippery with precome and so hard in Tyler’s hand, he was as ready as Tyler was for this.

“God,” Duncan murmured between kisses. “You’re so fucking hot tonight. Such a greedy boy.”

“Yeah,” Tyler gasped as Duncan’s fingers lit him up from the inside. “Greedy for your cock in me.”

He reached for the condom and tore the packet open with slippery fingers. He bit his lip, struggling to concentrate on rolling it over Duncan’s cock while Duncan carried on thrusting his thick fingers into Tyler’s arse. They were a little too dry with spit alone, but the edge of pain helped Tyler focus, stopped him getting too close before they’d even got started. He got the lube, squirted a generous amount into his palm and slicked Duncan up, ready for action.

“There.” He scooted closer, feeling the loss of Duncan’s fingers as he moved over his cock. He reached behind to guide Duncan into position. The head of his cock was smooth after his fingers, but the stretch of it took Tyler’s breath away as he shoved himself down onto it hard. He wasn’t in the mood for gentle tonight.

.” Duncan gripped Tyler’s hips tight, his head thrown back. His eyes were a little wild when their gazes locked. “So good. Yeah, fuck me, Ty. Do it.”

Although technically Tyler was the one taking it, it didn’t feel like that at all. He was in control here and Duncan was letting him do what he wanted. He set a fast rhythm, angling his hips just right so Duncan’s cock nailed his prostate with every stroke. Duncan was lost in it too, his cheeks flushed and fingers biting into Tyler’s arse where he held onto him. He looked wrecked already, eyes half-closed and glazed, his mouth slack as he panted.

“God,” he gasped as Tyler thrust down harder.

“Yeah… you like that?” Tyler wasn’t usually one for dirty talk, but sometimes when he was really in the moment, his mouth ran away with him. “You like me using you like this?”

Duncan snapped his eyes open and held Tyler’s gaze, pupils huge. “Yeah,” he rasped. “Fuck, yeah.”

His reaction sent heat curling up Tyler’s spine. He fucked down again and again, chasing the sensation that was building, growing inside. Duncan seemed to like his dirty mouth so Tyler carried on talking, gasping the words out breathlessly between each rock of his hips. “You’re so good for me… letting me take you like this. So fucking close now… gonna come on your cock… feels so
….” The last word degenerated into a moan as his climax ripped through him, turning him inside out with pleasure as he spasmed hard around Duncan’s cock. Thick strands of his come caught in the hair on Duncan’s chest and dripped down while Duncan grunted and cursed, forcing his cock deeper with a few jerky thrusts as he came too.

Exhausted by the force of his orgasm, Tyler sagged, his whole body turning limp. He fell forwards, pressing his face into Duncan’s neck. He was a little self-conscious now they’d both come. The dynamic between them had been different tonight. Tyler had never shown his dominant side to Duncan before, but Duncan had seemed into it. Tyler breathed in the musky, comforting scent of him, and when he pressed an open-mouthed kiss to the soft skin below Duncan’s ear, he tasted the salt of his sweat. Duncan turned his head, seeking out Tyler’s lips. The kiss they shared was sweet, lazy, and slow, and Tyler lost himself in it until he felt Duncan softening inside him.

They showered together afterwards then lay on the sofa to watch the rest of the film.

“Do you want to stay here tonight?” Duncan asked when the final credits rolled.

Tyler’s heart gave a little jump, because spending a whole night together was new for them. A warm buzz of excitement swelled in his chest at the prospect. He turned around in Duncan’s arms and smiled. “Yeah. I’d like that. I’ll have to get up by half seven for work, though.”

“That’s okay. My shift starts at nine tomorrow, so I’ll be getting up then anyway.”


“I sleep naked though,” Duncan said. “Is that going to be a problem?”

Tyler chuckled. “I think I can live with it.”



Curled up in the darkness of Duncan’s bedroom, Tyler was wide-awake despite the late hour. Still buzzing from the great sex and the novelty of being invited to spend the night in Duncan’s bed, sleep was elusive, and he couldn’t get comfortable.

“Are you always this fidgety?” Duncan asked as Tyler changed position yet again.

They’d started off with Tyler as the little spoon, but then he’d got too hot, so he’d shifted onto his back. But he couldn’t settle that way either so now he’d rolled to face Duncan.

“I’m sorry,” Tyler said.

“We don’t have to sleep yet if you don’t want. We can talk instead.”


Duncan moved closer and their knees bumped. “Ouch, sorry.”

“Try lying with your back to me?” Tyler suggested.

Duncan dutifully rolled over and Tyler threw an arm over him and pressed up close behind him.

“Better?” Duncan said.

“Mmm. Yeah.”

“What do you want to talk about?”

Tyler thought for a moment then answered, “Sexual fantasies.” They hadn’t had that conversation yet. Not in any detail anyway.

“Okay.” Duncan sounded a little dubious. “You can go first then. Seeing as it’s your idea.”

“God. I have loads… where to start? Okay, one of mine is deflowering a Catholic priest or a monk or something—someone who’s taken a vow of celibacy, but in the fantasy I’m so hot they can’t resist me.” Tyler’s cheeks heated at the admission, but somehow it was easier having this conversation in the dark when Duncan couldn’t see his face. “Another is having sex in public…. Not in the park or something—that would be a bit skeevy—but somewhere people have come expecting to see it, like a live sex show. Or maybe being in porn, knowing that people were watching me and jerking off watching me fucking someone else…. That would be hot.” He stopped because Duncan hadn’t reacted. “Well? It’s your turn now.”

“I feel really boring in comparison,” Duncan said. “Your imagination is wild.”

Tyler chuckled. “Yeah… well I was a late starter in the practical side of things. Didn’t even kiss a guy till I was seventeen, so I spent a lot of time wanking in my bedroom thinking about stuff like that. Anyway, come on. There must be something you fantasise about. It doesn’t have to be something you actually want to do for real. I don’t think I’ll ever actually shag a priest or make a porno, but it’s fun thinking about it. It turns me on.” He wriggled a little closer to Duncan, pressing his thickening cock against the curve of his arse and combing his fingers through the hair on Duncan’s chest.

He waited for Duncan to respond, and the silence stretched out long enough to get a little awkward.

“Hey, you don’t have to if you’re not comfortable sharing,” Tyler said. Suddenly he was worried. Maybe Duncan was into something really kinky? Maybe Tyler didn’t
to know what his fantasies were. “Don’t worry about it, we can—”

“I think about being fucked.” Duncan’s voice was quiet, a deep rumble that vibrated in his chest under Tyler’s hand.

Surprise hit Tyler at the admission. It wasn’t what he’d expected to hear from Duncan at all. But he didn’t react, waiting for him to elaborate. But he didn’t, so Tyler prompted, “And?”

“That’s it.” Duncan took a deep breath, his ribs expanding under Tyler’s arm. “I’ve never bottomed. But I… I fantasise about it. About being fucked by another guy.”

“Never?” Tyler frowned. “But why not just do it—if it’s something you want to try?”

“I don’t know. Lack of opportunity partly, I suppose. Nobody’s ever
me to do that. People look at me and they see a top. When I used to go and pick up in clubs, the guys who came onto me were always wanting to suck my dick or be fucked by me. I’m the stereotype you know? Hashtag masc. So I’ve always ended up with guys who want me for that. Don’t get me wrong… I love topping. But sometimes I want to know what it would be like to be on the receiving end, you know?”

“But you could ask someone. Someone you were dating?”

“I’ve never really dated before,” Duncan admitted. “I only came out at work recently. Before that I picked up but rarely met any guy more than once. I couldn’t risk it. And with the guys I picked up… well, I didn’t want to disappoint them. I felt like I had to live up to the fantasy. Like they’d think less of me if I said I wanted to bottom.”

Tyler’s gut lurched unpleasantly. He froze, his hand stilling on Duncan’s chest, and said carefully, “Do you think less of
because I like being fucked?”

“No, of course not. This isn’t about you. It’s about me and my issues. It’s difficult to explain… but I suppose it’s hard for me to admit that I want
when I spent a lot of years being ashamed of wanting guys at all. Nobody ever thought I might be gay when I was growing up. I wasn’t one of those kids who got teased for being camp or effeminate. I flew right under the gaydar, and no one ever suspected. So, it was this guilty secret that I carried around with me, and I was so scared that I’d give myself away. Then when I finally started to explore my sexuality, it was easy for me to say I was a top. Looking like I do, nobody ever questioned it, and at the time, it felt more acceptable to me.”

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