Torched (7 page)

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Authors: Bella Love-Wins

Tags: #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #New Adult and College Romance, #New Adult and College, #Coming of Age, #Mystery Thrillers and Suspense, #Women's Fiction

BOOK: Torched
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He looked up at her smiled. “Are you surprised?”

“Pleasantly,” she said.

“This is just the beginning of surprises for today,” he said as they ate. “We have an appointment at six o’clock this evening. So, we’ll have plenty of time to do whatever we choose before then. I’ve a few things up my sleeve.”

It was a welcome reprieve from the upheaval of the past weeks, but in the back of her mind, she reminded herself she had one main priority to take care of.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked.

“Reading my mind, huh?” she asked with an edgy laugh.

“I can tell there’s something on your mind and I’ve a pretty good idea what it is,” he replied, taking a drink of his hot chocolate.

She absentmindedly studied her bowl of chili. The steam continued to filter through the air.

“You made all these plans, when I’m supposed to be out hunting for an apartment.”

“There’ll be plenty of time for that. Don’t you worry.”

She didn’t admit it, but she was worried. The day was supposed to consist of looking for apartments, not having picnics and whatever else he had planned.

“How’s the food?” he asked.

“Everything’s great,” she conceded.

“That’s what I’m talking about.”

Kevin ate until there was nothing left, and went to the sofa to stretch out.

“Want to join me?” he asked.

“Sure,” she answered.

“You don’t sound too excited.”

“I’ve just got a lot on my mind.”

“I’ll take care of that.”

Chapter 8

evin stood up took Tara by the hand, pulling her down to sit beside him. “How’s that?” he whispered against her ear and rubbed her shoulders.

A chill ran through her body. Just hearing his voice and feeling his touch caused her stomach to clench and heat to pool between her legs.

“Hmm...mmm...much better.”

She closed her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder. All thoughts of apartments and moving disappeared. She opened her eyes and looked around the deserted room.

“I remember a time when this place used to be hopping with activity.”

“I have to admit, I don’t mind being alone in here with you.”

She craned her neck to stare up at him.

“You’re right. It’s nice having it to ourselves.”

She turned back around and collapsed against him. Her mind drifted back to the previous night.

“How are your parents today?” she asked, enjoying his touch as he caressed her hair.

“They’ve been better, but...”

When he didn’t continue, she pulled herself up to face him. The distant look in his eyes bothered her.

“Never mind,” he added. “They’re better.”

“What? Come on, tell me what you were going to say.”

He still had that same faraway expression on his face, and she wouldn’t be able to focus if he had something important on his mind.

“I feel bad saying this, because he’s my brother.” He averted his eyes, and her concern deepened. She didn’t push him to express what he wanted to say. It’d happen naturally. “Things between my parents and myself actually improved last night.”

Her eyes widened. “Really? Meaning what?”

“They were more attentive to what’s going on with me. They actually asked questions about school, the petting zoo, you...” He paused, smiling. She hoped it wasn’t a bad thing that she’d been a topic of conversation. Yet, his smile showed she had nothing to worry about. “It was nice and it left me wondering. Maybe this isn’t such a bad thing. Maybe it’s a good thing Jake is staying away. It lets everyone get back to their lives.”

“I guess I haven’t thought about it that way.”

“Neither had I, but it felt good to talk to my parents.”

Sadness overcame her and she was struck with mixed emotions. She was happy for Kevin, but at the same time she was reminded that soon she and her mom would be living apart.

“I hope it continues to improve with them,” she said, getting past her own situation.

“I do, too.” He placed his hand on her face and moved his thumb in circles around her cheek. “You know what I want to do?” he asked, grinning at her.

“Here?” she asked. “Don’t you think Marge might show up?”

“She won’t. She only comes in on Mondays, remember? The place is
and we can tidy things up after.”

He moved his hands back to her hair and pulled her head back, leaning in for a kiss he seemed to be saving from the night before. He claimed her lips, and his tongue parted them to invade and conquer her. Soon, she forgot why she’d objected in the first place.


ake shifted himself as he watched every move Kevin and Tara made. Hidden in the small wooded area in the park beside the lunch room, he didn’t miss anything.

Maybe this isn’t such a bad thing. Maybe it’s a good thing Jake is staying away. It lets everyone get back to their lives.
The words rang in his mind and he couldn’t believe his brother’s callous attitude. He didn’t seem to care he was alone in the world. He only cared about himself and what made him feel good.

He watched as Tara shed her clothes with ease. First her coat and then each item hiding her delectable body. He groaned as she threw aside her bra. He had a clear view of her perfect breasts, and he was able to focus on her...and only her.

“Go for the pants,” he whispered, biting back a moan as the seeming telepathy between him and his brother worked. Kevin went to her jeans, and with brute force, he tugged them down her legs. Her panties were the last to go.

“Oh God...” Jake groaned. Her naked body was even more desirable than he had remembered.

For a moment, the expression on Jake’s face changed. Seeing them so passionately caught up in their moment troubled him. They had no respect for anyone.

Still, he reached down and stroked his ever-growing erection that was hard against his zipper. His hand moved vigorously along its length as he took in the spectacle before him. He couldn’t tear himself away until his desire was satiated. When he did, he looked down at his pants. There was a wet spot, where his release soaked through his jeans.

“Shit,” he said, taking a step back. Now he needed to make himself more presentable. He zipped up his jacket to cover the stain, and put his hood up, shielding his face from sight. Dark sunglasses to cover his eyes completed his disguise. No one would recognize him.

He turned around and walked in the opposite direction. There was a rest stop up the street, and it had a bathroom where he could clean himself up. He’d be back. That was a solemn promise.


his is crazy,” she whispered against his lips. The last piece of clothing was thrown away from their intimate exchange as she slid her body on top of him. The heat they generated was almost palpable. She plunged her tongue into his mouth, almost forgetting the thoughts that had been running rampant through her mind.

He cupped her ass, pulling her down to him and holding onto her with desperate urgency. Her wet folds pressed against him, and she felt his cock twitch anxiously at her opening. He blew on her neck and then trailed kissed downward, making her moan with need. She arched her back and sat back to take his shaft all the way inside.

He spiraled his tongue excitedly around the curves of her breast, slipping from her right nipple to her left and back again.

“Yes...” She sighed, tangling her fingers in his hair, grasping harder and harder as he licked her cleavage with insatiable hunger. He grasped her hips, helping her glide up and down his length.

“I can’t hold it much longer,” she whimpered, breathless.

He grabbed her around her waist and flipped her onto her back without losing their connection. A groan escaped her lips as he ground into her. He kept his wild gaze on her face as he began to move in a rhythmic beat. His movements were slow and measured, grinding in and out with a deliberate force she knew could take her to pleasure-filled heights at any moment. Her sounds were barely audible as he increased the intensity of his blows. His thrusts became more powerful, his urgency making her sighs louder and more breathless. He pressed his lips against her neck, groaning as his rushed movements increased.

“God, baby...” His manhood pulsated within her and his thrusts became more frantic.

“Ah...” She cried out, wrapping her legs around him, locking him in place as her cries turned into screams. “Yes!”

Each dominating blow made her crave him more. He bit down on her shoulder as his hips rocked faster. The sensation drove her insane.

“Oh. My. God!” she wailed, thrashing her body when her orgasm ripped through her.

She fell back on the sofa, panting as she felt him stiffen and release inside her. Her breathing was still ragged when he collapsed beside her. For a long moment, neither of them moved. Nothing could tear her from that spot. It was the best place in the world, and set her mind at ease so she could rest.


ara pulled herself up to look at Kevin while he slept. He seemed restless, and slowly, he opened his eyes.

“Are you feeling better?” he asked, a smirk on his face and a devilish, albeit sleepy glint in his eye.

“Much.” She kissed him softly, happy to see his distant look was long gone.

“What time is it?” he asked, stretching out.

She looked at her watch and couldn’t believe they had slept for so long.

“Um...we must have needed the rest. It’s five o’clock.”

“Time flies, right?” He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her back down to him. His arousal was back in full force, pressing against her thigh.

She thought to push him away, but wanted him all over again.

“I thought we had an appointment at six.”

“We do, but I think we can spare a few more minutes.” The grin on his face was as much of a tease as his cock against her leg.

She was about to position herself to take him inside, but heard a rustling noise through the window. It startled her and her body stiffened.

“What was that?” she asked.

“Probably nothing,” he answered.

He moved in closer to her, but she heard it again and pushed him away.

“Don’t you hear that?” she whispered.

He stopped to listen. When the sound came through again, he perked up. “It’s probably just a small animal looking for food.”

It was possible, but Tara felt it was unlikely for animals to take shelter in such a small wooded area. In any case, she couldn’t get back into the mood anymore.

“Will you check?” she pleaded.

He sighed and got up to look through the window.

“Whatever it was, it’s gone now,” he said, shrugging. “We should clean up and get to what I have planned for you next.”

Six o’clock was approaching quickly and she was ready to get back into her clothes and on their way. They dressed, collected their belongings, and neatened the room before heading into the hallway.

“Wait for me. I’ve got to freshen up,” Tara announced as they passed the ladies washroom. She popped in and was back within a few minutes.

“This was a nice idea, Kev,” she admitted, unable to suppress a giggle. “We’ll have to do it more often.”

“I’m game,” he agreed as he locked up.

They were back on the road in short order.

“Where are we going now?” she asked, excited to go anywhere with him.

“I told’s a surprise. You’ll find out soon enough.”

She rolled her eyes, but deep down she was thrilled. It didn’t matter where they were going as long as they were together.

Chapter 9

evin remembered the address. He hoped it would work out, because it’d be perfect. His fingers remained intertwined with Tara’s as he drove a few more blocks and then turned down a long, winding road. She fidgeted in her seat a couple of times, but he decided he wouldn’t tell her where they were going. He enjoyed surprising her.

As houses came into view, he looked at the addresses. Each house was separated by a mile of land, offering privacy and a peaceful atmosphere. When he spotted the house, he slowed down in front of it. There was a small red car parked out front, hiding the sign in the yard.

“What are we doing?” she asked, glancing at him. “Don’t tell me we ran out of gas.”

He shook his head. “No, we’re here. Come on.”

He got out of the car and ran around to the passenger side to help her out. She was confused.

“I don’t understand. What could we possibly be doing here in the middle of nowhere?”

“That’s my surprise.” As they walked, the sign came into view, and he pointed to it. When she said nothing, he added, “I found someone who wants to rent out their house out for the winter. It’s an older guy. Remember Jeff Mason?”

“You mean Jeff the assistant manager at the petting zoo?”

Jeff. This is his dad’s place. He goes to Florida every winter, and it’s usually a pain for Jeff to maintain while his dad is gone. So, here’s the deal. You get to stay here for just the cost of utilities. Think about it. This could be perfect. That way, come spring, you won’t have to worry about a lease.”

“I don’t know,” she said reluctantly.

He turned her around so she could look at the house, then wrapped his arms around her, clasping his hands on her belly.

“Just look at this place, Tara. It’s amazing and...crazy cheap. And imagine me coming over. We can do whatever we want. Stay wrapped up in each other’s arms for days.”

“If that’s the case, why not move in together?” she asked.

He had considered it. It made sense, but he didn’t think it was the right time.

“Babe, I’d love nothing more than to move in here with you.”

“But?” she asked.

He turned her to face him and lifted her chin with his index finger.

“It’s not the right time. I need to make sure my parents are okay. I can’t just abandon them. They’ve already lost one son.”

She frowned, which pained him.

“You have to believe me. If I could...I would.”

“I know you would, and you’re probably right. Besides, if I’m considering moving in here, I need to see the inside. It might be a mess and I’d have to run away kicking and screaming.”

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