Torn by Love (Scarred by Love #4) (12 page)

BOOK: Torn by Love (Scarred by Love #4)
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Chapter Twenty-Six





I knew something was bothering her. She had a look of forced happiness. Her laugh was fake, her smile too. I wasn’t fooled. Others may have bought the act, but I knew better. I could read her like a book.

I sat on the back deck of my brother’s place—a place I used to call my home—lounging back, having a beer with Max, watching our girls. They were looking through some bridal magazine. Bree pointed out the things she loved most, and I could hear Lily awwing over different images and ideas.

“Better watch out, bro. Bree’s gonna put ideas in Lily’s head. Next thing you know, you’ll be hearing wedding bells and your baby’s heartbeat on some monitor.”

It took a few seconds for his words to sink in before I looked over at him. He smirked and tipped his beer back. “Really?” I asked.

He nodded. “No one knows yet, including Mom and Dad, so keep it quiet. The wedding is only a month away. We plan on telling everyone then.”

I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face. Max was gonna be a dad. I mean, he adopted Paisley and she had become his own, but the thought of him holding his child in his arms…hell, it was something I never thought I would see.

Looking back over at Lily, I realized I wasn’t freaked out when I considered that one day we may get married. I could see myself growing old with her.

I had heard from my brothers that once you found the one, everything changed. I thought for sure they had all been somehow brainwashed into believing that shit. I mean, one woman, the same woman day after day, for the rest of your life? Come on.

Now the idea of life without Lily scared the shit out of me. I can honestly say I don’t remember what it felt like before her. I didn’t want to remember; it couldn’t have been all that great.




Lily had really been quiet over the last few days. Even when we made love I swore she had tears in her eyes. I had asked her on more than one occasion if things were okay. She had me freaking out, thinking I had screwed up in some way. Last night I thought I’d heard her crying when I walked past the bathroom door. But when I knocked and asked if she was okay, she insisted she was fine.

Today I had one screwed-up day. I ordered the windows for the house, and two of them were broken when I took them off the truck. Not to mention they sent the wrong French doors, and the sheet rock was short eight sheets. I headed to Gilbert’s after work for a little wind-down time.

I tried calling Lily a couple times today, but she had been busy with Bree and the girls. They had taken the last minute preparations over to Riley’s and were hanging out there.

I was surprised when I pulled into the parking lot at Gilbert’s. For a Thursday afternoon they were busier than usual, but I guess the blinking sign outside that said they were hosting a pool tournament had something to do with it.

I had no desire to be social, so I made a beeline for the bar. I was just finishing up my drink when my phone beeped with an incoming message.


Lily: Gonna be about another hour. Do you want me to pick up something for dinner?


I had hoped she would be home when I got there, but that just confirmed she wouldn’t be.


Me: That works. You choose, but try not to be too late. I miss you.


Something was off with us lately, and I didn’t like feeling so disconnected.


Lily: Miss you too. See you soon.


I was staring down at my phone, and I hadn’t noticed the stool next to me was no longer empty.

“You’ve been hard to find lately.”

Oh shit, not now. I truly wasn’t in the mood. It was Olivia, my go-to girl from the past. I looked over at her hand, which was now wrapped around my forearm, and those long, bright pink fingernails. Her flowery perfume made me gag.

She was slurring her words and obviously drunk out of her mind. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

“Hey, Liv, how you been?” I said, attempting to keep the conversation neutral. I didn’t want her getting the wrong idea. I also didn’t want to give anyone else the wrong idea. I could see someone telling Lily that they saw me with Olivia. That shit wouldn’t go over well.

The moment Olivia slid her hand over my thigh and cupped my dick, I grabbed her hand and jerked it away. “What the fuck?” I growled.

“You never minded before. In fact, I can remember more than once you took me into that bathroom,” she turned around and pointed at it, “right over there and stripped my panties off just before you—”

“Enough…Shit ain’t the same as it was back then,” I said. “I got a girlfriend and I’m happy.”

I got off my stool and threw a ten on the bar. “Find another horny bastard to fuck. I’m outta here.”

I could hear her heels clicking against the floor as she rushed after me. “Tanner, wait,” she stumbled and collided with me from behind.

I gripped the doorframe and reached around to stabilize her. “Take those damn hooker heels off and maybe you’d be able to walk.”

She bent down and did just that. I swear I have no idea what I ever saw in Olivia. Oh, wait, I did. She was easy and willing to do it any place, anytime. She was also dumb as a box of rocks, or she knew how to put on a damn good show—one of those girls that acted as if she barely knew how to spell her own name to appear sexy.

“I gotta get home,” I said, pushing open the front door.

I never expected to have her follow me, but she did, barefoot.

Just as I clicked the locks and opened up my truck door, she yelped and started bouncing around on one foot.

“Ouch, shit,” she whined. She reached out and grabbed ahold of my door, lifting her leg higher. The dumbass apparently forgot she was wearing a skirt and was now flashing anyone who may have been looking in her direction.

“I stepped on a sharp rock,” she said.

“Well, put your damn shoes on.”

She looked up at me with a blank stare. “You told me to take them off.”

I hung my head and let out a calming breath.
Dumb as fuck.
“Yeah, well, that was before you ran across a parking lot with broken glass and God knows what else. Put the damn things back on and call a cab.”

“I have a ride. Carrie is inside,” she replied. “Can I at least sit down there and put my shoes on?” She pointed toward my truck.

“You aren’t getting in my truck.”

“Not inside, just on the step.” She was talking about the running board just below the passenger-side door.

“Just hurry the hell up. I’m ready to get out of here.” At this point I was about to bend down and put her shoes on myself just to move this damn delay along.

She took a seat, and I scanned the parking lot, hoping no one I knew was seeing this. If luck was on my side, I would be gone in less than two minutes, and I could forget this whole night had happened.

“So, a girlfriend, huh?” Olivia slipped on her right shoe and looked up at me. “That mousy girl with the blonde hair?”

“Her name is Lily, and what the fuck do you mean by ‘mousy’?” Her description of Lil pissed me off.

“I mean she was always so quiet, timid. She reminded me of a high school girl,” she clarified.

“She has her reasons for being shy, but they aren’t any of your business. Are you about done?”

Discussing Lily with an ex-fuck-buddy wasn’t my idea of good conversation. I wouldn’t stand here and explain what she and I had to Olivia.

She stood up and stared at me. “Do you mind?” I motioned for her to move out of the way. After a few silent seconds she stepped aside, and I crawled up into my Tahoe.

“If things don’t work out, you still have my number,” she said just before stepping back so I could close the door.

I narrowed my eyes at her. “Not happening, Olivia. Not now, not ever. What we had was nothing. Just a fling. It was nothing even remotely close to what I have with Lily. I’m in love with that girl.”

There wasn’t a chance in hell I’d go back. That ship had sailed. I had no intentions of ever needing to call Olivia or any other girl, for that matter. Admitting that made me step on the gas just a little harder.

I was ready to hold Lily in my arms and wash away the shit from my day.









Chapter Twenty-Seven





The wedding was now less than two weeks away, and it was time to wrap things up and tidy any loose ends.

After her last checkup, Riley had finally been given the okay to get out of bed. The doctor had restricted her from being on her feet for too long, but she was able to join us outside of her apartment.

She was starting to get cranky, and Zander was about to rip his hair out. He had said on more than one occasion that he believed his wife had been possessed by demons. A caged Riley was dangerous. She needed socialization and she needed a change of scenery.

Today we were going to the bridal store for our last dress fitting. All the alterations had been made, and we needed to verify that everything fit. I myself had very little that needed adjusting on my own dress, but I still felt like I needed to go out with the other girls.

Tanner was going to be working on the house, and Max and Mason were coming over to help. He had just gotten out of the shower when I scurried by, looking for my purse. His hands flew up in the air, and he stepped back out of my way.

“Damn, girl, where’s the fire?” He chuckled.

“I can’t find my purse. Have you seen it?” I grumbled as I continued searching the room.

He walked across the open space and lifted the strap off the back of the kitchen chair. A cocky smirk was on his face as he held it at his side. When I tried to reach for it, he tucked it behind his back. “Not until you kiss me good-bye. And before you offer me some lame excuse for a kiss, I want tongue.” He wagged his eyebrows, which only caused me to laugh.

“You are such a brute,” I said as I stepped closer. I placed my hands on his chest and rose up on the tips on my toes. My purse hit the floor as he wrapped his hands around my waist. His tongue invaded my mouth and nipped and sucked.

“Mm,” I moaned.

“That’s what I’m saying,” he whispered against my lips. “I’m thinking you should skip this dress thing and get naked with me.” He snaked his hands beneath my shirt to cup my breasts.

A loud knock on the door had me jumping back. “Saved by the grizzly,” I said as Tanner attempted to pout.

I quickly jerked his towel away, and he only smirked. He wasn’t fazed by the fact that he was standing in our kitchen completely naked. Only when he heard his brothers hollering out that they were going to bust through the door, did he jog down the hall to get some clothes on while I let the guys in.

“Hey, Lil,” Mason said before he leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek, then sauntered toward the fridge. Max entered directly behind, holding a six-pack of beer in one hand.

“Hey, guys, sorry to run, but I’m sure everyone is waiting on me,” I apologized as I slipped on my shoes.

I noticed Tanner’s truck was parked behind mine. “Hey, Max, can you hand me Tanner’s keys? They’re on that hook behind you. I need to move his truck.”

“Sure thing.” He reached out and passed them to me.

I ran outside, quickly jumped up into the truck, and moved it to the side of the driveway before climbing out. Just as I was about to close the door, something red caught my eye. It was lodged up under the edge of his seat, almost out of sight, but the black interior made it jump out.

I wrapped my hand around it and pulled it out, then turned it over. It was a small, thin pocketbook. My first thought was that maybe Bree or Riley had been in the truck and dropped it recently. With a trembling hand I opened the zipper, and my chest felt as if it seized. An ache filled my stomach when I saw the driver’s license inside the clear window.

Olivia Mae Olson

I tried not to let my mind race. She could have just left it a long time ago, when they were still seeing each other. I took a deep breath, slowly opened the wallet, and found a receipt folded in half. I opened the paper, hoping it would be from months ago. But the date on the bottom, just next to the store name was from just a little over two weeks ago. It was for a box of condoms and a pack of gum.

My hands began to shake, and bile rose in my throat as I let my gaze roam upward. Tears stung the back of my eyes, and I felt dizzy and light-headed as I tried to gain control.

How could he do this to me? Had what Olivia told me before been true all along?

I attempted to calm my racing heart. But the longer I stood there, the angrier I got. Fighting back the tears, I stormed toward the house, still holding both the receipt and the wallet. I could hear the guys laughing, but I tuned them out. I had one target, and I wouldn’t let the fact that his brothers were there stop me.

“How long?” I asked as I stood in the kitchen doorway.

All three guys turned around to face me. Tanner looked confused as he took a step in my direction. “Baby, what are you…?”

“How long have you been sleeping with her behind my back?”

Both Max and Mason whipped their heads toward Tanner.

“Baby, I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.”

His response only pissed me off further. I held up the wallet so Olivia’s ID was facing the three of them. “I found this in your truck. At first I thought maybe she’d left it there back when you two messed around, but then I found this.” I showed him the receipt. “It’s dated from two weeks ago when she bought condoms—oh, and chewing gum.” I tossed both the wallet and the receipt to the floor by Tanner’s feet. “I was such an idiot to actually believe you could change. You’re still the playboy you’ve always been. I was just too stupid to see it.”

I walked toward the bedroom and grabbed my large bag on the back of the closet door.

I heard some shouting, followed by a loud crash from the kitchen. I ignored it as I moved around the room, quickly gathering anything I could. I’d get someone to stop by for the rest later. I had no intentions of ever coming back here.

As I walked out of the room I collided with Tanner. He grabbed my arms, and I jerked out of his hold. “Don’t touch me.”

“Lily, please just let me explain,” he pleaded. “It’s not what you think.”

“Let go of me.” It took everything in me to push him away. I rushed past the twins as they both looked back at me, shocked.

Little quiet Lily had a fire in her. Who would have thought?

“Lily, listen. I ran in to her at the bar. She just—”

I whipped around and shoved him in the chest. He needed to stop following me. I had to have some space. I could no longer hold my tears back.

Tanner grabbed my elbow again and turned me to face him.

“You told me you loved me. You convinced me to move in with you, and you made me believe we would make it. You lied, Tanner. You lied to me.” I pushed him off one last time before I ran from the house.

I jumped in my car, threw my bags in the passenger seat, and started the engine. Tanner came running down the steps just as I backed out of the driveway.

Shifting into drive, I looked through the windshield as I pulled away to see him staring at me with a panicked expression as he gripped the back of his head with both hands, looking completely lost.

The dam broke as I drove away. I sobbed so hard I eventually had to pull over to the side of the road. I couldn’t breathe. I was in physical pain from his betrayal, and at any moment I felt like I may be sick.

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