Torn (The McKerricks Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Torn (The McKerricks Book 1)
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My eyes snap open as I hear a click. She's standing by the door looking pleasantly rumpled, and well fucked. She tosses me a smirk over her shoulder, but her eyes betray something different something dark, before she pulls the handle and steps out into the crowded bistro, leaving me with a erection that I don't know what I’m going to do to get rid of. What. The. Fuck. T-minus-zero. The calamity has hit, and while I may not know it yet, I’ll never be the same again.


Chapter 3


There had only been one thought replaying through my mind from the moment that bitch, with her perfect smirking lips, and her devilish green eyes, walked out of the woman's bathroom.

What the fuck was that.

It had taken a good ten minutes for my dick to go down, and thank God nobody had walked into the bathroom in those ten minutes, because my brain was to busy going 'what the fuck' to tell my body to get up and lock the door. And when I finally manged to get my body to move, all I could do was dumbly toss the condom, zip it up, and slip out the door.

Gwen was standing outside waiting, all indignant and chafed, and I am the one that got used.

“You couldn’t keep it in your fucking pants for one day Connor?
One day

Of course she is pissed as fuck. I
’m the one that gets cock teased and she’s the one that gets to be all pissy about it.

What the hell was that,” she hissed angrily when I approached the table.

How about that bitch just abused your brother, show some fucking sympathy,” I hissed back, tossing some bills on the table and heading for the door.

Lets just say I believe you for one second, not that I do, because how do you abuse something you give away for free to any hot girl that wll spread their legs, why is
the one that came out looking like someone kicked her puppy?”

She looked upset? Well at least she got off!” I snap back.

What the hell happened. Nobody has ever left me hanging like that. And the worst part is I wasn't even thinking about getting myself off. I had been thinking about how it felt to have her moving above me. To be burrowed inside her warmth. I was thinking about that smirk, those green eyes. Too green. I could feel my body tightening at the memory of her laughter, her smile. What is wrong with me. If this shit doesn't let up I'm going to have to see a psychiatrist to save what scraps of my brain that bitch didn't drag through the shredder.

“What and you didn’t get off?” I can hear Gwen’s laughter bubble up, she never was able to stay angry at anything for very long. “Well it sucks to be on that side of the fence doesn’t it big brother."

What the fuck are you talking about?” I snap angrily as I open the passenger door to my black Maserati. Regardless of how Gwen is acting, my mother instilled in me enough manners to open the door, if I don’t she’ll find out about it, and I’ve had enough for today the last thing I need is to open that can of worms.

What I’m talking about is for once, someone finally left you instead of you leaving everyone else. I mean you can’t honestly tell me you stick around to make sure a woman gets off can you?”

If they don’t get off how is that my problem?”

Exactly she got off, now you’re not her problem and its pissing you right off isn’t it? This is so priceless I’ve gotta call mom.” Great just what I need. My whole family laughing it up at my expense.

I tune her out as best as I can, my jaw clenching as I try desperately not to remember the little author. Tried not to remember the dark look in her eyes, fear maybe? What had she been so afraid of that she would run? Certainly not me, I had been enough of a gentleman not to warrant that. And she ran anyways. Gwen
’s laughter sifts through the fog of my mind and I cringe at the sound. Just what I need, my whole family laughing it up at my expense. Just great.

My mind stayed on repeat like that, while my subconscious brain drove us through downtown traffic and out of the city. Her smile, her laugh, I should have minded my better judgment and ignored her. I should have climbed out of my chair and ran for my life. You don't fuck women like that, you have relationships with them, and I don't do relationships. Period.

I try to pretend its over and done with now so there is no point continuing to think on it, by the time I finally work that through my brain, I'm pulling up to the gated house that for the first eighteen years of my life I called home.

The wrought iron gates swing out slowly once I punch in the pass code, revealing the lush manicured gardens of the front lawn. If you were to ask me it just looks like an extremely expensive yard, but my mother insists it is an English garden.  She would also insist she owns an English cottage, but I don't know of any people that associate the sprawling five bedroom home with the word cottage either.

Pulling up in front of the house, I step out onto the cobblestone drive and make my way to my sister's side of the car. The rules that were instilled practically since childbirth still apply. Always open the door, always hold your hand out to help the lady out of the car. Even though it's Gwen, and she is going to give me the same lame excuse, and climb out on her own, it's our own comfortable routine. If I don't at least offer my mother will give me shit for it. She always does.

I'm not touching that,” she says as usual when she climbs out of the car avoiding my hand. “I don't know where its been.”

Up your favorite author's skirt,” I respond dryly, still decidedly pissed by today's turn of events. Which leaves Gwen laughing as she walks toward the front door.

And here I thought what with the way your panties are twisted, surely it was her hand up your skirts big brother.”

And just like that all the anger I had managed to push aside jumps back to the surface, and I have to clench my jaw to keep from snapping back as I follow Gwen inside.

The inside of my mother and fathers home is much like the outside, warm woods, rich colors, homey and inviting. It was pleasant to grow up here, but even the nostalgia can’t wipe away my current mood.

Mom!” Gwen is calling out excitedly, no doubt to go over my lunch time activities in great detail.

I follow Gwen into the kitchen where my mom is no doubt baking away, her favorite hobby lately it seems. Seeing Gwen and my mother embracing brings a smile to my face even through my dour mood. Gwendolyn certainly received mothers fair features, where I am more of our father, and Aiden got stuck somewhere in between.

“Oh my poor baby,” my mother offers walking over to give me a warm embrace. “I heard the horrible news.”

Whats so horrible about it,” Gwen offers with a laugh, “Someone finally gave him a dose of his own medicine.”

I don’t know what you’re talking about,” my mom responds with a sigh. It’s nice to have someone in my corner on this, even if they are disillusioned. “My Connor would
prey upon young womens bodies. Would you sweetie?”

What can I say? It
’s good to be the favorite.

You’re right, he doesn’t want their bodies," my younger brother chimes in cheerily. “He’s much more interested in their pu-”

Aiden McKerrick! Enough of your mouth, really.”

’s exasperation only serves to amuse him as he wanders into the kitchen. And my father, well he has taken it all in as usual with his trusty newspaper in hand, and a keen eye to make sure we don’t get out of hand and cause too much trouble.

It’s all irrelevant. The true trouble here is karma, she’s a soulless bitch, and the moment  you find a woman you want to be with, you’ll really get whats coming your way. You’re reputation will run her off for you.”

Guess it’s a good thing I’m not looking for long term then,” I reply sitting at the table.

You’re going to meet the one you want to keep soon enough son, and you’ll want her so bad you dream about her, and shes goin’ to tell you to go fuck yourself.”

Alan! Really all of you, how did I get stuck with this bunch of wild animals.”

You got stuck with us when I proposed and you said yes, dear,” my dad finishes raising his eyebrows at me. Giving me his most ominous look. I take it with a grain of salt, like always.

Chapter 4


’m laying on my back in my bed, the crisp slate sheets wrapped around my body as her hand trails lower down my abs before stroking at my dick. Her tongue is rolling circles across my nipple, and I can feel her teeth scraping the skin.

Fuck yea, just like that baby,” I murmur my head rolling back at all the sensations.

I can feel her smile against my skin, before her mouth starts trailing lower following her hand. Her tongue is soft and wet against my skin, as it starts at the base of my cock and slowly works its way to the tip, her hands moving further down to massage my balls.

When her tongue reaches the tip she swirls it slowly around the head. The tip of her tongue teases at me enough that my hips jerk up seeking entrance to her hot mouth and she pulls back with a laugh.

Take it easy, soon enough,” she says with that smirking smile and those too green eyes.

Henley,” I reply with a groan, “please baby…”

’ve been reduced to begging. Something Connor McKerrick never does, but I’ll do it. Christ will I do it to feel that slick mouth and soft lips on my cock.

With another soft laugh, she parts those sweet lips and lets my cock slide in. Fucking fuck. My hips jerk pushing me deeper, and she takes it. She pushes me in further, her tongue circling my shaft as she starts humming in appreciation.

A grab a handful of her brunette curls, they are softer than I thought they’d be, and hold her head while I start to move my hips in a slow pace. She let’s out a deep appreciative groan, and I can see her hand slip between her thighs as she starts fingering herself.

Oh fuck baby, you’ve got a greedy little cunt don’t you,” I growl out closing my eyes.

She whimpers around my cock, sucking harder as I fuck that sweet little mouth of hers, I can feel all the nerves in my body center in my dick and I know I
’m about to explode. I tap her on the shoulder to let her know, but instead of pulling back she just sucks me deeper. Oh fuck. She is going to let me come in that wet little mouth of hers. I want to see her face when I come, I want to stare into those too green eyes. So just as I am about to come I open my eyes to gaze down at her.

’m lying alone in my bed, one touch from coming over a dream. Fuck. Me. I drop my head back and close my eyes, decidedly ignoring the
erection she has left me hanging on. I
will not
jack off over a dream. I won’t do it. I refuse. So I just lay there my jaw creaking under the taut pressure, and wait for it to relax enough that I can move at least.

When the pain of an almost bursting dick subsides to the point its just another erection making me horny, I climb out of bed and make my way to the shower. Everything in my home is white or masculine gray, at least my designer tells me it
’s masculine, and my bathroom is no different. My feet pad over the heated slate floor into the shower. I leave the water on cold instead of my usual high temperature, and pray to God that this erection goes away.

This isn
’t the first time I’ve dreamt of a woman, but it sure as shit is the first time it’s been a woman I’ve known. I don’t like it. There are a lot of thing’s I don’t like about this situation with Henley. But this? This is at the top of the list. I don’t need a woman invading my home life. Especially not one like Henley.

As I step out of the bathroom, a towel slung low across my hips, my phone goes off. The caller ID shows unknown number, but in my profession that is not uncommon.

“McKerrick,” I snap into the line. As angry as I am I know it is going to influence every thing I do until it dissipates.

Connor hey, I’m glad I caught you,” the female words are obviously attempting to be sultry but it’s not the voice I want to hear. Not that I want to hear her voice per se… I just want a chance to tell her to leave me alone.

And this is…?” 

Adalin… Adalin Hirsch… Hirsch pharmaceuticals?”

Oh… right,right. Levi’s daughter… what can I do for you Miss Hirsch?” Great. Now I have business associates daughters calling me at home. Just what I need. I run my hand down my face in exasperation, waiting for her to continue.

Well several benefits are coming up Connor. I think it would be of a… mutual interest to both our companies if we attended them together.”

So she wants to be seen on my arm in public is it? Well I can agree that there are benefits to this idea. Namely making me money.
“Alright, give your details to my assistant,” I respond before ending the call. I don’t have the time or the inclination to deal with her.

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