Torn (Torn Heart) (26 page)

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Authors: Annie Brewer

BOOK: Torn (Torn Heart)
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Chapter 34



I pull up to the gated complex. It’s not in the richest part of town, but it’s not the town I grew up in, either. It’s somewhere in the middle. But I think it’s a safe a place as any. I got a two-bedroom, one bath with a nice size living room. It’s on the second floor. I’ll have to get new furniture and whatnot, but that’ll come when it comes. I’ve already worked so damn much that I can wait on the materialistic shit. Hell, I’ll live in a sleeping bag if I have to.

I pull the key out of my pocket, Skylar right behind me. When I open the door, we’re blasted with the chill of not having the heater working yet. I mean, I did just get this place, so it’s not gonna work right away.

Skylar views the apartment, a smile on her face. “I like it.” She goes from room to room, and for some reason, I’m feeling self-conscious.

“It’s not hot shit, but it works.” Though I’d love to paint these plain and dull white walls. Maybe I’ll just put up posters of Nascar or something, to give it more life. Or…”Hey, any pictures you wanna give me to fix up this place?”

She glances at me, “Maybe. That’s a pretty good idea, actually.” She sits i
n the middle of the living room. I already know where I’d put furniture when I do get them. It’ll take me some saving, but I can do a little at a time.

I walk out to the balcony and look over. I can see trees and grass and houses. The space isn’t too big, but I can put a chair or two out here when we have people over. I can smoke, too. Speaking of which, I dig into my pocket and pull one out, lighting it. “You know what I was thinking?”

The sliding door is open enough for her to hear me. “What’s that?”

“I may get
a dog, since you’ll be gone, I‘ll need some company.”

She chuckles, “Or you can just keep my dog while I’m gone.” She gets up and moves closer to the door. “Wait, would you?”

I glace at her. “Would I what?”

“Would you watch Bailey while I’m gone? I mean, Brandon is supposed to, but you’re already attached to her. She loves you to death, so it would make sense for you to keep her here. And she’s practically your dog anyway
, you know, what’s mine is yours type of thing.”

I consider the thought, but who would watch her while I was at work? “I’ll have to work it out with Brandon because I work so much, I don’t want her to be crated the whole time. At least he has a house with a yard.”

Her face falls, “Oh, yeah, I didn’t even consider that. Well, I guess you can figure it out and work out a system or something. Take her on your days off.”

I finish my cigarette, throw it on the ground and stomp on it.
“We’ll work something out.”  I pull Skylar to me and kiss her. “So, what do you think of my new place? It’s not hot shit yet, but just give me a few weeks and I’ll have it looking homey.”

She laughs, “I love it. Even as plain and dull as it is now, I still love it. Because it’s yours and you worked your ass off for it.” She kisses me. “You don’t need the expensive material things to be happy. Just be proud of what you’ve worked hard to get.”

I grasp her face in my hands, “You’re the reason I work hard. I wanna give you everything I can. And with me getting such things in the process is a plus, but you’re the one I wanna see happy. Because seeing you happy, makes me happy. And when you come back, we’ll figure out what to do, but we’ll do it together.”


Later that night, we ended up hanging out at Jared’s apartment. We watch movies, eat popcorn. Randa and Ian, Monica and Jake showed up, too. Monica is due in a month and she’s getting more antsy and uncomfortable so they don’t stay long. Then it’s just Randa and Ian with my brother and Hannah.

“So this is depressing.”
Randa says out of the blue.

We all look at her, but Skylar speaks. “I know what you mean. It’s like; this is the last time we’ll all be together before everyone goes their separate ways.”

I pull her against me, and kiss the side of her head. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous or worried. Three months is enough time for shit to change. I’m not ready for that, but I have to be the one to keep Skylar from breaking down. Or be her rock when she does fall apart. We can’t both be miserable.

Jared says, “Well, I think you guys will be fine. I’m
gonna be twenty-one soon and I’ve managed to be just fine after I graduated.”

Skylar brings a bag of popcorn and plops back down beside me. Bailey came with us, so she’s sprawled out on the floor at my feet. She’d worn herself out after chasing her toys a million times.

I scoff. “Yeah, if Jared can survive…we all can.”

and I sit opposite us on the other couch. They’re supposed to be moving this weekend. It’s not a long drive, but they’re right. It won’t be the same.

“Let’s just try to enjoy this time we have now.” Skylar says, snuggling against my chest.

I play with her hair, letting the strands fall between my fingers. I have to believe it’ll be fine. Nothing will change.




It’s raining when we drive to the airport. Jared, my dad and Brandon all join us to see Skylar and Rose off. Ian and Randa came by this morning to say goodbye.

I park in the garage, even though Skylar insisted I just drop them off by the curb and leave, which if I was smart, I’d have done just that. I should’ve dropped them off and kissed her and left. Instead, I’m going inside with them, torturing myself, because this is gonna be the hardest thing I’ll have to do. “I wanna walk in with you and help you with your luggage.” They have a lot.

“But you can’t see us off. You can only come inside the door; the security won’t let you through.”

Rose says from the backseat, “Skylar, let him do this, honey. I’ll check us in and give you two sometime before we have to go.” I smile at her in the rearview mirror; appreciative of the gesture. She returns with a smile of her own and I realize then that I’m gonna miss her too. She’s always been kind and considerate, much like her daughter. And she’s the mother I never had.
Don’t think about that.

We get out as my father approaches my car and helps Rose. I light a cigarette and hold it between my lips. I lean against the car and shove my hands into my pockets. “So, where are you most excited to visit?”

She looks taken aback, “I don’t know. I guess Paris and maybe Italy. Considering I’ve never been out of the country, I’m excited to see it all. But I don’t want you to feel that I won’t miss you.”

“I don’t feel that way. Skylar, you have a right to be excited. Don’t let my feelings or my missing you cloud your excitement. I’ll be fine. Just don’t forget me when you’re partying it up until 3 in the morning, okay?” I tuck her hair behind her ear.

She laughs,
“Oh yeah, when have you known me to ‘party it up’, ever?” She sobers up quickly. “I could never forget you. I just wish you’d be there with me to experience it all.”

“I’ll be there…when you go to sleep, I’ll be there.” I pull her close, burying my face in her neck. “I love you, Sky. So much.”

“Please take care of Bailey for me. Give her kisses and tell her I’ll see her soon.”

“I will, babe.”

“Okay guys, Skylar needs to go inside now.” We pull back to see my brother and Hannah. “Come on.” He leads us out of the garage and into the rain and we step inside.

I sit down on one of the benches by the window. The airport is crowded so I keep to myself. I watch my dad give Rose a hug and he wishes her a safe trip. She smiles at him and tells him to take care of himself and “her boys”.

They would have been a great couple, I think.
Even if both their kids are best friends, and practically soul mates. But it wouldn’t be wrong, since we’re not related by blood. I just wish my father would date someone. It’s his life and all, but I’d hate for him to be alone the rest of his life. Skylar hugs him next and kisses his cheek. They talk about me, but I don’t hear what they’re saying. I plaster a fake smile on my face when Rose approaches me.

“You take care of your father.” I nod as she hugs me tight. “I love you, Jackson. Be good.” She pinches my cheek.

I glance at Skylar, locked in a hug with Jared. “Take care of my girl for me.” I try not to let my voice crack with emotion.

She smiles. “I will.” She steps back. I wish her a safe trip and enjoyable summer. She turns to Skylar, “I’ll be over there.” She walks away. My dad and Jared walked away somewhere. I’m alone. Until Skylar’s in front of me.

“Well,” She fidgets with her shirt. “I don’t know if we’ll have phone service where we stay, or internet. But I’ll write you.” Her voice cracks,
“Every day. I’ll paint you pictures. I’ll always wear this as a reminder,” She touches her bracelet. “I love you.” I wrap her in a hug, never wanting to let her go. My own tears fall down my cheeks. Fuck being strong, I can let my emotions show. Her cheek rests against my chest.

“It’ll be okay, baby. I’ll be here. Enjoy your summer.” I lift her chin with my finger and kiss her tears away. “I love you.” I kiss her lips. I pull back and grin, “Just bring back some cool weather, please.”

She laughs, nodding before she hugs me again and gives me one last kiss. She pulls away too soon, leaving me alone. She looks back and waves. I watch her back until she’s past th
e security and gone from sight. I stand there for another thirty seconds before I realize that, it’s gonna be a lonely three months.


Chapter 35


One month later


I haven’t heard from Skylar. Something tells me she’s having a lot of fun, which is what I wanted for her. Yet I can’t shake the hurt I feel. I’ve been working so much; I barely have time for a life. But it’s a good distraction, makes the days and weeks pass by
that much faster.

Today has been really busy. I’ve had cars needing oil changes, new spark plugs, alignments, the whole shit and shebang. My hands are covered in grease but it feels good. Well, not the heat. That’s ridiculously stifling. If I were to move to New York, I can’t say I’d miss the good ‘ol Texas summers. My hair is sticking to my face and sweat drips down my neck. It’s gross.

Mick approaches me. “You’re doing a great job Jackson.” I glance at him, all clean and sweat-free. I envy him, but then I remember he offered me a job inside and I turned it down, so I can’t bitch.

“Thanks.” I shut the hood of a mustang, similar to my old one. I have a truck now, got it soon after graduation.

“Hey, after this car, you’re free to go. You could use a break.”

“You mean go home? For the day?” I wipe my sweaty brow with my greasy hand. He nods. I lift the hem of my shirt and wipe my face. I could use a shower. “Thanks Mick.” He pats my back as he walks away.

“Hey, Jackson.” I look to my left when Jake and Monica approach. Brayden was born a couple weeks early, and two days after, Monica was up and walking around again. I was there for the birth, at least in the waiting room. But I took pictures of the seven pound baby boy when I visited them. He was the cutest thing; very little hair but big brown eyes and the cutest little nose.

“Hey guys.” I put my hand out, “I’d hug you but I’m drenched in sweat and grease. What are you guys up to?”

              “We wanted to invite you over for dinner. Mon’s parents are watching Brayden for a few hours. Come over and hang out. We can break out the Xbox later.”

“That sounds good. It’s not like I have anything else to do.”

“Yes, I’ll cook you up a nice home-cooked meal.” Monica smiles at me. Jake kisses the top of her head.

“Okay, sounds great. Your dad just gave me the rest of the day off anyway. But I need to go home and shower first. I’ll meet you there in a bit.” When they leave, I put the rest of the tools away. I drive the car around to the front and drop the keys off with the paperwork for the owner. “I’m taking off, Mick.”

He comes out of his office. “Alright. Have a good day.” I reach the door and he says, “Jackson.” I turn around. “You’ve been a great asset. I appreciate your hard work.”

“I appreciate you giving me this job.” I walk out to the lot and get in my truck.

When I get home, I take a quick shower, get dressed, and comb my hair, using some gel I recently tried. I leave the bathroom and enter the kitchen for a bottle of water. The mail key is sitting on the counter. I grab the key and check the mailbox, taking the stack inside the house and set it on the counter. I go through it, not that there’s anything worth looking at. I’ve been here a month and all I still receive are bills. In this stack, it’s mostly junk or bills, a magazine, a coupon book, and then…my eyes widen. A letter sized envelope. A letter from Skylar.

I sit down at the
small table and stare at it for a long time. I run my finger under the seal and carefully open it. First I find a small picture. Actually, it’s a bunch of pictures, some she painted and some she took. There’s one of her too.  With a smile and tears in my eyes, I read her letter.


I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to finally write you. I’ve been so busy, trying to adjust to this time change thing. It’s gorgeous on this side of the world and I wish you could see it. But I sent you some pictures of Paris, the Eiffel tower, and one of Rome. I’ve painted some sights too. I can’t tell you how beautiful it is here, so I thought I’d show you. We’ve been to Berlin too. We wanna go to Australia while we’re around. And possibly Warsaw, Poland. I miss you so much. I’m really sorry I haven’t called you. You must hate me, or think I’ve forgotten you. But believe me, that’s far from the truth. I love you so much and can’t wait to see you again. My mom is having so much fun. I’ve gotten her to drink with me, since I’m of drinking age here. She’s a riot when she lets loose.

Anyway, I hope you’re doing okay. Please tell Monica and Jake I miss them and can’t wait to meet Brayden when I get back. Be good. I added a painting of myself for you. It was a picture my mom took in front of the Eiffel tower and it came out really good. So I painted a replica of it. Okay, I’ll write again soon. Love you.


P.s., how’s Bailey-girl doing? I sure do miss that
furball. I hope you’re giving her lots of love.

I fold the letter and stick it back inside the envelope. I’m instantly in a better mood, happy to finally get a letter from her. I memorize her painting, of her and smile. It’s beautiful. Her hair is longer, her eyes show love and life, her lips…the lips I’ve kissed so many times, that I’m dying to kiss right now, are pink and pouty and adorable. I wipe my eyes on my shirtsleeve. I can’t wait to see her again. I put the picture on my desk, standing up. I’ll need to get a frame for it.

Before I head out, there’s a knock on the door. I grab the keys to my truck and get ready to go. When I open it, Jared’s standing there, looking disheveled.

I tilt my head, “What are you doing here?”

He shoves his hands into his pockets. “I got a call, it’s dad.”

My heart pounds frantically in my chest. I push him out of the way, “What the fuck happened? Where is he?”

He waves me over, “Come on, I’ll drive. He’s at the hospital. There’s been an accident.”

. My blood runs cold. I feel numb, but I follow him to his truck and get in. I don’t even bother with the seatbelt.

On the way there, so many scenarios fill my head. An accident; a car accident, a fall
, a car hit him while he was walking, what the fuck kind of accident? I shake my head and force myself to believe that he’s okay. He’s gonna be okay. We have a fishing trip coming up in a couple of weeks, he
to be okay.

I clench my fists together
in need of a cigarette and holding back a scream. I take my phone from my pocket with shaking hands and text Jake to let him know that I won’t make it for dinner. He responds right away that he’ll meet us at the hospital.

I finally tell Jared, “I got a letter from Skylar today.”
I need to distract myself.

He keeps his eyes on the road.
“Really? How’s she doing?”

“Better than we are.” I try to keep my tone calm, but my nerves are shot to hell.
Don’t think negative.


As soon as we arrive, I waste no time getting out. Jared follows me and we jog into the E.R. We probably look like a couple of punk kids ready for a fight. When we approach the desk, a lady in front of us is talking to one of the receptionists. I’m about to yell at this bitch to shut the hell up so I can find out information about my father, when the woman turns around so I can see her face, the air escapes my lungs.

She smiles kindly
but she appears worried, recognition shows plain as day in her eyes. “Hi Jackson.”

It’s our mother…














Stay tuned for more of Jackson and Skylar’s story in the sequel,
Fighting for Love, due to release in Spring 2014.


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