Total Abandon (12 page)

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Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Contemporary

BOOK: Total Abandon
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“Look, not full-on or anything.” Aimee winked. “If they did that, James wouldn’t be able to hold back.”

Sandra glanced at Craig, his big cock pointing straight at her, then at James, his cock, even longer, but not as thick.

Oh, God, both of them. That would be … sensational.

Sandra took a deep breath, then nodded.

Craig smiled, then pressed his cock against her slick opening. He dragged his cockhead over it, then pushed forward. Slowly, the corona pushed inside her, stretching her. She grasped his shoulders and he glided all the way inside. She groaned at the exquisite feel of his big hard shaft deep inside her.

“Oh, doll, you are so hot around me.” Craig drew back and surged forward again.

Sandra clung to his shoulders as pleasure swelled through her. He stroked again and she arched forward to meet him.

Then he withdrew. Her eyes widened.

Craig moved back and James positioned himself in front of her. He stroked her wet slit with his fingers, then pressed his cock against her. He surged forward in an immediate deep thrust. She lifted her hips, meeting him head-on. He thrust several times, then pulled out. Craig returned, his cock driving deep again.

Pleasure built, then eased … built, then eased … as the two men shared her. Driving their cocks into her time and time again. Beside her, Aimee stroked her own breast with one hand, and with her other she pushed fingers inside herself.

Craig pushed into Sandra again. As he pumped his cock into her, the pleasure increased in intensity. He pulled out and James pressed against her. At his second thrust, she knew she wouldn’t last much longer no matter what they decided to do to delay her. She sucked in air as intense sensations flared. James pulled out and she feared she’d come on the spot, with no hard cock to squeeze on. Then Craig pushed inside. She grabbed his shoulders and pulled him tight to her body.

“Fuck me hard,” she demanded.

He chuckled and thrust faster. When he slowed, she wrapped her legs around him and arched forward.

“Make me come. Now!”

He leaned in and kissed her. “You bet.”

He thrust. Deep. Hard.


She gasped as pleasure pummeled her insides. It swelled to a cacophonous crescendo, then burst through every cell in her body, exploding in pure ecstasy. Craig groaned, then she felt him stiffen and erupt inside her.

Sandra fell back against the couch cushions, and Craig fell into her arms. She held him close as James pushed into Aimee beside her. He thrust and Aimee moaned. Both climaxed within moments.

As Sandra slumped there, Craig resting against her, her arms around his massive shoulders, Aimee and James gasping for breath beside them, she sighed. What an incredible experience.

The only problem was, she still didn’t know for sure which man was her Fantasy Stranger.





Sandra took Craig’s hand and he drew her to her feet and into a solid hug.

He smiled broadly. “That was something else.”

He gave her another kiss before he released her. James kissed Aimee, then took Sandra in his arms and kissed her soundly.

Sandra picked up her clothes and dropped them on the couch, then pulled on her panties and her jeans. She sat down and gazed at Craig, who was giving Aimee a passionate kiss, then at James.

One of these two men was her Fantasy Stranger.

Before she’d made love with James on the picnic table, she’d been sure he was the Fantasy Stranger. His touch had been sweet and tender like her Fantasy Stranger’s, but different. Of course the circumstances were different and maybe he’d purposefully acted different, so she wouldn’t figure it out. But she didn’t think he was quite as large as her Fantasy Stranger, either. Maybe with the blindfold, or because of her long celibacy, she had simply imagined the Fantasy Stranger to be bigger than he really was, but … she wasn’t convinced James was the stranger.

She picked up her bra and pushed the straps over her shoulders and fastened the hooks, then adjusted the lacy cups.

Now that she’d had sex with Craig, too, she should be convinced he was her Fantasy Stranger, but the size of his erection wasn’t enough to confirm it. Craig’s touch was even more different. And with the fast and furious flurry of thrusts, one man to the other … She drew in a deep breath. She just couldn’t be sure.

She pulled on her tank top and realized she felt a little numb. Everything around her felt distant somehow.

“You ready to go?” Aimee asked.

Sandra nodded.

“We’ll walk you back,” James said.

“Uh, you know what? We’ll be fine. Thanks.” Aimee picked up Sandra’s bag and handed it to her, then led her to the door.

“See you tomorrow,” Craig said as Aimee opened the sliding door.

“Sure thing,” Aimee said.

As soon as Sandra stepped into the clear night air, the sound of the crickets chirping in the background and moonlight casting a soft glow on the trees and grass, she suddenly realized what she’d just done.

Aimee closed the door behind them.

Oh, God. I just had wild sex with two men.

Aimee drew her down the deck steps and toward the path through the trees. They walked in silence for a few moments.

“That was pretty exciting, eh?” Aimee said, sending a sidelong glance at Sandra.

“Yeah.” Sandra couldn’t round up any other words.

“The guys had a really good time.”

“Uh-huh.” Sandra prayed Aimee wouldn’t ask her the question. Wouldn’t ask her if—

“You had a good time, right?”

“Um … sure.”

Aimee stopped. “Oh, come on, honey. Don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy that.”

Sandra stopped walking and turned to face her friend, then her gaze dropped to her sandal-clad foot and she tapped the surface of a rock embedded in the ground. She’d be lying if she said that.

“It’s not that I didn’t enjoy it, it’s just that…” She sighed and glanced at Aimee, then back to her foot. “Come on, Aimee. I just had sex with two guys at the same time. Guys I hardly know.”

“Aw, sweetie.” Aimee took Sandra’s hand and squeezed it. “What are you worried about? I’m not going to tell anyone about this. The guys won’t tell anyone. It was just a good time shared by consenting adults. There’s
wrong with that.”

Sandra nodded but without conviction.

“Honey, look at me.”

Sandra’s gaze returned to Aimee.

“Listen, do you think any less of me because of what just happened?”

Sandra’s brow furrowed. She considered Aimee a close friend and thought she knew the woman pretty well, but Sandra would never have suspected that Aimee would get involved in such casual wild sex. Yet did that mean she thought less of her?

Actually, she kind of admired the way Aimee took it all in stride. Aimee knew both Craig and James … had had sex with both of them before. When she and Craig had made love on the raft in front of Sandra and James, it hadn’t felt dirty or wrong. It had felt like Aimee was being playful. Simply having fun. And with an openness toward sex that Sandra wished she could share. Sandra didn’t believe for a moment that Aimee would grab the first sexy stranger who passed by and have sex with him in public. What she’d done had been an exciting escapade among friends. Friends who trusted and respected one another.

“No.” Sandra squeezed Aimee’s hand. “I don’t think less of you. I think you’re kind of quirky. And a little crazy. But I think you’re a great person who really knows how to have fun.”

Aimee smiled. “Thank you. So if you think that about me, then allow yourself the same courtesy. You enjoyed sex with two incredibly good-looking, sexy guys. Any woman would love to be in your shoes. So relax. Okay?”

Sandra nodded. “Okay.”

They continued to the cottage, where Sandra headed straight to bed. As she lay there with her arm tossed across her forehead, staring at the moonlight washing across her bedspread, she replayed the conversation with Aimee.

You enjoyed sex with two incredibly good-looking, sexy guys. Any woman would love to be in your shoes.

That might be true, but most women would just fantasize about it. Not many would actually do it.

Sandra sighed, confusion swirling through her.

The only thing she knew for sure was that the memory of those hard cocks driving into her was going to haunt her memories, and her dreams, for a long time to come.

*   *   *


The next morning, Sandra didn’t wake up until ten thirty. She climbed out of bed and pulled on her red bikini and a pair of shorts. As she trod into the kitchen she could smell fresh coffee. Aimee must be up. She glanced at the fridge and noticed that item four had been ticked off the list.

She sighed and poured herself a mug of coffee and peered out the patio door to see Aimee sunning herself on the deck. Sandra slid open the door and stepped outside.

“Good morning.” Sandra sat on the chair beside Aimee.

“Hi there.” Aimee closed the magazine she’d been reading and tossed it on the table beside her, then picked up her mug and took a sip. “When I’m finished with this I’m going for a swim. Want to join me?”

Join her? And probably run into Craig. Maybe James, too.

“No, thanks.”

“You sure? It’s not because of last night, is it? You’re not avoiding the guys?”

Sandra shrugged. “We had a great time last night. Let’s just leave it at that.”

“You think it’ll be weird, right?”

“Maybe a little.”

Aimee finished her coffee and stood up. “Okay, well, I’ll be gone about an hour or so. What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to lie in the sun and finish my book. I’m dying to see how it ends.”

Aimee slid open the door. “Hmm, turning down two hot guys for a book.” She grinned and shrugged. “Whatever turns you on, baby.” She went inside and closed the door. A few minutes later, she returned wearing her orange floral bikini and a towel wrapped around her hips. “If you change your mind, you know where to find us.”

Sandra watched her go, then went inside and fetched her book from her bedside table. She returned to the deck, kicked off her shorts, and sat down, staring wistfully at the place between the trees where the path disappeared.

Maybe she should go and join them. Two sexy guys and a wild time awaited her. But feelings of uncertainty—about last night, about the desires she felt now—gnawed at her insides.

Aimee had done a good job convincing her that last night had been okay.
A good time shared by consenting adults.
After more than a year of abstinence, Sandra deserved to let loose. To live out a fantasy or two. But to go off with Aimee now again, to join her and the two men in another sexual romp—the fact that she so desperately
to—scared her a little.

It felt almost like an addiction. She wanted it too much.

No, she’d had her fun last night. And the day before. That was enough. She’d actually ticked off half the items on the list.

Today she would return home. Back to reality. And these kinds of sexual antics had no place in her regular world.

*   *   *


Aimee returned around one and they had lunch together, then began packing their stuff. Once the cooler was filled with leftovers and they had wiped out the fridge, they carried everything to the back door.

“Hey, there.”

Sandra glanced up to see Craig smiling at her through the screen door. James stood behind him.

“Want a hand with those?” Craig asked.

“Uh … sure. Thanks.” Sandra opened the door and Craig grabbed the cooler while James picked up her suitcase.

“Great. Reinforcements.” Aimee returned from her final walk around the cottage to ensure everything was turned off and all the doors and windows were secured.

Sandra walked along the path following behind the wheeled cooler Craig pulled, James by her side.

“I missed you this morning. Did you finish your book?”

“Oh, uh … not quite.” How could she? She’d been daydreaming about swimming naked with James … and Craig. And climbing up on the swim raft and then feeling their hands on her naked skin. Their hot bodies pressed against her. Their hard cocks pushing into her.

“That’s too bad,” James said.

They arrived at the dock and Craig hefted the cooler into Aimee’s boat, then climbed aboard. James handed him Sandra’s suitcase and Craig set it down beside the cooler at the back of the boat.

Then James turned to Sandra and smiled. “I’d really love to see you again.”

The panic she felt must have flashed across her eyes because a tiny frown crossed his sexy lips. He tucked his hand under her chin and drew it up, then captured her lips. The heat of his mouth on hers burned through her and despite her better judgment, she returned the kiss. His arms wrapped around her and he drew her close. Their bodies pressed tight together, and her heart pounded in her chest.

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