“Yeah. Just in case you and he start dating, I want you to know right up front.”
Sandra nodded. Aimee had dated James. She had probably gone to bed with him. Her stomach clenched. Of course she’d gone to bed with him. What sane woman wouldn’t, given the chance?
Aimee stood up. “Well, I’ll leave you to settle in right now. I was going to invite the guys to dinner. That okay with you?”
“Yeah, of course.”
She was looking forward to getting to know James again.
Remembering the feel of his hand around hers and the resulting tremors through her body, she realized a part of her hoped that something would happen. After all, it had been a long time since a man had touched her and … she’d often dreamed of what it would be like to feel James’ arms around her. To feel his lips against hers.
Aimee stopped at the door and glanced back. “Yeah, honey?”
“I just wanted to know…” She sucked in a deep breath. “What was he like?”
“James?” She grinned wickedly. “He was sensational!”
* * *
Sandra finished unpacking her bag, then walked down the hall to the kitchen. The aroma of onions and steak cooking made her mouth water.
“Hey, honey, we’re out on the deck.” Aimee’s voice drifted in from the screen door beside the kitchen.
Sandra glanced outside to see Aimee peering in at her. James stood beside her.
“Grab a beer and join us,” Aimee said.
Sandra went to the fridge and pulled out a strawberry beer, then poured it into a glass. She stepped outside into the warm evening. The sun hung low on the horizon. Craig stood at the barbecue, flipping the steaks, still shirtless. Her gaze lingered on the tiger tattoo prowling up his thick bicep and over his broad shoulder. She dragged her gaze away and glanced at James, who picked up a wooden spoon and stirred the onions and mushrooms sautéing in a pan on a side burner of the fancy barbecue. His open shirt revealed his taut muscles beneath.
She licked her lips, more from the display of delicious male flesh than from the aroma of food. She sipped her beer, then set the glass on the table, which was fully set, including a salad and a basket of bread.
James grabbed the frying pan from the burner and scooped the onions and mushrooms into a bowl, then set them on the table. Craig placed the steaks onto individual plates. Aimee picked up two and brought them to the table, and Sandra grabbed the other two.
They all sat down to enjoy the meal.
“So you’re divorced.” Craig took a swig of his beer, then set the bottle down.
“That’s right.” Sandra stabbed a chunk of lettuce in her plastic salad bowl and put it in her mouth.
“I imagine it must be pretty hard to get back into the dating scene after that.”
Sandra nodded, then gazed over the lake, as smooth as glass in the calm evening light. A loon let out a mournful cry in the distance.
“Sandra decided to wait a year before she jumped back into the dating game again.” Aimee put one arm around Sandra and squeezed her. “So fair warning to both of you. We celebrated the one-year anniversary last week, so this beautiful woman is now available!”
Aimee’s enthusiasm made Sandra smile, but her cheeks flushed with heat. She felt like she was about to be auctioned off.
“What do you do, James?” Sandra asked, desperate to change the topic. In college, they’d taken a few electives together, but she couldn’t remember his major.
“I’m an industrial engineer. I work for a consulting firm and we do a lot of work for big companies to streamline their operations.”
“That sounds interesting.”
He smiled. “What do you do?”
“Oh, well, Aimee and I both work in the marketing department of TeleNorth. We work on their Web site.”
“Yeah, I do the boring coding part,” Aimee said. “Sandra can do that, too, but she’s also the artistic one and does all the graphic design.”
“What about you, Craig?” Sandra asked, not wanting to leave him out.
He grinned, his brown eyes twinkling. “I’m a construction worker.”
Sandra’s gaze took in his broad chest and shoulders. She could imagine those muscles bulging and rippling while he swung a huge sledgehammer, his skin glistening with sweat. Her gaze drifted to his hands, wrapped around the brown bottle in front of him. They were big and masculine and she couldn’t help wondering what they would feel like touching her body.
Aimee batted his arm and laughed. “Don’t listen to him. He’s an architect and he owns his own construction company.”
“How long have you and Aimee known each other?” James asked, his gaze on Sandra.
“About a year,” Sandra said. “I met her just after my divorce. Eric and I lived in Toronto for most of our marriage, but when we split up, I decided to move back to Ottawa, where I grew up. I met Aimee at work.” She took a sip of her beer. “I guess you’ve both known Aimee for a while.”
“We all met up here, actually. About four years ago,” Craig said. “Sammie Reed often used to have big parties and barbecues at the other cottage when his parents still owned it. He’d invite people from Beneton Lodge and the surrounding campground. You know, where the marina is. There are a lot of trailers there on a seasonal basis. They’re a pretty sociable group.”
Sandra wondered what Aimee thought about all kinds of people invading her island.
Aimee laughed. “We had some great times. We should do something like that this summer.”
Craig grinned. “That’s a great idea.”
“What do you think, James?” Aimee asked. “You in?”
“Sure thing.” James smiled at Sandra. “But not this weekend.”
Sandra stared into his gorgeous blue-gray eyes with the navy ring around the edges, and her breath caught at the heat simmering there.
* * *
Sandra pulled on her camisole and loose boxers and climbed into bed. A pleasant breeze wafted in through the screen and the sound of crickets filled the air. Moonlight washed the bed in a soft glow.
She was tired so had finally excused herself to head off to bed since Aimee was a night owl and seemed in no hurry to end the evening.
The sound of the patio door gliding open drifted in from outside, then footsteps along the deck.
“It was really great seeing you again, Aimee.” Craig’s deep voice came clearly through her open window.
“It was nice seeing you, too.”
Silence, followed by a faint sigh, made Sandra’s ears perk up. They must be at the end of the deck, which was only about a foot or so from her window, but around the corner. They probably had no idea she could hear them.
“I’ve missed you. A lot,” Craig said. “Are you sure you don’t want to come back and join me tonight?”
“I’m tempted, but this weekend is about helping Sandra. If both you and James showed an interest in her, it would build her confidence. I thought you’d find her attractive.”
“I do. She’s a beautiful woman. So you don’t mind sharing me?”
“Oh, do you like the idea of sharing?” Aimee asked teasingly.
Craig chuckled. “If you’re talking about a threesome, I’m in.”
Sandra’s eyes widened and her fingers tightened around the bedclothes. Oh, no. Aimee wouldn’t.
“I’m not talking about me and—” Aimee’s words were interrupted by the sound of the patio door sliding open.
“Sorry, I’m not interrupting anything, am I?” James asked.
“No, of course not.” Aimee’s voice moved away as she talked. “I’ll walk you to the path.”
Sandra could hear footsteps on the wooden steps of the deck.
“Oh, damn,” Aimee said.
“What is it?” James asked.
“Sandra’s window is open.”
Sandra’s breathing stopped. Great. Now Aimee knew Sandra had heard their conversation.
“Good night, guys. Thanks for cooking dinner.” Aimee’s voice grew closer to the cottage.
“No problem,” Craig said. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”
Sandra heard the sliding door glide closed and a click as Aimee locked it. A moment later, she heard a tap on her bedroom door.
“You awake, Sandra?”
For a split second she considered pretending she was asleep, but immediately discarded the idea. “Yeah. Come on in.”
The door opened and the light from the hall streamed into the room. Sandra sat up and turned on the bedside lamp.
“You heard?”
Sandra nodded.
“You know, I didn’t mean anything by it. I know you can find guys on your own. I … just wanted to help.”
Sandra nodded. “I know.”
Aimee stepped into the room and walked toward the bed. “Are you mad at me?” She sat down beside Sandra.
Sandra smiled. “Of course not.” She wrapped her arms around Aimee in a big hug. “You’ve been a great friend. You’ve been there for me through the whole aftermath of my divorce. I love that you want to help me out.” She released Aimee and smiled sheepishly. “I just hope the guys don’t think I’m some kind of pathetic loser.” Especially James.
“Are you kidding? You said you heard us outside. Craig is hoping for a threesome.”
Sandra rolled her eyes sideways and grinned. “Yeah, well. He’s a guy. That goes without saying.”
Aimee grinned. “He finds you attractive.”
“I’m sure he just said that in hopes of talking
into a threesome.”
“No way. You’re not getting away with that. He found you attractive. And you know James does.”
Sandra shrugged, not sure how to accept the compliment.
“You know, since you and James already have the hots for each other, he’d be perfect to … you know … jump into action with.”
Sandra’s cheeks burned. “Um, I don’t know. I wouldn’t feel comfortable just jumping into bed with a guy I haven’t seen for more than ten years. It’s not even like we’ve done it before. In fact, we’re practically strangers.”
“Well, we have three days. You guys can take that time to get to know each other again.”
Sandra shook her head. “Not going to happen.”
Aimee lifted her feet onto the bed and leaned against the headboard beside Sandra. “You know, that idea about the threesome—”
“Was a joke. I know.”
Aimee stared at her for a moment, her eyes entirely too serious. “You know, all those items on the list … You’ve got to admit, those fantasies are hot. You can’t tell me you haven’t thought about living any of them out.”
“Come on, Aimee. You don’t really mean to suggest that you and me and Craig—”
“No, honey. I mean you and Craig and
Sandra’s breath caught as shock bolted through her.
But as the blood thundered through her veins, she had to admit that was an inspired idea.
Aimee’s face beamed and she leaned closer to Sandra and nudged her arm. “Oh, my God. You’re considering it.”
“No, I’m not.”
“You are, too. Oh, honey, just think how sexy it would be. Two gorgeous guys, both totally intent on giving you pleasure. They’d go for it, you know. I’m sure they would. And since you’re on the pill now and the guys have been recently tested, you don’t even have to worry about pesky condoms, so if you want to enjoy some water activities—”
“Aimee, stop it. I could never do that.”
Sure, she’d gone on the pill again, but that was so she was ready when she met someone. Started dating. Not random sex at the cottage.
Aimee grinned. “Never say never.”
“Anyway, you and Craig—”
“Are old news.”
“You didn’t sound like old news out there when he kissed you.”
Aimee’s mouth formed an O. “You were watching?”
“No, but sometimes silence speaks volumes. And that silence when he told you he’d missed you…” Sandra shrugged.
“Sandra, I really think you should consider a threesome with James and Craig. I know we were letting our imaginations run wild when we wrote that list, but if it’s something that turns you on, I think
should try running wild for once. And the four of us are alone on this island. No one else would need to know. The guys wouldn’t tell anyone.” She squeezed Sandra’s arm. “And definitely don’t let my past relationship with Craig get in the way.”
“I can’t just have sex with two guys who are practically strangers. It would be hard enough with one—”
“Yeah, it would be
all right.”
Sandra ignored Aimee’s suggestive comment—and the images of long hard erections that quivered through her mind, sending her hormones swirling.
“I couldn’t just go off with both of them.”
“Okay, I get it. A threesome is a bit overwhelming. What about something else on the list? Since you keep saying they’re strangers, there’s always item three. I could tell the guys about the list and—”
“Oh, God, don’t you dare.”
“You know, they’d totally get it. It’s a perfect opportunity.”