Touch and Go (35 page)

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Authors: Studs Terkel

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Ives, Burl
Jackson, Jesse
Jackson, Mahalia
Jackson, Marvin
Jacobs, Bernie
Jacobs, Rita
Jaffe, Henry
Jagger, Mick
Jarecki, Judge
Jefferson, Lucille
Jefferson, Nancy
Jefferson, Thomas
Jefferson Barracks (Missouri)
Jerzy Kosinski prize
Jewish furniture dealer
Jim (friend)
Jimenez, Cha-Cha
Joe the Bartender
Johnson, Lady Bird
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Johnson, Tank
Johnson's (Chicago bookie)
Josefina (roomer)
Joseph, Burton
Joy Street
(ST radio series)
The Jungle
Kahlo, Frida
Kalven, Harry
Kearns, Jack
Kefauver, Estes
Keller, Helen
Kelley, Florence
Kelly, Ed
Kelly, Edward J.
Kelly, George “Highpockets,”
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Joseph
Kennedy, Robert F.
Kent, Professor
Kerner, Otto
Kerry, John
King Lear
King, Martin Luther Jr.
Kinney, Monte
Kirkland, Jack
Kogan, Herman
Kolar, Chester
Koppel, Ted
Korshak, Sidney
Ku Klux Klan
Kukla, Fran and Ollie
Kupfer, Kurt
Kuppenheimer's Clothing Store (Chicago)
KYW radio
La Lanne, Jack
LaFollette, Robert “Bob,”
Lamb, Charles
Lamb, Mary
Landry, Lawrence
Lange, Dorothea
Lardner, Ring
Lardner, Ring Jr.
The Last Carousel
The Last Mile
Laura (prostitute)
Lawrence, David
Lazzeri, Tony
Leader Cleaners (Chicago)
Ledga, Mike
Leekley, Olive
Lehmann, Lotte
Leonard, Bill
Lerner, Leo
Les Halles (Paris, France)
Lesbian and Gay Hall of Fame
Lewis, J. Ham
Lewis, Sinclair
Lewis, William
Liberty League
Liebowitz, Annie
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindbergh, Charles
Lindlahr (Chicago hospital)
Linn, James Webber
Lipson, Paul
Lister to Our Story
Living Newspaper
Lloyd, Henry Demarest
Lloyd, Jessie Bross
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Lomax, Alan
Lombard, Carole
Look Homeward,Angel
Lookingglass Theatre (Chicago)
Lord, Pauline
Los Alamos, New Mexico
Louis the Chef
Lovejoy, Elijah
Lovett, Robert Morse
Lowden, Frank
Loy, Myrna
Ludgin, Earl
Lunt, Alfred
Lydon, Dan
Ma Perkins
(soap opera)
McAdoo, William Gibbs
MacArthur, Douglas
McClendon, Rose
McCormick, Robert
McCormick, Ruth Hanna
McCutcheon, John
McDougall, Curtis
MacFadden, Bernard
McGhee, Brownie
McGraw, John
McKinley High School (Chicago)
MacLeish, Archibald
McPartland, Jimmy
McPartland, Marian
McQueen, Alex
MacSwaney, Terence
McWilliams, Carey
Madhubuti, Haki
Makeba, Miriam
Makem, Tommy
Malden, Hal
Malfitano, Catherine
The Mandarins
Mandeville, Butler
Manners, Hartley
Manor House Coffee
Mao Tse-Tung
March, Frederic
The March of Time
March on Washington (1963)
Marovitz, Abraham Lincoln
The Marriage of Figaro
Marshall, Thomas
Marshall, William
Marx, Groucho
Mattachine Society
Mauldin, Bill
Maxwell House Coffee
May Day
May, Elaine
Mazzini, Giuseppe
Means, Gardiner
Mecca Flats (Chicago)
Meitner, Lisa
Mellon, Andrew
Melville, Herman
Memorial Day Massacre (1937)
Mencken, H. L.
Merchandise Mart (Chicago)
Merchant Marines
Meredith, Burgess
Meyerhoff agency
Miami, Florida
Midney, Frank
Mikva, Abner
Milestone, Lewis
Miller, Arthur
Miller, Henry
Miller, Howard
Miller, Max
Minnie, Memphis
Minsa, Burri
Miranda, Perry
Miske, Billy
Mitchell, Dennis
Mix, Tom
Moler's (Chicago barbershop)
Monet, Claude
Montgomery, Alabama, bus boycott in
Moody Bible Institute
Mooney, Captain (Chicago policeman)
Moore, Jerry
Moore, Quinton
Moretti (poker player)
Morgan, Helen
Morning in the Streets
(Mitchell documentary)
Morris, Chester “Chet,”
Morris, McKay
Morris High School (Bronx)
Mossedegh, Mohammed
Mostel, Zero
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mueller, Bob
Mueller, Emil
Muir, Jean
Murdoch, Flossie
Murdoch, Rupert
Mussolini, Benito
Mussorgsky, Modest Petrovich
Myrdal, Jan
The Nation
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
National Youth Administration (NYA)
Nazimova, Alla
Nearmyer, Carroll
Nearmyer, Mrs.
Negri, Pola
Nelson, Battling
The Neon Wilderness
Nero (emperor of Rome)
Nesbitt, Cathleen
New Deal
NewYork Review of Books
New York Yankees
Newberry Library (Chicago)
Newspaper Guild
Nichols, Kay
Nichols, Mike
Niles, John Jacob
Niven, David
Nixon, E. D.
Nixon, Richard
Nordstrand, Ray
Norris, Frank
Notes from a Sea Diary
O'Connor, Flannery
O'Connor, Una
O'Daley, Daddy
Of Mice and Men
Oglesby, Richard J.
O'Keefe, Jack
Oleon and Bronner
Olivier, Laurence
Omaha (horse)
On a Note of Triumph
(Corwin radio program)
Onassis, Aristotle
O'Neill, Eugene
Ontario Hotel (Chicago)
Operation PUSH
Oppenheimer, J. Robert
Orff, Carl
Orwell, George
Outside the Magic Circle
Overkill and Megalove
Page, Geraldine
Paine, Thomas
Palmer House (Chicago)
Pantheon Books
Parent Teachers Association
Paris, France, ST first trip to
Parker, Dorothy
“Parker's Back” (O'Connor)
Parks, Gordon
Parks, Larry
Parks, Rosa
Parsons, Albert
Parsons, Lucy
Pasteur, Louis
Patton, George
Paul, Alice
Peekskill Riots
Pellegrini, Norm
Peltz, Dave
Pepper, Claude
Perkins, Frances
(WFMT booklet)
Petrie, Dan
Phillips, Erna
Picasso, Pablo
Pidgeon, Walter
Pinochet, Augusto
Pinza, Enzio
Plame, Valerie
Podewell, Les
Poe, Edgar Allen
Pogodin, Nikolai
Point of Departure
The Poker Players
Pond, Father
Porgy and Bess
Port Huron Statement
Potter, Robert
Powell, Adam Clayton
Powell, William
Powers, John
Powles, George W. Jr.
Prendergast, Thomas
Price, Sister
Prix Italiz
Progressive Party
Prokofiev, Sergey
Puccini, Giacomo
Puerifoy, John
Purvis, Melvin
Quinlin, Red
Quinn, Arthur
Quinn, Jimmy “Hot Stove,”
Raft, George
Raimu (aka Jules Auguste Muraire)
Raisa, Rosa
Rambova, Natacha
Rand, Ayn
Randolph, A. Philip
Random House
Reagan Democrats
Reagan, Ronald
Red Cross
Red, Tampa
Reitman, Ben
A Report from a Chinese Village
Republic Steel Company
Republican Party
See also specific person
Resettlement Administration (RA)
Reuther, Della
Rhee, Syngman
Riccardo's (Chicago restaurant)
“Richard Corey” (Robinson)
Richardo, Ric
Rickey, Branch
Rievera, Diego
Rigsby, Rose
Risko, Johnny
“The River” (O'Connor)
Rixey, Eppa Jeptha
Robeson, Paul
Robinson, Edward Arlington
Robinson, Edward G.
Robinson, Jackie
Robison, Carson
Roble, Chet
Rockefeller, John D. Jr.
Roettinger, Philip Clay
Roget's Thesaurus
Romano (precinct captain)
rooming house (Chicago)
Annie as manager of
description of
guests at
selling of
ST childhood at
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
and atomic bomb
death of
and elections of 1940,
and elections of 1944,
fireside chats of
and leadership poll
McCormick's dislike for
New Deal of
second inaugural address of
and ST as pro-FDR reporter
Supreme Court packing by
and veterans' bonuses
and Wallace
and Walsh
Weinberg's comments about
and Wheeler
Rosenberg trial
Ross, Tony
Rostow, Eugene V.
Royko, Mike
RUR, Rossum's Universal Robots
Rushing, Jimmy
Ruskin, John
Russell, Bertrand
Ruth, Babe
Ryan, Quinn
Ryder, Albert Pinkham
Sacco, Buciki
Sacks, Oliver
Safer, Morley
St. Ignatius School (Chicago)
St. Louis Browns' Fan Club
Salvatore, Eugene
Sam's Place (Chicago bar)
Sand, George
Sandburg, Carl
Sanger, Margaret
Sarnoff, David
Saroyan, William
Saturday Evening Symphony Hour
(WGN radio)
Saylor, Alan
Saylor, Frances Wheeler
Scala, Florence
Scalia, Antonin
Schmidt (Air Force sergeant)
Schomer, Howard
Schreiner, Olive (aka Ralph Iron)
Schriffin, André
Schweitzer, Albert
Schwimmer, David
Scopes (John T.) trial
Seattle General Strike (1919)
Second City
Seeger, Pete
Selma-to-Montgomery March
Semmelweiss, Ignaz
Serb (hotel guest)
Sevareid, Eric
Seward, William Henry
Shahn, Ben
Shakespeare, William
Sharp, Malcolm
Shaw, George Bernard
Shea, Martin
Sheridan, Jim
Sheridan, John
Sheridan, Tom
Sherman, Lowell
Silver Shirts
Simmons, George.
Stauffer, Glenn
Simpson, Wally
Simpson (Washington train man)
Sinclair, Upton
Sinn Fein
Sister Carrie
60 Minutes
Skelly, Hal
Slezak, Joe
Slim, Memphis
Smith, Al
Smith, Dick
Smith, Gerald L.K.
Snow, C. P.
Social Security
Social Workers' Union

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