Trace: Follow His Destiny (2 page)

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“More cryptic comments, Genaya? Wait, did you say a male and female mate?” He said and sat stunned.

She smiled and said, “Not all matings are sexual. Your male mate will have a deep connection nonetheless. There are things to come that even I cannot tell you. You will need him to help you protect your future.”

Trace frowned and nodded again. “I need to get my stuff together, I suddenly feel the need to face the future,” he said and Genaya laughed at his eagerness. She had known once Trace knew the truth he would leave immediately. He had been waiting too long to find his mates. “I will take just my clothes and personal family belongings, feel free to donate the rest; and actually it will take some time to sell my house. If anyone is in need, I’d appreciate it if they would stay and act as a caretaker for me. I’m not in need of funds right now, so I can wait a few months to put it on the market,” Trace replied back, getting the strong hint that she already had a family in mind.

“Wonderful, drive safely and keep in touch. You’ll not be back here to stay and I worry you’ll let go of us, you may not be Salish in your body, but you are Salish in our hearts.”

“That will never happen, Genaya; I will hold the Aerie in my soul.” And he got up and walked out. As he stepped out of the office into the hall, he could see a family of five coming towards him. He recognized them and knew they’d recently lost their home in a forest fire. He nodded and smiled as they passed in the hall. As usual amongst his people, their clothes might be new or old and a family might be having problems; however, they walked tall and proudly and were clean and neatly dressed. I’d better get home and pack up the rest of my stuff. Good thing I didn’t unpack from the last trip it looks I’ll be on the road again. He thought back to the family he’d passed in the hall and was expecting to hear from Genaya before evening. His house was small, but it looked like he’d have caretakers before dark. Well maybe they could help him pack up his clothes and he might get a home cooked meal out of it, he thought with an inward smile.

Trace was looking forward to the drive, it was about a 1000 miles, he better get an early start, get it done in one day. His two huskies, Lois and Clark, were good travelers too.


A day had passed since he’d found out the truth. Since then so many things had happened. As was his way, Trace had thought long and hard while he packed his belongings and loaded his truck. He was glad he had chosen to leave so early to drive as it gave him the time he needed to work through his feelings. He was good at that, putting things in perspective and compartmentalizing. In a few more hours he would be ready to speak to Genaya, ask the questions burning through his brain about why his parents had lied to him and asking questions about what she might know about his home clan and Aerie. He was halfway there when he contacted Niyol his Peck in New Mexico, though he’d had to use an interpreter because she refused to speak English.

Genaya was right, she had been planning to introduce him to all of her nieces born into other clans in hope one would prove to be his mate. He’s promised to visit as soon as things settled down in Milliken. Now he was focused on his future and the job he needed to do. Plus he needed to learn to speak Navajo.

As Trace drove down the highway, he kept on the lookout for a gas station and thought of all that his Peck had told him. The betrayal of one of the Old Council members had disheartened the elders and they had splintered. Trace knew he would have an upward battle getting them all working in harmony together again. It seemed that there were a lot of hard feelings about what Oliver, the Alpha of the Old Council, had allowed Braden, the Beta of the Old Council and new Rogue leader, to be in control of. When Oliver’s child had been kidnapped, he had fallen apart. It sounded like Braden had taken a lot more control than should have been allowed. Because of this, all these years, Braden had been working against the Chosen. Oliver had been ill and those around him had not gathered to heal him, they had separated themselves. Trace believed that Braden had nurtured the separations, making sure the Old Council remained fractured.

Now he would have a part in cleaning up the mess. Trace wondered how Oliver would deal with his involvement in the Old Council. The man had to be feeling guilt and shame; it was going to be Trace’s job to bring the man back to what he once was, the Alpha of the Old Council.

The New Council was essentially up and running. They only needed two remaining Chosen to move on to the next phase of their destiny. Trace knew that they had to be brought together and each of the Chosen must bear a child, in order for the prophecy to come true. He was excited about the prospect of having a child. Trace would be the kind of parent he dreamed his father would have been had he lived. Teaching the fledglings to soar and catch a salmon while flying over a lake. It would be amazing.

The next phase of their destiny would take a little while. The New Council was going to lead them into the human world. Bringing their existence out in the open and stop the humans being used for their money and power without their knowledge. They would work together with the humans.

The Rogue Pack of course wanted shifters to remain a secret, using their abilities to control the humans, make money, and gather power so they could eventually rule over the humans. It was sinister to think what the Rogues planned. And as he thought of that piece of information, he realized it didn’t sound like the plans of a sane mind, which was something to think about.

They were going to need the entire magical community to come forward and reveal themselves. Trace had no idea of how many different beings there were out there, many of them still in hiding. He would guess that even the Alphas didn’t know who or what was going to step forward when the time came. These were exciting times and he was thrilled to be a part of it.

Trace stopped his truck at the gas station, stretched, and looked around. He was getting close enough to Colorado to see the mountains in the distance. His heart raced at the thought of his new life being so close. He wondered if his mates were already at the compound or if he was still going to have to find them.


At the same time while Trace was driving and thinking about his future, one of his mates was in San Cristóbal, Venezuela.

Blanca Arjelia Matilde Aguilar walked down the hall in the civic building. The office of the Mayor was also the office of her Parliament’s Peck. She attempted to hurry down the hall, without giving the impression of speed. She was almost late and didn’t want others to realize. Normally she was very punctual, however she was leaving Venezuela on a diplomatic mission in two days, and she had to stop and pick up two or three new pairs of shoes. They were absolutely needed to go with the new outfits she’d purchased for this mission. Unfortunately, just as she’d spotted the perfect pair, she was called in to the office. So now she picked up the pace just a little more, and thought of the four wonderful pairs of shoes in the trunk of her car. She opened the door to the outer office and walked in.

"Hola, Cristina, ¿puedo ir, ella me está esperando? ‘Hello, Christina, may I go in, she is expecting me.’” She smiled at the administrative assistant, speaking in their native tongue. Even when she chose to speak English, her accent was thick.

"Hola Bama, sí que tienes razón en el tiempo como siempre, ir directamente. ‘Hello Bama, yes, you’re right on time as always, go straight in,’” she answered and pretended not to notice that Bama was a little out of breath.

"Gracias, así vale la pena correr hasta los cinco vuelos de las escaleras." “Thank you, way worth running up those five flights of stairs,” she gave a wink and whispered back as she crossed the room. "Cuatro pares y son magníficos.” “Four pairs and they’re gorgeous.”

"Los comerciantes de llorar en su ausencia." “The shopkeepers will weep in your absence,” Cristina whispered back with a smile.

Bama didn’t answer as she’d opened the door, she waved behind her back and stepped in to the office and closed the door behind her.

“Arjelia darling, you needn’t have rushed. There are just one or two small things I need to go over with you.” Graciela Flores looked upon her eldest daughter with a smile.

Bama’s mother, a harpy eagle like herself, could see a mouse’s heartbeat from a mile away; of course, she could see her daughter’s slightly elevated pulse. She laughed,

“Don’t worry, mama, I’m just happy about my new shoes, I’ll show you later. Now, since you aren’t pecking me about being a minute late, and you called me Arjelia, your treasure, you must need a favor. What may I do for you?” she said with a smile.

“You know me too well, darling. I’m afraid your trip has been moved up. I need you to leave tonight instead of in three days. We forgot about Omaha and I need you to stop over,” her mother said coaxingly. Graciela Flores, Chief Peck of Parliament of all harpy eagles from Central America through South America was usually a force to be reckoned with. Since she never forgot anything, that must mean she always intended to spring this on her, Bama thought.

“Alright, mama, I’ll go to Omaha. Is there anything I should take with me?”

“Yes dear, the package is already at the airport in a diplomatic pouch. Have a safe flight and call me when you get to Denver. Do you have the address for the meeting with Braden?”

“Yes, I have it. I’m almost all packed anyway. Just today’s purchases to add, I’ll take one extra suitcase on the plane for Omaha. Would you call the house and ask Juanita to pack it for me?”

“Of course, but isn’t your cell working?” her mother asked.

“I left it in the car; I didn’t want to be disturbed while we were talking.” She grinned at her mother.

“Now, Bama, you know you forgot it. How many times have I told you that you need to keep it close by? You can be so exasperating sometimes. Now go on home, you don’t have much time before you get to the airport. Don’t let the Parliament down; this is a very important mission. And do your best in Omaha too.” She gave her daughter a hug and kiss on the cheek.

“I love you, mama, everything will be fine,” she said as she hugged her back.

“That’s a good girl; don’t forget to give your father your love before you leave. He’s at the house watching over your sisters and brothers.”

“Yes I will, goodbye mama.” She turned and walked out the door.

Graciela turned and sat at her desk. She said a prayer for her daughter’s safety. She was the best Hunter in the Parliament, most likely in all the Latin Aerie’s too. She’ll be okay; she assured herself and then got back to work. And to make sure of that, she’d made contacts in Denver of her own. Bama wouldn’t even know she was checking on her.

Chapter 1

Shane stood off to the side of a group that gathered around near Trip, the Enforcer in charge of visitors today. Tomorrow was the challenge between his Alpha and the dumbass who thought he could beat him, Michael, one of their own wolves, who had been so supportive of Quin and Jaden. Shane had no idea what the hell the man was thinking. Shane had known Michael for several years, seeing him around the town. He had been an Enforcer for the original Denver Pack, but several times over the last few years, he had come to Milliken to visit and vacation. It had seemed normal at the time, now he wondered if it had been a rouse, something he had been planning all along, just waiting for his opportunity to challenge Quin.

They all knew what would happen if Quin lost. Michael would be allowed to take Jaden and Cami as mates and become the new leader of the Council. Of course, he had no worries that Michael would lose to Quin. But the Alpha was still not at his full strength.

The attack on the compound a few weeks ago had taken its toll on the Alpha. His wounds had healed slowly, and no one actually knew to what extent they had been.

Cami walked out of the Bed and Breakfast and looked around. Her eyes narrowing as she took in the surroundings. Shane knew what she was looking for; she was looking for any threats. In the last two days, the Alpha female had begun to walk the perimeter of the house. She had a feeling that something was not right, but could not put her finger on it. Instead of worrying her mates, who were busy getting ready for the challenge, she took it upon herself to figure out what was wrong.

Shane spoke to her the first day that he saw her walking around outside. The Alpha female was supposed to be under guard at all times, she had slipped away from the Enforcers who were supposed to be watching out for her and had walked around the compound. Shane followed her and stopped her when it looked like she was going to go too far away from safety. He was an eagle shifter and was a trained Enforcer. Since coming to Milliken with his parents years ago, Shane had known what he wanted to do.

Cloe had been the Beta back then and he had petitioned to join the Enforcers. His parents had been thrilled when he was accepted. They ran a small travel agency that was shifter friendly in town that he helped with. They arranged for shifters to travel to places guaranteed human free or human friendly, to go and be themselves, shifting back and forth without worrying about cell phone cameras or other devices.

He loved working with his parents but felt the need to contribute more to the community that gave them a place to live. His parents had decided not to settle down on the rez. On a northern migration, they’d stumbled across Milliken. The atmosphere of acceptance had appealed to them.

Cloe and her father had welcomed them with open arms. For that, he would always be grateful. Being a shifter without a pack, pride, or aerie could be a constant struggle.

Now his parents loved Colorado. His way of giving back to the Pack was to become an Enforcer. He loved the camaraderie that came with it. Blaine, Teagan, and Cloe were leaders; they had given his eagle a chance to prove that he could be as dangerous as the rest of them, protecting the pack with as much dedication as any of the wolves.

Shane laughed to himself. When they asked him to fly to the Denver Pack house during an attack, he’d been thrilled to prove to them that he was useful in a special way. Of course, it was the first time he’d met the Luna; she loved the fact that he was an eagle, and since moving here had chased him around every chance she got asking questions about his kind.

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