Tri Me (Primrose, Minnesota, Book 4) (18 page)

Read Tri Me (Primrose, Minnesota, Book 4) Online

Authors: Mia Dymond

Tags: #mystery, #detective, #attorney, #Murder, #Humor, #recovery, #arson, #drama, #Romance, #Suspense, #babies, #girls night

BOOK: Tri Me (Primrose, Minnesota, Book 4)
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“When did she discover she was adopted?”

“Immediately. She was adopted at the age of fifteen and her adoptive parents were very forthright with information, including her name change.”

“She changed her name?”

“They did. Her adoptive mother claimed her given name sounded evil. She was a very superstitious woman and changed it from Agatha to Jennifer.”

Warning bells rang in his head. Jennifer Jamison was also

“Would you excuse me just a moment, Lucas? I need to make a phone call.”

At the other man’s nod, he stepped into the hallway and dialed Mace. “Turner, I’ve found our perp.”




Alex waited for the automatic sensor to kick on the water as she held her hands under the faucet, still amused by Jackson’s request to follow her into the bathroom. Did he not stop to consider that she might not be the only one inside?

“Do not move.”

Alex’s eyes widened and she felt pressure on her mouth as she glanced into the mirror and saw a woman standing behind her. In her free hand, she held a roll of duct tape.

“If you make a sound or try to attract attention of any kind, I will kill you.” Something hard poked her lower back muscles and instinctively she realized it was a gun.

Alex swallowed hard and scolded herself for not allowing a chaperone. She could’ve sworn she was alone in here. Where the heck did the other woman come from?

“I’m going to move my hand, but remember what I said,” her assailant told her. “Take off your shoes.”

Although she found the request ludicrous, Alex did as she was told. Even more strange was that the woman took off her own. How she planned to kidnap her barefooted, she couldn’t quite understand.

“Any particular reason you’re doing this?”

“You know why,” the woman snapped. “Take off your jacket and straighten your hands in front of you.”

The woman wound the roll of tape around her wrists and then threw the jacket over them.

Alex glanced at the restroom door, relieved that Jackson stood just outside.

“Go.” Alex stepped to the entrance, stopped by pain in her back. “Not that door.” She pointed to another on the opposite wall. Alex mentally thumped her forehead. The employee entrance.

She walked barefoot for several steps outside the door and was then immediately pushed into a black BMW. The woman quickly entered the driver’s side, started the engine and punched the accelerator.

This was not good. Where was Storm?

“Wait!” Alex attempted to stall as she fell against the door. “I need to buckle my seatbelt.”

“Forget it. You’re going to die anyway.” The woman gave her an evil sneer. “Lucas is mine. You’re going to lose this time.”

“Who are you?”

Jennifer Sebastian. And I plan to stay that way.”

“Why wouldn’t you?”

“Just drop the act, Alex. I know all about you and Lucas. You’ve been after my husband for quite some time and now I’m ending the game.”

“You’re insane. I’ve never …”

“Shut up, or I’ll duct tape your mouth.”

Alex contemplated grabbing the steering wheel, but that would most likely cause an accident, possibly involving others. Or resulting in her getting shot. No, she knew they were going somewhere. Maybe someone would see them. Maybe she would have an opportunity to escape. Either way, that would give Jackson more time to find her. As badly as she wanted to kick and scream to cause a scene, she would be quiet and cooperative. For now.

She settled back in her seat, the wheels turning in her brain. Jennifer thought she was having an affair with Lucas. The woman had to be nuts. Obviously the woman didn’t know her as well as she claimed. When exactly did she have time for that?

She watched the scenery change, trying to get a fix on where they might be going. She knew Lucas owned several properties, any of which could be their destination. Once there, she would do her best to get away or at least stall until Jackson came for her.




Jackson shifted in his chair, wondering what the hell took Alex so long. Why did women always take so much time in the bathroom?

He finally gave the door a good, hard knock. “Everything okay in there?”

Terror climbed his neck when she didn’t break the door down to reprimand him.

He shoved open the door, causing it to crash against the wall as he barged into the ladies room. It was empty, except for a pair of animal print heels on the floor. He grabbed the shoes with one hand and his phone with the other as he sprinted out the door. Storm picked up halfway through the first ring.

“Did your chicken fly the coop?”

“What?” Jackson scanned the inside of the dealership. “She disappeared, minus her shoes. Where are you?”

“I thought so. A black Beemer just hauled ass out of the back lot. I have a visual.”


“Windows are tinted. We’re headed east on 231.”

Jackson jumped into his truck. “Don’t lose her, Storm. I’m coming your way. I’ll call you back.”

He disconnected and dialed with fingers that shook so badly he almost dropped the cell. If something happened to her …


“We have a runner. Traveling from Luxury Imports on 231 east.”

“Got a vehicle ID?”

“Black BMW. Storm is on it. I didn’t ask for a plate.”

“He’s already called it in. Vehicle registered to Jennifer Sebastian, wife of Lucas Sebastian. They own a cabin on Primrose Lake, three miles off Highway 47. I know a shortcut. I’ll let Jake and Mace know. We’ll cut her off.”

“Thanks, man.” Jackson hung up and redialed Storm, almost taking out a mailbox and two trashcans as he pushed the buttons while maneuvering his truck through traffic. Jackson brought him up to speed.

“I know that lake. Headed there now.”

“Don’t engage unless absolutely necessary.”

“Got it.”

“We’ll go live when we get there so have your earbud in and microphone on.”





Alex’s heart sank as they passed a lone cabin and drove further into the woods. There was no one around to see them. If Jennifer insisted on killing her, she didn’t have much of a choice but there was no sense in making it easy. She would make her work for it, somehow but her options were limited as this point.

The car came to a screeching halt.

“Get out,” Jennifer ordered, pointing the gun at her.

Alex pushed her hair back from her face and took a deep breath. This had to be a nightmare. “Jennifer, you don’t have to do this. Just let me go and I can get you some help. I know a very good psychologist who can get you the help you need.”

Jennifer snorted. “Right. You’ve been sleeping with my husband. He’s mine and I’m keeping him. Get out of the car.”

“I’ve never slept with your husband.”

“Get out of the car!” Jennifer screeched so loudly Alex was sure the windows might crack.

She reached for the handle, opened the door, and stepped out.

Jennifer met her, gun in tow. “Don’t lie to me. He calls your phone frequently. I found your numbers in his call log.”

“I’m an attorney, he’s my client.” Alex spoke calmly as Jennifer prodded her down the dirt path. “I represented Lucas in the sexual harassment suit. That’s what I was doing there today, delivering the final papers.”

“No, no, no! It’s you, I know it is.”

Alex stopped. “I don’t know if Lucas is cheating on you or not, but if he is, I’m not the other woman.”

“I don’t believe you. Now move.” Jennifer gestured toward the lake with the gun.

As they neared the lake, Alex noticed a long dock stretched out over the water with a boat tied to it. Under normal circumstances it would have made a beautiful picture. However, nothing about this situation was normal.




Jackson peered over the top of the boulder he crouched behind. The sight of Alex with her hands bound and a gun aimed at her burned his gut.

“I can take her out. Just say the word.” Storm’s quiet, deadly whisper assaulted his ear.

“I hoped to avoid bloodshed.”

“Sometimes there’s no other choice.”

“I’m about twenty yards to your right.” Ryker’s voice came through.

“Hold your position,” Jackson said. “Anymore guests at the party?”

“About ten minutes behind me. What’s the plan?”

Jackson rubbed his chin. “Too much open space for a surprise. I’m open for suggestions.”

“Already gave you mine,” Storm pointed out.

While he tried to formulate a feasible plan, Alex took the decision out of his hands. He watched in awe as she spun around and kicked the gun right out of Jennifer’s hands. It plunged into the water. He left his position from behind the rock and headed for the dock when Jennifer screamed and lunged at Alex, claws bared. The momentum sent them both off the end of the dock and into the water.

“Cat fight.” Storm broke the silence.

Jackson shook his head and pulled out his earpiece as both Storm and Ryker stood beside him. He crossed his arms over his chest and watched the two women surface for a second, then Alex grabbed Jennifer by the hair and pulled her back under.

“She’s pretty good, even with her hands taped.” Ryker snickered. “You going in, Stewart?”

“Amateur kidnapper. Taped her in the front. I’ll go in a minute.”

Ryker pulled out his phone and gave Mace and Jake an update.

Jennifer splashed and flailed in the water as she managed to surface. Alex pulled her under within seconds.

“Aw hell.” Jackson released a heavy sigh and bent to shuck his boots. “She’s going to drown her.” He kicked the footwear to the side, handed his weapon to Storm, and then dove off the dock and swam towards Alex. Heavy thumping on the wooden slats told him Jake and Mace had arrived. He took half a second to glance over his shoulder. Ryker clicked photos with his cell phone.

“I could use some help,” he hollered over one shoulder.

“Sorry, man.” Storm yelled back. “That water is just too damn cold.”


Primrose PD loaded a soaking wet, sobbing Jennifer Sebastian into a car just as Jackson unbuttoned his shirt and wrung out the water. Alex stood beside him, the most beautiful drowned rat he’d ever seen. Not that he’d tell her.

She released a hard sigh. “Could you cut this tape loose?”

“I’m wet.”

“Yes, well, so am I and I can’t wring out my blouse without flashing your friends as well as the police department.”

“I’m wet because of you,” he pointed out.

“I’ve been kidnapped at gunpoint,” she countered.

He continued to twist his clothing.

“Because you left me alone,” she continued.

He paused and fixed his gaze directly on her chest. He didn’t have the heart to tell her that he could see right through. He finally moved it into hers.

“That’s cold, counselor. As I recall, you kept me outside the ladies room.”

“Okay, yes, Jackson, I kept you out and the lunatic woman kidnapped me and almost killed me for sleeping with her husband, even though I didn’t. Now will you
cut this tape?!”

He dropped his shirttail and stepped near her, pulling her into his wet embrace. “I love you.”

Immediately her shoulders slumped and she snuggled against his chest. “I love you too.”

“Where’d you learn to fight?”

“I watched a YouTube video,” she mumbled against his chest.

He couldn’t stop the laughter that erupted from his throat. “That’s not much of a lesson, sweetheart. You’re downright lucky.”

“Oh yeah?” She grinned and stepped back from his embrace. “Try me.”




The following weekend, Alex couldn’t help but sense Jackson’s anxiety as he parked in front of Ryker’s house. After all the excitement had finally dissipated, she figured he’d enjoy an afternoon with his friends.

“I still can’t believe Ryker volunteered his house for a baby shower,” he mumbled.

“He knew you guys would insist on being here and this way you have something to do besides bother us.” Alex patted his thigh. “I think it’s very nice of him.”

“Yeah. Nice.”

“Aren’t we going inside?”

“In a minute.”

Alex frowned as he fidgeted in the seat next to her. Since when did Mr. Never-Lose-His Cool fidget? She watched his hands shake as he reached into his pocket.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” He pulled out a velvet box and opened it. “Just nervous as hell.”

Her eyes widened at the sparkling jewel nestled in the satin inside. “Jackson?”

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