Trickle Up Poverty (4 page)

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Authors: Michael Savage

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #Business

BOOK: Trickle Up Poverty
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Some two hundred years ago, James Madison, the fourth President of the United States, warned about the kind of intrusion on freedom and liberty currently “under review” by the forty-fourth president. Madison said: “Since the general civilization of mankind, I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpations.”18

Isn’t that precisely what Obama’s Leninist-like behavior is doing? Behind closed doors, out of public scrutiny, he is orchestrating another “silent encroachment” against the people of this republic. He’s been very careful to do his dirty work behind the scenes rather than resort to the violence Madison mentioned—at least for now. But one has to wonder what the true purpose of Obama’s proposed militia may ultimately be. Or didn’t you hear about that one? Unless you were listening to my show at the time, you’re probably be in the dark. Maybe two newspapers reported his statement.

Here’s what this Lenin-wannabe said in the early days at a campaign stop in Colorado Springs, Colorado:

We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded19 [emphasis added].

Don’t we already have a National Guard? Don’t we already have the FBI, DEA, TSA, park rangers, state troopers, sheriffs, and local cops in all fifty states? What’s the man talking about? Is he working toward the creation of a police state? The fact of the matter is that Obama’s plan to create some sort of domestic army that is “just as powerful” as our military is reminiscent of a certain German in the 1930s who had his own brownshirts. Or have you forgotten that world leaders down through the ages have created their version of a “national security force”?

Remember the KGB, the Gestapo, or the Praetorian Guard?

Look, I know this might sound far-fetched. But wasn’t it Obama’s pal and handpicked czar, Ron Bloom, who said, “We kinda agree with Mao Zedong that power comes largely from the barrel of a gun”?20 There you have it. What more do you need? This Leninist-Marxist administration turns to Chairman Mao, the butcher of China—an evil dictator responsible for the deaths of more than sixty million people—for inspiration. The more we learn about Obama, the more we see he envisions an oligarchy, not a democracy.

This land-grab by the feds is causing the people to brace for tyranny. They know only the people can stop it. I’m afraid there’s very little time left.

The people Speak Up

As I wrote in my bestseller, Liberalism is a Mental Disorder, the sheeple will not walk around forever with a zipper on their mouths while the left systematically dismantles our great nation and everything that gave rise to this shining enterprise of freedom. The middle class has awakened. They see clearly what is happening to them and they don’t like it.

They resent the arrogance of their leaders.

They are livid over the intrusion into their personal freedoms.

Their wallets are on life-support.

They detest illegal aliens getting free medical care and other social “services.” And the last thing they want is for the country to end up like Greece—bankrupt! What’s more, they understand America is embroiled in a crisis that threatens democracy. They know what must be done. Which is why they’re turning up in record numbers to elect constitutionalists—or run against incumbents for office.

The elections in New Jersey, Virginia, and Massachusetts have sent a tsunami shock of voter outrage right to the doorsteps of Washington, D.C. The politicians on both sides of the aisle are saying they hear us—there’s something going on in the land that they cannot control. Even after Obama descended from his throne to campaign heavily in these three states for the Democratic candidate, the trio of Democrats lost. It was a stunning trifecta of defeat.

Meanwhile, history was made on Long Island, New York, where the citizens handed their State Assembly seat to forty-five-year-old Dean Murray, a local businessman and Tea Party organizer. Murray is the first Tea Party supporter to take office since the movement began. Reflecting on his victory, Murray said, “What this movement is about is ordinary citizens, taxpayers, hard working people who have just had enough … we want fiscal responsibility. We want accountability from our political leaders, and we want personal responsibility.”21

I think it’s safe to say Murray won’t be joyriding on Air Force aircraft.

He’s not the only Tea Partier jumping into politics at the local level for the first time. As Fox News reports, “A plethora of Tea Party followers are now running in Republican primaries across the country, either for open seats or challenging incumbents in Alabama, California, Illinois, Michigan, Mississippi, Ohio, Texas, Utah and elsewhere.”22 Moreover, a number of those currently in power are quitting or changing parties rather than face certain unemployment.

Arlen Specter comes to mind.

As a Republican turncoat, Specter voted in favor of Obama’s reckless $800 billion stimulus package. That didn’t sit well with the people of Pennsylvania. Faced with a crushing primary challenge by Pat Toomey, a former business owner who, at one point, held a twenty-point lead in a race for Specter’s seat, Specter ducked and ran for cover, switching his party affiliation to Demoncat.

It’s encouraging to see the Tea Party holding conservative candidates accountable when, for example, they unseated a three-term RINO (Republican In Name Only) in Utah, Republican Bob Bennett. By the time this book rolls off the press, no doubt there will be others who will be given a much-needed boot from office. In other words, the Tea Party is working. How? By holding Washington elites accountable for their fiscal irresponsibility with the threat of unemployment. As a WorldNetDaily commentator points out, “tea partiers now play the role of Red Army commissars who sat at machine guns behind their own troops to shoot down any soldier who retreated or ran. Republicans who sign on to tax hikes cannot go home again. 23

I say more power to them.

The Mad-Hatter’s Tea Party

Even a blind man can see that the Tea Party movement has changed the political landscape of the country. The evolution of the Tea Party movement has probably been the most important political development in the last two years. Much of its initial success has to do with the purity of the party. By that, I mean it’s neither a Republican nor Democrat movement. It’s organic. It’s autonomous. It’s of the people. And it transcends traditional labels or party affiliations.

The movement gained strength because, at its heart, this is a center-right country. Regardless of prior political party affiliation, the middle class has joined hands to stop the left-wing onslaught by the most powerful, most dictatorial president this country has ever seen. But I want to help you see what’s going on. I want you to see how the Tea Party movement is being co-opted and gobbled up primarily by the Republican Party, the beltway boys, the neo-conservatives, and the old boys in checked pants.

Take Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele. Much like the snake in the Garden of Eden who tempted Adam and Eve to go over to the dark side, which they did and now we’re paying for that lapse of judgment, Steele has made a number of tempting overtures to various leaders of the Tea Party movement in order to co-opt it.

Oh, sure, Steele talks a good game. After inviting and meeting with fifty or so Tea Party leaders deep within the belly of the RNC Headquarters, Steele said, “We share a common purpose in stopping President Obama’s agenda and standing up for principles such as smaller government, lower taxes, free enterprise, and the Constitution.”24 Sounds good on paper.

Don’t be deceived.

Don’t let this Republican charmer trick you.

What Steele and the old guard within the GOP fears most is that the Tea Party movement will, as Senator Orrin Hatch—another Republican RINO—put it, “fractionalize the Republican Party.”25 I say it’s time to pull out the Savage Decoder Ring. What Steele and Hatch really care about is maintaining their power and control of the GOP. They’re scared because of the emerging conservative versus establishment split. They’re looking over their shoulders at the Tea Party movement fearful that true conservative candidates will emerge and unseat their more moderate buddies in office.

Then there’s Sarah Palin.

I personally think she’s a good woman. I think her heart is in the right place when it comes to this country. But she’s dead wrong about the Tea Party movement. She fails to see that this is a movement made up of people driven by core principles, principles valued above any party affiliation. Am I being unfair? Here’s what the former Governor of Alaska told a crowd in Little Rock, Arkansas: “Now the smart thing will be for independents who are such a part of this Tea Party movement to, I guess, kind of start picking a party.”

Really? Why?

In Sarah’s view it’s “Because the Tea Party movement is not a party, and we have a two-party system, they’re going to have to pick a party and run one or the other: ‘R’ or ‘D’.”26 What’s this? The mainstream conservative voter believes she’s an outsider and yet she had the audacity to say you’ll have to vote “R” or “D” so make a choice. Is Sarah Palin the chair of the co-option league? I realize this will be seen as a personal attack on her. False. She is unelectable at the executive level for several reasons, including her attempts to drive Independents back to the “K Street” Republican establishment.

She’s wrong on this. I’m not the only one saying so, either.

Listen to Dale Robertson, president of He’s one of the early founders of the movement. Dale’s retired from the military, married, and has five children. In other words, he’s not a political hack. He loves and fought for his country and, like millions of us in the middle class, just wants to make sure his children inherit an America that is both free and great. On the heels of Sarah’s appearance in Little Rock, Robertson observed:

I am deeply concerned the Tea Party is becoming nothing more than a wholly owned subsidiary of the Republican Party … Sarah Palin’s well delivered speech and her attractive demeanor is little more than a veneer for her less than attractive political philosophy … [she] is not dense or erroneous in her view of the Tea Party, just the opposite. She represents a growing insider’s attack to the heart of the Tea Party, very much like a wolf in sheep’s clothing entering the gate as an ally, but for all intents and purposes there to seize and capture, not only one or two stray sheep, but the whole flock!27 [emphasis added]

Can you blame him for fearing Palin’s sole purpose is to capture what has been a populist movement? As Robertson went on to point out, “What Republican wouldn’t want 10 million angry voters marching in the streets shouting, God Bless the Republican Party, where a few months before the same voices sang, God Bless America!”28 The last thing Robertson or any of us should want is for patriotism to be supplanted by party-ism.

Just like those of us in conservative talk radio, the Tea Party must remain an independent voice, free from the entanglements of any party. But how, you may ask? While I disagree with former Bush strategist Karl Rove on many points, he’s right when he says the pro-life and pro-gun movements give us a road map of how the Tea Party movement can and should stay independent from the GOP. Rove said, “These [movements] have been powerful because they have allies in both parties, not because they’ve been co-opted and have become an appendage of one party only.”29

So, no, you don’t have to pick a team.

Actually, it’s suicide if you do.

Another attempt to hijack the Tea Party movement and to get them to pick a side happened in February, 2010, at the annual gathering of GOP cheerleaders in Washington, D.C., hosted by the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Organizers peppered the podium with just enough faces of the real Tea Party patriots to satisfy the crowd, then paraded out the Republican dinosaurs who’ve been haunting Washington since the Stone Age: the John Boehners, the Newt Gingriches, and the Bob Barrs. How does their presence fit into the Tea Party movement?

Think about this one. During the CPAC love-in, Newt Gingrich threw his weight behind Republican Senator Robert Bennett of Utah, a man running for reelection who supports TARP and the mandated purchase of health insurance.30 If CPAC were serious about listening to the heart and soul of the Tea Party movement, these men should have been backstage carrying water for the new breed of patriots. Instead, the RINOs took center stage where they peddled more of the same old rhetoric. It’s as if the old guard was saying to the middle class, “You’ve done a nice job, sonny, now vote Republican—vote for one of us.”

I say shame on the leadership of CPAC.

Did they forget that Bob Barr, the former Republican Congressman from Georgia, went to work for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)? How could a man with those values ever be taken seriously? Let’s be clear. When it comes to anti-American activities, the ACLU is the head of the snake, as I’ve carefully documented in my other bestselling books. I guess given the fact that Bob Barr was there, we shouldn’t be surprised that CPAC allowed the ACLU to have an exhibit at the convention!31 I believe it’s guys like Bob Barr who are the type of fifth columnist trying to destroy the Tea Party movement from within.

Which brings me to shine the Savage spotlight on Dick Armey, the former Republican House Majority Leader. He’s another fake; a pseudo-tea partier. Bet you didn’t know this quisling worked for the ACLU, did you? Pretending to don the garb of the Tea Party movement, he’s the co-founder of a supposedly Tea Party–oriented organization known as “FreedomWorks.” I’m not sure what Armey has in common with the true Tea Party movement, besides the fact that he might drink Earl Grey.

As I write, Dick Armey is circulating a position paper, a manifesto of sorts, billed as the “Contract From America.” We’re told more than 100,000 Americans submitted ideas that, after debate by who knows who within Armey’s organization, were pared down to a list of twenty-two proposed, grassroots-inspired solutions. These solutions include stopping tax hikes, demanding a balanced budget, protecting the Constitution, rejecting cap-and-trade legislation, protecting freedom of the press, passing real healthcare reform, and limiting the size of government, among others.

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