Trickle Up Poverty (7 page)

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Authors: Michael Savage

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BOOK: Trickle Up Poverty
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Evidently, Barack Obama must have been an “A” student.

We, of course, don’t know since his grades are sealed and nobody’s seen the paperwork. Which is ironic in light of this statement found on the official White House Blog: “President Obama has committed to making his administration the most open and transparent in history, and will play a major role in delivering on that promise.”15 Well, then, maybe we should ask the blogmeister to start by releasing Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College, Columbia University, and Harvard Law School—all of which remained sealed as of this printing.

As one reporter noted, “the shroud surrounding his experience at Columbia contrasts with that of other major party nominees since 2000, all whom have eventually released information about their college performance or seen it leaked to the public.”16 Obama’s secrecy about his college work would be appropriate if we were talking about classified nuclear missile plans. We’re not. Then again, maybe there’s something explosive to be learned about the kind of classes he was taking if the truth were unveiled.

One thing about the President of Uncertain Grades is that he learned his Marxist lessons well.

God Damn America!

Obama’s indoctrination into the ways of Marx and Lenin and socialism continued well after college. For two decades, these anti-capitalist, anti-American radical views were further mentored at church by his anti-Semitic pastor, the America-hating Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Again, this was no casual relationship. We can only guess that Obama—as he did with his Marxist professors—chose his pastor carefully upon moving to Chicago. Theirs was a close-knit friendship; Reverend Wright married Barack and Michelle, baptized his daughters, and, in turn, Obama “loved him like a father.”17

As we all know, Reverend Wright’s contempt for this country has been well documented. In case you missed it, one of the alphabet news channels reviewed dozens of Wright’s sermons and reported finding “repeated denunciations” of the United States.18 So bitterly hostile to America is Reverend Wright that, just five days after the head cutters in dirty nightshirts slammed two airplanes into the Twin Towers, he took to the pulpit and, rather than denounce this act of terrorism, had the audacity to blame America for the 9/11 attacks.

He thundered, “America’s chickens are coming home to roost!”19

Remember that one?

But did you also know that Obama’s pastor studied Karl Marx?

On September 17, 2009, at the sixtieth anniversary celebration of a socialist magazine, Reverend Wright shared how Marxism shaped his personal philosophy. Taking the stage to lend his praise and endorsement of the Monthly Review, after blasting America as the “land of the greed and home of the slave,” he said:

My work with liberation theology, with Latin American theologians, with the Black Theology Project and with the Cuban Council of Churches taught me thirty years ago the importance of Marx and the Marxist analysis of the social realities of the vulnerable and the oppressed who were trying desperately to break free of the political economics undergirded by this country that were choking them and cutting off any hope of a possible future where all of the people would benefit.20

We shouldn’t be surprised that Reverend Wright called for a “New World Socialist Order” before leaving the stage.21 Since these comments represent his decades-old personal philosophy, it’s safe to surmise that his pro-Marx, pro-socialist views were frequent themes in the pulpit. Without rehashing all Reverend Wright’s political radicalism and outright contempt for the country that, let’s not forget, allows a buffoon like Wright the freedom to speak his mind, four examples will help crystallize the picture of Barack Obama’s pastor:

“America is still the No. 1 killer in the world.”22

“The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color.”23

“[They will] attack you if you try to point out what’s going on in white America—the U.S. of KKK A.”24

“The government gives [African-Americans] the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America!”25

Tell me that’s not the mindset of an America hater.

When asked about his attendance at Trinity United Church of Christ where Reverend Wright delivers his fiery rhetoric, Obama said, “I don’t think my church is particularly controversial.”26 Really? Where was he when Reverend Wright was spewing his hate-filled sermons? Are we to believe Obama was asleep in the pew for twenty years and none of this America-bashing rubbish rubbed off? Or, did the tirades of the America-loathing Reverend Wright and the teachings of Obama’s Marxist professors fuel Obama’s socialist agenda to remake America?

I think the evidence speaks for itself.

How else do we explain President Obama’s “American Apology Tour”? Within the first six months of becoming the Head of State, President Obama traveled extensively both here and abroad apologizing to the world for what he saw as America’s wrongful past behavior. That was Job One for this guy. Even as awful as Jimmy Carter was as a president, he didn’t stoop that low during his pitiful four years at the helm. Niles Gardiner at the Heritage Foundation put together the Top 10 Obama Apologies.27 Here are several of them:

1. Apology to Europe: Speech in Strasbourg, France, 4/3/2009. “In

America, there’s a failure to appreciate Europe’s leading role in the world … there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.”

2. Apology to the Muslim world: Interview with Al Arabiya, 1/27/2009. “My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that Americans are not your enemy. We sometimes make mistakes. We have not been


3. Apology to the Summit of the Americas: Address to the Summit of the Americas, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 5/17/2009.“While the

United States has done much to promote peace and prosperity in the hemisphere, we have at times been disengaged, and at times we sought to dictate

our terms.”

4. Apology for Guantanamo: Speech in Washington, D.C., 5/21/2009.

“There is also no question that Guantanamo set back the moral authority that is America’s strongest currency in the world.”

I’ve never seen anything like this in my lifetime. Have you?

Who asked BO to offer a mea culpa on our behalf?

President Obama’s incessant public apologies serve to undermine America’s standing in the world. Clearly, Obama is embarrassed by the fact that we’re the world’s lone superpower. At the core, he’s conflicted because he’s been brainwashed by certified America haters. While Obama eats international humble pie, we at home are starving for a president who affirms the greatness of our industries and accomplishments, who celebrates our generosity and sacrifices on behalf of those who are suffering around the world, and who is quick to commend our exceptional servicemen and women fighting for freedom.

Yes, a leader who inspires our patriotism not berates us into pauperism.

Instead, we get a limp-wristed, quisling of a president who bows to other world leaders. Remember Obama’s embarrassing bowing down before King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia—an Islamic monarch, and, on a second occasion, Japanese Emperor Akihito? How about the bowing before Chinese President Hu Jintao, this time in the nation’s capital as world leaders gathered for the Nuclear Security Summit? Obama couldn’t have picked a more inappropriate time or place in which to genuflect before a communist leader.

For an American president to bow is beyond bad decorum; it reveals his agenda to quicken America’s decline as a world superpower. This usurper is fixated on making us the laughing stock in every corner of the world. Make no mistake, Obama’s unlimited faultfinding with America impoverishes all Americans and weakens the American spirit.

Evidently, the words of Reverend Wright stuck.

It’s not “God bless America”; it’s “God damn America.”

Indeed, Barack Obama is doing a first-class job remaking America into a turd-world nation, but he isn’t pulling off his radical, socialist transformation by himself. He’s getting a little help from his Marxist friends. For years, Barack Obama, Bill Ayers, and Louis Farrakhan all lived within two blocks of one another in the Hyde Park suburb of Chicago. It appears this cozy proximity with fellow agitators served as a leftist incubator of sorts, although Obama is dismissive about the fact that they were neighbors.

On that topic, much has been written about Obama’s close personal association with the unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. As you know, Bill Ayers was one of the founders of the Weather Underground—a radical group of terrorists who were responsible for about 30 bombings, including the 1970 bombing of the New York City Police headquarters, the 1971 bombing of the Capitol, and bombing the Pentagon in 1972.

When Ayers released his memoir Fugitive Days in 2001, he fondly recalled the day when his terrorist group set off explosives at the Pentagon. He wrote: “Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon … the sky was blue. The birds were singing. And the bastards were finally going to get what was coming to them.”28 No remorse. No regrets. No apologies. Just a vindictive, anti-America vermin who, in a 2001 interview, said, “I don’t regret setting bombs. I feel we didn’t do enough.”29

According to Ayers, the Weather Underground was “an American Red Army.” Their goal? Ayers characterized the Weatherman philosophy as: “Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home. Kill your parents.”30 By the way, Bill Ayers is now a professor at one of the institutions of lower learning in Chicago. From an ideological perspective, it’s clear why Obama would gravitate toward someone like Ayers; they were two birds of the same Marxist feathers. In 2002, Ayers described himself this way:

I considered myself partly an anarchist then and I consider myself partly an anarchist now. I mean I’m as much an anarchist as I am a Marxist which is to say, you know, I find a lot of the ideas in anarchism, you know, appealing … and I’m very open about what I think.31

Let’s connect the dots. Bill Ayers was open about his convictions as an anarchist and Marxist, that’s number one. He lived around the corner from Barack Obama for many years. And, number three, the two men are friends—in spite of the fact Obama has tried to create the illusion that he was just “a guy who lives in my neighborhood.”32 For example, in 1997, while serving as an Illinois State Senator, Obama took time out of his schedule to endorse A Kind and Just Parent: The Children of Juvenile Court written by none other than Bill Ayers.

Question: Are we really supposed to believe Obama and Ayers never talked shop with each other? You mean to tell me they never spoke about their mutual interest in Marxism or bantered around Obama’s ideas about a revolutionary class and the redistribution of wealth? That would be like having dinner with Babe Ruth but never talking about a mutual interest in baseball.

Are things starting to come into focus for you?

Obama sought out Marxist professors and chummed around with fellow Marxist students during college. A number of years later, he’s the neighbor and friend of a Marxist-loving, domestic terrorist. What’s more, he was being tutored in church by an America-bashing, Marxist-loving pastor. Now that he’s president, what’s the next step in his long march toward a Marxist-socialist takeover of America? Simple.

He’s assembling an inner circle of advisors who share his agenda.

Obama’s Marxist-Leninist Czars and Czarinas

They got the call. They packed their bags. They headed to Washington.

Without so much as a five-minute congressional hearing, public input, or FBI background check, Barack Obama handpicked and placed into power men and women who share his Marxist-Leninist convictions. Some of Obama’s czars and czarinas admire, quote, and are inspired by Mao Zedong—the butcher of humanity with the blood of sixty to seventy million on his hands. I’m not making this up. We are being ruled by a new class of czars, the likes of which haven’t been seen since the last days of the Romanov Dynasty in Russia.

These appointments are of people with extraordinary powers over our lives, many of whom, by their own admission, their writings, and their speeches are enamored with Lenin, Marx, and Mao. What’s more, they’re sitting in the center of power under President Obama. His entire administration is infested with socialists running through the place like termites gnawing on the foundations of America. Let’s go down the list.

Take Van Jones, President Obama’s former Green Jobs Czar. Jones started his career as an anti-police street thug and rabble-rouser in the San Francisco Bay area. He was arrested during a riot in Los Angeles and, once in jail, started running with a string of anarchists and communists. Upon his release, he found a new con game: shaking down people under the guise of environmentalism. Did I mention that Van Jones was one of the founders of Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM)? This, naturally, qualified him to be appointed by Obama to be his top eco-fascist storm trooper … that is, until America learned the truth.

Here’s Van Jones’ résumé as he presented it:

[In jail] I met all these young radical people of color—I mean really radical, communists and anarchists. And it was, like, ‘This is what I need to be a part of … I spent the next ten years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary … I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th. By August, I was a communist.33

Sounds like the perfect kind of guy we want advising the president, right?

Obama seemed to think so.

Okay, I understand you might think that Van Jones probably reformed his extremist views somewhere along the way, right? I mean, what kind of American president would knowingly bring a communist to come and work in the White House? If you think that, you’d be mistaken. Van Jones never abandoned his revolutionary delusions and diehard conviction of radically reshaping America. On the cusp of being appointed special advisor to President Obama, listen to the heartbeat of the man:

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