Tristan's Redemption (14 page)

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Authors: Candace Blackburn

BOOK: Tristan's Redemption
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Tristan shrugged.
“I don’t know about long term, but it will be nice to have someone to talk to. I can’t exactly ask anyone else some of the questions I will have.”

I’ll be here until you no longer need me. For now, see to Abby.”

I will.” He would spend the rest of his life doing just that.


Chapter Eighteen


Abby thought about what happened earlier. He
’d tried to speak and cut himself off several times. She was so very certain he’d been about to tell her that he loved her.

’d beaten him to the punch. The first time was a little awkward because the only man she’d said those words to was David. But as soon as they were out of her mouth, she felt invigorated, free.

Tristan hadn
’t said it back, but he’d wept, held her, and begged her to say those three words again and again. His actions had spoken for him. She was fairly certain he loved her and she could be content with that until he was ready to say the words. Until then...well, until then, she wanted more. Hugs, kisses, and falling asleep beside Tristan were great, but she missed physical intimacy. Abby listened to the conversations at the obstetrician’s office. Some pregnant women had little, or no, sexual desire. Others enjoyed active sex lives, even toward the end of their pregnancies. Abby wanted to be in the second group. She hadn’t had sex in almost eight months, and missed being touched like a desirable woman.

Desirable. The very word was laughable. Abby looked in the mirror. She wore a maternity night gown that dipped very low in front. Her breasts were generous, and her belly stretched the material just inches below. She poked her cheeks and frowned. Puffy was not the look she was going for. She lifted her legs so she could see her ankles. No swelling. Her feet were fine, still cute in fact. At least she could wear strappy sandals without worrying about her lower extremities looking like a pork loin tied with string.

She rubbed her belly and wondered if Tristan wanted to be physically intimate while she was pregnant. She looked at the mirror, took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. There was only one way to find out. With that in mind, she walked out into the bedroom and started giggling at the sight in front of her.

How long had she been in the bathroom? Tristan had three books spread out on the bed and was studiously making notes on his laptop.

“What are you doing?”

Tristan looked up and smiled.
“You’re eight months, right?”

In two days.”

Right. You can deliver safely in a few weeks and the baby will be full term in a little less than two months. Did you know that?”

I did.”

And he can hear us. Did you know that?”

Abby couldn
’t help the giggle. “I did. He’s been able to hear for a while now.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “When I was staying at my house, I read to him every night.”

Oh? What are you reading?”

The Places You’ll Go
is what I’m on now. I read the same books over and over so that maybe he’ll recognize them after he’s born. Some moms say that if they listened to songs enough while they were pregnant, the same songs would calm the baby if they were fussy later. I thought it would be cool to try that with books.”

Tristan stood, closed the books and the laptop and put them on the night stand. He sauntered over to Abby.
“That’s good thinking. How are you feeling?”

Uh, inquisitive.”

He cocked his head to the side.
“What do you want to know?”

Abby swallowed hard. She hadn
’t realized until right now just how awkward this conversation was going to be. “Is my pregnancy a turn-off?” Tristan’s mouth dropped open and his olive skin seemed to pale two shades. “I mean, we haven’t been intimate.” She stopped when she saw the look on his face. “Or maybe I’m just a big idiot—”

He gently put his hands on her shoulders.
“Abby, honey, stop. Why would your pregnancy be a turn-off?”

She looked down.
“It’s a reminder that I was married before. Or maybe you are afraid of hurting the baby.”

Tristan tugged her chin up with his finger and kissed her forehead.
“No, not at all. If I wanted you any more, my brain would short out. Remember, we did try before we were interrupted by your parents.” Abby cringed at the recollection, but Tristan rubbed her shoulders in reassurance. “But you’re pregnant, and I’m willing to wait until everything is comfortable for you.”

She felt a flicker of hope.
“What if I don’t want to wait?”

His eyes widened, as if he were surprised.
“You don’t?”

She shook her head.
“No. I want to be with you.”

Tristan took Abby
’s hand and tugged her the last few steps to the bed. He looked hesitant, and she needed him to realize she wouldn’t break. “If you’re sure...”

She nodded.
“I am, Tristan. I...

Tristan brushed his lips across Abby
’s. She clasped her fingers behind his head and held him close, moaning as the kiss deepened. Her nipples tightened, her heart pounding with anticipation. Tristan groaned and reached down her legs.

Oh God,” Abby exclaimed as he stopped long enough to pull her gown over her head. He lowered himself and took her panties off too. She briefly hesitated as she stood there naked. He rose back to his full height and shook his head when he saw her face.

Don’t doubt your beauty, Abby. And never doubt how much I want you.” To prove his point, he pressed his hips against her, allowing her to feel his erection. He kissed her again and she put her hands on his hips. Abby bit at his bottom lip and Tristan groaned.

Abby,” he said, breathing raggedly, “lie down...there.” He pointed to the headboard. “I want you to watch as I worship your body.” She did as he asked, with the pillows supporting her.

Tristan moved beside her and palmed her breasts. They were sensitive, growing more so as her pregnancy progressed, but that didn
’t matter right now. Tristan sucked a tightened peak into his mouth, and Abby cried out, her hands fisting the sheets.

His gaze was heated when he glanced up. He took the other nipple into his mouth and worked her into a frenzy. She writhed, she moaned, she called out his name. Tristan pulled back and smiled, moving down her body, pausing briefly to lay a tender kiss on her pregnant belly. Abby realized he was being careful. Initially, she wanted a more aggressive style of sex, but Tristan was making love.

It was perfect.

He lowered himself between her legs, flattening his body to the bed. She peeked as well as she could over her belly.
“What are you doing?”

What does it look like?”


That’s right.” He trailed his finger along her folds and Abby nearly came right there.

But you don’t have to... Oh my God.”

’s words were cut off by a ragged moan as Tristan began licking and sucking on her most intimate flesh. His movements quickened as her responses got louder. He seemed to know her body very well. All the right places to touch. Every little area that would drive her crazy.

Tristan,” Abby called out his name as she threw her head back on the pillows. Her body tightened. “I’m so close.”

He paused briefly.
“Come, Abby. Give me your pleasure.”


Abby’s body responded so perfectly. Her body arched with the orgasm and she looked like a fertility goddess in the throes of passion.

Ehron, I
’m so going to hug you next time I see you.

Her breathing slowed
, and she looked up at him with a hooded gaze.

Tristan crawled up her body, his erection brushing against her. He reached her face and she smiled the smile of a sated lover.
“Your lips were made to call out my name.” He kissed her again. “Mine. I want to be the one who brings you to moments like these for the rest of your life. I’ll spend the rest of my life proving myself worthy of your love.”

Abby nodded jerkily, tears spilling from the corners of her eyes.
“I know.”

Another kiss, claiming her yet again. She ran her fingers down his back and he moaned.

“Tristan,” she said as she pulled back, “it’s my turn.”

Oh God, yes.
He moved away so that he could pull his pants down and his erection sprung free. He tossed the pants off the side of the bed and heard Abby gasp.

Wow,” she said, her gaze lingering on his groin. Tristan couldn’t hold back the chuckle and when Abby looked at him, her face was flushed with heat. David hadn’t been small, by any stretch of the imagination, but Tristan was bigger. She turned her attention back to his manhood and wrapped her hand around him.

Abby,” he murmured as he watched her hand move up and down. She smiled at him, her blue eyes bright with anticipation, and positioned herself where she could comfortably take him into her mouth. Tristan’s breath hitched as she licked the head.

’ll never last.

She took him into her mouth, encasing his length in wet heat. Tristan moaned and his heels dug into the mattress. Abby moved, her lips torturing him and her hands stroking the part that wouldn
’t fit. He felt his body tightening and he tried to get her to stop. She wouldn’t. His legs shook, his hands grabbed onto the sheets and he shouted out her name as he had the most powerful orgasm of his life. Either of them.


Abby was a woman on a mission. She wanted to give Tristan everything he had given her earlier. Hearing her name yelled out and watching his magnificent body climax was such a powerful feeling. Feminine pride and pleasure coursed through her. His eyes blurred with bliss, his body coated with sweat and his chest heaved with exertion, all because she’d made him lose control.

Tristan moved so he would be facing her.
“Abby, you amaze me.”

Not that she wanted to think about it, but...
“Surely, someone’s done that for you before?”

Yes, but that doesn’t matter. It’s you. Only you.”

She brushed a lock of hair off his damp forehead.
“I like that,” she said with a satisfied grin, “because you’re pretty amazing, yourself.”

Smiling, he got the sheet and pulled it over them. They were both pretty warm, not at all surprising considering what they
’d just done. Abby snuggled into his hold.

Are you okay?”

She giggled.
“Better than just okay. I’m feeling pretty good.”

That makes two of us.” He kissed her shoulder. “This is perfect. I can think of no better way to end the night than with you in my arms.”

Mmm.” Abby closed her eyes as the endorphins wore off. She felt like she belonged here, with him. She yawned and settled into the pillow, her eyelids growing heavy. “Love you,” she whispered.

She fell asleep before she heard him respond.


Chapter Nineteen


Tristan stood at his office window, watching Abby walk with Alice through the peach grove. She’d brought snacks in earlier and mentioned that she couldn’t wait to bake peach pies. This had piqued Alice’s curiosity and at Abby’s insistence, they went outside to look at the fruit. Tristan saw Alice throw back her head with laughter. Abby was good for everyone. Managing to drag Alice away from her desk for something that wasn’t work-related was no easy task.

Abby slept so peacefully in his arms last night, and said that she loved him before she drifted off. He spent the next few hours awake, thinking. How could he have ever slept with Marianne when he had Abby? What idiot in his right mind would cheat on this spectacular woman?

“You may want to calm yourself, Tristan. It seems you’re within seconds of pulverizing a Bic.”

Ehron strode into the office as Tristan looked down at the pen in his hand. His knuckles were white.
“It’s just a pen.”

I could care less about that. What concerns me is your emotional state right now. For a man who just gained everything, you’re awfully angry.”

Tristan exhaled.
“Tell me something, Ehron. Will there ever be a time where I get over the guilt?”

I certainly hope not. A healthy respect for guilt keeps humans in check.”

Right.” Tristan’s shoulders slumped as Ehron approached.

Do you mind explaining to me what has changed? When I left last night, you were a permanent resident of your new body and Abby was safely in your house. What is this, post new body stress disorder?”

Tristan glared.
“The last words out of her mouth before she fell asleep were I love you.” He flicked his hands down his torso. “The body has changed, the name has changed, but I’m still the same asshole who hurt her.”

Ehron leaned against the desk and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Ah, a pity party. I have to admit, Tristan, I don’t have a whole lot of use for those. “

What am I supposed to do? She fell asleep in my arms, trusting me with the knowledge that she loves me.”

How you live with the memory of what you did in another life and your guilt is not something I’m interested in. What matters to me is that you
live with it. There are millions who would love to have the second chance you were given. Are you going to spend your time whining over things you can’t change, or making the most of the rest of your lives together?”

You don’t think I’m grateful? I realize the extraordinary gift I’ve been given. Every morning, I thank God for giving me another day with her. But that still does not change the fact that I owe her.”

There are a lot of
references in that statement, Tristan. You’ve got the body, the girl is here and you’re going to sit here and pout about it now?”

Damn it, I’m not pouting.”

Maybe not. But what you’re doing is wasting those precious moments. Look out that window. Abby is laughing with Alice while you’re in here feeling sorry for yourself. She’s making it past the hurt.” At Tristan’s huff, Ehron narrowed his eyes. “Call it guilt, call it whatever, but get over it. What you owe Abby is a life of happiness, a partner she can depend upon and someone she knows will be by her side. Are you going to cheat again?”

Tristan answered with no hesitation.

In that case, consider the price for the cheating paid. You died and the both of you suffered for your infidelity. Now you can make new memories with Abby, or you can sit here and waste the time you’ve been given wallowing in your own guilt. Make your choice.”

Tristan watched Ehron walk out. Nobody could make a man take stock of his life quite like an angel.

A door opened in the distance and feminine laughter filled the air. Footsteps got closer and Abby walked in the office, beaming. “I brought you something.” She walked toward him, holding out a peach in her hand. “They smell so good. I’ll bet they are sweet and just right.”

Mmm.” Tristan took the fruit and put it on his desk. “I’ll get to that in a minute. Right now, I see something even sweeter that I want to taste.”

And what would that be?” Abby asked with a wicked little grin.

Tristan wrapped his arms around her and pulled her as close as he could, lowering his lips to hers for a long, sensuous kiss.
“You,” he said. “I have all that I need right here in my arms.”

Abby pushed away from him.
“Okay, that’s my cue to get out of your office.”


Tristan, if I stay here one second longer, I’m going to do something completely ridiculous and ask you to come upstairs with me while I take a nap. Which means you won’t get any work done and I won’t get a nap, because I’m going to do my best to talk you out of your clothes. So I need to go.” Abby rushed out of the room before he could stop her.

Damn it,” Tristan muttered, knowing she was right.

He took a seat at his desk and spent the next hour-and-a-half working studiously. He
’d built his company by keeping punishing hours and forsaking a personal life. His marriage had suffered for it and in the end, perhaps his wife had died because of his neglect. It was time to make changes.

He talked to Alice about what he wanted done, asked her advice and then shut his computer down for the afternoon. He could finish later this evening, after Alice was gone. For now, Abby would be waking up from her nap any minute. He had plans for her, and none of them involved her getting out of bed.


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