Tristan's Redemption (13 page)

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Authors: Candace Blackburn

BOOK: Tristan's Redemption
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Chapter Sixteen


After her parents left, Tristan sat down on the couch and exhaled.

Did my dad give you a hard time?”

No, no. That was fine. Actually, he made his displeasure with my occupation clear and then we moved past that.”

Then,” she frowned at Tristan’s expression, “what’s wrong?”

Abby, I’d like it if you would come with me back to my house.”

Her eyes widened in surprise.

Because you’re seven months pregnant and just found out you have gestational diabetes. It would make me feel better to know that you’re being taken care of.”

Abby blinked, but stayed silent. Tristan
’s brows were furrowed, his concern clear in his eyes. Since the day they’d met, all he’d done was care for her, worry about her well-being. And really, being taken care of felt pretty damned good. He wanted to do this for her. God, she wanted to leap into his arms.


I’d love to.”

Tristan got to his feet, his relief obvious.
“Good,” he said with a smile. “Let’s get you packed.”


“For a while anyway, Alice. I’m not sure how long. That’s a great idea. No, there’s no need for that, in the morning will be fine.”

Abby stood in the doorway of Tristan
’s office and listened. He paced and motioned with his free hand while he spoke on the phone. David used to do the same thing.

Nine will be fine. Take your time. Thank you, Alice. I’ll see you in the morning.” Tristan strode over to his desk and laid the phone down.

Who’s Alice?”

Tristan turned in surprise.
“My secretary. She’ll be over in the morning because I’m going to be working from here for a while.”

Abby walked in and glanced around the room. Huge was an understatement. Tristan
’s desk was enormous, probably the size of her parents’ dining table. A large, leather chair sat behind the desk. The surface was clean, save for a few notepads, a pen, and a lap top. There were three different monitors on a table behind his desk, Twitter open on one screen.

At Abby
’s questioning glance, Tristan shrugged and said, “I’m watching what is trending. My company’s involved with something new, and I’m interested in public opinion.”

Across the room, there was another desk and various office equipment on an adjacent table. The picture on the desk was what interested Abby the most. Alice, she assumed, and a man with his arm around her. There were more pictures, of young children, a boy and a girl, a family portrait.

Tristan stood beside her. “That is Alice and her husband.”

She’s very beautiful.”

Michael, her husband, says she always has been. He says when she walked into his father’s coffee shop, she took his breath away.” He looked at Abby with a smile on his face.

You know the family?”

Alice, her husband and son all work for me. Michael and I talked not long ago. They’ve been married for thirty years and seem to be just as much in love as any two newlyweds. Even more.”

Abby felt a great sense of relief. She
’d always felt uneasy around David’s secretary, who’d never hidden her desire for Abby’s husband. Even in her presence, Marianne would giggle at David, touch his arm, lick her lips. Abby wished, many times, that she’d talked to David, asked him to transfer her out. But that was a moot point. Nothing she could do about it now. All she could concentrate on at the moment was the fact that Alice was no threat. Which left only one question.

Why are you working from home?”

You.” Abby frowned and he continued. “I’d like for you to have someone around to help you, should the need arise.” Tristan frowned. “Am I coming on too strongly?”

Abby shook her head.
“No. It’s actually...kind of nice.”

Good. Because I can’t promise to back off, but I can try my best to rein in any overbearing tendencies.”

I think I can take it.” She smiled sweetly.

Tristan seemed to relax.
“You make me happy. You’ve always made me happy.”

Abby looked up at him, confused.
“But we’ve known each other for less than two months.”

Sometimes, an instant is all you need to realize you’ve found someone special.” He took a deep breath and rolled his neck around on his shoulders. “You haven’t eaten anything since breakfast.”

I was too nervous to eat. But I am kind of hungry.”

Tristan extended his hand.
“Then come on. Let’s find you something to eat.”


Sometimes, an instant is all you need to realize you’ve found someone special.

’s words rang in her head, keeping her from sleep. It was one AM, and she hadn’t managed to doze. She glanced at his long, lean form stretched out next to her on the bed. He, on the other hand, was out like a light. Sighing, restless, she hauled herself up and wandered the room until she found herself standing in front of the window, staring out at the lawn. The moon was full, perfectly illuminating a cloudless sky. Abby could see everything, including the peach trees. Even from here, the fruit were visible. If she was still here in a few weeks, she planned to make Tristan one of her grandmother’s peach pies.
’ve found someone special.

Abby knew this. He was special, if that was the right word. David had chased Abby because the younger version of herself played hard-to-get. With Tristan, she was past that. And, Abby realized, she had no desire to play those games with him. She was content that he was here and wanted to be, that he took care of her,
and that there was nowhere she felt more secure than in the safe hold of Tristan’s arms. instant is all you need...

Not that she could pinpoint which instant was the trigger, but Abby felt it. In such a short time, while still in mourning for her husband, Abby had fallen. The baby kicked under her hand, and she looked down. She thought about her last ultrasound and the look on Tristan’s face as he saw her son on the screen. He’d watched in wonder as the baby moved, as if he were the father—

Abby? Are you okay?” He stood beside her, looking down with concern. She hadn’t even heard him get out of bed.

Abby put her hand on his arm and leaned into his chest.
“I couldn’t sleep.”

Maybe you should lie down.”

She tried that. Being horizontal with Tristan didn
’t relax her. In fact, it did the exact opposite. She’d counted sheep. Counted backward from one hundred. She’d read. Nothing had worked. Her mind was running nonstop, and her body buzzed with his nearness.

That won’t help. I can’t get my mind to shut down.”

Tristan kissed the top of her head.
“Would you like a cup of warm milk?”


A bath?”

Abby shook her head.
“No thanks.”

Tristan wrapped his arms around her.
“Then what will help you sleep?”

I’m not sure anything will right now. But it makes me feel good to be near you.”

I put you to sleep?”

Abby looked up to see a smirk on his face and she rolled her eyes.
“I think you know better than that. Actually, you make me feel safe.”

Tristan tugged her to the bed.
“Then by all means, come lie down with me.”

Abby crawled in bed beside him and curled on her side. Tristan spooned up behind her, laying his arm over her burgeoning belly. Abby sighed, contented, like a woman in love.

Oh my God, I love Tristan.

She sucked in a breath
, and Tristan rose up on his elbow. “Are you okay?”

I can
’t tell him that I love him.

Abby nodded.
“The baby kicked me pretty hard.”

Oh.” Tristan kissed her cheek and lay back down again. “If you need anything, wake me up. I’ll be right here.”

She closed her eyes.

God, I am in love with him.
How could she fall in love with Tristan so soon?

How could I not?

The sky lightened with the rising sun before sleep finally claimed Abby.


Chapter Seventeen


Alice was a model of proficiency. When Tristan was talking on the phone, he would hold up his hand to ask Alice for something, and she would already have it on his desk, waiting for him. She anticipated his every move, his every request and she did it with the speed of someone much younger. Not bad for a woman in her fifties wearing four-inch heels.

Abby watched the interaction between Tristan and Alice. Tristan noticed Abby lingering at the doorway and motioned her in. She walked slowly, taking care not to march in. The type of entrance a woman insecure of her standing would make.

Alice turned and smiled, holding up her hand to wave. Abby did the same.

“No. My overseas trips are on hold indefinitely. Meetings will take place in Atlanta.”

Abby stepped forward, shaking her head.

Tristan ignored her protest and kept talking.
“Alice will make the arrangements. Yes, Augusta National. Two hours by car, considerably less by helicopter. I’ll see what can be arranged. Right. Yes.” Tristan looked up at Alice with a shrug. “Alice will be in touch.” He ended the call and put his phone down. “You were right. Apparently, I’m going to Augusta for a round of golf. I’ll forward you the information.”

Yes sir.”

Abby exhaled and Tristan glanced over, appearing worried.
“Are you okay?”

Why can’t you go overseas?”

Tristan looked at her stomach pointedly.
“I would think that would be obvious.”

I’m not due for almost two months. If you need to go, go.”

Tristan turned to Alice.
“Alice, this is Abby. Abby means a great deal to me and is clearly placing a great deal more importance on schedules than she should.”

Alice smiled and held out her hand.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Abby.”

You too.” She shook her head and took a deep breath. “Tristan, you’re completely restructuring your life and...and you have a business to run. Think about it.”

He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed.
“The business will not crumble from a few rescheduled meetings, Abby. You’re what is important.”

Mr. Ramirez, if I may?” He nodded in response and Alice turned to Abby. “Mr. Ramirez doesn’t do anything without thinking about his business and his employees. All he’s doing is rearranging the location of a few meetings. It’s nothing to worry about. I handle things like this all the time. It’s quite routine, actually.”

She looks sincere.
“It is?”

Certainly.” Alice turned to Tristan for confirmation.

She’s right. Besides that, this is
business, Abby. If I want to have a meeting here at Corporate Headquarters instead of Madrid, that should be okay with everyone. You’re not inconveniencing me by saving me from jet lag.”

Are you sure?”

Tristan came around the desk.
“I’m positive. Alice, if you’ll get started setting everything up, I’m going to take a walk with Abby.”

Yes, Mr. Ramirez.”

Tristan mouthed
, “thank you,” to a smiling Alice and walked out of the room with Abby.


“I’m causing you a lot of trouble, aren’t I?” Abby steadily frowned.

n squeezed her fingers gently. “No one causes me trouble. Haven’t you figured that out yet? I live in a trouble-free zone.”

She smiled.

“Abig—” He stopped. For a brief moment, it sounded like he was going to say Abigail Marie. But that was something David would have said. “Abby, you don’t know how to cause trouble. Taking care of you gives me a valid excuse to keep you close by. If a few meetings have to be rescheduled to do that, so be it.” Tristan shrugged. “Besides, no one in their right mind is going to pass up an excuse to play at Augusta National.”

You’re right. And thank you...for everything.”

Tristan leaned over and kissed the top of her head.
“You’re very welcome. Now, I’ve got someone I want you to meet.”


They walked into the kitchen and Tristan smiled at his old friend. He’d gone to Harvard with Julian Bianchi and Christian was his twin brother who went to Duke. Even though the twins went to school in different areas of the country, they spent a considerable amount of time together. “Abby, this is Dr. Christian Bianchi. He is an endocrinologist. Christian, this is Abby Daniels.”

Christian grinned and held out his hand.
“Pleased to meet you, Abby.”

She looked to Tristan in question before she shook the outstretched hand.
“Likewise.” She looked over the large assortment of medical supplies spread out on the counter. Christian said he would bring blood glucose monitors, and the highest rated automatic lancing devices, along with other things Abby would need, like a sharps disposal box and alcohol pads. “What is this?”

They are for checking your blood sugar. I picked out my favorites, and some of the top sellers, for you to try.”

Wow. Can I touch them?”

I think you should. It will give you a feel for how light they are.” He leaned against the counter.

Abby picked up a few and inspected them. She put them all down and turned to Tristan.
“I can’t believe you brought an endocrinologist.”

His eyebrows arched.
“It’s all part of taking care of you.”

Abby glanced at Christian.
“When was your last house call?”

His friend was trying his best not to laugh.
“It’s been a while. But don’t worry about it. My brother owed Tristan a favor and I’m here on his behalf. Besides, Tristan has put up with my brother for years so I owe him.”

Tristan chuckled.
“He’s not bad.”

Christian snorted.
“Uh huh. Spoken like a man who’s never been on the receiving end of a Julian Bianchi prank.”

Abby sighed and looked over the meters again.

“Do you know which one you want to check out first?” Tristan stood by her side and studied the inventory with her.

I don’t know. Dr. Bianchi, what do you recommend?”

Christian tapped a silver meter.
“This is my personal favorite. But I’ll demonstrate all of them so you can make an informed choice.”

She nodded jerkily.

Christian walked over to the sink and rolled up his sleeves before turning on the water.
“My pleasure. Let me just finish up here and we can get started.”


Tristan closed the door after his friend pulled away. Calling Christian had been the right thing to do. He made sure that both Abby and Tristan were able to use the meter she chose with proficiency, and gave Abby his card to call should she have any questions about diabetes and pregnancy. Christian was practicing medicine in North Carolina and was more than happy to make the short flight from Raleigh to Atlanta, especially after Tristan promised a rather large check to help fund Christian’s research project.

Abby watched him with a worried expression.

“Are you unhappy that Christian came over?”

No. I’m overwhelmed actually, and I can’t help feeling that I’m missing something. You haven’t known me that long.”

Sweetheart, if you only knew.
“It’s been two months, Abby.”

I’m talking about in the grand scheme of things.” She stepped closer. “Yet you are moving Heaven and earth to make life easier for me. Why is that?”

This answer would be important.
“I’ve told you I care for you. It’s more than that, Abby.” He took a deep breath, wondering what he could and couldn’t say. If he said something Ehron didn’t approve of, would he be zapped out of here? But she’d asked...couldn’t he use that as a defense? Yes, he thought. Yes he could. “Abby, I—”

Ehron appeared behind Abby, shaking his head.

“Damn!” Tristan called out in frustration.

Abby gasped.

He rubbed his hands over his face.
“I’m sorry.”

She took a deep breath.
“What were you going to say?”

He looked one more time at the angel, begging him for permission.

Ehron’s voice sounded in his mind. “
You cannot tell her first.”

She patiently waited for his answer.

“You lose everything if you tell her first.”

clenched his hands into fists. He wanted to profess his love. Tell her that he’d never stopped. That his love had transcended death. But he couldn’t, or he would lose her.

I love having you here. I love being around you. I love holding you in my arms.”
And I will love you as long as the earth turns.

Is that all?”

, baby, it’s not. But I can’t tell you or the angel in the corner will take me away.
“I would stay like this forever if I could.”

Oh.” She frowned and Tristan begged for the strength to keep those three precious words to himself. He couldn’t tell her, not yet. “With all of those things you love, I thought I would be one of them.”

’s eyes widened, and he froze, praying to the God who’d shown him so much grace already to just show him a little bit more.

Because it would really be nice if what I felt wasn’t one-sided.”

, please. Please let her say it.

I love you, Tristan.” Her eyes glistened as tears fell. “I shouldn’t have fallen in love so soon. I should have stayed truer to David’s memory. But I couldn’t help it. I love you as if my next breath depends on it and it’s not hormones. I swear it’s not.” She wiped at her tears. “That’s why I wanted to know why you’re doing all of this. Because I thought I already had it figured out.”

His body jolted, as if he
’d stepped on a live wire, and he fell to his knees, shaking.

Tristan! Are you okay? Should we call your doctor friend back? Oh my Lord, what can I do?” Abby got beside him so she could see his face.

Say it again. Please? Just let me hear you say it again,” he whispered.

Abby sniffled.
“I love you, Tristan.”

’s lip trembled and he wiped his eyes with his sleeves. “Again.”

Her shoulders shook as she cried.
“I love you.”

Thank you, God.” Tristan wept and pulled Abby into his embrace. He savored the feel of her in his arms. She was his blessing. His life. His rebirth. Abby was his world, and she had given him another life.


They were in bed, and Abby was asleep, her head on his shoulder, when Ehron appeared. “She will sleep soundly for a while. We should talk.”

Tristan kissed Abby
’s cheek before getting out of bed. “She won’t know you’re here?”

He shook his head.

But why a
you here? Abby said she loved me. Am I in still in danger of—”

No. Did you feel that jerking sensation in your body after she told you she loves you?”


That was the body accepting the soul permanently.”

I snapped into place like a toy?”

Ehron smiled.
“That’s one way of looking at it.”

Tristan took a deep breath and ran his hands down his chest.
“So this body is mine now? Officially?”

The angel nodded, still smiling.

Thanks. It’s real. All of this is finally real.” He held his hands in front of his face, flexing his fingers.

He had adjusted to the differences between his old body and this one, but now, for the first time, it was actually his. He flexed his toes. Walked to the mirror and touched his face. He grinned when he felt the stubble. Everything, from head to toe, belonged to him now and there was no danger of being yanked out. All because Abby loved him. Tristan looked over at the bed and felt his chest tighten. Abby
’s hair fanned out over the pillow like a halo, her face peaceful. Tristan knew he was the luckiest son of a bitch on the planet.

It is definitely real. And the baby wants food, so you might want to get Abby a snack.”

He knew just the thing.
“Okay.” He glanced at Ehron. “Hey, are you going to be around?”

For now, or long term?”

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