Trust: A Twisted Wolf Tale (12 page)

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More Books by Rene

Cornerstone Series

Shuttered Affections (Cornerstone #1)

Exposed Affections (Cornerstone #2)

Playing Games Series

The Wager: A Game Changer Prequel (Playing Games #0.5)

Game Changer (Playing Games #1)

Roommate Romance Series

Heart You (Roommate Romance #1)

Bind Me (Roommate Romance #2)

Share You (Roommate Romance #3)

Flatter Me (Roommate Romance #4)

Soul Seers Series

Voices of the Soul (Soul Seers #1)

Eyes of the Soul (Soul Seers #2)

Truths of the Soul (Soul Seers #3)

Blood of the Soul (Soul Seers #4)

Secrets of the Soul (Soul Seers #5)

Hearts of the Soul (Soul Seers #6)

Twisted Wolf Tale Series

Tempt: A Twisted Wolf Tale (Little Red Riding Hood)

Trust: A Twisted Wolf Tale (Beauty and the Beast)

Trapt: A Twisted Wolf Tale (Snow White)

Favorite Things Series

Favorite Things: Adventurous

Favorite Things: Bound

Favorite Things: Charming (coming soon)


Every Thorn (A Romantic Thriller Short Story)

Have My Heart (A Romantic Short Story)

Red Hot Authors Collections

For Liberty: A Red Hot and BOOM! Story

Tempt: A Red Hot Treats Story

Trapt: A Red Hot Cajun Nights Story

Boxed Sets

Soul Seers Boxed Set

Roommate Romance Boxed Set


Paranormal Anthology with a Twist

Stalkers: A Collection of Thriller Stories

Stardust: A Futuristic Romance Collection

All Our Love: A Collection of Stories that Speak to the Heart


About Rene

Rene Folsom, author of paranormal romance and erotica, lives in Florida with her husband and three kids. She has officially diagnosed herself with creative ADD and often has a million and one writing projects going at once. In addition to writing, she is also a graphic artist who enjoys creating custom book covers for indie authors. She is definitely an artist at heart and would love nothing more than to be elbow deep in clay during her waking hours.

Rene believes that all fiction is based on some form of reality—otherwise we would never have the inspiration or knowledge to dream up the realistic situations we portray with our words. She is proud to say that her personal experiences have been inspirational, though perhaps not always identical to that of her fictional characters. Where reality and fantasy diverge, however, must remain her little secret…




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