Read Trust Me Online

Authors: Bj Wane

Trust Me (25 page)

BOOK: Trust Me
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Will released her nipple with a plop
before taking her lips in a deep kiss. “I want you,” he practically growled as
he kissed his way back down to those tempting nipples he couldn’t seem to get
enough of as his wet fingers moved from the warm haven of her pussy to the dark
cavern of her rectum.

“So take me,” she breathed as she lifted
her hips, accepting the penetration of his fingers into her ass as he had
taught her to their first day here, tantalizing her with the prospect of taking
her there with his cock.

“Soon,” he promised as he added a third finger
to her rectum before finger fucking her slow and deep in preparation of his
cock. “You’re so fucking tight I’ll probably explode the second I get inside
this tight ass of yours.”

Angie was grateful for all the long,
detailed descriptions Will had given her over the phone on anal sex, engaging
her imagination while enticing her senses with a taste of the forbidden. The
plugs and anal vibrators he had had her insert and play with while describing
every detail of how they felt and made her feel had prepped her for the first
feel of his fingers there, and, as now, the feel of his skin caressing hers,
the intimacy of having him invade her back hole instead of an inanimate object
was so much more stimulating, more erotic than anything she had ever experienced.
Her empty pussy clenched in need as she again shifted under his assaulting
hand, urging him deeper, harder as she pleaded, “Will, please, I need more. I
need to come.”

“Then come,” he demanded, wanting to see
if he could get her off this way. He loved how sensitive her anus was, as well
as her nipples, and it was a challenge he couldn’t resist to try to get her to
climax without direct clitoral stimulation. “Feel that, Angel?” he asked as he
stroked deep and hard. “ And this,” he added as he took a nipple in his mouth,
bit down then soothed the pain with a stroke of his tongue before doing it

“Oh, God,” she gasped, the pain in her
nipple shooting straight down to her pussy, once again making her sheath spasm.
Her anus felt stretched, filled, the rasping of her sensitive tissues so damn
pleasurable she did as he demanded, she came, over and over, crying out as she
writhed on his lap, the jerks of her hips causing his invading fingers to go
even deeper. Everything went black a second before bursting with brilliant

Stunning, Will thought as he now lightly
suckled her reddened nipples while he slowly, reluctantly pulled from the tight
walls of her still clutching ass. Standing her, he had to hold her steady a
minute before turning her limp body towards the rail of the porch and
instructing harshly, “Grab the rail and bend over.”

Still shuddering from her orgasm, Angie
could do nothing, wanted to do nothing but obey, willing and eager for more.
I’m becoming a sex glutton, she thought with humor as she spread her legs and
waited with anticipation and bated breath for his cock.

“Tell me something, Angel,” Will said as
he leaned over her, his voice in her ear, his lips caressing her flushed cheek,
filling his hands with her dangling breasts. “Did it turn you on to watch Alec
take his belt to Brooke?”

“Yes,” she admitted readily, seeing no
need to deny it. She had had the luxury of anonymity when they first met,
making it easy for her to be open and honest with him, even about things that
were new and embarrassing to her, so now that they were together, relating her
desires to him came naturally, without all the embarrassment and insecurities
of first encounters.

“Good,” Will said, stepping back and
pulling off his own belt as he released his raging cock from his shorts and
into his hand.“I’ve wanted to give you a taste of leather ever since you first
described your ass to me.” Folding the belt over, he swung his arm and landed
the first blow across the middle of her buttocks, the ensuing bright red slash
making his cock jerk in his fist. Slowly, methodically, he landed stroke after
stroke on her fleshy cheeks, their under curve and the tops of her thighs as he
just as slowly stroked his cock, wetting his palm with his seeping juices then
spreading that dampness down his rigid length, Angel’s soft cries escalating to
loud wails sounding like music to his ears and echoing down the beach.

Angie bent over further, her view of the
white sandy beach and blue ocean in front of her blurring as each painful
stroke found its way to her pussy, once again igniting her arousal until the
fire spreading across her ass was reciprocated in her cunt, leaving her wet,
aroused and needy. The slash on the sensitive skin on the under curve of her
buttocks had her whimpering, the fiery strokes across each thigh had her crying
out and the return to her cheeks of two more blistering snaps of the leather
had her screaming. “Will, please, fuck me.”

“I was just waiting to hear you beg,” Will
answered her. Dropping the belt, he retrieved the tube of lube from his pocket
and applied a liberal dose over his straining cock before coating three fingers
and slipping them into her puckered, tight hole.

Angie was back to whimpering again as Will
liberally greased her rectum in preparation for his cock, a preparation that
had her pussy creaming so copiously she could feel her juices oozing down her
thighs. Her ass was on fire, her buttocks throbbing, which only added to her
already out of control arousal so that when he spread those sore cheeks, making
her wince, and pressed at her virgin entrance, she was able to relax enough to
allow him to easily slip past her tight muscle and embed himself deep inside
her ass with one smooth thrust. Unable to hold still, his cock filling and
stretching her ass to the point of discomfort, she gave in to her need and took
one hand from the rail and thrust two fingers into her pussy.

“God damn it, Angel” Will swore when she
started to finger fuck herself. He didn’t need to hear the wet sound of her
invading fingers in her pussy to tell him how turned on she was, he had seen
the damp evidence himself coating her swollen labia and the inside of her
thighs right before he took her ass. Between the tight feel of her rectum and
the sight and sounds of her masturbation, there was no way he could hold back
or take her as gently as he knew he should. “If you’re sore tomorrow, I’m
blaming you,” he ground out as he slowly pulled back until just the end of his
cock remained inside her then took her again, deeper and harder.

“Okay” Angie agreed as the feel of him
moving inside her set off sparks in her vagina, his cock seeming to hit every
sensitive spot along her tight channel. Through her thin tissues, she could feel
his shape, feel the hardness filling her with her fingers and feel her
impending orgasm in the tight grip of her vaginal walls and the swollen aching
need of her clit. Giving herself over to the pleasure, she stroked her pussy as
hard as Will was now taking her ass, her thumb pressing tight against her clit,
rasping over that small bud until she was once again screaming in pleasure,
exploding around her fingers, clutching Will’s cock as she came longer and
harder than ever before.

Having no choice, Will followed her,
spewing inside her, branding her as his with his semen,
vowing he wasn’t going to let her go come
Sunday. Come hell or high water, she was going to be his.


Chapter Thirteen


Brooke drove the golf cart along the path
to the resort and Alec’s home where she was supposed to meet him thirty minutes
ago. Luckily, his dolphin sighting tour had run over by an hour so when she
called him to tell him she’d be late, he was more relieved than put out. Come
to think of it, she mused, rarely had she seen Alec put out about anything. Oh,
when it came to sex, especially this plan he had laid out to deal with her
problem, it was his way or the highway, and if she wasn’t so damn horny, she
could appreciate much more the added lust his control inspired in her. Letting
the guy be in charge in the bedroom, or in their case, the bedroom, the
hallway, Gabe’s back yard, the golf course, Alec’s boat and the acres and acres
of beach, definitely has its advantages. It was so much easier to just lay back
and climax, over and over, when she didn’t have to worry about anything. Alec
was very expressive about how much he liked her body, about whether he wanted
her mouth on his cock or his mouth on her pussy, about what position he wanted
her in or how keeping her on edge turned him on.

Shifting in her seat, her still neglected
pussy aching for release, she thought he must be exploding at the seams about
now even after all his climaxes the past few days. She was so on edge she felt
one stroke of his cock against her clit would have her convulsing, thanks to
her agreeing to his terms and sticking to her promise not to masturbate without
his permission. Otherwise, she would have ended her own torment several days
ago. Pulling in front of Alec’s home, she wondered what torments he had in
store for her this afternoon and if she was going to be able to survive them.

Alec came out the front door as she hopped
out of the cart. Dressed in shorts and another chest hugging tee shirt, the
sight of him literally took her breath away, a new and novel experience for her
when it came to men. Then again, Alec was responsible for giving her many new
and novel experiences that took her breath away, at times so much so she
wondered if she’d ever get it back. As she had been doing since arriving on his
island two and a half weeks ago, Brooke ignored pondering on the character
traits of his that appealed to her on so many levels and instead concentrated
on the physical traits that kept her primed, ready and aching for him.

At just over six foot, his legs were long
and muscular and she recalled with longing how they felt against hers, behind
hers or moving with hers. His arms were just as muscular, his biceps so big she
couldn’t span them with both hands, the movement of the eagle tattoo when he
was working with them erotic as hell.
Those bright blue eyes stood out against his swarthy, tan face with its
perpetual dark shadow along his jaw and when he looked at her as he was now as
he came down the steps to greet her, she could feel her body’s instantaneous
response. His smile widened when he eyed the pointed tips of her breasts
clearly noticeable through the thin cotton of her white halter sundress.
Thankfully, she thought ruefully, he couldn’t see the damp evidence of her
arousal at just the sight of him coating her pussy lips and easing from her

“I’m glad to see you too,” he greeted her
before bending and giving her a very deep, very wet kiss.

“I wouldn’t be so….eager to see you if
you’d just give me some relief,” she replied as soon as his lips released hers.
Although, she was brave enough to admit, at least to herself, that that wasn’t
strictly true. Right now her neglected libido took precedence, but she recalled
being just as eager to see him the week before when she wasn’t suffering from
orgasm denial.

“I know,” he sighed. “Come on. We’ll take
my car.”

Since the island was less than twenty-five
square miles, all three men owned small electric cars which were perfect when
they were going farther than a golf cart would be comfortable in.

“What’s in the basket?” Brooke asked as she
settled in the passenger seat and watched Alec fold his tall frame into the
driver’s side.

“We only provide snacks on the fishing
and dolphin trips and since todays went longer than usual, I missed lunch. I
snagged some leftovers from the restaurant. I thought I’d show you through the
maritime forest and salt marshes before we head to Gabe’s place. Nature trails
wind all through them and there’s a picnic area nearby that’s beautiful this
time of year.”

“Thanks to Kira?”

“She does a lot of the maintenance work
there, but most of the plants, trees, flowers and shrubs are natural growing.
We just cleared out some hiking paths among them and added the picnic area
right outside.”

“And is this little excursion for my
entertainment or to keep me from worrying about what you have planned for me in
Gabe’s playroom?” When Alec had told her they would be spending some time in
the gathering room at Gabe’s today, the same gathering room that held their sex
parties that she had heard very detailed stories about, she had been both
excited and worried. Listening to Kira, and in the past few weeks, the men,
talk about some of the scenes that took place in that room, she had found
herself wanting to do more than hear about what went on, especially after
experiencing some of Alec’s alternative sex. That was, until he had started his
campaign to deny her pleasure until he thought she was ready to come with him inside
her again.After the last six days of being shot up to the pinnacle of climax
only to be denied the free fall, she was more than ready to take the chance of
another shutdown during intercourse if it meant she could get off before or

BOOK: Trust Me
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