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Authors: Bj Wane

Trust Me (23 page)

BOOK: Trust Me
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“Do you care? Imagine standing like this
on a lower floor, the lawn outside the window filled with people watching or
fucking while we watch.”

A shiver ran through her at the thought,
and with Will prodding her ass with his hard dick, proof of how much he wanted
her, her insecurities about her body seemed to take a back seat to the lust the
idea inspired. “Not with you by my side,” she admitted, wanting him to know
that the idea held appeal only with him.

“I’m discovering I’m a very possessive
man, sweetie. Only me, no one else for either of us.” Cupping her breasts, he
rubbed her nipples against the glass, watching as they tightened into pointed
nubs, her gasp filled with pleasure. “Are you cold or excited,” he murmured in
her ear.

“Both.” Angie pushed her ass back against
him as he leaned against her shoulders, pushing her breasts harder against the
window. “Will, fuck me,” she pleaded.

“Soon, Angel. But first, I want to get to
know this lush ass of yours. Spread your legs further and bend over.”

Moving her feet back and apart, Angie
leaned against the glass as she stuck her hips out, feeling positively decadent
in this position. When his hands cupped then kneaded her buttocks, she moaned
and sank into the pleasure, never imagining that her ass could be such a
sensitive, erogenous area.

“God, Angel, I love your ass. I could spend
all night back here playing, but then again, I did promise you a spanking more
than once this past year, didn’t I?” Without giving her time to answer, Will
landed a light slap on her right cheek before quickly following up with a
slightly harder one on her left.

Angie gasped, the unexpected sting after
the stimulating pleasure startling her, but as he
continued to smack her with slow, measured
strokes, each one a little harder than the previous, the instantaneous
pleasure/pain made her forget she thought her ass
was too big, her hips too wide, her thighs
too round. Burying her head in her arms, she simply gave herself over to this
new experience, accepting the pleasure the pain from his hand was eliciting,
relishing the tender feel of her skin and the warmth from his hand. By the time
he landed one last, hard smack in the middle of her ass, her mind was awhirl
with all the new sensations bombarding her senses. The heat in her buttocks had
spread to her pussy as her cheeks throbbed in time with the aching contractions
in her cunt, so that when Will grabbed her hips in preparation for his
penetration, all she could do was whimper in anticipation.

“Yes, Will, now, God, please, now.”

“Brace yourself, Angel,” he warned her,
relieved that she was as ready to be fucked as he was to fuck her. The sight of
those pale globes reddening under his hand, the feel of that soft skin warming
with each smack and the damp response coating her labia easily visible was more
than enough to have his cock aching to get inside her, but when her soft,
whimpered plea echoed his silent thoughts, there was no way he could go slow
and give them both what they wanted.

Using his thumbs, Will spread those
swollen folds and simply sank into her, her softness cradling his hardness, her
warmth welcoming him, her juices easing his way, her pussy felt like a vise of
silk and steel as she clamped around him. “Ah, shit, Angel, this is going to be
hard and fast. I hope you’re good with that.”

Angie had never felt so full, never been
stretched so wide and had never been so turned on. Shoving back against him,
wanting every glorious inch inside her, she answered, “I’m good with that. Fuck
me, Will.”

His hands tight on her hips, his thumbs
digging into those pink cheeks, he gave her what they both wanted, what they
both had been building up to for a year. Pulling back until just the head
remained inside her, he rammed back in, giving her all of him before repeating
the thrust, over and over until her keening cry and her copious juices coating
his cock heralded her climax. He quickly followed her as a storm of sensation
battered his senses, flooding him with lightening bright ecstasy, keeping him
submerged in pleasure until the onslaught consumed him.

Angel was grateful for the hard anchor of
Will’s arm banding around her waist because she didn’t think she could manage
to remain upright on her own. Her senses were still reeling from the most
powerful orgasm she had ever experienced, her mind still foggy from the
pleasure and her body still languid in the aftermath when he pulled her back
against him, turned her head towards his and demanded harshly, “Now will you
agree to come back with me tomorrow.”

And, of course, there was really only one
answer, only one response she knew deep down she had always planned on giving
him. “Yes.”


Chapter Twelve


Alec pulled up Brooke’s panties and
lowered her short pleated skirt before instructing, “Leave off your shoes.”

Glaring up at him, she winced as the small
clit vibrator he called a butterfly rubbed against her sensitive nub. Just the
feel of that small piece of rubber pressing against her engorged flesh was
enough to spike her arousal, an arousal that had been kept simmering but never
allowed to boil over for five days now. “Why? Where are we going?” she grumbled
while trying to ignore the throbbing ache in her pussy.

“To give you an attitude adjustment if you
don’t knock it off.” Taking her hand, Alec led her out of the bungalow and down
the steps to the beach.

“You try going days on end being sexually
stimulated only to be denied right at the moment of release.”

“I’m not the one with a problem, sugar.
The next time you come, it’s going to be on my cock. By the time I get inside
you again, I want you so far gone, nothing will keep you from climaxing.”

The way she was feeling right now, Brooke
thought she’d have no problem with intercourse, but she knew it would be futile
to try and convince Alec of that. The man was stubborn and stuck to his guns
and she knew he’d end her torment when he was damn good and ready. For five
days he had been tormenting her, bringing her to the brink of orgasm only to
pull back and deny her that much needed release.
They had taken another trip out on his boat
where he had stripped her naked and played with her all afternoon until, out of
frustration, she had released
his cock
and sucked him off, determined that one of them was going to enjoy the
afternoon. She suffered through another golf lesson with a butt plug up her
ass, this one bigger than the previous one he had used and another long dinner
at the Pelican with the nipple huggers and bullet causing enough stimulation to
keep her teetering on the edge but not allowing her to fall off.
Keeping her promise not to masturbate, she
went to bed every night with stiff, aching nipples and a swollen needy clit.
Her neglected libido aside, however, she was enjoying her time on the island
more than she had ever anticipated.

Strolling side by side with him down the
beach, their bare feet sinking into the wet sand, the warmth from the sun
beating down on them and the breeze off the ocean fanning them, she reflected
on how different her time spent with Alec was from time she had spent with
other men. Sex aside, her dates usually consisted of dining out, maybe going to
a club for drinks first or taking in a show. In New York, there was never a
shortage of different things to do. But here on Alec’s island, the activities
were limited to outdoor sporting fun or lazy days on the beach, only one
restaurant and the only shows were the collection of DVD’s shown on Alec’s big
screen television. Yet, she had to admit, she had enjoyed experiencing those
activities for the first time and, just like taking this leisurely walk down
the beach, was coming to appreciate the relaxing attitude of this slower,
quieter pace, enough that she wouldn’t be opposed to coming back here
periodically, especially if Alec was open to the idea of seeing her again.

Dressed in cut off jean shorts and a tee
shirt that hugged his chest, the short sleeves tight around his eagle tattooed
biceps, his long, muscular legs looking so masculine next to her slimmer,
shorter ones, his long hair tied back in his customary style and his gold hoop
earring glinting in the sunlight, was it any wonder she was so attracted to
him? If his physical appearance wasn’t enough to make any woman walk around
with damp panties, the way he made everything they did fun, the easy going way
he had with the guests of his resort, the obvious affection and protectiveness
he exhibited towards those he cared about and the way he had rallied to her
defense would be.

“Are we headed anyplace in particular?”
she finally asked, breaking the companionable silence.

“Towards the bungalow Will has had Angie
holed up in. We’re going to assist in giving her one of her fantasies, an

Will had returned Sunday with Angie, much
to the surprise of everyone. Of course, other than greeting them at the dock,
no one had seen either one the last three days. Since Patti had gotten a call
from her parents asking if they could keep the girls for another week and her
and Doug decided to stay on, there was only one bungalow left on this stretch
of beach, the area they reserved for the more promiscuous guests who liked
naked outdoor activities. Will had kept the pretty Angie to himself until
today, when he had called and asked Alec to bring Brooke by, hopefully in time
to be the audience Angie had been craving.

“I thought her name was Angel,” Brooke said
as she recalled the barbeque last week and how having an audience had added to
the pleasure.

“Angel is, was, her alias at Midnight
Fantasies, the sex hot line she worked for. Her given name is Angie Nielson,
but Will says she’ll always be Angel to him.” Alec decided Brooke had had
enough time to become accustomed to the feel of the butterfly rubbing back and
forth against her clit to become immune. Reaching into his pocket, he started
the vibrations on low, chuckling when she stumbled, gasped then glared up at
him. “Watch your step sugar.”

“Very funny,” she snapped but refused to
give him the satisfaction of letting him know how on edge just that little
stimulus made her. Her nipples beaded against the thin tank top, their points
easily visible since she wasn’t wearing a bra.

“I thought so.” High squeals and deep
laughter greeted them as they came around a bend of trees and spotted Will
chasing after Angie, their naked bodies gleaming with perspiration, Angie’s
large breasts bouncing, her round ass as red as her hair and face. A few yards
away, Doug was seated on the porch of the bungalow, Pattie sitting naked with
her back to him, her thighs spread over his, his cock buried deep inside her
cunt while another man stood in front of her kneading her breasts as she sucked
his cock while watching the antics of the other couple.

“Who’s the other guy with Patti and Doug?”
Brooke asked. “He looks familiar.” Looking at the threesome from the side, she
thought she had seen that profile before as well as that thick, straight black

The bite of jealousy that nipped at him
was unfamiliar to Alec but not unwelcome. He had no problem sharing Brooke with
another man, giving her the ultimate in pleasure, but the thought of her with
Dave, either before he knew her or picturing her with Dave without him didn’t
settle well with him. “That’s Dave Reynolds. You probably saw him at Gabe and
Kira’s wedding. He’s been a friend of ours for years and is here for a few days
looking over the acres where Will is going to build. Dave’s a contractor and
built Gabe’s house as well as did some remodeling on my home.”

Brooke grinned as Will tackled Angie in the
sand then just as quickly, lifted her hips and thrust into her from behind, his
hand smacking her buttocks sharply. Watching the happy threesome on the porch
reminded her of how Will and Alec had replaced her bad memory of her first
ménage with a much better one, an event she wouldn’t mind experiencing again.
Brooke’s grin quickly turned to a frown, then irritation when Alec upped the
vibrations against her pussy, adding to the arousal she had felt at watching
the other couples, quickly sending her to the peak of climax before turning
them off completely. Watching the other couples enjoying intercourse like she
longed to do only fueled her frustration, making her lash out.

“Dammit, Alec, quit tormenting me!” she
practically yelled up at him, the other couples forgotten in her anger.

Alec’s blue eyes frosted over and a muscle
ticked in his jaw as he glared down into her red face. “You came to me, Brooke,
agreed to do things my way and I’m tired of you bitching about the method I
chose to deal with your problem. You’ve got two choices,” he said coldly. “You
can hike up that skirt, pull down your panties and bend over for a taste of my
belt and then make up your rudeness to me by sucking me off, or you can walk
and we’re done.”

BOOK: Trust Me
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