Tuck's Revenge (10 page)

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Authors: Rory Flannigan

Tags: #new age, #womens fiction, #new adult contemporary, #biker sex, #mc club, #biker romance, #mc romance

BOOK: Tuck's Revenge
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Tuck hoped the brotherhood he’d build with
these guys would turn out to be stronger and more dedicated than
the relationship he believed he had with Steven. But how far he
could trust anyone was yet to be seen. For the near term, he was
just hoping for a full night’s sleep without worrying about a
silent assassin taking him out in the night while he slept.

Sometimes, Tuck seemed to keep himself going
day after day by just thinking back on the rare occasions when he
got a restful night of sleep. Those nights when he was in Vietnam,
and he found that rare place where he could crawl into an abandoned
animal’s den and sleep without worry. Or those days when he would
come across a fresh indention made by a mortar shell, and he could
pull the dirt in over his body to conceal himself from the
Vietcong, if any happened by. Tuck often thought about that day he
went for a walk on Bill’s ranch, and that little stream he laid by
and took a good nap without a worry. He thought his problems were
over then, only to be proven wrong soon afterward. A part of the
reason why he was hesitant about letting his guard down again. Tuck
wondered if he’d ever have any more days like that, but he went
forward each day hoping for another, even if only in a dream. With
people like Tuck and the life he lived, that's about the best he
had to hope for.

Tuck got the guys together and told them
about the situation he’d been wanting to take care of up in the
northwest, and he laid it all on the line for them. He told them he
didn't know what to expect once he got there, or how deep the shit
would get. The people up there in the northwest didn't know about
the Death Merchants and who they were associated with. But after
they got to working and their names got known, he didn't want to
leave them in place to become a nuisance or a hazard. He explained
they were the ones who tried to take Bill out if anything Bill ever
told him was truth, and at the time he thought they were an enemy.
But now, the way it turned out, he didn't know for sure, but he had
to confront them to see where they stood and if they were a threat,
and more than likely by the time they got around to going, they
would know he was coming.

Tuck explained he wanted them to surprise
that group in the northwest, and not have them surprise them
someday. The men listened intently during his presentation, and
when he finished, they asked when they’d be leaving? Tuck then told
them about the warehouse, and how it would serve as their
Clubhouse, a Council Chamber for their Association, and also part
of it was going to be used for a business to bring in some income.
He was going to sign the papers in a few days. After the paperwork
was signed, they’d take care of the problem in the northwest.

Out of the fifty or so men Tuck had riding
with him, four of them were married and had children or a family.
The four agreed to stay behind since they didn’t know how dangerous
it was going to be and would get things going at the Clubhouse for
him. Tuck wanted to take precautions, he didn’t want any of his men
hurt or killed if he could help it, and definitely didn’t want to
leave any children fatherless.

Things like that weighed on his mind, but he
assured his guys before if anything happened to any of them, their
families would be cared for, and that was a vow they made to each
other on day one, and they stood by that vow as a brotherhood to
each other.

Tuck went to talk to Boots about how best to
handle the paperwork on the warehouse. Boots told him they could
discuss it with the Council since they would know more about the
legal aspects of it, but he told Tuck the motel was under an LLC
and had worked out well for him. That way if something happened to
him, it would remain under control of the association and therefore
remain in place for future generations.

Tuck told Boots that sounded good to him; he
just didn't want his name on it and have the government involved in
his life. Boots told him he would make a call and find out for
sure, then let him know. Then he told Boots about the trip he had
to make and asked Boots if he could watch out for things while he
was gone, and Boots said he'd be glad to do it.

As Tuck was making preparations for the trip,
the main thing on his mind was seeing if his men were up to the
task at hand. He made arrangements with the guys and himself to go
out for a day on what Tuck described as a training mission, just to
see how they would react under pressure. Tuck knew of a place
several miles out of town where they could train without being
bothered or bother anyone else.

One afternoon, they rode out to do an
assessment on where they all stood. Once they reached their
destination, Tuck told them that he wanted to see their level of
shooting skills most of all, but he also wanted to see how they
handled themselves man on man. He explained he thought it would be
a good idea if they took time to regularly have training sessions
not only to hone their skills, but to stay in good condition

As they were leaving that evening, Tuck was
recounting what he seen while they were training, and he was pretty
pleased with all his guys and their performance. But he noticed
some were lacking a bit, but knew they had the ability come get up
to speed in time. But his main concern was the ones that stood out
above the others as far as their skills, because they were the ones
Tuck wanted to move up in rank to take a position to help the
others advance their skills as well.

As time went along, Tuck moved three of his
best men up to the positions of Captain (or Road Captain), Sergeant
(Sergeant at Arms), and an Enforcer who would keep the guys in line
and help them along in their training. He brought them all together
and told them the day they’d make the trip to the northwest to see
what they could find out about this group Bill’s old friend,
Homeboy, was part of.

Tuck was having second thoughts about
everyone going up there at one time. He was unsure as to how
expansive or how connected the group was, and he thought about the
chances of mission failure if they were seen going up as a large
group. He thought it would be better if himself and two or three
others initially went up and checked things out to assess the
situation, then call for the other guys to follow at a later date.
He talked it over with Boots and the other guys, and they thought
it was a good way to handle the situation.

Boots said the Council was going to handle
all the paperwork on the warehouse, and they were sending someone
to sign the next day. That was good news because he’d been
anticipating it for several days, and finally it was coming to
fruition. The next day around noon, Boots got a call and he was
told it was final, and the warehouse was theirs. When Boots told
him the news, Tuck informed the rest of the guys and they couldn’t
wait to check it out. Running for the door, they jumped on their
bikes and raced all the way there.

There were a couple of cars at the warehouse
as they approached, but as they got lose, enough they saw the cars
belonged to the Council Members. As Tuck got off his bike, one of
the men and said, "Hello, Tuck," and then reached out to shake his
hand and passed him the keys. Tuck looked at the keys, then at the
man. "Have you been inside yet?”

The man said, "No not yet, we were waiting on
the owner.”

Tuck smiled and said, "Well let’s go in and
take a look around.”

After the tour of the place, the council
members seemed satisfied they’d made a good investment, and
suggested to Tuck he might want to get some work done to it and
make it look more updated and not so rundown. He told them it was
what he’d intended to do but he needed to make some money before he
started on fixing the place. The Council members told him the
building belonged to the organization and since that was the case,
they would see what kind of money they could collect to do the

"Besides, we're going to be meeting here too
so it's only right for us to put up the money.”

"That would be great.”


Glory watched the man who had become
important to her father. She had done so over the last months in
order to make sure he was what he said he was. Too many times men
had come through, gotten her father’s hopes up, and then squashed
them. They needed someone like Tuck, hell if she admitted it, she
needed someone like Tuck too. He was gorgeous.

“You getting everything ready?” she said to
Tuck when he came back into the lobby. Tuck looked at her and

She knew he hadn’t had a woman since he had
been here. She had paid attention and watched, now she was thinking
now may be the time to throw her hat in the ring so to speak.

“Yep,” Tuck said and she looked at him

“You gonna move there, I heard my dad say you
were setting up house there too.” He stared at her but didn’t
answer so she carried on. “You need help you let me know.”

He nodded and then said, “Would like

Glory smiled a little and turned before she
broke out into a huge grin. That was the beginning, and later when
both of them looked back, they would declare that not the meetings,
not the rides, not all the nights hanging with the guys, was the
beginning of the club, it was right then, when Tuck unknowingly
chose his queen.

Chapter Six


Memories: the state or fact of being


Tuck working on his bike, he was alone, and
even though he had been thinking about dating Glory, they had not
been together. He did this out of respect for Boots, however, he
was not certain he could continue, his cock was hard every fucking
time she was around, so much so the jacking off in the shower was
like second nature at this point. It was driving him mad.

He looked at the clock with a sigh, yeah,
Boots was gonna be here in two days, and Tuck was going to ask the
man for permission to make Glory his woman officially. He grinned
when he thought about her wearing his cut. His mom would have liked
her. That is when he remembered the conversation he had with his
mom right after he’d gotten home.

They were talking about him settling down,
she wanted grandbabies, and Tuck at the time was not picturing much
of anything for the future. Damned if he wasn’t now, he wished his
mom was here right now. Maybe, if all this worked out, he would
finally give his mom what she wanted. Too bad she wouldn’t be
around to enjoy it all.

Glory came to Tuck a little later and said,
"Tuck, I think you owe me a dinner, don't you?”

"Yeah, I think I do too. Name the time and
place and we'll go.”

"Well if you're buying, I want a steak. If
we're going dutch, I want a steak. If I have to pay…”

"Looks like we're eating steak.”

Glory smiled and said, "I like a guy that can
take a hint. I'll be ready.”

During dinner, they got to know each other
better. Glory found out Tuck was different away from Boots and the
other guys, and seemed more laid back. He was instinctively always
on guard, watching people as they passed by him, or when the
waitress at the restaurant approached the table, he would keep a
space or some distance between himself and her. Glory realized that
besides shaking Tuck’s hand a time or two, and hugging him once
when he was leaving, there was no touching or anything with

As Glory talked to him, she thought of how
lonely he must have been all of his life, and how a man’s mind
could work when they don't have the want or the need for the touch
or the affection for another person. He was unlike any person she’d
ever met in her life. Tuck may never be someone she could ever be
with or close to. He kept everyone at arm’s length. Between a
combination of the way his mind worked, his upbringing, and his
military training, he seemed to be more of a machine than a human
being. But he was a dangerous machine or human being, regardless of
how you classified him. The short time she’d known him, the only
emotion she witnessed was for the care and well being for his men.
Glory knew by the way she could read people, how Tuck’s mind
worked, if you were straight with him he would take care of you.
But if you were his best friend in the world and you betrayed him,
he would kill you and have no remorse for doing it whatsoever.

When they were through with dinner, Tuck
drove her back. They were walking to her room when she finally said
what she wanted to ask all night.

“I know this is the question men hate to be
asked, but for me, I have to ask it. Where do you want this to go,
to lead? Are we gonna fuck and then go back to being friends? Am I
just going to be the available woman at the time and when we get
out of here you can go about your merry way and find someone else?”
she told him.

He frowned, turned, and said, “What the hell
do you take me for? Of course not, shit, it’s good to know that you
think I’m such an ass. I mean I’m an ass, but not that big of one.
It’s a beginning. We are going to be together, as in exclusive, as
in I will cut the cock off any man who dares to touch you other
than me. I’m possessive about my woman. I was thinking that this is
the beginning of our future.”

She laughed and said, “Well then, nice to let
a girl in on all the thinking you have been doing. So should we
take this inside then.”

“Hell yeah,” Tuck said softly and traced a
finger across the top of her dress, brushing the top of her breast
softly. She could feel her nipples tighten and she closed her eyes
for a moment.

When she opened them, she saw the hungry look
that he was giving her, she couldn’t help it; she giggled like a
girl and then took his hand and walked with him into the

“Shit, why am I nervous?” she whispered.

He winked and began to take off his shirt.
“‘Cause you are dealing with a real man now.”

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