Turn Towards the Sun Book Two: After the Rain (6 page)

BOOK: Turn Towards the Sun Book Two: After the Rain
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“Yes, like little tasty clouds. I love them.”

“You know,” he says, swirling his wine around. “It’s been a while since I’ve had the pleasure of feeding you.”

I feel my cheeks blushing, as the restaurant is full of people. “How about a little later?” I suggest. “Everyone will stare at us here.” There is no privacy at all.

“Do you care what other people think? I don’t. If they stare, they’ll know we’re in love and there is nothing wrong with that. Please, bella?”

“How could I say no to that?”

Enzo scoots his chair closer to mine and takes the fork from my hand. “Grazie, amore. It pleases me so much to take care of you in this way.”

He feeds me bite after luxurious bite until my plate is close to empty. I sample every dish on the table, remarking how amazing everything tastes. We drink several glasses of wine and finish our meal. I’m beyond stuffed.

“I won’t need to eat the rest of the day,” I say, laughing.

Enzo grins. “We’ll go to the market and pick up some things for the house, and tonight we can just stay home doing whatever you like.”

“It sounds divine. So, we have a week all to ourselves in Italy?”

“Yes, we do. We’ll spend it getting to know each other more, relaxing and falling deeper into each other. There is no better place to do that.”

“You’re right. Italy is perfect for disconnecting from the outside world.”

“We don’t even have a television – no distractions. I was thinking that I may even read a book.”

“A real book? Not a blueprint or a contract?” I giggle softly.

My husband takes my hand in his and plants a kiss on the back of it. “No, I want to do whatever you want to do, and you like to read. You also like to sleep in and sit in your pajamas on the couch for hours. We spend our lives doing everything I want to do, or need to do. This week is all about you.”

I am speechless for a moment. The waiter returns and Enzo engages in a lively conversation with him. I’m guessing it’s about the markets where we can get food. Leaning back in my chair, I watch my husband’s graceful arm movements and the way his body joins in with the conversation. I love the way his lips pout when he listens and then curl when he smiles. He turns back to me and shows that amazing smile that never ceases to thrill me.

“Shall we go, my love? The waiter says there is a nice market just down the sidewalk where we can get most of what we need. I thought we could get some wine, coffee, meat and bread. It’s enough to live on until I’m ready to take a break from ravishing you.” He winks at me.

I grin. “We must keep our energy up for that.”

We walk down the sidewalk and gather our groceries. I spot a small pastry shop and run inside for a tray of incredibly delectable Italian pastries, hoping they are as good as the ones in Florence. After a short while we head back to the car, our arms laden with bags to take back to our cute little house.

“You know, babe, I feel really happy and relaxed,” I say. “I’m glad we could get away. The last few months were just a whirlwind.”

He nods. “To say the least. Can you believe everything that has happened?” He opens the car door for me. “You’ve done a fantastic job adapting to my crazy life. It’s almost like you’ve always been here.”

“It feels like that sometimes.”

Enzo drives us home as I grip the seat the whole way. I wonder if, after a week of this, I’ll get used to these tiny roads and aggressive driving. Arriving back at the house, we pack the kitchen with our purchases. I walk into our bedroom and pull out some books from my bag.

Enzo chose one about design in the hope that he could actually decompress enough to read. I flip it open and glance through the pages. It is full of beautiful buildings, houses and landscaping, along with some very technical descriptions of each one. Ah well, I guess that’s his idea of fun. I chose the latest trashy romance – my idea of fun.

Wandering back into the living room, I find my husband lighting a fire. He has set some candles on the little coffee table and poured two glasses of wine. Very romantic.

He turns and his eyes light up. “Ah, bella, there you are. It’s going to get cool tonight, so I made us a fire.”

“It’s lovely. I brought your book.”

“Excellent.” He gets up and wraps his arms around my waist. “I was thinking that after we relax and read for a while, maybe you’d like to join me for a bath before bed.”

I rub my nose against his. “I would very much enjoy that.”

“Mmm, something to look forward to, no?” Taking my hand, he leads me to the couch and hands me my wine. He lifts his glass for a toast. “To forever.”

“Forever. How do you say that in Italian?”

“Per sempre.”

I repeat, “Per sempre.”

“Earlier today, when we were eating, I just looked at you and I almost couldn’t believe my eyes,” he says, holding my hand. “You’re like this beautiful, loving angel that dropped into my world and took it over. You unnerve me, throw me off balance, and enrapture me in your incredible love. I never thought my life would be like this. I never even dreamed of a woman like you. I’m a better man because of you.”

My eyes fill with tears. “I… I don’t know what to say. All I can think is that we were supposed to meet that day, and we are meant to be in love, and this life – this incredible, whirlwind, passionate life – is ours. It’s real and I think we deserve it.”

“Yes, we are meant to be. I’ve never wanted someone else’s happiness like I want yours. It’s a little crazy almost how you make me feel.”

“I’m always making you crazy, remember?” I laugh. “Ever since the day you met me.”

“That is actually true.”

“I’m glad you rescued this damsel in distress.”

“I remember thinking how absolutely gorgeous you were, but after the wine I thought you might not make it safely to your destination.” He grins at me. “But, before you over-romanticize this, remember that my intentions towards you were not pure initially.”

“Let me be clear, my intentions towards you were far less than pure, too. I was torn between running away as fast as I could and trying my hardest to get in your bed.”

He laughs. “Avoiding sex with you was beyond difficult. I won’t tell you the dirty things I did to myself after leaving your presence.”

“As hard as it was, by the time we went there it was amazing. You were right to make us wait for emotions to develop. We both needed that.”

“Yes, we did. It’s also another reason why I knew we were going to be together. As interested as I was in your body, I knew I was even more interested in your character. And I was extremely interested in your body. I still am,” he chuckles.

I sigh. “I’m thankful we don’t have any self-imposed boundaries now.”

“As am I,” he replies, leaning over and kissing me, sweetly and softly. “Your lips, bella, they are so… mmm. There is nothing about you that I don’t adore.”

“I appreciate that about you, and I’ll try not to take advantage and get as fat as a cow.” I giggle.

“I doubt that will ever happen.”

I smile. “It won’t. I have an image to keep up. Being married to the world’s finest architect is a lot of pressure.”

Enzo’s face creases into a frown. “I hope you don’t really feel that way. There is no pressure. You can always be yourself.”

Ah dang, the conversation turned serious.

I take another sip of wine and reply, “I know you feel that way. But I snagged Phoenix’s most eligible bachelor and with that comes expectation. Don’t you think that every time I walk out of the house, people will be judging me? They will.”

“And what if they do? Who gives a damn?” he replies. “You’re a magnificent woman and you’re mine. Anyone else’s opinion is completely irrelevant.”

“I believe you. Still, I don’t want anyone writing that Enzo Milano married a fatty, or any other unflattering remarks.”

“God help the person who writes anything negative about you.” He’s as serious as he could possibly be.

I agree. God help the person that crosses him. Time to change the subject.

“Shall we read for a while, my love?” I suggest.

“Yes, lets.”

The hours pass quietly between us. We sit, cuddled together on the sofa in this lovely house, perched on top of a hill, high above the blue-green sea. The easy silence makes me want to stay here, cocooned in our own private world. For once, we have nothing to do and nowhere to be. This is the perfect place for us to spend our honeymoon. I hope this week goes as slow as the sun setting on a long summer day.

Leaning my head against my husband’s chest, I smile. The reciprocal grin I receive warms me, and I know this is the man for me, forever.




“Amore? Ava, wake up.” I hear Enzo’s sweet, accented voice coax me from sleep as the plane touches down once more in Phoenix. I sit up in my seat and begin to gather my things, smiling sweetly at my husband.

“Do you ever sleep on planes, babe?” I ask.

Enzo shakes his head. “Impossible,” he says, grinning. “More opportunity to watch you sleep though, no?”

“Ever the romantic, aren’t you?” I lean over and kiss his cheek. Arriving home feels bittersweet. The week in Italy was perfection but now it’s time to get back to the business of normal life. I’m still not quite sure what normal will look like for us.

“Bella, I need to drop you off at home and go over to Girasole. There is paperwork I need to sign that’s been waiting for me,” Enzo tells me, his tone apologetic.

“That’s cool, babe. I’ll just start unpacking and get settled in. Are you sure you don’t need to rest?” This man is always working. It’s amazing he was able not to for a whole week. One whole, glorious week of relaxation.

“I will rest later when I get back in your arms, my love.” He kisses my cheek before handing me my cashmere wrap.

I run my fingers through my hair and refresh my lip gloss. Glancing in my compact mirror, I notice my cheeks have a healthy flush to them. Must be the glow from being in love.

“Andiamo?” Enzo asks me, as he extends his hand for me to take. I stand and take it, happily reminded of the first time I held his hand. Hard to believe that was just four months ago.

“Everything is okay at Girasole?” I ask.

“Very much so. Just work piling up for me,” Enzo explains as we walk towards baggage claim. “I’m the only one that can sign certain documents. It’s my way of maintaining control.”

“I bet it was difficult for everyone to function without you for a week.”

He shrugs. “They will have to learn how. I plan to spend many more weeks of my life alone with my beautiful wife.”

“I look forward to that.”

We wait patiently for our luggage while Enzo calls Grayson to inform him of our arrival. No surprise, he is already pulling into the airport parking lot to pick us up. I watch my husband grab our bags from the luggage carousel, speaking rapidly on his cell phone. I’m sure his attention will have to shift back to his ever growing empire and I’m thankful I had it undivided for the time in Italy.

I look up to see Grayson striding towards us. I nudge Enzo’s arm to get his attention.

“Hello, Grayson.” I say, smiling.

“Mrs. Milano,” he politely nods towards me and takes a suitcase from Enzo.

Enzo continues his conversation. Judging from his expression, I’d say he’s not happy with the person on the other end of the phone.

“Ted, it’s quite simple. I asked that the contract include the casino clause, in case it is approved. I don’t want the contractor to be surprised. Is that too difficult for you to handle?”

I watch his face, cold and neutral, like the day I met him. I don’t know why, but I get a little thrill when he’s like this. Enzo takes my carryon bag from me and continues walking towards the parking lot.

“Did you confirm with Daxton or do I need to handle that as well?”

Wow, he’s really irritated. I can’t help but giggle out loud. Enzo turns to me, an amused expression on his face. Even Grayson seems to find it funny as we reach the car.

“Good, thank you. I fully expect I won’t be called about this issue again. Are we clear?” He nods his head, and then snaps his phone shut. “Am I entertaining you, signora?”

I shake my head. “I felt sorry for poor Ted.” I giggle again. “Okay, I didn’t. I thought it was funny. But I hope everything is okay.”

He smiles. “Everything is perfectly fine. Unfortunately, I have to remind people of my expectations from time to time.”

“Hmm, I wonder what your expectations of me are then. We’ve never discussed.”

He opens the door for me and I slide onto the leather seats. He quickly joins me as Grayson takes his position behind the wheel.

“My love, my only expectation of you is that you continue to be you.” He lifts my hand to his mouth and sweetly kisses it.

“No problem there. I couldn’t be anyone else.”

“Grayson, I need you to take Ava home and then I need to go to Girasole,” Enzo instructs.

“Certainly, sir.”

“Ava,” Enzo leans close to me and whispers in my ear, “this week was amazing. You must know that I absolutely adore you.”

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