Turn Towards the Sun Book Two: After the Rain (49 page)

BOOK: Turn Towards the Sun Book Two: After the Rain
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Francesca leans over my shoulder. “Hmm, yes, okay. I like this idea. Let’s do this.”

“You’re positive? I can place the order today if you’re sure.”

“Yes, I am very sure. It’s a good idea. Brava.” She smiles and goes back to her bedding selections.

I start making notes on how many silver tiles should be ordered. If we have about ten in each room, we should be able to get enough to do the bathrooms.

Hearing a knock on the door, I look up to see Enzo walk in. He talks briefly with Francesca and then joins me.

He smiles. “Ciao.”


“Are you ready to go home?” he asks.

“I am. Just let me make a couple more notes. I need to give Dax a new purchase order before we leave.”

Enzo walks towards me and rubs my back. “Leave it for me. I’ll give it to him in the morning. You’ve been working too much.”

“Va bene.” I grab my purse and tote bag, and wrap my favorite pink scarf around my neck.

We’re having another cold snap, which is so unusual for March. Pulling on my suede jacket, I say goodbye to Francesca and we leave.

“Shall we light a fire when we get home?” Enzo asks.

“Yeah, if Cassie doesn’t already have one going.”

“Are you feeling alright?” he asks. “You look a little pale. You’re not pushing yourself too hard, are you?”

“I really do feel tired today, but I guess it’s normal.”

“Have you called Dr. Warner?”

“No, the book I have said that feeling tired is just part of it. I am growing a human, you know,” I remind him with a grin.

“Yes, our human.” He rubs my back and opens the car door for me.

“I think we’re going to need a bigger car,” I remark. “Both of us have tiny cars. I don’t think we can fit a car seat in.”

“Very true,” he agrees “What do you propose?”

“Beats me,” I say. “Just something safe and with a backseat, maybe a Volvo?”

“Yes, that would be a good choice. We’ll look soon.”

“No rush. We’ve got plenty of time. I’m not due for seven more months.”

“You can never be too prepared,” he says. “We need to talk about a nursery and start interviewing nannies now.”

“Now? It seems so early…”

“In the next few weeks, no?” he asks.

“Okay. Right now I just want to put my feet up. I can only imagine what I’ll feel like when it’s gets hot outside and I’m as big as a house.”

“You know I’ll do anything I can to help.”

“I know. I think you’ll be dishing out some massages and foot rubs.”

“It would be my pleasure.”

We pull into our driveway and into the garage. When we walk into the house it is quiet, except for Maximus, who is overjoyed to see us. Enzo starts a fire and lets the dog out while I change into some comfortable clothing and settle on the couch with a book. I click the remote control to turn on some soft jazz.

Ten minutes later, Cassie walks in. “Hey, Ava.”


“What’s going on?” she asks.

“Nothing. Where’s Chris?”

“He’s here. Just working in the back, I assume. Chris got that new contract, you know, and then, with Enzo’s websites, he’s pretty busy. He ordered in Chinese, so it should be here soon.”

“You know, this house is so big that when people are here, I don’t even know it.” I say.

“Well, Chris is a pretty quiet guy. You’d have known if I was here.”

“Very true,” I say.

“Are you alright? You look tired.”

“Enzo asked me that too. I guess I am.”

“Well, I’m gonna change and then we’ll come out when the food gets here,” she says.


At that moment Enzo walks in carrying a cup of tea and a platter of appetizers that he just threw together.

“What are you smiling about, amore?” he asks, handing me a small plate.

“I was just thinking that you’re an award-winning architect, an amazing lover, beyond handsome, an over-the-top romantic, and you can handle yourself in the kitchen. You astound me.”

Enzo sits down next to me. “I’m honored you feel that way.”

“I am sure I’m not alone.”

“I couldn’t care less what anyone else in this world thinks of me. Your opinion is all that matters. You know that,” he says, kissing my cheek.

“That astounds me too.”

“The only outside opinion that matters to me is my reputation as an architect because that is how I make my living, and my living allows me to give you everything you deserve.”

“I think you’re doing just fine in that department.” I take a bite of bruschetta. “This is really good, babe.”

Enzo smiles, but says nothing. I find it so charming that my husband comes across as very humble when he is with me, but in public he couldn’t be more confident and, quite honestly, arrogant. He knows that he’s good at his job and doesn’t shy away from the accolades. But when it’s just us two, he’s sweet, gentle, and focused only on me.

“Chris ordered Chinese. After dinner, I think I’ll just read for a while and then go to bed early. I’m feeling really worn out,” I say.

“That’s a good idea. You do need to rest. I don’t think it would be a bad idea to check in with the doctor tomorrow, just to be sure. You could be coming down with something. Did you get your flu shot yet?”

“No, I’m supposed to get it next week at my appointment. The doctor said it’s the tail-end of the flu season, so I should be safe.”

“You can’t be too safe,” he says, rubbing my cheek. “We’ll call her in the morning.”

The food arrives, but I find that I don’t really have much of an appetite after the two small pieces of bruschetta I ate. I always figured I would eat more during pregnancy, not less. Excusing myself, I go to our bedroom and climb into bed. Sinking down into the plush bedding, I realize that I probably needed to rest much sooner. Perhaps I am working too much.

I smile as my handsome husband enters the room. “Here’s some tea, my love. Now rest,” he says, kissing my forehead. “We’ll deal with everything in the morning.”

“I’ll be here.” I grin and sip my tea.

“You’re sure you’re okay? Do you think I should call the doctor?” Enzo asks.

I shake my head. “I’m sure it’s nothing a little rest won’t resolve. Don’t worry so much.”

“I can’t help it. You’re so precious to me and now you have my baby in there.” He reached out and rubs my tummy.

“I feel a little run down, sure, but I probably just need to slow it down a little. I can’t do everything the same as I used to.”

We stare at each other for a moment, Enzo’s blue eyes filled with the intensity I’ve come to know and love so much. He lifts my hand to his mouth and gently kisses it. “I love you, Ava, with every ounce of my being. You are my entire world. We’ve been through so much, but we made it through, and now we’re building a family.” He sweetly rubs my tummy. “I know we can handle whatever the future holds for us.”

“I know it, too. Whatever the future holds...”



Happily Ever After…


Enzo and Ava’s story continues in the final installment of the Sunflower Trilogy. Every girl deserves a happy ending to her fairy tale.


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