Twenty One (Love by Numbers Book 2) (19 page)

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Authors: E.S. Carter

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Twenty One (Love by Numbers Book 2)
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“Keep watching, I want you to know just how breathtaking you look when you come.”

As the last word leaves his lips he enters me from behind and I let out a long, deep, moan, while struggling to obey his instructions to watch.

“See how we fit together Emmy? See how when I’m inside you everything else just disappears? It’s just me and you. I was made to be inside you, made to be yours.”

I can’t answer him, his thrusting has increased and his finger has never faltered from its task of heating my skin to burning point and turning my legs to jelly.

Every single cell in my body is aflame and watching myself come undone is almost too much but I cannot tear my eyes away.

The scene unfolding in the mirror in front of us is mesmerising

The way our bodies move and undulate as one, the way his delectable mouth devours my soft skin, the way his talented fingers make me see stars and the way his deep blue eyes connect with my soul.

This transcends just sex. This is not just fucking. This is not just the physical act of love making.

This is


s my lust hazed mind processes the overwhelming feelings of this moment, my natural reactions take over. Sensing my impending orgasm, Jake picks up the pace of his thrusts, going deeper and harder on each one. His finger increases its pressure and with a firm press of his hand I come,

The room disappears from focus as I try and fail to keep my eyes open, the intense ecstasy stealing the air from my lungs and the strength from my limbs.

I hear Jake groan out my name a few seconds later, his cock pulsing inside me, his hands gripping my hips so tightly I expect to bruise.


uck Emmy, that was ….. “

He doesn’t finish his sentence as my knees finally buckle and he instantly scoops me up in his arms.

Although my body is totally spent, I manage to mumble into his chest, “Incredible”.



ache from the tips of my toes to the roots of my hair. Not a bad ache, it’s the good kind. The well fucked kind.


wake with Emma curled around me, her soft, naked skin, flush against mine. Her limbs trapped in my embrace, an embrace she’s currently trying to wiggle her way out of but even half asleep I tighten my hold, not wanting to lose the connection just yet.

She half mumbles half laughs about needing to get up to go to the toilet and I have to instruct my arms to let her go.

The moment her warmth leaves me, my body shivers, like it’s been stripped of all comfort. I crack open one eye to watch her retreating form enter the bathroom.

She is all tanned skin, lush curves and just fucked hair.

My dick twitches in appreciation and despite taking her all night; I know I’m going to take her again before we leave this room.

I stretch out on my back and rub the palms of my hands over my eyes.

Last night was like nothing I’ve ever experience before.

Yes I’ve been with many women. Yes I’ve had a lot of sex, I’ve even had a lot of mind blowing sex but last night was something else, something

I can’t stop thinking about this girl. When she’s not with me, she’s all I think about and when she is with me, I spend the whole time thinking about sinking inside her. Even when I sleep, I dream about her.

She has seduced my body, stolen my mind and invaded my soul.

every single piece of me.


grab my phone from the nightstand, swipe the screen and see dozens of emails, missed calls and texts. Most are from Tina or her minions, those I scroll past but one is from Marcus my manager outlining the legal ramifications of being named in Mrs FML’s divorce.

I named her FML for her ‘Fuck Me Legs’ now the acronym seems even more fitting as she ‘Fucks My Life’.

I close the email app and scroll through texts, opening the one sent from Nate just ten minutes ago.


Get from between ur girls legs & meet us 4 breakfast. Liv wants 2 visit Meiji Shrine 2day, U game?


fire back a quick response.


What’s up, your girl not letting U between hers? I’ll ask Em & get back to U


alking of getting between my girls legs, she’s been an awfully long time in the bathroom. Maybe she needs some help.


he’s left the bathroom door open just a crack and I silently push it open.

Emma is stood facing the mirror, totally naked. Now there’s a fucking sight for a very,
hard dick.

I let my eyes feast on every inch of her, from her edible breasts that are just more than a handful and the perfect mouthful, to the curve of her firm, round, arse.

My favourite part of her body though is the dip in her lower back, that delectable curve just above the cheeks of her butt. I’m not sure why hers is so appealing. It could be the graceful way she stands, her back straight with that pert bottom curving out like the most tasty, yet sinful peach, highlighting that soft expansive of skin just above. Whatever it is I want to run my fingers over that curve, followed by my tongue.

She is still oblivious to my presence, still staring at her reflection in the mirror. Not in a vain way, she’s not assessing which side is her ‘best’ or checking for wrinkles. She’s just staring, a small, almost bewildered smile on her face and one hand in her hair.

I wonder what she sees when she looks at herself.

Does she see the innocently beautiful, yet strong woman I see?

Does she see the feisty, funny and intensely sensual woman that she often tries to keep hidden?

Does she see the person who has claimed, marked and owned me, when I never even knew myself that I was capable of belonging to someone?

And belong to her I do.


hatcha looking at beautiful?” My voice is still thick with sleep or it could be just lust because the raging boner I’m currently sporting is more than just some morning wood.

She jumps, clutching an arm across her breasts, covering them from my view, her eyes finding mine in the mirror.

The electricity that is always around whenever we are in the same room, pulses between us, pulling me towards her. I once thought of her as my siren, luring me in.

I was right; she calls to me on a level I never knew existed.

Her spirit, her very essence sings to mine and I will never be able to fight it. I tried for many months and yet fate saw fit to bring us together again.

Before she can turn towards me I move quickly, placing my arms on either side of her, pinning her to the counter.

Then I summon up all the control I possess, to slowly show her how fucking beautiful she is.

To show her the entrancing woman I see every time I make her lose control and in the process of making her come undone, I unravel equally.


fter carrying her spent and sated body back to bed, we lie silently in each others embrace.

I feel just as content holding her as I do being inside her.

I’m not sure when I turned into a cuddler but I’m starting to wonder why I’ve never done this with someone before. Then again, it’s not about the physical touch of just anyone, it’s about how
makes me feel when we touch. I doubt this would be enjoyable with anyone but her.

“So, Nate’s been in touch, the gang are all expecting us for breakfast and Liv wants to visit some shrine.” I speak quietly while I twist a lock of her long, silky hair around my finger, my eyes roaming her face, greedy for every inch of her skin.

“I’d like that, it sounds like fun.” She looks at me wickedly, “Plus, I didn’t agree to fly around the world with you, to only see the inside of each country’s hotel rooms, or should I say more precisely

“You know what they say?” I take in the little scrunch of her brow as she processes my question and then shakes hers head softly. “Seen one country, seen ‘em all.”

That earns me a dig in my chest from her elbow and she huffs out a breath, yet keeps a smile on her face. “You have a one track mind Jake Fox. If all you wanted to bring me on this trip for, is to be your personal concubine, then you’ve brought the wrong girl.” Her tone is playful but her words strike me in the chest.

“That’s not why I want you here Emmy, you know that right?”

I look deep into her hypnotising eyes as sincerity replaces her earlier playfulness.

“I know Jake, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t know.”

No more words are shared as we lie there, just looking at each. Letting each other feel the truth in our words.


he silence is interrupted by both our phones vibrating like crazy on the night stand. They both go off at exactly the same time and she says “Liv” just as I say “Nate”, causing her to giggle and roll her eyes while reaching over to answer her phone.

We both appease our well timed callers, by promising to be down for breakfast in the next twenty minutes.

“I’m going to shower. Do not, I repeat,
do not
follow me in there.” She winks and rolls over, escaping my attempt to drag her body back towards mine.

“Spoilsport.” I lean back and enjoy the view, watching her stretch elegantly before standing from the bed.

Will I ever get tired of looking at her?

“Earth to Jake.” She clicks her fingers in my direction, one hand covering her breasts, which she knows currently have my full attention.

“Stop looking at me like I’m your next meal and get ready for breakfast. I want to explore today.”

She glides across the floor, turning her back to me and showing me my favourite bit of her body, that delectable curve just above her arse.

“Oh you have no idea how much I want to explore.”

She stops at my blatant innuendo and looks over her shoulder at me, her eyebrow quirks up making her look even more fucking sexy.

“If you explore anymore than you already have, there will be nothing left for you to discover.” The corner of her mouth lifts in a cheeky smile and I am seconds away from tying her to the bed.

‘Do. Not. Follow Me.’ She warns, the humour never leaving her face.

I’ve always liked a challenge but she’s right, I can’t just keep her here like my sex slave.

If my girl wants to see the sights, then I’m determined to show her all of them.


few hours later, after a breakfast filled with banter and teasing that left Emma flushed from top to toe, we head towards our second tourist trap of the day.

We’ve already visited the Tsukiji Fish Market because someone in the hotel told Liv it
to be experienced.

Yeah, I know, why the hell would anyone want to visit a stinking fish market?

The girls seemed to enjoy it though and H managed to upset many of the vendors by playing with their wares. This involved grabbing the biggest and/or ugliest fish he could find and using it like a ventriloquist’s dummy.

We had fish serenading us everything from Michael Jackson to Elvis, and Emma’s own personal favourite, Under The Sea from some stupid Disney film.

She literally buckled over with laughter, as our idiotic friend, grabbed some kind of crab and adopted a Jamaican accent. Then she almost peed herself as the owner of the big arse crab, proceeded to hit H over the head with some kind of implement, forcing him to drop the crab like it was hot.

I’m not sure how we actually got out of there alive, although I swear I saw Nate paying for everything H had messed with once our backs were turned.


o now we are standing in front of a forty foot high, torii gate, that leads to the austere looking Meiji Shrine.

I’m not one to normally take much interest in visiting buildings, no matter what they are, but something about this place is enchanting.

The grounds are filled with huge cypress trees, adding to the mystical, yet serene atmosphere. Even H is on his best behaviour, in fact, I would say he seems very subdued here, almost thoughtful. Maybe we can bottle up a bit of the water at the cleansing station and use it as some kind of ‘Anti-H spray’ for use when he gets out of hand.


he most beautiful thing here though, is without a shadow of a doubt, my girl.

Just watching her absorb every detail, a look of awe and wonder on her perfect face, fills me with a deep sense of contentment.

As much as my selfish cock wants to be inside her every hour, of every day, I find my heart wants to give her this.

It wants to give her the entire world.

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