Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials (25 page)

BOOK: Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials
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4.7. Model of a dorje in front of a Tibetan temple. Author's own image.

We've strayed from the point somewhat. We were actually talking about the return of the gods of the Mayan world. But the Maya weren't alone in their beliefs, whether they knew it or not. The expectation that the gods will return remains an irrevocable fact. Worldwide. Christians and Jews await their Messiah, and Muslims the Mahdi, merely another word for a messianic figure. A normal person who later becomes a king cannot be a Messiah, for the simple reason that the word man (or human or person) is totally inappropriate for explaining the Messiah. Professor Hugo Gressmann, a recognized exegete for the Old Testament, analyzes it thus: "For both to be the same thing seems to be more than unlikely, for the Messiah appears to be a heavenly being. What is more, he is also considered to be pre-existent. He existed before humans were even around."41

Clearly, not all religions can be right. Some of them must be barking up the wrong tree, mustn't they? But what if all of them are wrong? The motif of returning gods belongs no more to the Maya, than it does to the Inca people, the Egyptians, the Buddhists, the Christians, the Muslims, the Jews, or anyone else on this Earth. This expectation of some kind of return is global and harks back to a promise given by the extraterrestrials to our forefathers thousands of years ago. "We'll be back!" they said to some of their students. The Maya have preserved this promise literally and even give a date for it: December 23, 2012. If our calendar is right, then this is a date that we could pretty much rely on.

hey're Coming Back!

You can be absolutely certain that those ETs-or their descendants-will be making another visit to our planet. It can be proved. So it's all the more inexplicable to me why this simple truth triggers such a clamorous reaction in our society-why ethnologists reject it so indignantly. The denial practiced by organized religions is no great surprise. The exegetic interpretations so far have just produced greater confusion. They have-and this in no way diminishes my great respect for the industrious work by the translators of the ancient textssimply led to nothing. What's more, the plethora of contradictions will continue to exist because the starting premises are false. Quetzal serpent is just one term in a litany of thousands that are and will remain meaningless as long as the science of psychology insists on talking even the banalest things to pieces. In my book Der Gotterschock (The God Shock), I believe I have painted a pretty clear and, most importantly, well-founded picture of how our forefathers came to see the "divine" in technical devices. The feedback I've received from my worldwide readership shows that they have certainly understood. The only problem is that the scientists in charge insist on understanding nothing. Their prejudices and preconceptions cloud their judgment so much that none of them would ever dare to support my theories in public.

It's not only the so-called gods who will be returning, though: To support themselves, those beings from outer space will also reactivate the many objects and texts that have been deposited on the Earthdeposited millennia ago for just this purpose. Those legendary teachers did not just pack up all their belongings when they rocketed off into the beyond; looking ahead to the distant future, they left behind many things in indestructible storage depots. But why should they do something so seemingly banal-something so "human"? So they would have proof in the future: that they (or their forefathers) had been here before many thousands of years ago. And that they had left such objects behind. Where? In a cave in Tibet those very gods deposited texts and objects for use in the future. These are described by Willi Gromling from page 263 onward in his book.42 In Egypt, in the hidden rooms under the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx, as well as under the "Osirion" in Abydos. And finally, in Ecuador in South America at the coordinates 77°47'34" west and 1°56'00" south. This is the location of a library of metal panels stored deliberately for the future. By whom? By those very aliens who made it into the Book of Mormon. Admittedly, this is a religious work just like the Bible, but the Book of Mormon starts by describing events in ancient times. Just like in the Bible. Here are a couple of passages from Chapter 8, 16 ff. (The numbers in parentheses correspond to the numbering in the Book of Mormon.)

And blessed be he that shall bring this thing to light; for it shall be brought out of darkness unto light, according to the word of God; yea, it shall be brought out of the earth, and it shall shine forth out of darkness, and come unto the knowledge of the people ...(26)... and none can stay it; and it [the texts] shall come in a day when it shall be said that miracles are done away; and it shall come even as if one should speak from the dead.... (29) ...Yea, it shall come in a day when there shall be heard of fires, and tempests, and vapors of smoke in foreign lands.... (30) ...And there shall also be heard of wars, rumors of wars, and earthquakes in divers places.43

And if anyone thinks, "A-ha! Daniken is a Mormon!" Well, they can think again. I am indeed a spiritual and religious man, fully convinced of the creation at the hands of the "Great Spirit of Creation," as I think of the unfathomable one, but I certainly do not belong to any church or religious grouping.

'he Legacies

There's something wrong with our past. That's a conclusion that is 100-percent certain and even attestable. There are ancient texts, like the book of the "prophet" Enoch, who learned the language of the extraterrestrials, quotes their names, and finally disappears into the firmament in a fiery chariot with the vague promise that he will, one day, return to good old Earth. (I wrote extensively on this subject in my last book, History Is Wrong.) There is Manetho, the hardworking chronicler in ancient Egypt whose lists include 380 kings with names and dates that modern Egyptology wants nothing to do with.44 Or there's the church father Eusebius45 who, just like Herodotus46 and his historian colleague Diodorus47, listed the dates of bygone leaders that make contemporary archaeologists cringe. We are certainly not on the right path as far as ancient human history is concerned. We ought to be proud of the fact that extraterrestrial "gods" instructed our forefathers.

Instead, archaeologists and other "-ologists" are too busy fighting over the correct interpretation of ancient written records. (Is there anything we humans don't fight over?) Herodotus and company are accused of erring and even lying because-let's face it-contemporary knowledge is the culmination of all our experience from the past to the present. But how can that be when we ignore the wisdom of the early historians? Our current knowledge is the be all and end all? Hogwash! We spurn not only the ancient observers, but also the visible, tangible, photographable, rock-hard evidence right under our noses. Underneath the temple of Sethos I in Abydos (Egypt) lies an extremely impressive megalithic puzzle-something that every tourist can see and something that is clearly very much older than the Sethos temple itself. Does anybody care? Daniel Ruzo, former lawyer and Jesuit student in Peru, presented a series of stone monuments that all clearly had their origins in an unknown prehistoric age.4" No branch of science felt that this had anything to do with them. There is practically never any money available for financing research. The same is the case for the inexplicable high plateau "El Enladrillado" in Chile. This lies in the province of Talca, around 37 miles to the east of the town of Talca and not far from "Altos de Vilches" (roughly 35°37' south, 71°05 ' west). At an altitude of around 6,500 feet lie hundreds of stone blocks, all perfectly cut and furrowed-clearly an artificial construction. But from whom? Whoever it was lived in a time earlier than any known culture in Chile. Therefore they don't fit into our evolutionary pattern just like Puma Punku in the highlands of Bolivia. Homberto Sarnataro Bounaud, the leader of a small expedition to El Enladrillado in fall 1968, noted: "There is no doubt that a previous ancient culture once lived here. The indigenous people of this zone would never have been capable of constructing anything on this scale."49

In 2008, the young Chilean teacher Rafael Eissmann visited the mysterious plateau. He put together an extremely well-documented and well-researched publication on the mysterious El Enladrillado50 and told me personally, "There is certainly something not right here. No tribe has lived on this plateau for thousands of years. If they had done, the Chilean archaeologists would know about it. So these cut blocks must have been put here by some really ancient culture."

4.8. The stone slabs of El Enladrillado, in Chile. Public domain image.

The picture above proves what he says. Which science or which research foundation is going to pick up the ball and run with this?

In Chapter 11 told you about the heavyweight platforms in Puma Punku, Bolivia. I showed you pictures of the perfectly cut blocks with the millimeter-wide grooves that couldn't possibly have been made with Stone Age tools, or have been the result of Stone Age planning talents-certainly not in any culture that we know of. I showed you the precise calendar calculations carried out by Dr. Edmund Kiss. You can flip back and take another look if you like; in fact I recommend you do. Kiss's year was 12 months of 24 days, with each day being made up of 30 hours, which were 22 minutes long. This calendar agrees exactly with the Mayan calendar and, what's more, reaches 10,000 years back into the past. Is anyone anywhere getting excited about it? Is anyone jumping up in excitement about these millimeter-precise calculations? Is there any chief editor crying out, "Man, that's just unbelievable!" before going out to drum up money for research projects?

Society has become sluggish and lazy, overfed by the Internet, and crushed by a zeitgeist that immediately stifles any enthusiasm-too lazy to take notice of anything important or groundbreaking.

Our attitude toward these old truths will have no influence on the return of the "gods." They'll be back, and their mere presence will shake our self-satisfied souls to the core. December 23, 2012: that is the date from the Maya calendar. Even if this date is not the one, the god shock will still come. You can bet your life on it.


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