Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials (30 page)

BOOK: Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials
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nowledge for the Hens!

Everyone knows the famous stone circle Stonehenge in the south of England. What's that got to do with extraterrestrials?

By the order of his monarch, King Charles I (1600-1649), court architect and surveyor Inigo Jones (1573-1652) did an extensive survey of Stonehenge, looking closely at the ancient records. He found out that the stone circle was erected to honor the god Coelus. In his report to the king, Jones wrote:

I conceive it not be impertinent to our purpose in hand to deliver what the Ancients have reported of Ccelus...he which first reigned over the Atlantide was Ccelus...he invited men living dispersedly throughout the fields to convene and dwell in companies together, exhorting them to build towns and reducing them from wild and savage is to the conversation of civil life:...Taught them also how to sow corn and seeds.... He was a diligent observer of the stars and foretold men divers things to come... according to the course of the Sun [he divided the year] into months.... Whereby many ignorant of the perpetual course of the stars and amazed at his future predictions did verily believe that he participate of divine nature.. .they conferred on him imortal honours and adored him as a God. And, as he appeared, called him Coelus in regard of his skill in the celestial bodies... all of these stones erected in antiquity are like symbolic flames with which the heavens were honoured... in this antiquity many stones were put together in imitation of a constellation of stars which appear to us in the sky in the form of a circle called the heavenly crown.. .it is not improbable that Stonehenge was so composed because it was dedicated to this God Ccelus.... 30

Was information like this ever taken seriously by anybody? Just one hundred years ago, academics compared this culture bringer who descended from the heavens with some kind of "anthropomorphized natural elemental."31 The perception of sun and moon played a decisive role in the confused heads of our forefathers, I read. Undoubtedly(!), the beings who taught the skills of crops and tools had a "lunar nature" as they just as quickly "waxed, waned or fragmented" just like the phases of the moon. With this way of looking at things it's no wonder that beard and head hairs become "rays of sun" and the heavenly teachers become stars, which admittedly also can appear and then disappear.

These quotes are hundreds of years old, but little has changed. We still cling to the dated templates from the psychologists, and in the process consider ourselves to be well-educated. I admit that I have a certain degree of respect for the interpretations of earlier centuries. Today is it really still necessary to keep on peddling this nonsense as "scientific" to students and the faithful of the many different religions? And from which "divine mouths" are the precise information about the calendars, the leap years, and the names of the extraterrestrials supposed to have come from in these psychologically motivated notions? Those that were written down thousands of years ago.

Puma Punku, which I talked about in Chapter 1, is the real McCoy! It's verifiable! For that reason alone, we should stop letting the establishment lead us around by the nose. Maybe then we'll be in a better position to cope with the return of the gods.


Chapter 1

1. Pauwels and Bergier, Aufbruch.

2. Ibid.

3. Ibid.

4. Kiss, Das Sonnentor.

5. Ibid.

6. Pauwels and Bergier, Aufbruch.

7. All Bible quotations, unless otherwise noted, come from Die Heilige.

8. Berdyczewski, Die Sagen.

9. Kautzsch, Die Apokryphen.

10. Apollonius, Die Argonauten.

11. See Mooney, The Argonautica; Delage and Vian, Apollonius; Radermacher, Mythos; and Meuli, Odyssee.

12. Burckhardt, Gilgamesch.

13. Kramer, Geschichte.

14. See Schultze-Jena, Popol Vuh and Cordan, Popol Vuh: das Buch des Rates Schopfungsmythos and Wanderung der Quiche-Maya.

15. Freuchen, Peter.

16. Bezold, Kebra Nagast.

17. Kautzsch, Die Apokryphen.

18. Weidenreich, Apes.

19. Saurat and Streller, Atlantis.

20. Dougherty, Valley.

21. Glaubrecht, "Saurier."

22. Ibid.

23. Stiegner, Die Konigin.

24. Cremo and Thompson, Verbotene.

25. Hartmann et al, Origin.

26. Kleine et al, "Hf-W Chronometry. "

27. If you read the "scientific" literature, you'll usually find that the age of the moon is given at around 4.5 billion years. I'm not entirely convinced, but that's a story for another day.

28. Davies, Der kosmische.

29. Gardner, "Bio-Kosmosos."

30. Daniken, Der Gotter-Schock (page 186 ff.) and Daniken, Die Gotter waren (page 77 ff.).

31. Blackmore, Die Macht.

32. Cieza de Leon, La cronica.

33. De la Vega, Primera.

34. Betanzos, Suma.

35. Moline, Relacion.

36. Castro y del Castillo, Teatro.

37. Balboa, Histoire.

38. Alcino, Die Kunst.

39. d'Orbigny, Voyage.

40. Tschudi, Reisen.

41. Stubel and Uhle, Die Ruinenstdtte.

42. Ibid.

43. Ibid.

44. Ibid.

45. Middendorf, Das Runa and Middendorf, Worterbuch.

46. Tschudi, Reisen.

47. Posnansky, Tihuanacu.

48. Posnansky, Einefalsche.

49. Posnansky, Tihuanacu.

50. Ibid.

51. Ibid.

52. Ibid.

53. Ibid.

54. Ibid.

55. Ibid.

56. Ibid.

57. Kiss, Das Sonnentor.

58. Ibid.

59. Ibid.

60. Ibid.

61. Bellamy and Allan, The Great.

62. Apelt, Platon.

63. Tschudi, Reisen.

64. Luizaga, Das Sonnentor.

65. See Manzanilla, Akapana; Escalante Moscoso, Arquitectura; and Sangines, Tiwanaku.

66. Protzen and Nair, "On Reconstructing."

67. Ibid.

68. Daniken, History.

69. Hausdorf, "Neue Ratsel."

Chapter 2

1. Schweitzer, "Dubiose."

2. Ibid.

3. Kulke, "Auferstehung."

4. The original German title of the book was Erinnerungen an die Zukunft, which translates as "Memories of the Future." Book titles of translated books, however, are usually thought up by the publishers in each country where the book is published and often the original sense is lost entirely for the sake of attracting readers' attention with a snappy title.

5. Daniken, Erinnerungen.

6. Unger, Chronologie.

7. Wadell, Manetho.

8. Karst, Eusebius.

9. See Chapter 2 of my book History Is Wrong.

10. See page 243 of Tayos Gold (German version) by Stan Hall.

11. Daniken, History.

12. Eberhard, Beitrage.

13. Herodotus, Historien.

14. Mariette, Le Serapheum.

15. Herodotus, Historien.

16. Mariette, Le Serapheum.

17. Ibid.

18. Mond, The Bucheum.

19. Ibid.

20. Mariette, Le Serapheum.

21. Leca, Die Mumien.

22. Karst, Eusebius.

Chapter 3

1. Christenson, Popol Vul.

2. Faulkner, The Ancient.

3. Feyerabend, Naturphilosophie.

4. Brugsch, Die Sage.

5. Ibid.

6. Ibid.

7. Lurker, Lexikon.

8. This and the following Bible quotes come from Die Heilige Schrift des Alten and des Neuen Testamente.

9. Daniken, Prophet.

10. Cordan, Popol Vuh-Das Buch des Rates. Mythos and Geschichte der Maya.

11. Christenson, Popol huh.

12. Ibid.

13. Ebermann, Sagen.

14. Krehl, Ober die Religion.

15. Herodotus, Historien.

Chapter 4

1. Ceram, Gotter.

2. Fagan, Die Vergrabene.

3. Vollemaere, The Mayan.

4. See Landa, Relacion, and its translation: Landa, Yucatan.

5. Ibid.

6. Acosta, Historia.

7. Deckert, Maya -Handschrift.

8. Barthel, "Die Gegenwartige."

9. Barthel, "Mayahieroglyphen."

10. Wilson, "Astronomical."

11. Forstermann, "Die Astronomie," and Forstermann, "Blatt."

12. Noll-Husum, "Grundlegendes."

13. Henseling, "Das Alter."

14. Webber, The Thunderbird.

15. Marriott and Rachlin, Plains.

16. Coffer, Spirits.

17. Ibid.

18. Teit, Gould, et al, Folk-tales.

19. Morriseau, Legends.

20. Ibid.

21. See Blumrich, Kasskara, and Waters, Book.

22. Daniken, History.

23. Worcester Makemson, The Book.

24. Ludwiger, UFOs, pp. 351 ff.

25. Ayoub, Redemptive.

26. Sachedina, Islamic.

27. Ibid.

28. Dalberg, Scheik.

29. See Widengren, Hochgottglaube, and Reitzenstein, Das Iranische.

30. All quotations in is paragraphare from Abegg, Der Messiasglaube.

31. Roy, The Mahabharata.

32. Glasenapp, DerJainismus.

33. Schomerus, Indische.

34. Diodorus of Sicily, Geschichts-Bibliothek.

35. Riessler, Altjudisches.

36. Burrows, Mehr Klarheit.

37. Kautzsch, Die Apokryphen.

38. Bonwetsch, Das Sogenannte.

39. Gromling, Tibets.

40. Grunwedel, Mythologie.

41. Gressmann, Der Messias.

42. Gromling, Tibets.

43. The entire text of the Book of Mormon can be found online

44. Unger, Chronologie.

45. Karst,Eusebius.

46. Herodotus, Historien.

47. Diodorus of Sicily, Geschichts-Bibliothek.

48. Ruzo, La Historia.

49. Eissmann, El Enladrillado.

50. Ibid.

Chapter 5

1. Kant, Kritik.

2. Crawford, "Where."

3. Hosek, "Economics."

4. Swenson, " Intergalactically. "

5. Ibid.

6. Haviland, "Requirements. "

7. Ibid.

8. Obousy, "Creating."

9. Long, "A Theoretical. "

10. Papagiannis, "Thelimportance. "

11. Ibid.

12. Crawford, "Where."

13. Daniken, Beweise, Chapter 5.

14. Vollmert, Das Molekul.

15. Hoyle, Das Intelligente.

16. Hoyle and Wickramasinghe, Evolution.

17. Horn, Gottergaben.

18. Lossau, "Ruch Auf3erirdische. "

19. Chardin, Der Mensch.

20. Valiante, "Der «Auf3erirdische». "

21. Ambjorn and Loll, "The Self-Organizing."

22. Charon, Der Geist.

23. Charon, La Theorie.

24. Charon, Der Geist.

25. Sudhoff, Ewiges.

26. Ibid.

27. Ibid.

28. Thiessen and Kaku, "Lebendige."

29. Ibid.

30. Jones, The Most.

31. All of the quotations in this paragraph are from Ehrenreich, "Die Mythen. "


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