Twin Ties 2: Twin Affairs (40 page)

BOOK: Twin Ties 2: Twin Affairs
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He set down his plastic goblet, too, inside the little picnic basket they’d brought along. Then he slowly crawled over to Evan on his hands and knees, causing Evan to instinctively sit back, his hands braced on the ground behind him. Evan wrapped a hand in the tie and let Alek guide him down flat onto his back atop the blanket. His body was pressed into the soft grass below with the weight of Alex lying flush upon him from chest to ankles. Curls of brown hair hung between them, tickling the sides of Evan’s face. “Thank you for not taking me to a hockey game, Mr. Popovic.”

Alek laughed despite himself, then mastered his expression, doing his best to look the stern elder. Leaning in, he nipped at Evan’s lower lip and slid a hand up Evan’s sweater. It made Evan moan and thrust reflexively against all of that hard muscle pinning him down.

“You’re welcome,” Alek murmured. “I do know you, you know,
.” A knee drew up between Evan’s thighs, parting them, nudging his balls. “This is Brennan’s sweater, isn’t it?”

“Yeah,” Evan breathed, letting his head fall back as Alek sucked at his throat. “He wanted to put me in a pair of his khakis, too, but I told him we were going outside, not to a fancy restaurant.”

Quick, rough, and efficient, Alek reached down between them and yanked open Evan’s fly, then slipped his hand swiftly under the fabric. Fingers greedily wrapped Evan’s fully hardened shaft, tugging it free. A few more pulls at the fabric left him exposed to the night and the fireflies.

“Fuck,” Evan groaned, hiding his face in Alek’s neck, or trying to. “Why the hell am I this nervous?”

“Because you know me, too,” Alek grinned wickedly.

Holding the tie felt good, like he was somewhat in control, but Alek seemed to sense this, intent on unraveling Evan’s composure completely.

“Hands off,” Alek instructed. After waiting for him to let go of the necktie, he guided both of Evan’s arms upward, above his head, holding them there with one hand while the pad of the index finger of the other drew small circles around the tip of Evan’s dick. That meant he could feel exactly how wet Evan was already, and that he really was trying to drive him crazy.

A self-conscious, breathless little laugh broke free. Biting his lip, trying to shut up, Evan became quickly overwhelmed with how much power little things held over him. The inability to touch, but only be touched, the light tickling which only reminded him of how well Alek knew where Evan’s most sensitive spots were, the power dynamics at play... it made him want to beg, spread, and surrender. Alek really did know him well.

“No underwear,” Alek murmured. “It’s almost as if you
how badly I needed to get inside your hot ass tonight.”

“Yeah, just a feeling I had,” Evan replied, his voice breaking softly, in ways he didn’t want it to. It was just a little nakedness, a ghost of a touch, but it felt like a lot. With Alek, it always would. “
… God, how do you do this to me?”

“Love to make you wet, Jailbait,” Alek whispered against Evan’s mouth, right before angling his head more sharply to kiss him deeper. Evan opened readily and made a low, plaintive noise, tasting wine on Alek’s lips, yielding to his tongue and teeth. Alek nipped Evan’s lip, hard enough to hurt while, simultaneously, let his fingertip ride through the divot in Evan’s crown. It made him quiver and thrust. Then Alek’s tongue was in his mouth again. The hand on his wrists renewed its grip as he undulated, riding the finger, unable to stop.

“Let’s see if you can follow orders. Keep your hands above your head, right where they are.”

“’Kay,” Evan grunted, then swallowed an embarrassing whimper as Alek nipped kisses down Evan’s chin and throat. The borrowed sweater was pushed up. Alek’s mouth sealed around his nipple, sucking it stiff, then tugging with his teeth, which released him reluctantly only to scrape down his abdomen. Alek paused before getting to the scar. Kissing it tenderly, lightly, here, there, and everywhere, Alek then moved lower to lick at the ridge of Evan’s hipbone. Alek’s hands pulled the jeans down while his lips sought Evan’s tip, mouthing at it. Evan lifted his ass to help Alek get the pants down farther. His cock was sucked down to the root and he felt Alek swallow around it before pulling off.

Evan was waiting for Alek to remove the jeans entirely, strip him naked, but it didn’t happen. Instead, he gripped Evan’s thighs, pinning them to the blanket and took a long lick over Evan’s sac and up the underside of his cock only do it again, and again. Evan rocked slightly into the touch, shuddering, wanting so much more.

“Ple-please…” he begged, stuttering, mouth falling open around a moan as Alek lingered, flicking under the ridge with the very tip of his tongue, teasing right there.

Crouched above him, Alek let go, got off of Evan’s legs and growled, “Flip over.”

Breathing hard, heart racing, Evan rolled onto his stomach, folding his arms above his head.

“Pull your knees up.”

The jeans were tangled around them, holding his legs together, but Evan slid them upward, until they were almost under his hips. The position put his ass in the air. Moaning, he felt two licked-wet fingers press through his hole then pull it open. When the wet muscle of Alek’s tongue slid in between them, filling him up, Evan quivered and cried out. The tongue moved in and out of him, licking hard over his rim on the way out, curling to trace along his passage when it was in deep. Alek sucked his rim, pulled off.

“Who was it?” He asked in a rough voice.

“Does it matter?” Evan countered, gasping.


“Luka,” Evan cried, letting the sound carry, not holding anything back as Alek’s fingers lodged themselves deeper, and pried him open farther. Then Evan was filled again and

“Cherry.” Alek breathed out a little laugh and scraped his teeth over Evan’s right cheek. “Details. Come on.”

“It was just…
fuck, please
… fingers. He fingered the flavored lube into me after my shower, watched me get hard. Wanted me to masturbate, while he…” the rest was lost in a hard moan.

“Did he tongue you?”


“Did he?”

Don’t stop..
.. No, okay? It was for you.”

“Remind me to thank him.” Three fingers entered him, pushing in to the last knuckle, twisting on the way back out. Evan felt Alek shift, then braced himself as fingers were replaced with something else, something much broader, and he was held still as it drove into him.

The positioning made him yell. Evan clawed at his head as he was entered, body throbbing around the massive cock sheathing itself in him. Alek held still there once he was fully seated, caressing the backs of Evan’s thighs. Rough sounds were coming from Evan, uncontrollable.

“Gonna be dirty with me, Jailbait?” Alek whispered, tugging back, pushing in. Goosebumps spread over Evan’s skin.

“Alek… wanna feel you. Please….”

Alek shifted their positions again, folding his larger body to Evan’s back and easing him forward without pulling out. Once they were lying down flat on the cotton blanket laid atop cool grass, Alek’s body covering his, Evan could reach back and weave his fingers through the silken strands of Alek’s long hair. The rich scent of the burning candles, overlaying that of crisp night air, earth, and trees, was shot through with sex and sweat. Grasping the blanket’s soft edge, his fingers tickled with damp blades of grass, Evan gasped softly as they rocked together. Folded up in Alek’s strong arms, Evan found himself grinding down against the blanket counter to his thrusts. The maddening effects of Alek’s talented fingers and tongue had left Evan fully hard, his blood running hot, and every inch of him oversensitive. But, he was held down, able only to try to press back then roll his hips forward, seeking relief. Alek’s long, inward strokes had his cock dragging against Evan’s gland only intermittently, making him quiver, beg and moan more sharply each time his body lit up with the contact. He was lost in it all, coming undone. The heat of their skin, the roughness of their breath, coming harder, overtook his senses. Each thrust drove in a little harder than the last, chasing a release which was so close, just out of reach, falling back every time Alek did.

Alek kissed the back of Evan’s neck, then below his ear, and Evan writhed in pleasure, tipping his hips up just a little more, pulling Alek in just a little closer.

It all fell away, everything but them, together. Alek was heat gripping and filling Evan, moving him in small pulses as he was driven into with ever-growing force and quickness. All he knew was the scent, the touch, the need, the sighs, and low growls as they clung to one another and rode it out as slowly as they possibly could.

Wrapped in Alek and possessing him utterly, Evan found peace, coming with a tremble and gasp. Fingertips caressed him along his arm, down his side, across his hip as he clenched in flutters around Alek’s thickened flesh, still rocking, taking him through it. Teeth scraped along the shell of Evan’s ear, sending a pleasant shiver shooting down his spine. Alek whispered, “Love you, Ev. Always.”

“Always,” Evan echoed, promising from the bottom of his heart. He found Alek’s hand, which folded up around his, holding on.

So much had changed, so fast, since the bar, since their worlds shifted forever. Alek had found Evan in so many ways. He’d been brave enough to try, to care, to grow, and adjust. They’d both made mistakes and gotten hurt, but all that mattered was how grateful Evan was in that moment for all of it, even the pain.

Alek’s low moan and his last, desperate push, told Evan it was done, for now. But Alek stayed within him, his hands gripping Evan tightly, covering him like shelter, home, safety, and hope in the dark. It was the best place to be – held and possessed so completely.

“I’ll love you forever, Alek,” Evan swore, kissing their linked hands, completely surrendering to the embrace.

He knew the night wouldn’t last. Eventually, they’d return home, ready to share important pieces of themselves, their hearts, and bodies with Brennan and Luka. They were Evan and Alek’s cherished other halves, and they would always be needed, as they were needed in return. But Evan knew he and Alek would always drift back together, at the end of every journey, and every day, pulled by common devotion. They were the first to fall, and were still falling, tumbling into love that only grew.

“I’m glad I’m here with you, that I have this. I was so close to gone, it scares me now. I almost never knew….” Alek nudged Evan’s cheek with his nose, found his lips and kissed them. “You make me so happy.”

“That’s all I ever wanted.”



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About the Author

Lynn Kelling
began writing in order to tell stories that weren’t afraid of the dark, didn’t hold anything back and always strived to be memorable, forging lasting attachments between character and reader. Her inspiration comes from taking a closer look at behaviors and ideas lurking at the fringes of life—basically anything that people may hesitate to speak of in mixed company, but everyone wonders about anyway. Her work is driven by the taboo in order to expose the humanity within it. Lynn is an artist, designer and lover of any form of creative self-expression that comes from a place of honesty and emotion, whether it's body art or opera. She has had multiple novels published, has written over fifty works of erotic fiction of varying lengths, and always has several novels in progress.

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BOOK: Twin Ties 2: Twin Affairs
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