Twin Ties 2: Twin Affairs (38 page)

BOOK: Twin Ties 2: Twin Affairs
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“Easy, Ev. Easy now.”

They still didn’t want him to hurt himself, and pull something in his side. His ass was fair game but not that, which almost made him laugh aloud. Brennan was still caressing the back of his head, holding his hand. A third finger slid up into him, and it was different, the wrong angle. It pulled at the muscle, rubbing gently, and he knew it was Luka.

Evan climaxed with a small sob, thrusting hard against Luka’s leg. They worked his ass loose, coaxed him through it, and still Evan came and came and
, soaking his pants. A fourth finger pressed in beside the others and Evan’s rough exclamation filled the room. Luka’s two fingers hooked in, pulling the muscle open from inside while Alek stroked plenty of lube along Evan’s passage.

“Need your ass wet,” Alek said.

“Wanna fuck you, Ev,” Luka confessed. “Have to feel you.”

God yes
…. Please. Don’t stop....”

Lower lip quivering, ass filled and cheeks on fire, he knew they hadn’t even started with him yet, and he couldn’t wait. Anything they wanted to give him, he would gladly, greedily take.

They had Brennan lie down on the bed, on his back, with most of his legs hanging off the edge. Then, they arranged a slightly, pleasantly delirious Evan atop him. There was a pillow under Brennan’s head to lift it and they moved Evan into place so his balls were right above Brennan’s mouth. Right away, Brennan gathered them up in a hand and began taking long licks over them, once in a while sucking on the skin, or letting one half of Evan’s sac sink into his hot mouth to be sucked for minutes at a time.

That was hard enough to deal with, but then Luka moved up behind Evan, kneeling between his legs, by Brennan’s head.

“Nice and relaxed for me now, baby,” Luka warned, just before he fit his fat cockhead at Evan’s slicked hole and pressed against it for entry. His hands pulled Evan back by the hips, making him take it even as Evan grimaced and his ass burned with the stretch. The head popped through, lodging just past Evan’s rim and Evan panted roughly. Brennan sucked on his balls, humming, and likely staring at the sight of Luka’s lube-slick cock impaling Evan’s asshole, as he had an upfront view.

“Open up. Breathe through your nose, Jailbait,” Alek instructed. He was shirtless and had his cock out, too. He pressed it down to align with Evan’s mouth. Parting his lips, Evan moaned as that thick, heavy cock slid back over his tongue. Evan closed his lips around it and sucked, but already Alek was thrusting back farther, into Evan’s throat.

“No, that’s it, baby. Stay open for me. Just relax. We’ll take care of you.”

They began moving in tandem, both pressing inward at the same time, stuffing him at both ends at once, then pulling back only to repeat the process. Each inward thrust stuffed his ass so full it made him want to shout or grab onto something for purchase. He couldn’t shout, though, because each thrust down his throat caused embarrassing grunts and wet sounds. There was no controlling it. He just had to let it happen. His cock struggled to stiffen again, so Brennan gave up licking his balls and instead fed Evan’s member into his mouth, mouthing at the head as the twins pounded him from both ends. Brennan, Luka, and Alek were caressing him everywhere as he gave his body over to them. To be worshipped with that amount of touch and attention was an indescribable experience. Both twins were moaning, crying out in chorus and it was impossible to distinguish one identical voice from the other.

“Good, Ev.”

“So fucking hot.”

“Oh god.... Love you so much, baby….”

When Evan’s breathing became too uneven and heavy, Alek pulled out and changed tactics. He took hold of Brennan’s legs, folded them back past Evan’s shoulders and pushed his saliva-soaked cock downward to line up with Brennan’s ass. Evan watched it go in, pressing very slowly to compensate for the lack of prep. Brennan whimpered around his mouthful of Evan’s cock, but took it. As soon as the head was through, he trembled and panted, easing into it. Alek slid deeply at the same time that Luka re-entered Evan, and both Evan and Brennan moaned, the same sound, echoed.

Luka pulled out completely, thrusting up through Evan’s crack, kneading his sore, well-spanked ass. It made Evan hiss with ache. Four fingers twisted slowly up into him, and he cried out, grabbing hold of Alek’s waist and bowing his head.

“Love the way your hole looks taking Luka’s hand, Jailbait,” Alek panted. “Pink and wet and fucked….”

“Suck him, Ev,” Luka instructed. “Suck Bren’s cock and I’ll give you mine. Wanna see it. Want you to taste him. Make him shoot down your throat.”

Evan did as instructed, using his tongue to catch Brennan’s erection, taking it all the way in. Brennan cried out and Evan’s cock slipped from his mouth. Luka grabbed Evan by the balls, tugging sharply on them, drawing desperate sounds from him. The fingers slid out of him, replaced a moment later by Luka’s massive dick. It slid in to the hilt on the first push. Evan kept sucking while Luka took him, going fast and harder. His hips slapped in a steady, quick rhythm against Evan’s tender bottom.

With a heavy groan, Luka came, giving Evan the whole load, holding there until he was spent.

It soon became apparent there wasn’t enough energy left in Evan to get Brennan to come, so Luka eased him back until Brennan fell, wet from Evan’s lips. Their bodies still joined, Luka brought Evan back to sit on his lap behind where Brennan laid, legs in the air in a wide V, ankles in Alek’s grip. Alek grimaced with intense concentration and took Brennan’s ass for a ride with long, slow strokes.

“Hands behind your back,” Luka whispered in Evan’s ear. Evan moved them there, felt Luka hold them with one hand. The cock up his ass felt enormous, made him frantic and restless, like he couldn’t breathe. But, he needed to come. His dick was a red, rigid line, jutting up between his legs. Luka began toying with it, brushing the head with the lightest grazes of his fingers, while intermittently slapping the underside lightly with an opened hand.

Evan begged, squirmed, and couldn’t tear his eyes away from the sight of Alek fucking Brennan. When Alek took rough hold of Brennan’s erection, jacking it for a few seconds, then pressing it back to his stomach, rubbing the underside as he pinned it there, Evan came. His seed shot in an arc over Brennan’s face. Drops sprayed his lips, eyelashes, freckled cheeks, and chin. Luka stroked him through it while Evan trembled through the aftershocks. Brennan sucked the come from his lower lip, arching his back as Alek rubbed his cockhead and gave his ass the full length of him. Leaning down, Alek licked Brennan’s chin clean, then pushed his tongue into Brennan’s willing mouth. They moved together and came in unison, clutching each other and coming down slowly.

The house was dark and quiet; the only noise came from crickets chirping outside and the gentle creaking of floorboards by the foot of Alek’s bed. On the bed, two gorgeous, young, freckled twins lay naked and entwined in sleep. Brennan’s leg hooked around Evan’s as they faced each other, with the top of Evan’s head tucked just under Brennan’s chin. Evan’s arm was wrapped around Brennan’s waist while Brennan’s hand lay against the side of Evan’s neck.

Luka could only stare. Slowly, he raised his phone and snapped a picture. The flash was bright, but it didn’t rouse them. They were too tired to be bothered by such insignificant things.

“What are you doing?” Alek scolded in the lowest whisper, sounding fiercely protective. The display of devotion only made Luka smile. He didn’t blame Alek. There was a lot on that bed to want to protect.

“Memories,” Luka said simply. “I want to always be able to remember them like this.”

That shut his brother up.

“Send it to me,” Alek muttered softly.

“No doubt. Fuck, they’re beautiful, aren’t they?”

is how lucky we are, Luka.
is our responsibility now. You ready?”

Their gazes locked. Looking into his brother’s eyes, Luke knew there was no part of him that wouldn’t give anything, do
for the two people on that bed.

“Absolutely,” Luka smiled.

Chapter 29

The drive across town was surreal, to say the least. It would be the first time for Luka, Brennan and Evan to see what was to be their new home. Alek drove Evan’s car, since it fit them all nicely and he knew the way. Evan was in the passenger seat. Luka and Brennan were in the back. Even just to be in the car together, as one group, going to see the place that would be theirs and only theirs, was one of those moments where Evan could truly feel he was living his life. He wasn’t watching it pass him by, or wishing it was something better than it was. He was fully engaged, grateful, and so happy. The past couldn’t hurt him. The future wasn’t his concern. The present was a gift.

He loved Alek, Luka, and Brennan so much, he couldn’t believe his luck. As unlikely a unit as they were, they worked. They filled gaps for each other, and every one of them was essential for creating just the right balance. Sure, it was scary, but what good was the day-to-day without a thrill to get the blood pumping? He knew they were bound to make more mistakes, but Evan was willing to do the hard work. If he screwed up, he would try to make it right again, and would try to remain patient with his lovers, should he be the one slighted.

The time he’d asked for in order to make up his own mind was, in retrospect, very much needed after all. The decision to take a small break from the challenging romantic and practical dynamics of existing in a foursome was the first of what Evan hoped were a series of good choices. He was much more confident in his own skin having survived one of his worst nightmares. It had left him stronger. He’d been able to process his biggest sources of trouble and reorder his priorities. Brennan came first for him, just as Luka and Alek did. Those three were the core of Evan’s life, his new family. It was time to leave the old, familiar safety of his childhood home. He wasn’t Charlie’s little boy anymore.

Looking around the car, Evan saw Alek, still professional and composed despite his casual attire, his hands wrapping the wheel at precisely ten and two, his gaze focused on the road ahead. Behind him, to his left was Luka, wearing a grin that only hinted at the excitement and joy Evan knew bubbled up within. Their eyes locked briefly, and warmth infused Luka’s face. Evan couldn’t help but remember Luka’s confession, not so long ago, of loving Evan the whole time without realizing it. Their love crossed lines, but once the lines were gone, anything was possible. And Brennan, glimpsed in the side mirror, a reflection of Evan’s reflection. Brennan didn’t see him looking, he was too busy gazing out the window at the world flying by. He was a survivor, just like Evan, whose fierce care and loyalty was one of Evan’s greatest blessings.

The car rolled to a stop in front of the new building. It was attractive enough, located on the second floor above some tidy, well-kept shops. The whole street was quaint and welcoming, bustling with shoppers, people walking their dogs, out enjoying the cool but pleasant weather. The street was lined with trees and pots overflowing with flowers.

Alek cut the engine and they all got out. Evan smiled at the wonderment he saw in Brennan’s eyes, taking in the sight of a place that wasn’t just new to him, but to all of them. They could make it home together. There would be no more need for Brennan to feel like the outsider in a new place.

Luka wandered over to the shop directly in front of them, cupping his hands against the glass to peer nosily inside. Alek, shaking his head at his brother, dug the door key out of his pocket. Taking Evan’s hand like it belonged to him, Alek led the way up to the street-level door. Once he’d unlocked, it opened up to a flight of stairs leading to the second floor.

“We’ll have to get copies of the key made,” Alek said. “A couple of them for each of us.”

“In case we lose one,” Luka added. “And we can probably move over most of our furniture from the two houses and Bren’s storage locker—”

“Next weekend, renting a truck,” Alek added.

“But it’ll be pretty big so we could just swing by to get everything in one day.”

BOOK: Twin Ties 2: Twin Affairs
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