Two Roped and Ready [Bewitching Desires 6] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) (13 page)

BOOK: Two Roped and Ready [Bewitching Desires 6] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)
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Quayde raised his eyebrows at her. “Darlin’, that’s today.”

Chapter 11


Ilona’s eyes widened, and the flush of rosy color on her cheeks drained in an instant. Ducking his chin to adjust her hold on his jaw, Quayde kissed her palm. The days that had passed like months to him must’ve seemed like mere hours to her.

“How can that…” Her question trailed off as she rolled off PC to lie between them.

Forgetting the bonds for a second, Quayde tried to brush her loose hair from her face. “Next time, you’re getting tied to the bed. Answer me this, Ilona. Do you love us?”

She glanced away, making his gut twist. The days he and PC had spent waiting for her get well had given them the opportunity to learn a lot about her. Her younger cousins adored their teacher, and they’d gone on and on about how smart and patient Ilona was. The babies that had visited her with their parents during the past week had wanted to cuddle with her. Even Romána had talked to her as she slept, speaking of the miracle that Ilona existed after the failed prophecy of her grandparents and the illness that left her an only child.

She’d missed a week of getting to know him and PC. If the joining didn’t happen today, that was the reason. Kazmer’s interference had struck again.

Sniffling and wiping at her cheek, she shrugged. “It doesn’t matter.”

Outrage blasted Quayde’s insides. “The hell it doesn’t! I love you, and I want to be with you, but how you feel is just as important.”

She whipped her head up to stare at him. “Wh–what did you say?”

A low rumble had her turning toward PC. “He said he loves you, darlin’, like I love you. Answer him please.”

Pressing her lips together, she blinked in rapid succession, sending a stream of tears over her pale skin. She nodded. “Yes, I love you both.”

“Hallelujah!” Relief broke the dam of frustration and worry in Quayde’s chest. “Untie me, woman, so I can kiss you.”

Her shy smile morphed into a wicked grin. “Does this mean you’re agreeing to join with me? Because if it does, I have you right where I want you. We’ve already proven you can kiss me fine from there.”

PC hooted a laugh. “We’re not going anywhere—with or without you tying us to the bed. Join, have babies, and live happily ever after. I’m ready.”

“Ready and willing, Ilona.” The joy in her expression spread through Quayde’s heart and soul. “Do you think we made a couple little Macska witches this time? I wouldn’t want to break tradition.”

Joy changed to surprise, her mouth forming a sexy
. “You know about that?”

“Your family shared some important information with us since you were incapacitated. They weren’t taking any chances on us being the wrong guys for you in case you didn’t wake before your fertility cycle ended. Romána promised we could stay no matter what.” He winked at her. “No restraints necessary.”

She plastered her gorgeous tits to his pecs as she hugged him. “Thank you for waiting for me.” Then she shifted to wrap her arms around PC, giving Quayde a spectacular view of her beautiful ass. “I love you both.”

PC gave Quayde what looked like a satisfied smile. “We’re yours, and you’re ours.”

Quayde nodded once. “Forever.”


* * * *


Keeping watch over Ilona as she dressed, PC slicked a comb through his wet hair. She’d insisted on a shower after a week of sponge baths, but he and Quayde had been just as insistent that she not do it alone. Her strength wasn’t yet back to normal, and he wasn’t about to risk her injuring herself with a fall. Making love to her again had been a side benefit.

A peek out the bathroom door told him exhaustion was going to catch up with her sooner rather than later. She sat on the edge of the bed, weaving her partially dry hair into a braid, her fingers slowing with every pass. Quayde crawled across the mattress behind her, easing the strands from her hands and taking over the job.

PC glanced in the mirror a last time to check his appearance. He hadn’t expected to attend the equivalent of his wedding in jeans and a button-down shirt, but if Macska tradition allowed casual attire, he wasn’t going to argue. All he cared about was making his and Quayde’s commitment to Ilona official.

Stepping out of the bathroom, he studied her sleepy eyes. “Are you sure you want to go downstairs, darlin’? We can invite everybody up here if you’re not up to it.”

She pushed up from the bed and slipped her fingers through his. “I’m sure.”

Quayde sat on the edge of the mattress. “I don’t know, darlin’. You were out for seven days, and you still seem a little shaky on your feet.”

In full agreement with his friend, PC guided her onto the crumpled blankets. “Humor us, Ilona. We’ve been worried sick about you, wondering if you’d ever get better.”

The stubborn pursing of her lips softened. “But you didn’t know me. Why would you worry?”

“Something inside told us you were important. I can’t imagine how much it hurt when we didn’t recognize you, and we’re so sorry for that. But my first instinct was to protect you. I knew you had to be special to us. I just didn’t know why until a day or two later. It doesn’t change what happened or what was promised in Encanto.”

Gathering her in his arms, Quayde hugged her. “I wish I could erase the moment we didn’t know who you were. You never would’ve left the apartment, and we might’ve noticed you weren’t feeling well sooner.”

She ducked her head. “It’s my fault you didn’t remember me.”

PC lifted her chin to meet her gaze. “You saved our lives, Ilona. Kazmer meant to kill us all, and you got us out of there in the nick of time. Nobody’s taking blame, especially not you.”

“Fine. I won’t take the blame—but only if we go downstairs for the ceremony. My whole family won’t fit in here, and I don’t want anyone to miss our joining.”

“The things I’ll do for the woman I love.” Quayde frowned. “At least let one of us carry you down the stairs.”

Her smile softened her eye-roll. “All right, my wonderful healers.”

PC scooped her into his arms. “Let’s go.”

She weighed next to nothing, and at the bottom of the staircase, he realized why. Not only was she a little bit of a thing, she hadn’t eaten for a week. He followed the sound of chattering voices in hopes of finding someone to bring her some food.

The hallway to the left led them past a living room with entrances at both ends before they arrived at a dining room with a wide arched doorway. A pair of long tables had everyone who’d visited Ilona and more seated at them.

Romána’s gaze popped up to meet his. Her lined face brightened, and she hurried to greet them. Rising on her tiptoes, she kissed her granddaughter on the forehead. “Ilona, my daughter, you’re well again. Thank the Goddess for her many gifts. Dine with us, children, and then we will ask for the blessing.”

They followed her to the head of the closest table, crowding in among the members of the household eating their supper. Amalía engulfed Ilona in a hug, tears streaming down her face.

A balding man gathered them both in his arms. “My sweet girls.”

Swallowing past the lump in his throat, PC held out his hand. “You must be Ilona’s father. Pleased to make your acquaintance, sir. I’m Paxton Campbell, and this is Quayde Gallagher.”

“You boys saved my daughter’s life. The pleasure’s all mine.” Shaking the offered hand, he grinned. “I’m Stan.”

After a vigorous handshake with Quayde, Ilona’s father gestured for them to sit. PC willingly gave up his place next to Ilona so her mother could enjoy a few minutes with her daughter. Although she’d stopped in three or more times a day, Amalía hadn’t stayed more than a few minutes at each visit. Seeing her child in a comatose state had to have torn her apart.

At the end of the meal, Quayde leaned toward PC as he set his fork on the empty plate. “I think we found a good example of how to treat family.”

The same thought had run through PC’s mind as well. If he needed advice on parenting, he had plenty of people to ask. “Yeah, the best.”

Romána stood, and the room went almost instantly silent. “Great Granddaughter, as you are still recovering and the family is gathered, we will proceed with the celebration of the third-quarter moon. Have you chosen your mates, child?”

Pushing up from her chair, Ilona stole a glance at Quayde and PC. Her pulse quickened, and happiness flooded her heart. She moved to stand behind them. “Yes, Great Grandmother, I have.”

“Rise and take your places at her sides, young men.” Romána lifted her hands. “You must now speak the vows that will join you to your life-mate.”

PC and Quayde stood, each taking one of her hands in his. Their warmth flowed into her and gave her strength.

“Your journey has been arduous, but your will was stronger than our enemy. You are deserving of a reward greater than my family can ever pay. I thank you.” The matriarch inclined her head. “Paxton Campbell, do you wish to join with Ilona and take the vows of love, life, and loyalty to her, the heirs you have conceived, and the Macskas?”

“Heirs? We made babies with you, darlin’. Hot damn.” Raising their clasped hands to his lips, PC kissed Ilona’s fingers. “Yes, ma’am.”

“And do you, Quayde Gallagher, seek the same and promise to hold Ilona before all others in love, sharing your life with her and promising loyalty to her and her family?”

“We made a family, sweetheart. Forever.” Quayde gave her hand a gentle squeeze as he smiled down at her. “Yes, ma’am.”

Stepping closer to press her palm over the top of their joined hands, Romána spoke the binding words of the ceremony. “May the Goddess bless this union. Savor each moment you have upon this Earth with each other, for yours is a truly remarkable bond. Live in happiness and nurture what you have created through love, my children.” She tilted her head as though listening to something unheard by Ilona. “Ah. The flames no longer burn on the candles but in your souls. The healing is complete.”









When her fingers aren’t attached to her keyboard, Mellanie Szereto enjoys hiking, Pilates, cooking, gardening, and researching for her stories. Many times, the research partners with her other hobbies, taking her from the Hocking Hills region in Ohio to the Colorado Rockies and the Adirondacks of New York. Sometimes, the trip is no farther than her garden for ingredients and her kitchen to test recipes for her latest steamy tale. Mellanie makes her home in rural Indiana with her husband of twenty-five years and their two children, one dog, and two cats. She is a member of Romance Writers of America, Indiana Romance Writers of America, and Hearts Through History Romance Writers.

Also by Mellanie Szereto


Ménage Amour: Bewitching Desires 1
: Two if by Sea

Ménage Amour: Bewitching Desires 2:
Two Knights of Passion

Ménage Amour: Bewitching Desires 3:
Two Fated for One

Ménage Amour: Bewitching Desires 4:
Two Pirates to Treasure

Ménage Amour: Bewitching Desires 5:
Two Times the Trouble



For all other titles, please visit




Siren Publishing, Inc.

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

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