Two Roped and Ready [Bewitching Desires 6] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) (4 page)

BOOK: Two Roped and Ready [Bewitching Desires 6] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)
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Focusing on her plan, Ilona straightened her posture and looked her new employer in the eye. “May I invite two gentlemen upstairs for a single session?”

Chapter 3


Waiting. It was one of Ilona’s least favorite activities. Yet, she sat perched on the same red velvet settee where Quayde Gallagher had deposited her yesterday evening. Breakfast was long over, and lunch would be served sooner rather than later. Would her rescuers show up as she’d told the sheriff to suggest? Or would she have to start her search from the beginning again?

She twirled a loose strand of hair around and around her finger, letting it spring free into a long ringlet. A sigh escaped. Several patrons had already arrived for some morning sex, eyeing her—the new girl—with what she could only describe as sleazy interest. Their usual ladies led them away, seemingly unaware.

Her body hadn’t responded to the presence of males, and the possibility that she should’ve stayed in her own century nagged at her. Pushing to her feet, she swallowed another impatient sigh. “I’ll be in my room if anyone needs me.”

Not expecting or wanting a reply, she aimed for the stairs. Careful to avoid the dusty boot prints with her bare feet, she climbed the steps and walked along the hallway to her room. Noises carried to her ears as she passed two closed doors. A low chuckle and a squeal. Groaning and what she figured must be the squeaking of bedsprings.

I’m working in a
and can’t manage to find a man.

Closing out the other members of the household, she flopped on the bed and considered spelling herself back home. Nothing was going according to plan. Her fertility cycle hadn’t engaged. The men she’d thought to fuck in hopes of finding her mates obviously found her lacking in some way. Even the other visitors to Wyndham House didn’t want her.

She rolled to her back and stared at the ornate draperies hanging from the bedposts. Gold tassels and braiding edged the yards of rich brocade. The den of decadence should’ve been home to hours of uninhibited sex. The four-post design offered interesting opportunities with the ties holding the curtains open. Unfortunately, it all was wasted on the room’s current occupant.

Return me to my proper time

And reverse the traveling rhyme.

The past becomes the past once more.

Take me to my future’s door.

Harm to none and blessed be.

Erase me from this memor—

A light tap on the door kept Ilona from completing the last syllable of the incantation.
Argh. I can’t even escape this mistake without a delay.

“Ilona? May I come in?”

Recognizing Patience Wyndham’s voice, Ilona sat up. Did she really have a choice? “Yes, ma’am.”

Striding into the room, Patience tsked. “Two young men are quite anxious to see that you’re not suffering any ill effects from yesterday’s harrowing experience. They’re convinced you’re too traumatized to join them in the parlor and insisted on following me upstairs.” She stopped at the foot of the bed, and her voice softened. “I won’t fault you if you’ve changed your mind about joining the ranks of my working girls. Your question last night suggested you were ready, but I’ve seen enough innocent women to know you’re one of them. And two for your first time? I’ll send them away if you’re of a mind to help with the meals instead.”

Still processing the fact that Quayde Gallagher and Paxton Campbell had come to see her after all, Ilona almost missed her employer’s astute observation. At least she had the awareness to realize the door stood slightly ajar and spoke quietly but firmly. “I may be a virgin, but I’m hardly innocent. Please show them in.”

Anticipation had her heart rate accelerating as Miss Wyndham nodded and returned to the door. When it swung open to reveal PC and Quayde, a blast of heat and desire raged through her body, leaving behind goose bumps on her bare arms and chest.
My mates?

“Gentlemen, Miss Macska will allow you to call on her.” After a quick wave and a smile at Ilona, Patience ushered them inside as she left, closing them in the bedroom.

Suddenly aware of both men’s wide eyes on her, Ilona almost groaned when her nipples hardened against the skimpy cups of her corset. Moisture flooded her pussy, and the wetness soaked into the thin fabric of her pantalets. Her hormones had gone from comatose to wired in less than a second.

Think! I can’t lose control yet.
She’d almost forgotten about the special spell she’d put on her room last night after her landlord had departed. The lace handkerchief draped on the hinges of the door remained white—indicating purity. Neither man harbored syphilis, pubic lice, or any other of the many sexually transmitted diseases and parasites she didn’t wish to acquire.

PC’s neck and cheeks colored, and he glanced away. “We didn’t realize you weren’t dressed for company. Do you want us to wait—”

A feminine cry from one of the neighboring rooms cut off his words. A grunt blended with the sound, leaving no doubt about the activity going on next door.

Quayde let out a strangled cough. “Maybe we could take you to the saloon for lunch.”

Crooking her finger at the men, Ilona leaned back against the mound of pillows and savored the rush of fertility hormones. “I think I need to work up an appetite for food. I’m hungry for something else right now.”

As he took a step forward, PC tugged at his shirt collar. “Are you feeling okay? You, um, had quite a scare yesterday.”

“I ache all over.” She arched until a nipple popped free. Cupping her pussy with one hand and pinching the pert tip with the other, she closed her eyes and moaned. “I want you to touch me everywhere.”

Struggling to breathe with all his blood flowing south, Quayde couldn’t take his eyes off Ilona. His feet were stuck to the floor, and his dick had gone from mostly relaxed to trying to escape his trousers in the two seconds he’d needed to step into her room.

Beside him, PC seemed just as entranced by the erotic sight. “Uh, me or Quayde?”

A seductive smile curved her sexy lips to go with the slow blink of her inviting eyes. Her hand glided along her inner thigh, and she spread her legs, giving them a peek at her dark curls through the opening in her underclothes. “I need
of you.”

Quayde’s balls tightened, and he nearly swallowed his tongue at her request. He’d prepared for a rejection of at least one of them. “Both?”

“Yes. Please hurry.” The desperation in her plea had him ready to do whatever she asked.

He bent to remove his boots. Did she want him to undress? While he wasn’t opposed to putting his hands and mouth on her beautiful pale skin, taking care of his own needs crossed his mind, too. Unfortunately, finesse probably wouldn’t find a place in their encounter. His shirt and pants landed on top of his shoes. In less than a minute, he crossed to the fancy bed.

PC rounded the end to stand on the other side, just as naked as Quayde. They’d agreed not to fight over her, but sharing her hadn’t come up in the conversation. He took another step closer while Quayde fought to make his legs work.

Stopping an arm’s length from her, PC cleared his throat. “Tell us what you want, darlin’. We’ll do our best to accommodate.”

She reached a hand out to each of them. “Lick my cunt while Quayde kisses me and sucks my nipples.”

The coarse language coming from her sweet mouth made Quayde’s cock twitch. His assumption that the ladies at Wyndham House only catered to their customers’ demands and ignored their own pleasure was wrong. Since he didn’t frequent the brothel, he shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions, because Ilona clearly knew what she wanted and how to get it.

Crawling to the center of the bed, he leaned in for a gentle brush of his lips against hers. She grasped him behind the neck, pulling him closer and thrusting her tongue into his mouth. Lust poured through his veins, and he met her invasion with an answering attack. For every forceful sweep, he gave as good as he got, finally plunging between her teeth for a thorough taste of his seductress.

Her moan vibrated through his jaw, and her fingernails scraped over his shoulders and upper back, the slight sting pushing his desire to a new level. She moaned again and wiggled beneath him. A glance past her waist gave him a pretty good indication about the source of her moaning. PC had removed her drawers and was licking a path along her inner thigh a few inches from the nest of curls.

Kissing his way down her neck, Quayde followed the expanse of soft skin to the generous mounds of her tits. With a palm cradling an overflowing handful, he traced a circle around her stiff nipple, pulling her corset out of the way for better access. Her subtle flowery smell brought a smile to his face. She was all woman, despite her wide streak of independence.

He sucked a ripe berry between his lips and plucked at the other with his free hand. Nothing had ever tasted sweeter than Ilona. When her fist closed around his dick, every muscle in his body tensed in an effort to stop the pressure building in his balls. “Darlin’, the fun’s going to be over before it starts if you keep that up.”

“Then we’ll have to go again, won’t we? I need your cock in my mouth. Now. I want you to come when I come.” Her plea severed his self-control.

Gripping her narrow waist, he lifted her sideways off the pillows and straddled her head. Before he even took aim for her delicious lips, she pulled his hips lower, laving his balls with her tongue. From his vantage point, he had the perfect view of PC’s face buried between her thighs. She bucked and groaned as her mouth closed around Quayde’s sac. The suction made his dick ache for release.

Focusing on her tight nipples again, Quayde rolled both pink tips with his fingers and thumbs, hoping to last until she reached the pinnacle. “Are you close, Ilona? Your mouth feels so damn good.”

The wet heat on his testicles abruptly changed to a moist tunnel sucking his cock deeper and deeper, until the crown touched the back of her throat. Her tongue traced the blood-filled veins, stealing his breath and kicking his heartbeat up a notch. His balls contracted. “Suck her clit, PC! I can’t wait!”

She arched upward, her muffled screams setting off an explosion like Quayde had never experienced before. Hot fluid shot from his slit into her mouth as he let out a hoarse yell. Colored lights flashed in front of his eyes, and he struggled to keep from falling on her. He collapsed beside her with his heart pounding in his ears and his chest.

“Fuck me, PC. Please fuck me.” Ilona’s begging had Quayde turning his head to watch her face as PC rose over her. Her eyes widened, and she gasped. “Fast and hard. Come with me.”

Panting breaths became rising cries and low grunts as PC rammed into her, scooting her toward the head of the bed with each thrust. Her body trembled. Quayde wrapped her hand in his and brought it to his lips.

Her gaze met his for a moment, slowing time and triggering a connection too intense to ponder. Then she looked toward PC and smiled. “You are mine.”

Pax opened his mouth as if to speak, but a low roar came out instead, blending with the fresh cries of their woman as she followed him into the waves of completion. The aftershocks shook the mattress, and an inner peace settled over Quayde. Whatever had brought him and PC to this place must’ve known Ilona would be here too, setting in motion a future he hadn’t considered but couldn’t live without after sharing himself with her this way. Somehow, his soul recognized his destiny. Recognized her.

Gathering her in his arms, he closed his eyes and let the fragrance of her and their lovemaking surround him. The drugging cloud relaxed his mind and body, pulling him into satisfied half sleep.


* * * *


PC curled around Ilona, burying his nose in the waves of her loose hair and memorizing the scent of her. At twenty-two years old, he should’ve had more control than to empty himself inside her after half a dozen quick thrusts, but she didn’t seem to have cared. That he’d had no previous experience having sex with a woman certainly hadn’t helped.

Damn, the wait was worth it.

The thought that Ilona had probably slept with many men before him made his stomach churn. She’d said he and Quayde were hers. Did she belong to them, though? Working in a bordello meant entertaining other fellows, but PC had a mind to chase off anyone wanting an hour with her. Then again, maybe she’d only thought to repay him and Quayde for helping her yesterday by giving them a free sample. That idea didn’t sit well at all.

Her soft sigh pushed the disconcerting doubts from his head. She was here with him, and if she hadn’t enjoyed their unconventional encounter, he’d apologize and give it another try. Even now, with his contented cock nestled in the crease of her ass, he wouldn’t need more than a few minutes to be ready again. Sifting through her silky hair, he kissed the graceful arc of her bare shoulder.

She turned toward him and smiled, her dark eyes reflecting the happiness her lips suggested. Twisting closer, she leaned in and pressed her mouth to his. Slow. Gentle. Sweet. “I didn’t get to kiss you earlier.”

Warmth spread through his chest. “We have plenty of time for that.”

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