Two Times as Hot (13 page)

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Authors: Cat Johnson

BOOK: Two Times as Hot
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Logan was so hungry for more of Emma, it was hard to fathom he’d just had her. Of
course, he wasn’t eighteen anymore so he’d need a few minutes’ recovery. But that
didn’t mean they couldn’t keep busy in the meantime. He swung his feet to the floor
and reached back to take her hand, pulling her from the bed.
“Where are you taking me?” Her eyes opened wider as he yanked her forward.
“The shower.”
“The shower? Now? Why?”
“I want to explore each and every inch of your body. I’m going to run my hands all
over you, and the shower is the perfect place for that. All that nice, slippery soap.”
Logan groaned and slid his hands down her bare skin. He laughed at her expression.
“What’s wrong? You said you wanted good memories. Would you like to take some things
off the table?”
“No. Nothing is off the table. I just thought the
would be a nice, warm, dry bed.”
“Trust me. I’ll make it worth your while for you to get out of bed and get wet. Promise.”
She smiled. “I believe you will.”
Logan’s mind spun with the possibilities of all he could do with her beneath the hot,
pounding spray. How amazing she’d look with all that water sluicing off her wet skin.
All the places he could slip into and explore. Maybe he didn’t need recovery time
after all. He was hard as a rock again just thinking about it.
He paused long enough to drop a kiss on her mouth, and then pulled Emma toward his
ultimate destination— the nice, big shower stall. He flipped on the water and stepped
inside, turning to offer Emma a hand to help her in after him.
As the steam swirled through the air, Emma eyed him, looking wicked. She took him
in from head to toe, and one part in particular—the hard-on that was aiming straight
toward her like an arrow.
With the bar of soap in one of her hands, Emma reached between them and began to stroke
Logan. The feel of her touch nearly took him off his feet.
He shouldn’t be this affected considering he’d just had her. Apparently his body hadn’t
gotten the memo that it wasn’t supposed to react like a pubescent teen. The very happy
appendage seemed to know that for the first time in a while it was receiving attention
from a hand other than Logan’s, and it liked it. A lot.
Emma slid her closed fingers over his slick cock while Logan watched. When he raised
his gaze, he found her focus was on his face. A sly smile bowing her lips, she stepped
to the side. The stinging hot spray hit Logan, washing the suds off him, before she
bent low and slipped his erection into her mouth.
His muscles clenched in reaction. The sensations as Emma engulfed him had Logan grabbing
for the towel rack on the wall. Gripping it, he hoped it was good and sturdy. He needed
something strong to hold on to as she slid him in and out of the heat of her mouth.
He tried to gather the will to tell her to stop what she was doing because he didn’t
want to come. At least not yet. He had too many plans for what he’d love to do with
As the water cascaded off her skin, Logan followed its path with one hand. So beautiful,
every inch of her, and he had every intention of exploring all those many inches.
She scraped her teeth down his length and he hissed in a breath. She liked to play
rough. That was good. So did he. Tangling his hands in her hair, he took control of
her motion. He held her head still until she looked up. Her crystalline gaze met his
while his cock was buried between her lips. The sight was enough to make him weak
in the knees.
Ever so slowly, he pulled out, then pushed back in while holding her head and her
gaze. He repeated the action, sliding out and then in again. Her lids drifted closed.
He stopped moving and said, “Emma. Look at me.”
She did, opening her eyes while reaching between his legs to palm him. He drew in
a breath and the erotic slow motion dance continued. Taking her like this only ramped
up his need to possess her again, but he couldn’t bear to leave the warmth of her
mouth. Their gazes remained locked while he continued to slide between her lips. He
needed to pull out before he lost control, but he couldn’t make himself break the
intimacy of this connection.
Logan felt the tension in his body and tried to hold on longer. “Emma, I’m not going
to last.”
Fair warning of what was about to come only had her increasing the pressure of her
mouth and hands on him. Logan gave up. He gave in to the overwhelming sensations and
stopped fighting the inevitable. Clenching his jaw as a searing need traveled down
his spine, Logan held on to her head tighter. He stroked faster, building toward release.
It overtook him, bowing his body, bending his knees, even curling his toes as he tried
to remain on his feet when what he felt threatened to take him off them.
Reality seeped back in. One by one, Logan regained control of his senses. Blowing
out a slow breath, he realized how hard he’d gripped Emma’s head and forced himself
to let go.
She stood and let out a short laugh. “I guess you liked that.”
Still shaking, Logan spun her around. He pulled Emma to him so her back rested against
his chest.
“That’s an understatement. Now, it’s my turn. Hand me the soap.” Nuzzling her hair,
he spoke near her ear while he ran his hands down the front of her body.
“Oh really? And what are you going to do?” Angling her head, she peered over her shoulder
at him while reaching for the soap.
“Don’t sound so suspicious. I’m hoping to drive you as crazy as you drove me.” He
ran the bar over her skin, making sure to hit all the key areas. Logan was just massaging
the lather into one breast when she pressed her head against him and sighed. Such
a small sound but it cut straight through him. He wanted to hear it again. He moved
lower, over her stomach until the hand holding the soap reached between her thighs.
She widened her stance without question, giving him more access to her most intimate
area. Her submission and blind trust in him had Logan starting to get hard again.
He worked up a lather over a spot that had Emma moaning against him. He loved how
she reacted to every touch.
He brought the soap around and slid it between the globes of her ass. He felt her
draw in a breath, before she bent from the waist and braced her palms against the
That gave him quite a view of her generous hips and gorgeous heart-shaped ass. His
body reacted, rising further. His hand faltered in its soapy path down her body, before
he recovered his senses.
He put the soap back in the dish and took full advantage of the access she’d granted
him, sliding his hands over her. Spreading her cheeks, he nuzzled his cock between
her thighs, teasing, rubbing, but not entering her even when she pushed back against
him and groaned.
The position was too tempting for him to resist her for very long. Logan pressed just
the tip inside her warmth. Emma rocked back and slid him all the way home. Logan’s
eyes closed at the sensation of being surrounded by her again. He had to hold on tight
to his control. He couldn’t come inside her. Not without a condom, and there was no
way he was leaving her to get out of the shower to find one now. He needed a distraction.
Something to keep him from giving in and finishing this too soon.
Picking up the bar again, Logan soaped up his hands. He ran both palms up Emma’s spine,
and then traced a path back down, continuing all the way to her ass. She must have
liked it. She moved back, pushing him deeper into her. This position would have had
him losing control in an instant if he hadn’t just finished.
Logan wrapped both hands around her hips to hold her still while he worked his soap-slickened
thumbs into the muscles of her lower back. In spite of his efforts, she managed to
move again, sliding up his length.
This woman had a way of getting what she wanted. He should probably just give in and
finish this, because she was too hard to resist.
She pushed back against him and Logan’s grip on her slipped, as did his resolve. No
use fighting fate. With one hand, Logan reached around front and connected with the
spot sensitive enough to have Emma hissing in a breath. Then he set a pace that would
take them on yet one more wild ride. They both obviously needed it to slake this overwhelming
mma, sweetie, time to get up.”
“Mmm. No.” She snuggled deeper into the warmth of the covers.
He laughed, the sound warm and deep as he rolled on top of her. Having the warmth
of Logan’s body over her made Emma think of someplace warm she’d like to have him
inside her.
“You have to. We have the brunch.” Even Logan’s silky voice didn’t make that reality
sound any better to her.
Stupid brunch. Emma should have talked her sister out of this plan. At least Becca
hadn’t set the time for too early. If their father had gotten his way, they would
have all met for breakfast at six in the morning. Thank God the restaurant Becca chose
didn’t start serving until noon on Sundays.
Emma hated the whole concept of brunch. Whoever thought of combining the two meals
should have been told it was stupid. There were far too many other things Emma would
rather be doing this morning than getting dressed up to go and eat too much at some
buffet consisting of a random assortment of breakfast and lunch foods.
Logan was one of those things she’d rather indulge in, and that wouldn’t even require
she get up or get dressed.
“One more kiss before we go.” Reaching down, she grabbed the bare cheeks of his ass
and held him close.
His chuckle vibrated through her as his weight pressed her into the bed. “Oh, all
right. If you insist.”
“You’re so easily influenced.” She smiled, enjoying his easy compliance, probably
too much.
“By you, yes, I do seem to be.” His mouth covered hers in a lazy, gentle kiss.
Kissing this man was addictive. Then again, so was everything else they’d done. Her
body craved his. Even the tug of sore muscles didn’t negate the need she felt. It
was one that would be quenched by only him.
They’d enjoyed each other so many times last night that the frenzied need had cooled
a bit, but not the deep down desire. At least, not on her part. Judging by the hard
length pressed between them, not on his part either.
“You sure we can’t just stay here?” She wasn’t ready to have this time with him end.
“Not ready to face the family?” He nuzzled her neck, nipping at her earlobe.
“No.” The dead last thing Emma wanted was to leave this warm bed and the embrace of
Logan’s naked body to be with a bunch of relatives. “Once we’re with everyone, we’ll
have to pretend we barely know each other.”
“That is going to be difficult, since I know you very well. For instance, I know you
have this birthmark right here above your right breast.” Logan kissed the spot, but
didn’t stop there as he moved down and drew her nipple between his teeth. As if an
invisible tether connected her body to his, her hips rose toward him in reaction.
He continued, “And I know how, when I touch you right here”—Emma drew in a sharp breath
as his finger connected with her clit—“you make that exact sound. It cuts straight
through me and makes me want to fuck you silly.”
That sounded good to her. “Then what are you waiting for?”
“Not a damn thing.” His dark eyes narrowed. “How much time do you need to get ready
for the brunch?”
“Not too long. Half an hour?” Thank God she’d had the foresight to blow her hair dry
last night after the shower sex. All she had to do this morning was throw on some
makeup and the outfit she already had picked out.
“Mmm, that leaves us plenty of time. Don’t forget to cover that hickey.” Logan ran
his lips over her throat. An uncontrollable smile crossed her lips at the word. “And
please stop looking so happy about it. I’m still appalled with myself.”
“I’m not.”
“That is more than obvious.” He shook his head, then rolled to the nightstand and
reached for a condom.
“I know. I’m a bad girl. Maybe you’d better punish me.” Emma smiled at the surprise
that crossed his face in reaction to her suggestion.
“Careful what you wish for.” Logan cocked one brow at her, before he tore into the
foil packet.
“I always am.” She watched as he rolled the latex over himself, and then rolled on
top of her.
There was no substitute for the weight of a man over her body. All hard muscles and
rough skin.
“Maybe my punishment for you could be denying you sex. Ever think of that?”
“You’re welcome to try.” Wrapping her legs around Logan’s narrow hips, Emma put him
in perfect alignment with the spot she wanted him to be.
He groaned and nudged at her entrance. She’d won this debate. Though as he slid all
the way home, taking both of their breath, she knew there were no losers here.
Logan dropped Emma off at her hotel, where she would get ready and then catch a ride
to the brunch with her parents.
she pretended she’d slept in her own room and not in Logan’s, of course.
Since he was already dressed and ready, Logan killed some time getting coffee at the
diner, and then drove to the restaurant. He’d arrive slightly ahead of schedule, but
he figured Tuck and Becca might be there early, too.
Unfortunately, when Logan walked through the door, it was Tara who greeted him, and
she didn’t look happy.
“Where did you go yesterday?” A concerned frown creased her forehead.
Crap. He should have come up with a cover story. Emma had one, though not a good one.
If anyone pinned Emma down as to which
young folks
she’d gone out with after the reception, he doubted she’d have a satisfying answer.
If nothing else, the army had taught Logan to think on his feet. Though lying wasn’t
part of his army training, he incorporated it into his other skills now. “One of my
cadets lives not too far from here. He called and asked if we could meet.”
“A cadet? Why would he want to meet with you?” Tara was relentless in her questioning.
“Because I’m his battalion commander, and I’ve got twenty years in the military. It
makes perfect sense he’d turn to me.” It made sense to Logan, at least.
“On a Saturday night in the summer?”
It was a damn good excuse, even if it was a lie. Logan was starting to get insulted
Tara didn’t seem to buy it.
“Tara, I shouldn’t be talking about this with you. There’s a confidentiality I have
to respect.” And a certain maid of honor just arriving out in the parking lot.
“Okay. Well, I saved you a seat at the table.”
“That wasn’t necessary. I’m sure Becca made sure there are plenty of seats for everyone.”
At her crestfallen expression, Logan stifled a sigh. “But thank you for thinking of
me. Excuse me, I should go say hello to our hosts.”
Taking his leave of Tara, Logan realized he was in for a long couple of hours.
The brunch progressed on schedule with the expected guests and food. What Logan hadn’t
anticipated was how hard it would be to mask his happiness every time he got a glimpse
of Emma. Sitting so near her was torture. She was just across from him, but that seemed
too far. He wanted to reach out and touch her. If they were next to each other, he’d
be able to hold her hand under the table, but he couldn’t do that from here, in the
seat Tara had insisted he take....
His gaze kept dropping to where the bite mark on Emma’s neck was hidden beneath makeup.
She’d done a good job of camouflaging it, but he knew it was there.
At least the guest list was limited for this shindig. Unlike the pre-party Friday
night, which had a few dozen invitees, and the wedding, which topped one hundred,
this brunch was just for the wedding party and the parents of the bride and groom.
Logan had chatted with the Harts when they’d first arrived and pretended he hadn’t
been buried deep inside their daughter just a couple of hours ago. When that charade
wore on him too much, he moved on to make small talk with Tuck’s parents. All the
while, he kept one eye on Emma and tried to control his temper when he saw Jace trying
to suck up to her.
Honestly, did Jace think he still had a chance after his disappearing act during the
reception? And why was Jace still flirting with Emma? She was about to board a plane
in a few hours.
Emma was leaving. That realization sent Logan’s mood downhill faster than seeing her
talking to Jace. A waitress reached in front of him and cleared his plate. That was
fine. He didn’t have an appetite.
“Hey, Logan.” Tyler appeared at Logan’s elbow. “Where’s your tux? I’m driving over
now to return ’em all.”
Logan hadn’t even noticed Tyler approach. He’d been too busy observing Jace’s pursuit
of Emma. Logan tore his gaze away from his visual stalking now and frowned at Tyler.
“You’re leaving?”
“Yeah, this thing’s about to break up. Becca’s family has a flight to catch and the
manager here keeps giving us the stink eye like he wants us the hell out.”
Logan glanced at the staff standing along the dining room wall watching them. The
wait staff probably wanted to get out of there. The party, the weekend, and his time
with Emma—it was all over. “My tux is hanging inside my truck. Doors are open if you
want to grab it on your way out.”
“Okay, will do.” With a tip of his hat, Tyler headed for the exit.
Logan watched him go until movement on the other side of the table caught his attention.
Emma and her parents had risen from their seats. Emma hugged Becca while their father
shook Tuck’s hand.
This was good-bye then. But Logan would be damned if he’d let her fly away to New
York without a farewell kiss. Pushing his chair back from the table, Logan rose and
moved to where Emma was standing.
“Leaving?” There was a feeling of dread in his gut.
“Yeah, we checked out of the hotel already so we just have to head to the airport
and return the rental car.”
He glanced at the time on his watch. “I thought your flight wasn’t until later in
the afternoon.”
“Oh, it’s not, but Dad likes to arrive a full two hours early for domestic flights.
Three for international. Then of course he allowed extra time to drive to the airport
and return the car.”
“Ah, punctual. Man after my own heart.”
“Emma. We need to go,” the man in question called from the doorway of the restaurant.
“One second, Dad.” She glanced at Logan and then back toward her father. “I just have
to, ah, run to the restroom.”
“Don’t dilly dally. Your mom and I will be in the car.”
“I’m sure you will.” She smiled and then turned to Logan. “Maybe you’d be kind enough
to escort me to the restroom? I do believe it’s down the end of that very long secluded
Logan grinned. “It would be my pleasure.”
Here was his chance for that private good-bye, which Emma apparently was keen for
as well. Emma laid a hand on the bent arm Logan extended. He led her to the hallway
off the dining room. When they reached the door to the coatroom, she glanced over
her shoulder, and then pulled him inside.
Once in the privacy of the empty coatroom, Emma turned to face Logan. She rested her
hands on the front of his shirt. The intimate gesture had him warming inside.
Logan covered her hands with his own, and gave her fingers a squeeze. “I had a really
good time this weekend.”
She raised her eyes to meet his gaze. “Me, too.”
Emma hadn’t offered him her phone number, and jackass that he was, Logan didn’t ask
for it. Maybe this was what they’d spoken about on the dance floor. Letting loose
for a night. Scratching an itch.
Still, it couldn’t hurt for him to hint to her to let her know he wouldn’t be opposed
to seeing her again. “So, I guess with Tuck and Becca living in Stillwater, you’ll
probably visit them there once in a while.”
“I definitely plan to.” She smiled and brightened his dimming hopes.
“Good. Good. I’ll look forward to seeing you when you visit, then.” He tried to sound
a lot more casual than he felt. Emma hadn’t even left yet, but he was already hoping
for her return. “I hope you have a good flight.”
Good-bye loomed between them like a specter. In spite of knowing it was time for her
to go, Logan didn’t make a move to leave. Neither did Emma. Instead, she rose on tiptoes
and paused near his mouth. The hesitation on both their parts seemed particularly
ridiculous to Logan, given all they’d shared over the last eighteen hours.
Done with beating around the bush, Logan closed the distance and kissed her. If this
was good-bye for he didn’t know how long, he intended to make it count.
Sinking into the kiss, Logan drew in a sharp breath through his nose. He grasped Emma’s
face between his palms and kissed her deeper. He took complete possession of her mouth,
angling his head as he plunged his tongue between her lips. Moaning, she kissed him
back with a ferocity that matched the intensity of all they’d shared.

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