TYCE 3 (17 page)

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Authors: Shareef Jaudon

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“I had a few things to take care of, so I had someone watch her for a little while.”

“Oh, that’s too bad. I was really looking forward to meeting her. I know she’s as good lookin’ as her handsome daddy.”

“Actually she looks a lot like her mother.”

“Is that right?” Dallas raised an arched eyebrow.

“Yeah, she’s gonna be a heart breaker when she grows up.” I said proudly.

“Hmmm jus’ like her daddy huh?” Dallas looked directly at me when she made that comment.

At first I chose not to respond to that little snide remark but then I said what the hell. Why hold my tongue in my own shit?

fucked up, not me. You the one who caught a bad case of the fibs and tried to play a nigga. All you had to do was play your position and shit woulda been lovely. Yo’ ass was so wrapped up in what Angelique was doin’ you forgot to concentrate on doin’ you.” I grabbed another cigarette and lit it.

“Can I have one?” She asked quietly.

I grabbed another cigarette and extended my arm. She got up and sashayed over to me.

“Would you mind lighting it for me?”

I looked up at her beautiful face and noticed her eyes were a little misty. After I lit her cigarette, she took a long drag and remained standing in front of me.

“I know I fucked up baby and I can’t tell you how truly sorry I am. But you gotta know I thought I was really protecting you from a no good woman. I thought she was
cheating on you! You don’t deserve that. You’re too good to be with an unfaithful bitch and that’s what I thought she was!”

The tears came streaming down her brown blushed out cheeks.

“Love makes you do crazy shit sometimes. I admit I fucked up ok. I fucked up! I fucked up!!! But damn can a bitch get a second chance? Tell me what to do and I’ll do it! Anything to prove to you how sorry I am! What can I do?”

The internal sprinkler system was on high as she stood in front of me crying her eyes out. She took another puff of her cigarette and sat down on the arm of the chair. Her body was so close to mine that I could smell her perfume scented deodorant.

Dallas sniffed. “Tyce I miss you so much. Do you miss me?”

Damn, why did she have to ask that question?

“You know what Dallas. I do miss you, but I don’t miss the feelin’ I had when I found out you tried to trap me.” I wiped her tears away.

She took one last drag from her cigarette and suddenly put it out in the ash tray sitting on the table next to the oversized chair.

“We can move past that baby.” She held my face in her soft hands. “I’ll never lie to you again.”

The arm of the chair was abandoned and my empty lap was the new cushion for her round ass. She put her face inches away from mine.

“I’m not askin’ you to say yes right now. I’m jus’ askin’ you not to say no right now. Can you at least think about givin’ me another chance?”

The subtle warm breeze from her pretty mouth blew past her red lips landing on my face as she spoke. Our noses were centimeters apart now as she made her apologetic plea. The back of my head sunk into the chair as I attempted to put some distance between us, but she moved with me like our necks were handcuffed together.

Dallas whispered. “Don’t run baby.”

I felt her hand slide down my forearm and then her fingers pulled the burning cigarette from my hand placing it in the ash tray. She then took hold of my hand guiding it slowly up her thigh and finally letting my palm rest on her slightly exposed ass.

“You miss that too don’t you?”

Her bottom lip lightly touched the tip of my nose.

The alarm clock in my pants went off and my dick woke up from a nap and stretched.

“When’s the last time you had some pussy, huh?”

Her eyes were barely open as she asked me that question.

“Hmmmm how long has it been since you got that big black dick wet? A man like you should have the best in house pussy on the planet. A man like you should have a woman that gives a blow job like she wants a fuckin’ promotion.”

Damn, I could see how this woman made tons of money as an escort. She knew exactly how to seduce a nigga. Her pink tongue showed itself as she used it to trace the outside of my lips. Her hands moved swiftly down my torso tugging at my shirt.

“Stop.” I moved my head away.

Dallas rubbed my chest in circular motions like she was waxing a car.

“Come on baby. I can feel your dick. I can tell you want this as bad as I do.”

I looked at her and let out a slight chuckle.

“I don’t give a fuck what my dick wants. I make the decisions, not him.”

Dallas looked like she’d seen a ghost. She wasn’t used to being rejected. Despite my dick screaming at me to please let him out so he can stab her right between the thighs and murder that pussy. I ignored his horny ass and kept my cool.

“If you wanna talk we can do that, but aint gon’ be no fuckin’ tonight. Angelique wouldn’t like that.”

I could tell Dallas didn’t like what I said one bit, but she held her tongue and removed her sexy self from my lap returning to her seat across from mine. We talked for the next two hours. She said how much she regretted what happened and that she really held no ill will toward

Angelique. She went on to say how she wanted to mend the broken friendship and start over with her. All she wanted was for things to be how they were, but this time she would be honest and level headed. Dallas asked me if I needed any help with the baby offering her womanly services for me to take advantage of.

We talked while we drank shots of Patron and one empty bottle later I went into an alcohol induced sleep while she was knocked out on the couch downstairs. I had a feeling this wasn’t exactly the night she had in mind, but it is what it is. She only stayed the night because she was intoxicated and I never send any woman home to drive while she’s drunk…so she stayed over.

Tyce’s Angels


Sabrina and Bree walked into the court room early on a Monday morning each taking a seat in the front row. As usual the room was packed with relatives, prisoners, alleged law breakers, and lawyers. Both of the women surveyed all the people in the room paying close attention to the men dressed in suits.

“Look at all these fake ass lawyers.” Bree whispered to Sabrina.

“I know huh. I can’t stand em they jus’ as crooked as the people they’re trying to put in jail.” Sabrina adjusted her purse strap.

It was several months after the accident and she was now fully recovered from her injuries.

Bree leaned in closer to Sabrina. “That’s why I didn’t wanna study law. Too many crooked ass niggas. The so-called justice system is all about money. The more money you have the less time you get. The poor people get the shaft while the rich ass people get to walk. And don’t get me started on how they do Latino’s and black people up in here.”

“Ummm hmmm. I know. It’s all bull shit. They say liberty and justice for all. Yeah for all except us.” Sabrina whispered back.

The hushed political conversation was put on pause as the overweight judge came out of his private chambers and took his seat on the bench.

“All rise.” The bailiff instructed in a deep voice.

Reluctantly Sabrina and Bree stood up and were both grateful when they sat back down.

Free Labor


I was on lockdown 23 hours a day. I was not allowed outside to get some fresh air, or even look at the sun. The only way to get out was to get on the trustee list which was basically free labor, but what choice did I have? It was either that or stay in depressing shade all day with all these stank ass bitches…Tasha being the worst of them all.

She constantly had her monkey eyes on my snacks and food. I could tell she wanted some, but she was too proud to ask me. All the bitches were jealous of my commissary items. Thanks to Tyce I had everything I needed in here. Under my bunk I stashed cookies, Ramen noodles, Snickers, shampoo, deodorant, chips, beef jerky, bar soap, instant meals and Tang. My spread was the envy of all the chicks inside, especially since everybody else had to eat the nasty meals they served. Tyce was right. The worst thing about being in jail besides having your freedom taken away was not being able to eat whatever you wanted. That shit sucked ass!

Despite the minimal comforts my man provided I was missing my family something terrible. Every night I asked God to see me through this and protect my baby girl in my absence. I also asked Him to give Tyce strength and the patience to be a good father. I’d been in here for nearly two weeks and it wasn’t getting any easier. So as I waited for my name to be called for my trustee interview I took that time to pray again. Please God let me be assigned to trash duty, or yard work so I can get the fuck out of here during the day.

“Angelique Dupree!” The deputy shouted rudely.

I let out a deep sigh and walked up to the desk taking a seat in front of the burley woman.

“Have you been cleared to work by the nurse?”

“Yes ma'am, they cleared me yesterday.”

“Good, and are you on any medication?”

They deputy never looked up from her paperwork to make eye contact with me.

“No, I’m not on any meds.”

“Good, I see you’ve kept your nose clean since you been in here.”

I adjusted my loose fitting blue shirt and crossed my legs.

“Yeah I jus’ keep to myself. I do a lot of readin’ to pass the time.”

She finally looked up, “You can read?”

I had to stop myself from punching that anti cute ass bitch in her blue eye. I wanted so bad to send my fist straight through her glasses like a brick through a plate glass window! The nerve of her, asking me if I can read. Bitch, can you fucking read?

I tightened my jaw. “Yes ma’am, I can read.”

It took all my strength to maintain my composure and remain seated across from this ignorant ass cunt. I had to remind myself of what I wanted to accomplish. In my head I kept repeating the words outside work, outside work, outside work, outside work.

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