TYCE 3 (26 page)

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Authors: Shareef Jaudon

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I kissed her elbows.

I kissed the back of her knees.

I kissed the back of her neck.

I kissed the bottom of her feet.

I kissed under her chin.

I kissed the small of her back.

I kissed her palms.

I kissed her collar bone.

I kissed her eyelids.


I kissed places on that woman she didn’t even know she had. My lips visited everywhere
her three holes. While I bombarded each one of her neglected areas I remained fully clothed. By the time I was finished she was begging me to make love to her. She had that come fuck me face on. Her low bedroom eyes were saying, “Do whatever you want to me, jus’ do it now.”

Despite the immense temptation of Dallas’s glistening naked body…I kept my dick in my pants. I had to admit, a part of me was still in love with my ex. There was something about Dallas that called to me, but I couldn’t answer that call just yet…or maybe I could.

Case Closed


The D.A. kept his word and dropped the case pending on Angelique. He could do little about the fact that she escaped from jail although he did what he could. Upon Mr. Seal’s orders sheriff deputies as well as prison officials were notified that Angelique was confirmed to have fled the country to a non extradition location. He told them his office had no solid leads on her or, Tasha’s exact where abouts. Despite the botched drug case, the D.A. still had his high ranking position but that standing came with a stiff warning from his superiors to cease all shady dealings and to never repeat whatever just happened again.

So in a sense Angelique and Tasha were in the clear however, I still was cautious. The last piece to the puzzle was still missing. I had to find out who this chick named Raine was and why she framed my lady and after tonight the mystery woman would be revealed. Seals set the meeting up for tonight at Venice Beach. He originally suggested his favorite coffee shop but Raine wanted a more public setting so she countered with the busy beach idea. I suspected she was leery about meeting in a confined space and wanted plenty of open options just in case she had to make a quick exit.

I had to give it to her; she was indeed smart cuz that’s exactly what I would have done. The beach especially at night provides darkness, a lot of people, and endless routes that allows effortless disappearing acts. I would need Sway’s help to cover the area so I wouldn’t miss Raine or let her get away from me. It was three hours before the meeting and time was moving slow. The sun hung low in the sky as I stared out into the water from my perch on Sabrina’s deck. The peaceful rhythmic sound of the tide gently colliding with the sandy shore was interrupted by the clicking sound of high heels on hard wood as Angelique walked through the glass door to join me.

“You mind if I join you?” She paused just outside the entrance.

“Naw, it’s your world, I’m jus’ a fry tryna get some ketchup.” I shrugged.

Honestly my nonchalant attitude was a direct result of the way we’d been communicating recently or should I say not communicating

“Can we talk?”

Angelique walked up beside me placing her hands on top of the rail.

“Sure, wasup?” I turned to face her.

She took a deep breath before she spoke.

“I really am confused right now. I don’t know what or who to believe. I wanted to dismiss what Dallas said but it was obvious she was in our house and heard our conversation. I mean why did you let her ass come inside in the first place, jus’ tell me that?”

“I can’t really say why I let her in. I guess I was curious as to why she was there. A part of me wanted to hear what she had to say while another part of me was saying don’t listen to her.”

Angelique looked up at me.

“Well what did she say?”

“It was the same ole shit about how she misses me and wants another chance and how she wants things to go back to the way they were. She said she lied to protect me from you yada yada yada.” I waived my hand.

“Did you sleep with her?”

I sighed heavily after she asked me that question. I was really getting annoyed with the third degree.

“Look, I already told you I didn’t. She lied. Dallas lied once again. I mean what’s so hard to believe about that, she’s done it before.”

Angelique’s face looked perplexed. I could see she was evaluating what I just said. She scratched the top of her head with her mouth twisted as her eyes narrowed.

“I know Dallas and I know how seductive she can be. During my pregnancy I wasn’t sexin’ you at all so I know you’re horny or restless or whatever. Tyce it’s been months since we’ve made love and I know you’re feelin’ neglected. I don’t know many men that would not fuck another woman especially when they haven’t had pussy for a while
their woman is locked up.”

I faced her. “Don’t push your guilty conscience on me, never once while you were pregnant with Khari did I press youabout sex. I understood you were going through some shit. Matter of fact the baby book I read talked about that exact same thing so I knew it was a possibility, so I jus’ rolled with it. Of course in the back of my mind I was like can a nigga get a hand job, a tittie fuck, some oral or somethin’ but I never voiced that shit to you.”

Angelique put her hands on her hips with her pinky pushed through the belt loops of her jeans.

“See I knew you weren’t happy about the situation, that’s a part of the reason why I think you fucked her!”

“What?!” I was furious.

“You wasn’t getting it from me so you had to get it from somewhere and low and behold Dallas jus’ happened to show up while I was locked up and you two got it in! You expect me to believe
that after months of not getting laid when you are sooooo used to getting pussy by the cases for all these years you jus’ gonna all of a sudden hang an out of order sign on your balls?!”

I shook my head back and forth in disbelief. I gently grabbed a hold of her shoulders, stooped to her level so we could be eye to eye.

“Despite what you may think about my pussy tolerance, I haven’t fucked another woman. You can believe what you want but the fact is you don’t believe what the fuck I say anyway so it really don’t matter if I did or not. I’m guilty in your eyes.”

“Well what am I supposed to do huh, tell me that? I say if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck. It’s a fuckin’ duck!”

“It’s funny that you mention ducks Angelique cuz this shit right here is for the birds. I got a meeting to go to and fuck you very much for believing me.”

Venice Beach


Hundreds of people crowded Venice Beach to start the weekend. It was a mix of all races eager to have a taste of beach night life. Everyone had that happy go lucky facial expression except for Sway and I. We had those serious as cancer looks on our faces. We came to the beach for business; we came to crash a meeting involving two snake ass individuals-Seals and Raine.

The mystery woman chose a crowded bar to stage the meeting. It was the kind that had an open view of the beach while you sipped your over priced mojito. The place was jumping with drunk people and people who were sober but had a goal to be drunk by the end of the night. I took a seat at a small table and ordered a Corona, while Sway sat at the bar across from a nervous Mr. Seals. The D.A. was using doses of Bacardi to calm his unsteady nerves. The strong liquid was beginning to work because his stiff posture on the bar stool was starting to relax making him slump slightly.

My eyes scanned the bar for our guest who according to my watch was due to arrive in three minutes. Just to cover my ass, I told Seals that I had men posted up outside his grandmother’s house and if they didn’t hear from me within the hour they had orders to burn the house down and shoot who ever came running out. Of course it was a lie, but he didn’t know that, it worked out
better if he thought it was true…maybe that’s the reason he was ordering his fifth shot as I watched him from a distance.



I wanted to be here at least 20 minutes early so I could case the place but fuckin’ L.A. traffic made me late! I never would have agreed to the face to face meeting but Mr. Seals assured me that he could erase Angelique for good so the offer peeked my attention so I had to find out exactly what his plans were. I also wanted to know what the fuck happened and why that bitch wasn’t in jail right now. I’d been watching the news nonstop and nothing about an escape was being reported on. She must have made bail and that shit was not a part of the deal. He had a lot of explaining to do and I was not in the mood for any games.

I could see the bar was packed as I made my way through the sea of people. I picked this spot cuz if anything fishy hit my radar I could vanish in a heartbeat pretty easily. I thanked God for making me short cuz being tall would make it that much harder to disappear into the thick crowd. As I got closer, I tucked myself in a small shadow near the edge of the building and looked for the District Attorney. I had the upper hand because I knew what he looked like but he couldn’t say the same for me. For all he knew I could be a tall Russian chick with buck teeth and blue hair.

My eyes followed the bar tender as he carried a shot glass. His wide back faced me blocking the recipient of the drink from my view, but when he moved away I seen the tipsy D.A. sitting at the bar. I smiled to myself and then proceeded to stroll in.










It was ten o’clock on the dot. I signaled to Sway to keep his eyes open and he drank his beer and nodded back. Mr. Seals kept looking down at his own watch and then someone or something caught his attention. He perked up in his seat and waived someone over to him. I couldn’t see who it was so I adjusted my chair to get a better angle. His attention was on the entrance just to the left, all of sudden I heard my name ring out.

“TYCE!! Man whachu doin’ here? Man you had an appointmen’ to get ya' hair cut today but yoooou missed it, wasup with dat man, that aint like yoooou. You aint missed an appointmen’ in five years.”

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