Read TYCE 5 Online

Authors: Shareef Jaudon

TYCE 5 (10 page)

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arched eyebrows went up in a curious fashion.

“Well, you better start
gettin’ ready. I can handle things here.” She looked at the men working hard in her huge back yard.

“Alright, tell
‘em where you want that pool and see if they can start digging this week.”

sucked her teeth. “I’m way ahead of you. I have a meeting with a pool specialist in about a half hour. I knew you would say yes, so I booked the appointment.”

Sway took another drin
k from his soda. “Check you out. Don’t act like you know me. Is there anything else I should know about?”

leaned in a little closer so the workers standing nearby wouldn’t hear her.

“There is one thing.” She touched his chest.

“Wasup?” Sway killed the rest of his drink as he waited for her response.

Ummm, what do you think about us becoming swingers?”

Sway almost choked on his beverage as his ears swallowed her unexpected words. He couldn’t believe what he just heard.

“Swingers?” He cleared his throat.

“Yeah, but go to work and we’ll talk about that when you get back.” She patted his peck muscle.

“You are jus’ full of surprises this week. First, Angelique is pregnant, and then the pool, and now you wanna be a swinger. You never cease to amaze me.”

winked her almond shaped eye. “That’s ‘cuz I’m an amazing woman who’s married to an amazing man. Now, go take care of your business and we’ll talk about my idea later.”

Sway started walking backwards toward the open French doors leading into the house.

“Alright Ms. Amazin’, I’ll see you later.”

“Bye baby.” She blew him a kiss.

~I Got It


Khalil looked at the phone and sighed as it rang in his lap. He knew who it was and was not in the mood to have the necessary conversation. However, not answering the call was not an option, so he pushed the accept button on his Samsung Galaxy and ignored his growing irritation.

Wasup man?”

He motioned for the young stripper sitting next to him to leave his presence.

“Do I hear music?” The man on the line sounded annoyed.

“Yeah, I’m at a
lil’ spot across town.” Khalil sat back on the small red velvet couch.

“I assume you’ve taken care of our little problem since you’re taking time to relax.”

“Naw, not yet. Me and Ace rolled up on him yesterday, but we didn’t get him.”

“What the hell do you mean you didn’t get him?! Why not?!”

“The nigga had bullet proof glass on his car. On top of that some crazy ass African started shootin’ at us.”


“And what, shit man we had to roll outta there.”

“Maybe I’m not making myself clear to you. I don’t give a rats’ ass who was shooting at you! I don’t care what kind of car he has! All I want is him dead! If you want to stay in my good graces and continue to do business with me, then I suggest you handle yours!”

The call ended abruptly when the man hung up in Khalil’s face. With the phone now returned to his lap, he turned to his right hand man Bug who was sitting to his left waiting to be briefed on the latest news. Khalil picked up his stiff drink and sipped from the straw before he spoke.

“We need to get
Tyce before this muthafucka starts really trippin’. Ace had to leave town to handle some shit up north, so I need you to step in. I can’t let this nigga fuck up my shit. But, now the nigga knows I tried to clip him, and he’s not the type to jus’ run and hide somewhere. I got mad respect for him and under any other circumstance I wouldn’t even fuck with him. Plus he fucks with my cousin Dallas…but business is business. That nigga gotta go.”

Bug crossed his l
ong arms in front of his chest.

“Like you said, he knows we’re
comin’ now, so how you wanna handle it?”

Khalil’s new partner had a long lanky frame like a praying mantis
, hence his nick name Bug.

Khalil wa
ved his favorite exotic dancer back over to him. “We gotta make him come to us jus’ like I did this pretty bitch. When he comes…we gotta be ready for war.”

~Let’s Work


Carmela se
t my dining room table for a dinner service consisting of four people. I rarely used the elegant room in my house because I never had people over for dinner. Before I had a woman, I usually ate out, but what was the point of having a cook on my payroll if I didn’t utilize her skills every once in a while. So, tonight, I had her prepare a feast for my crew. I requested filet mignon, grilled white tiger prawns, baked potatoes, Caesar salads, and crème brulee for desert. To start the delicious meal off, I had her make my favorite appetizer which was addictive mouthwatering lobster rolls.

Dallas, Peck, Sway and I would be eating like kings
and a queen as we discussed the demise of a local peasant named Khalil. I planned to bring my squad up to speed and make sure that we were all on the same page before we set it off. Peck arrived just after Sway and Dallas was putting the finishing touches on her makeup upstairs in her bathroom.

Once everyone was ready, Carmela opened up the room and we all sat down to eat with me seated at the head of the table. As the wine and lobster rolls
arrived, I started the dinner meeting.

“I appreciate you all
comin’ here on short notice like this. I thought the least I could do was feed ya’ll.” I put a cloth napkin on my lap.

Peck stopped chewing. “What the hell did Carmela put in these lobster rolls…crack? I can’t stop
eatin’ them.”

Dallas snagged one for herself. “They’re delicious
ain’t they?”

“Hell yeah, I’m
gonna have to get this recipe so Ranae can hook these up.” Sway pointed at the platter in the middle of the table.

“Yeah th
ey’re my favorite appetizer, but I don’t wanna discuss Carmela’s cookin’. I wanna fill ya’ll in on the latest news and what we got comin’ up.”

Everybody focused their attention on me
, but they still kept eating the rolls. I also had six of them on my plate so I ate and lead the meeting at the same time. I thought it was rude when someone took their time to cook a hot meal and then the person he or she is feeding lets it get cold. I could remember when I was younger in that warehouse eating tuna out the can, so I was thankful anytime someone cooked for me.

“Alright, yesterday Khalil tried to do a drive by on me. He shot three times at my head while I was behind the wheel right after I pulled into a parking spot.”

Peck slapped the table lightly. “I bet his punk ass was surprised to see you had bullet proof windows.”

“Yeah, you should’ve saw
the look on his face.” I smiled.

“Why is he trying to kill you? I thought we took care of that shit when we snatched up Roman’s punk ass.” Sway cocked his head to the side.

“I thought so too, but maybe since he didn’t finish me off, he’s trying to clean up the mess. I’m still workin’ that part out, but in the mean time we gotta deal with this nigga Khalil.”

I turned to Dal
las who was seated to my right. She took my cue and jumped in where I left off.

“I say we kill the nigga but, being that
he is my first cousin Tyce didn’t wanna do it on the count of my auntie. So instead we’re gonna bankrupt his ass.”

Peck swallowed
his tenth roll. “I’m with Dallas. I say we kill him, but I understand how family is. That shit can be tricky sometimes. Whatever you wanna do is cool wit’ me.”

I took a sip of my wine. “Alright, what I
wanna do is rob his cash spots. Thanks to our lil’ friend Roman, I know where they both are. He told me right before I crushed his face ‘cuz he thought that info would save his life.”

Peck looked slightly mixed up. “Wait a sec, why did you ask Roman where Khalil’s cash houses were if you knew Roman was the one who shot you? At that time Khalil was off the radar.”

Sway just smiled at Peck’s question and waved his thick muscled arm toward me.

“Fill the rookie in
Tyce.” He popped another roll into his mouth and grinned at Peck.

I was happy to school my young Jedi. “Peck, no one is ever off the radar. Sometimes it’s the nigga you don’t see that gets you. I stay ready so I don’t have to get ready. Now
stayin’ with that motto I had no plans to rob Khalil, but, jus’ in case he was the one behind the curtain pullin’ the strings I got some info on him jus’ in case I needed it one day. And today is that day. When he shot at me he gave me all the reason I needed to destroy him. There are three general rules to this game. Rule number one…never stop askin’ questions. Rule number two…always stay two steps ahead so other sucka ass niggas are behind you.”

“What’s rule number three?” Peck looked at me intently.

I popped a roll into my mouth and grinned. “Don’t get killed, ‘cuz then the game is over.”

Peck slowly nodded his head showing
that he agreed with me. The evening progressed, all the food was devoured and afterwards we all went out to the patio to have a few drinks. It turned out that I wasn’t the only one who had some news to share. After I finished going over the stash house hits, Peck cleared his throat and rubbed his short hair with the palm of his hand.

Ummm now that ummm the business is out the way, I have something I want to let you in on.” He picked up his full shot glass.

Wasup?” I asked with fresh curiosity.

“I wanted to let you know that
me and ahhh Sabrina are kinda dating. I haven’t slept with her or anything like that, we’re jus’ spendin’ time together and so far we’re both enjoyin’ it. I jus’ wanted to tell you before it got serious. I wanted to make sure you were ok with it.” Peck downed his liquid courage.

A wide smile spread across my face as I watched h
im become a little nervous. I had never had a sister before I met Sabrina and now one of my closest friends was seeking my approval to date her. Life sure had a way of changing on you like the weather.

“Sabrina is a good woman
and she needs a good man in her life. I can’t think of a better choice for her than you. You two should get to know each other.”

Peck relaxed in his high back chair. “For real? I’m glad you’re cool with this. I mean she said you would be
, but I wanted to make sure. I hope you know I’m not the type to play games or shit like that. I really dig her.”

“Sabrina can see game from a mile away like an eagle. She can take care of herself. If she’s
vibing with you it’s because you’re comin’ correct. If you was a clown ass nigga you wouldn’t be here drinkin’ up my Patron. You’re family, with or without Sabrina. I hope you two work out though…salute.” I raised my glass.

“SALUTE!” Everyone echoed my word with their glasses in the air.

I was on my fifth shot and feeling a good buzz when Sway pulled me away from the table. He wanted some privacy so he asked if he could he talk to me down stairs in my weight room. I excused myself from Dallas and Peck as they started to play a game of spoons. Sway followed me into the house and moments later were on the lower level alone. I sat down on my cushiony weight bench and tapped my Jordan sandals against the black mat flooring waiting for him to start. He paused a little too long and I almost started to ask what the hell was going on, but then he started talking.

“Look, before I tell you this, you
gotta promise not to say shit. This stays between me and you.” Sway looked around the mirrored room.

I cocked my head to the side. “Nigga you can tell me you shot Tupac and I wouldn’t say shit. Come on now…

Sway smoothed his hands over his faded blue jeans. “Alright,
Ranae told me Angelique is pregnant with Thad’s baby. She found out like last week and she only told Ranae. I wasn’t even supposed to know ‘cuz she was worried I’d tell you. I jus’ couldn’t keep that shit from you after all the shit we’ve been through…I thought you should know.”

My buzz went down a few notches as the news poured into my mind. Angelique fucked around a
nd got knocked up by a luke warm singer with a bitch positive blood type. I couldn’t believe that shit. How fucking reckless could she be?”

, I appreciate you pullin’ my coat tail to this shit. You aint gotta worry about me bustin’ your wife out and causing beef between her and Angelique. They got the heads one time and I’m not tryna have that happen again. I won’t say shit.” I tapped my left peck muscle over my heart. “Right on for the crazy ass Maury Povich update.”

Sway nodded at me. “Let me know if you need to vent
, or somethin’.”

“I’m straight like six o’clock nigga. I put money over problems so I can stay out the unemployment line. We got
over two million dollars to get. We ain’t got time for baby daddy drama.”

Sway gave me a hard pound. “That’s what I’m
sayin’ ‘cuz Ranae talkin’ ‘bout she wanna put a pool in.”

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