TYCE (35 page)

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Authors: Shareef Jaudon

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stated proudly.

“But…I’m in here,” I raised my hands up looking around, “I jus’ got charged with murder and a whole lotta other shit.”

“This is jus’ a hurdle we have to get over…together. Were not gonna abandon you when you need us the most baby.” Dallas looked at me lovingly.

Angelique spoke defiantly, “Fuck what everybody else says or does, we’ve broken all the laws and rules anyway; why stop now, let’s jus’ keep doing it the way we wanna do it.”

“Yeah I’m not really a traditional chick at all…I like bad boys…and you’re as good as they come.” Dallas licked her shiny lips.

I took a moment to register what was happening in this small visitation room. The two women I cared most about in this world were asking me to be with them in a committed relationship. I’d never had a girlfriend before. I mean never; and now I would have two. A part of me didn’t trust women but I’d found two special women that I could definitely trust…and I wasn’t about to lose them.

      “You’re serious.” I asked again.

      “Only if you are.” They said at the same time.

      “Then in that case…hell yeah!” I yelled.

The buff guard in the corner ordered me to

keep it down.

“Damn I wish I could touch you two right now.”

“Jus’ hold on baby…jus’ hold on.” Dallas smiled reassuringly.

“For a minute there I thought ya’ll were gonna kill me.” I admitted.

My girlfriends looked at each other and grinned, “Naw, we’d only do that if you cheat on us…and you know we pack heat” Angelique said seriously.

The ten-minute visit flew by, the girls left to the outside world, and I returned to my cell. Damn I wanted so bad to get the fuck outta this punk ass fucking cell!!




I Know Something You Don’t Know



      It was late in the evening and Detective Walsh was sipping on a cup of coffee in his corner office. The police station was nearly empty as the late hours approached. He was finishing the paper work on the trumped up charges; the district attorney wanted all the details of the case finished tonight because Tyce’s big time attorney was scheduled to meet him in the morning to pick up the discovery. Walsh would have to burn the midnight oil to make sure all the fabricated evidence was air tight. He paid Tyce a quick visit in his cell earlier in the day to see if he changed his mind and wanted to tell him where the money was hidden; Tyce gave him the middle finger and just rolled over on his bunk. The detective ordered a search and seizure on Tyce’s house and warehouse but came up empty; that only pissed him off further. He was making him look real incompetent in the eyes of Diego. His job now was to make sure Tyce was locked up and placed in a California federal prison where Diego could arrange to have him killed. If he did that, business could go on as usual and he could go back to getting paid.

His concentration was broken when a woman walked into his office unannounced and uninvited. He looked up as the stranger just strolled into his office as if her name was on the desk.

“Can I help you?” Detective Walsh asked irritated.

The woman just stared at him for a while before she answered, “Yes you can James.”

Walsh was surprised to hear his first name come out of her mouth. He was even more surprised when she helped herself to a seat.

      “What can I do for you miss……?”

“You don’t need to know my name James; we can keep this on an informal level for now.”

“Look, enough with this mystery shit lady, what the hell are you doing in my office?”

She crossed her legs slowly and pulled her purse off her shoulder. Her hand slid inside and came out with a large envelope. She casually tossed it on top of the desk and crossed her arms across her medium sized breasts. There was a scowl on Walsh’s face as he snatched the envelope off the


      “What is this?”

“Merry Christmas.” She said ignoring the no

smoking sign on the door and lighting a cigarette.

Detective James Walsh used a letter opener to slice the envelope open. He turned it upside down and three 8x10 photographs spilled out. He nearly wet his pants when he seen the pictures. The delivery woman took a long drag from her cigarette and blew smoke in the air. She said nothing as she watched James study the pictures.

“Where did you get these?” He turned red with anger.

“That’s not important.” She responded.

“Don’t play games with me lady! I demand to know where you got these! Who took them! Who took them!” He pounded his fist on the desk.

“Easy James…don’t have a heart attack; I’m the only one who’s seen them so relax.”

Detective Walsh was boiling with anger and embarrassment. The woman had walked into his office with pictures of him and a 16 year old boy. In one photo, he was sucking the boy’s dick on a couch. In another photo, he was fucking the young boy against a wall. The third showed him pissing on the same boy as he laid on the floor naked and the fourth document in the envelope was a printed copy of the male escort ad where he’d found his boy toy.

“How the hell did you get these?” He snorted.

“It’s what I do detective…you’d shouldn’t be too surprised at what an escort will do for money. Getting him to set that hidden camera up was the best five hundred dollars I’ve ever spent; certainly more than he was getting from you for an hour.” She smiled.

“What do you want?” He stared at her menacingly.

“I want you to burn that stack of papers your working so hard on.”

Detective Walsh looked down at the stack with a confused expression. “What are you talkin’ about?”

“Don’t play games with me.” She mocked him, “You know what I’m talkin’ about.”

A long sigh escaped his nostrils, “Let me get this straight…you’re here for that little punk Tyce Adkins?”

“You catch on quick James.”

“What do you care about him for?”

“Let’s just say I hate to see innocent men go to jail.”

“He’s not innocent!” He yelled.

“Well that’s a matter of personal opinion…he’s no angel but he’s not the devil either. But never mind what you think about him. If you don’t make those charges disappear than these photos and many more will make it to your captain, the district attorney, your wife, your fellow officers, your pastor, your family doctor, and your real boss…Diego Alverez.” She finished off her cigarette.

Walsh sat there in shock as the words sunk in. She had him by the balls and all she had to do was squeeze to ruin his life forever. He’d been fucking with the 16 year old boy for over a year. He thought he was being discreet by going through a private escort service but apparently, he was wrong.

“If I do what you want how do I know you’re not going to use these pictures anyway.”

“You don’t. But I’m a woman of my word…I’m not a piece of shit like you.” She stood up to leave, “I’ll know if the charges are not dropped by morning, I don’t care how you do it…just do it. You can keep those photos James…I have plenty more.” The woman walked out of the office before Walsh could respond.

The corrupt gay detective just stared at the photos. He couldn’t afford to let these pornographic pictures get out but the wheels of justice were already in motion, it was going to be difficult to stop them. He looked at the pictures and then glanced at the discovery and his incomplete police reports. Walsh had no idea how he was going to pull this off but the thought of his wife seeing a picture of him fucking a 16 year old boy in the ass was enough motivation to figure something out. 

He also wondered who the hell that woman was.




Love Don’t Live Here



Police had no leads on the China Town bank robbery. All the customers and employees could tell them was that three black men stormed inside the bank and only two left. There was no video surveillance to go over and no prints. The police knew it was Omar that was killed but the employees reported that he was one of the bank robbers, so they really didn’t care who killed him. As far as they were concerned, he got what he deserved. Tasha on the other hand knew exactly who killed her man. She found it hard to shed a tear for Omar though. A part of her was saddened at the loss of her short time boyfriend but the over two million dollars and her two new automobiles helped to ease the pain. Of course, the police questioned her for several hours about the murder but she kept her mouth closed. She didn’t want to end up laying next to him in the cemetery.

      A week after Omar’s death Tasha relocated to Las Vegas to start a new life. Before she left town, she had a huge garage sale featuring all of Omar’s belongings, including the dogs. A car shipping company transported Omar’s “
to Vegas while Tasha and Ace made the three hour drive in her new convertible with two million in cash hidden in the trunk.




Face The Funk



      30 days passed as fast as a turtle on crutches. I was going crazy in that jail. I had a new cellmate that talked way to much and took a shit like every 15 minutes. Angelique and Dallas made sure my commissary was stacked up. I had “

noodles, “
,” “
,” all the snacks I could eat and sell. It wasn’t as good as the chicken alfredo Angelique cooked for me or some fried fish from Shabazz…but it was better than nothing.

      The night before my court date, I couldn’t sleep. I was nervous, and I don’t get nervous. My lawyer told me he hadn’t got the discovery yet because they were stalling. The plan was for him to make his official appearance as my attorney and enter a not guilty plea but he told me to be prepared for the worst and he would find out what the holdup was. The deputies came and got me at seven in the morning for my court appearance. I was lead into the overly air conditioned room with four other inmates. All the inmates sat on the side of the judge’s bench while the attorneys and free folk’s sat on hard ass wooden pews. I smiled at Dallas and Angelique who were seated in the front row trying not to look worried. I spotted my mouth piece who was busy huddled up in a corner with the district attorney assigned to my case. They were nodding their heads back and forth and whispering loudly but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. The D A looked over at me with an evil glare and scribbled something on a note pad. The punk ass judge took forever to bring his fat ass out and he didn’t look like he was in a good mood. He kinda looked like he had heartburn when he glanced at me.

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