Ultimate Warrior (The Fight for Creation (Book Three)) (34 page)

BOOK: Ultimate Warrior (The Fight for Creation (Book Three))
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“Because those people were created by her sister and she is related to them. They are family.”

Jixie suddenly heard music at an extremely high volume and she put her hands over her ears and yelled, “Make it stop!” Suddenly, it did.

Eyes said, “She wasn’t aware of the relationship. She had to look at Jixie to make sure.”

“Even if the relationship didn’t exist, she should do this. She still hasn’t given me an answer.”

Eyes said, “You may proceed.”

The speaker on the wall came on and they heard, “Since everyone is in the mood for asking questions, I have one of my own. Why do you need us?”

Ken stared at the speaker and said, “I wasn’t sure you’d come.”

“As you said a moment ago, that’s not an answer.”

“I hope to save two civilizations from destruction. I need you to help me do it.”

“And just what do you think we can do that no one else could?”

“You are the only ones that the Alexander Kosiev will listen to.”

There was a moment of silence and then they heard, “Good answer…good answer.” Two people suddenly appeared on the small ship’s bridge and Sam was shocked speechless. Jixie said, “If I look as good as you do, I am impressed.”

Danielle Gardner looked at Jixie, showed her surprise, and laughed, “We are a pair, aren’t we?”

Thomas Gardner looked at Ken and said, “I was starting to get bored so I hope this proves to at least be interesting.”

Ken stood and stuck out his hand, “Of that I am sure, Your Highness.”

The Realm’s Ultimate Warrior took Ken’s hand and shook it.

Jixie shouted, “The Hornet scout has arrived in my creation.”

Ken said, “Tell the Senior to keep all the people there until I tell him otherwise. When the scout leaves, bring the rest of your people to your home world.” Ken started the small ship moving toward the three giant ships in front of them and said, “Your Highness, now would be a good time for you to say something.”

Tag looked out at the giant ship as its systems began coming on line and its massive beams start powering up. He looked at the ship and said, “It’s been a long time, my old friend.”

There was a long period of silence and the beam ports grew brighter. “Have you been as bored as I’ve been?”

Tag smiled, “Probably not but maybe I can make up for some of it. Grace, are you still in charge?”

“Of course, Your Majesty.”

“What do you mean you’re in charge?”

“You know I am.”

“Are not!”

The four heard a sign and heard, “Male egos; they never change.”

The four burst out laughing and Ken said, “Will you notify the other two ships that we are going to need them to assist us?”


“See, I told you I was in charge. They’ll start powering up momentarily.”

Tag said, “Why do you need three ships?”

“That’s the only way to completely cover a planet.” Tag tilted his head and nodded. Ken said, “Jixie, give the Gardners everything that’s happened and I need you and Sam to take one ship and Pixie and I will take the other.”

Sam and Jixie stared at Ken and he said, “We don’t have much time, get moving!”

“How do you know we can power these ships?”

“Because Sam was given psychic ability before the attacks began on the three species. Mother is not dumb.”

Ken and Pixie teleported on board the second ship and sat down in the two chairs. Pixie said, “I’m not psychic. How am I going to provide power for this ship?”

“Pixie, you define psychic using the descriptions of that talent by those that had those powers in the Realm. Trust me on this one; you and Jixie are probably the two most powerful psychics these ships have ever had on board.”

“Welcome aboard.”

“Thank you. Who are you?”

“I’m BC. I’m the only computer on this ship so I’ll try to make up for the lack of conversation. Are you ready to power the main banks?”

“What do we need to do?”

“Hopefully, nothing. Let’s see if you have the necessary psychic field.” They hear a rapid screech and heard, “Whoa boy!”

“What’s wrong?”

“The power was accelerating and I was losing control of it. I’ve sent the excess into the reserve banks but we still have more than we can control.”

Ken said, “Is it possible to send the excess to the Kosiev’s reserves?”

There was a pause and they heard, “The other ship also sent their excess to the Kosiev. It is now at full power.”

Ken said, “Jixie, I need you to extend your jump field around us and take us to your home world.”

The three ships moved closer together and then disappeared.

They appeared above a beautiful planet and they heard, “Jixie, what’s going on. I thought you wanted us to scatter and run.”

Ken said, “We want to try and stop them first. If we fail, then run as fast as you can. Are all your people on the planet?”

“The last ten just arrived.”

Ken said, “Alexander, can you get the three ships to place a psychic field around the planet?”

“I need both of you to space yourselves in a triangle above the planet so that you can see the other two ships.” The two ships jumped and Alex said, “BC, you and Greyson link with me.” A blue field appeared around the planet. Tag said, “Do you think this will stop them?”

“I’m hoping it does.”

“Are you planning on us firing at them?”

“Only as a last resort.”

Tag smiled, looked at Danielle, and said, “That’s how it always starts. Don’t fire at the nice attackers. Just hold them off. Then it turns into shouting, cursing, and firing.”

Danielle said, “I’ve never heard you use swear words.”

“You know how it goes; I say to myself I say.”

“Well, behave.”

“You know I will; it’s those bugs you have to worry about.”

Danielle shook her head. After a moment she said, “I’ve missed this.”

Tag nodded, “You have no idea how much I agree with you.”

Alex said, “Amen to that.”

• • •

Jixie looked at Sam and said, “The Senior has just said something that Ken needs to hear.”

“Patch him in.”


“Yes, Jixie.”

“The Senior has been studying the psychic field around the planet and he thinks that he and the rest of the people can add power to it.”

“Are you serious?”

“He seems to think he can.”

“Will he have to use the ships to do it?”

“No, he says the people can just direct their mental energy into it.”

“Did you hear that, Alexander?”

“I did. Why don’t we try this by just adding a small amount of support and see what happens.”

“The blue field suddenly intensified and turned deep violet.”

“Hey, hey, hey; I said just a little.”

Jixie said, “That was only the Senior supporting it.”

Alex said, “Grace, is it adversely affecting our systems?”

“No, it appears to be only happening in the field.”

“Then back off the power we’re using and see if the field loses intensity.” Tag watched the field and said, “Are you reducing power yet, Grace?”

“I’m only using enough power to keep it active. Evidently, the people below have an extraordinary amount of psychic power.”

Ken said, “Tag, you have an ability to sense danger. What are you sensing?”

“I believe that the people on the planet have just removed any danger to us or them. However, do you really intend to not kill the creatures that are going to attack?”

“That is my hope. Why do you ask?”

“There was an ancient device on Earth that was used to control flying insects that would sting and bite. It was an ultraviolet light that would attract the bugs into an electrical diode and fry them. It was called a bug zapper. I know about hornets. I had a little run in with them as a child. What do you think they’ll do if they can’t hit the planet from above?” Ken was silent and Tag said, “I think you have just created one heck of a giant bug zapper around the planet and when you kill one hornet, millions are going to come to the funeral. If they all come, you’ll have to fire on them or the planet could be destroyed if they all slam into the field.”

Pixie yelled, “Here they come!”

Thousands of Hornets appeared and began circling the planet at high speed. They appeared to be confused by the blue field that prevented them from seeing the beings they had scanned on the planet’s surface. They flew around the planet and then one of them fired a white ball at the blue field. It hit and a massive explosion erupted from the field’s surface. Tag said, “Grace?”

“It was strong but not enough to break through.”

Tag said, “You need to get more support for the field.”

The Senior heard Tag and designated fifty of the elders to add their support. The field went to deep violet. The thousands of Hornets began firing thousands of white balls at the field and the explosions moved across the surface of the violet colored field in white flames. Suddenly one of the Hornets turned and accelerated into the field at high speed and the explosion rocked the field. The Senior called for a hundred more to add support.

Tag watched the field grow even stronger and said, “One of them has died. Now the others will follow his example.”

The thousands of Hornets turned and flashed in on the field and the entire surface looked like hell had erupted from the surface. Alex said, “Those creatures are really ticked off.”

Tag looked at Danielle and she said, “Ken told us they don’t possess intelligence.”

“You don’t have to be intelligent to be angry.”

“How do you know they’re angry?”

“Listen to them.” Tag and Danielle heard the high frequency buzz increase in volume and move up the scale until it was almost too painful to hear.

Tag said, “You’re right, Alex. Now it’s just a matter of time until the whole nest show up.” Tag knew the creatures were only protecting their home and were not given intelligence to learn when they should back off. At least the Captors were able to reason their way out of being killed. He said, “I believe that if all of these creatures crash that field it might fail. We might be forced to open fire on them.”

Ken said, “I really don’t want to do that.”

Tag shook his head, “You are sometimes not given a choice in the matter. If it comes down to you or them living, you’ll have to choose you.”

Ken said, “There has got to be another way.”

Tag shook his head and said, “Alex, feed full power to the beams.”

“They’re coming online.”

Danielle said, “Tag, there’s got to be away to drive them away without killing them.”

Tag thought a moment and noticed that the bridge had become silent after the Hornets had crashed into the psychic field. He smiled and said, “Ken, do you have access to an Algean?”


“There was another device that was used to keep troublesome insects away. It emitted a frequency that made them leave.”

Ken saw the pattern slam in place and he said, “Pixie, can you contact anyone in our Creation?”

“No, but Jixie probably can.”

“Jixie, can you contact Sprigly?”

“No, but the Senior should be able to do it.”

“Patch me through to him.”

“She doesn’t need to do that. I can hear your thoughts.”

“I need to contact an Algean in my creation named Sprigly.”

“Show me in your mind where he is located.” Ken focused on the location of Sprigly’s lab and he heard, “Go ahead.”


“Ken, what’s up?”

“I need your help. I’m at Jixie’s home world and it is being attacked by the Hornets.”

“Then get out of there!”

“We’re holding them off at the moment but they will be here momentarily with the whole nest. I need you to record the sound they make when they’re attacking and send me the frequency that would cancel that sound out.”

“Play it.”

Sprigly heard the high frequency sound and put it into his computer. He watched the sine wave develop and found the opposite wave. He played the two and they canceled each other out. “Put this frequency into your panel.”

Ken entered the numbers one by one and after the last one Sprigly said, “They will probably not like that particular sound.”

“We can only pray.” Ken thought, “Tag, Sam, I’m sending you a frequency to broadcast when the Hornets return. Play it at high power.”

Tag said, “They’re back. What did I tell you about the funeral?”

Ken looked at his display and saw at least twenty million of the giant creatures. “BC, if all of them attacked the field simultaneously…”

“I don’t think it would hold up.”

“Start playing the frequency and continue to add power to the broadcast until something happens.”

The twenty million plus Hornets began flying at an extreme speed around the planet. The entire planet was inside a giant globe of them. “BC increase the power.”

The first Hornet rushed in and hit the field causing a massive explosion. The death of the Hornet appeared to cause the others to become extremely agitated and thousands of them turned and rushed toward the planet. Just before they arrived they turned and flew away at an even higher velocity. “Play that frequency at full power!”

The frequency was so loud that the ships could feel it through their hulls. The energy vibrated the ships and they saw something happening. The Hornets tried to move in but would turn away in obvious agony when they came close. They shuddered and convulsed every time they rushed in. The sound expanded and the people on the planet added power to it. Soon the Hornets were rushing away from the planet at an incredible speed. They gathered in the system more than forty thousand miles away and turned together and rushed toward the planet. They made it to twenty thousand miles and then turned, flew away, and disappeared.

Danielle watched them go and smiled, “See, it doesn’t always end in fighting.”

Tag shrugged, “Do you think those creatures don’t feel what we did? Oh we fired on them alright.”

Danielle stood and hugged Tag, “I always seem to love you more after something like this.”

Tag kissed her and said, “Hey Alex, would you and Grace like to go with us this time.”

“I thought you’d never ask.”

“How bout you, Grace.”

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