Ultimate Warrior (The Fight for Creation (Book Three)) (35 page)

BOOK: Ultimate Warrior (The Fight for Creation (Book Three))
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“It was so peaceful when he was asleep.”

Alex said, “You can stay if you want.”

“No, I’ll go.”

Alex grumbled, “They couldn’t make you stay.”

“That’s true.”

• • •

Ken waited for the Hornets to return but after several hours they did not appear. “Senior, I think it’s over.”

“It won’t matter if they do come back.”

“Why is that?”

“Because we can create the blue field and we can also produce that frequency. We thank you for coming to our defense but we can handle it from now on.”

Pixie jumped in Ken’s arms and he kissed her deeply. “Hey, I guess you’re done with us.”

Ken looked at Pixie and she jumped them to the Kosiev’s bridge. Sam and Jixie appeared right behind them. Ken said, “We’re about to go back to the Realm. I know everyone there will want to see you.”

“The only ones that know we’re here are the four of you. That is how it’s going to have to stay.”

Sam said, “Why?”

“You will have to face this same situation in the future. If you don’t leave, there will never be growth. We learned that a civilization will be patterned after its rulers and will stagnate in that form. The Realm has become more than we could have ever made it and our time is over.”

Jixie looked at Danielle and said, “I look pretty good.”

“You know it sister. I’m flattered that you chose me.”

Tag said, “Tell the Realm that you lost the Kosiev. I’m taking them with me.”

Ken slowly shook his head, “What are you going to do with this ship?”

Tag shrugged, “We’re getting back in the fight; there are still aggressive civilizations out there. You’ve removed the really nasty ones so we should be able to handle any that remain. However, if you need us, just get Atlas to come tell us.” Sam and Ken stared at the original rulers of the ancient Stars Realm and Tag saw their expressions, “We’re really not that special. We’re just a man and a woman that did what had to be done. Escaping the worship was another reason we disappeared.”

Ken smiled, “You’re probably right but from where I stand, you deserve your legendary standing. Thank you for helping us.”

Tag smiled as the four teleported back to their ships. Jixie said goodbye to her people and then jumped the two psychic ships into orbit above Ross. They contacted Greg and teleported down to Castle Gardner where Greg, his family, and all of the staff had a riotous welcome home party. During the loud music Ken pulled Pixie close and said, “Are you too young to get married?”

“You need to ask my parents.”

“Really?” Pixie nodded and Ken squared his shoulders and went over to Sam and Jixie. They turned to him and he said, “I want Pixie to marry me. Is she old enough?”

Sam and Jixie looked at each other and said, “You should ask her.” Sam rolled his eyes and turned around and found Pixie right behind him. She came into his arms and said, “Yes, I’m old enough and yes, I’ll marry you.” The party took on a new intensity that almost rivaled the celebration on the streets of Ross the next day when the engagement was announced.

Chapter Twenty-Six

he four found themselves standing on the tallest spire two days later looking out at the city. Jixie said, “I’ll never get used to the beauty of this planet.” Ken nodded as he stood behind Pixie and had his arms around her. Jixie turned to Ken and said, “How did you know?”

“Know what?”

“That the psychic ships could save my people and that we would be able to operate them.”

“Oh, that was Pixie’s doing.”

“What did I do?”

“You made me see the pattern that I was missing.”


“You pointed out that the Creator always had a way to work around any obstacles. She would not create a species that could get out of control. You made me see that there had to be something that could stop the Hornets.”

“Yes, but I didn’t say anything about the psychic ships.”

Ken shrugged and said, “I wish I could explain how patterns appear to me. Once I knew that something existed that would stop the Hornets, I began seeing how things had changed over the years and they led me to see the ships were the answer.”

Sam said, “What things?”

“Well, for starters, the members of the Royal Family lost their psychic abilities. It begs the question as to why that happened. What was the main change that happened when they lost those powers?”

Sam looked at Pixie and Jixie and shook his head.

Ken smiled, “The psychic ships could no longer be used. That led me to ask, why would the Creator want that? Why would she want the Realm’s most powerful weapon taken off the table?”

Sam stared at Ken and then at Jixie who just shrugged, “Ok, I give up; why would she want that?”

“Those ships would not survive against the final three species. They would have been destroyed if they were used against them. She knew they had to survive in the event the Hornets got out of control. She removed our ability to use them in order to prevent their destruction.” Ken saw their confusion and said, “Sam, you became psychic just before my abilities were unlocked. The two of us would now be able to fly the psychic ships with the help of Jixie and Pixie. Those ships could have been used to kill the Hornets if things got out of control. It was a last resort plan she put together but she saw that the end game was upon us. Once the three final nasty civilizations were eliminated, there was no longer a need to use the psychic ships. She would have allowed the Hornets to destroy Jixie’s civilization. She would not run the risk of harming a species that had only done what she had created them to do.”

“How did you know about Thomas and Danielle Gardner?”

“That was your fault, Sam.”


“When you told Jixie that you didn’t want to live a million years unless she was with you; it started me thinking. If you were to live a thousand years, would you still be a Duke in the Realm? The thought that hit me was to wonder if that had ever happened before. I then remembered that Tag and Danielle had extended lives and I looked in my memory and nowhere in the Realm is there a grave for either one of them. That told me that you would be forced to disappear just like they did.”

The four stared at Ken and he said, “The rest was obvious.”

Jixie shook her head, “If you say so. However, I’m so thankful you found a way to save both species.” Jixie looked at Pixie and smiled.


“I told your father when I discovered I was pregnant that you would be the greatest warrior the Realm ever produced. I was wrong.”

Ken nodded, “The Ultimate Warrior is Thomas Gardner. Even when saving life he is the strongest. It was he that saw the field would kill the Hornets and it was also him that gave us the idea of using the frequency to stop them. He sees patterns that I miss. His abilities are far beyond all of us. I have no doubt that if killing the Hornets was called for, he would have done it. He has never been defeated in battle and I suspect he never will. He was the reason the Creator allowed us to take the ships.”

Pixie said, “What!”

“She saw him arrive. She knew he would do the right thing and she trusted us to follow his lead, which we did. He was her first creation to defend her and that is why he is still alive. We are safer because he exists.”

Jixie said, “And Danielle?”

“She is his heart. He would be too dangerous without her and he knows it. She is what grounds him. The two of them are one creation and the Realm owes its existence to them. He doesn’t have a large ego. He’ll never see that he is a giant among normal men. And somehow, that’s the way it should be.”

Sam looked up at the stars, “What happens now?”

Ken smiled, “We go out and end this war. The fight for creation is now drawing to a close and we will live in peace to raise our families and never have to mourn those killed in battle again. The Creator is well and the music is loud. This will be the time where future historians will say the golden age of the Bristone Realm began and they will be right. The future is bright and we are going to be able to see it for centuries to come. I’m excited at the prospect.”

The four looked up at the stars and could hear them singing.


remel flew in to the clearing and landed next to Eyes. The giant Cat stretched and rose to his feet, “Have you decided?”

Vremel said, “Are you sure you don’t mind sharing this planet with us?”

“It’s your home as much as ours. It’ll be good to have someone to share our stories with.”

Vremel looked up at the sky and said, “It’s been a long time since Zord have flown these skies.”

Eyes yawned and said, “The Realm is wrapping up the last aggressive civilization. It’s going to be a while before any others step out of line.”

Vremel nodded, “Someone will eventually do it. Time will make them think that the legend about a civilization that prohibits aggression is just a fairy tale.”

Eyes nodded, “And then they’ll learn they are wrong.” Eyes paused and said, “So many have died to make this day happen. I look back on the evil civilizations that had to be faced and I’m amazed at what we were able to do.”

Vremel nodded and looked off in the distance at the herds of Torg. He slowly went to all four legs and lied down with Eyes, “Most of the credit belongs to the humans. Everyone else was in a supporting role. They did the heavy lifting although the Spiders and Algeans helped a lot.

Eyes nodded, “The Spiders are coming back to settle in the Realm. They have finally found peace from all the destruction they once caused. Once they reunite with the Algeans, I suspect there will be some remarkable transformations taking place in the Realm. Newton and Einstein are already here getting things set up for their arrival.” Eyes smiled and closed his eyes as he said, “The humans brought all of Mother’s children together and united them. They have a special place in her heart and are her best creation.”

The two laid there in silence and finally Vremel said, “Are we going to be able to live in this new Creation and not die of boredom?”

Eyes kept his eyes closed and chuckled, “The Torg are larger and meaner.”

Vremel looked at Eyes and smiled, “Thank the Creator for that.” He closed his eyes and listened to the joyous music that rang out in the stars. He could hear the Creator’s love in the melody and knew that Danielle Gardner was right from the beginning; Love does conquer all.

Books by Saxon Andrew
The Annihilation Series:

Love Conquers All

The Power of a Queen

A Rose Grows in Weeds

Tommy’s Tale


Demon’s Sacrifice

Finding Keepers

Ashes of the Realm:

Juliette’s Dream

Greyson’s Revenge

Death of an Empire

The Return of the Realm

Lens of Time:

The Pyramid Builders

Planet Predators

Pray for the Prey

The End of Time

The Fight for Creation

Life Warrior

Scout Warrior

Ultimate Warrior

Star Chase

Lost Prince

No Where to Run (May 2013)

About Saxon Andrew

axon Andrew is the author of the number one bestselling Annihilation Series. All seven books of the series have been a number one bestseller on Amazon’s kindle Science Fiction Series. Ashes of the Realm is the second series created by him and continues the history of the Stars Realm after its destruction. A third series, The Lens of Time, will be published in early 2012.

His books are written so that anyone can enjoy them and not worry about their children picking them up. He lives in Tampa, Florida with his wife and looks forward to each day so he can write the stories that his fans enjoy.

Copyright © 2013 by Saxon Andrew. All rights reserved. Screen Writers Guild no. VQEA3E380432.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from the author or publisher.

First Electronic Edition: February 2013

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