Ultrahuman 01 - Ugly (31 page)

Read Ultrahuman 01 - Ugly Online

Authors: Niall Teasdale

Tags: #ultrahuman, #superhero, #adventure, #ultrahumans

BOOK: Ultrahuman 01 - Ugly
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‘I spent all week as her, I think that’s enough until tomorrow at least.’ Penny grinned. ‘I should have worn this before though; it feels good against this skin too.’

On impulse, June reached out and stroked her fingers over Penny’s cheek, half expecting a flinch and not getting it. ‘It’s the same, beautiful skin.’

‘I’m not beautiful, June,’ Penny replied softly. ‘Maybe I’m not as ugly as I think, but I’m not beautiful.’

June gave a shrug. She was never going to convince her friend that there was more to beauty than looks. ‘Your skin is, and your eyes. Cygnus can’t improve on those.’

‘Your blurry image suggests you’re wrong, but I’ll accept your point. I’ve got good skin. And I don’t have a moustache, which I think is good.’

June giggled. ‘See? You’re a thing of beauty. Is some of that Cygnus confidence leaking over into Penny?’

‘Maybe a little. Maybe I’m just happy not being her for a while. She’s great, but she’s not really me.’

‘You’re just as good as she is, just… different good.’

It was Penny’s turn to giggle. ‘That was not English. Where did you go to school, girl?’


Work, real sitting-behind-a-desk work, seemed more draining than usual after a week of being pampered by Susan. Penny endured. She worked through the pile in her in-tray without outward sign of complaint and, for the first time she could think of, actually contemplated making money as a model, as June had suggested all those months ago.

She doubted that June would have made the same suggestion now, or liked it if Penny had gone ahead with the idea. And, in truth, she had no intention of doing so. For it to work she would have to give up being Penny. Worse, she would have to give up June; it would not be safe for the girl if she was Cygnus’ flatmate.

Busy as she was, she almost missed the doodle on Mister Thorpe’s notes. It was another eagle, this one more like the kind of emblem she had seen in history classes. A Roman standard, or… The Nazis had used similar symbology, or she thought they had.

Almost from habit she snapped a picture of it with her phone and sent it to her UltraNet account, and then she forgot about it as she got on with clearing her work pile.


‘Excelsior is more dangerous than we could have imagined,’ Kopf stated, his eyes glowing, ‘and more useful.’

Ghostfire’s voice sounded sceptical when he replied. ‘Useful? A drug which can render an Ultra mindless or dead is useful?’

‘In its raw state, no, but dangerous, yes. It acts upon the brain by accelerating communication between the hemispheres. In a normal human this results in the omnipotent feeling the drug induces. Ultras, I have long theorised, already have a stronger inter-hemispheric link. The increase results in mental collapse, or a vast increase in cosmic energy production which causes physical damage when the body is unable to contain it, or…’

‘Or?’ Ghostfire prompted.

‘Or the Ultra may adapt in some way. The genes governing Ultrahuman powers are, essentially, a mechanism allowing some humans to adapt to extreme circumstances. An Ultra taking Excelsior
gain far greater power, but the effect would likely result in mental instability.’

‘Great power, but you go mad. I am failing to see the real upside.’

Kopf smiled. ‘Ah, but I am both a genius, and an expert in the process of Ultrahuman manifestation. I see great potential here. Not, perhaps, to gain greater power permanently, but I may be able to create a version which enhances your existing powers for a short period.’

‘Useful,’ Ghostfire agreed.


‘I met your friend Zephyr while you were away,’ Twilight said. Once again she was meeting Cygnus at the top of the Trade Center; it was a useful site and the view was good.

‘Oh? How is he? I haven’t seen him for a week.’

‘Seemed okay to me. Handsome guy, you’re a lucky girl.’

Penny smiled. ‘I think so.’

‘I needed his advice on a South American drug dealer. He was helpful. He also suggested we should concentrate on Ghostfire and his crew.’

‘He did? That would mean letting Tonaldo off the hook for a bit, right?’

‘I figure I can still keep an eye on them
we can focus on Ghostfire. Lena’s been bugging me to come around more often. If I give in a little then I can keep up to date while we hunt down Ghostfire. Who, by the way, is invisible.’

‘I guess that explains the “ghost” part of his name.’

‘And why no one seems to know what he looks like. I don’t suppose you’ve got any bright ideas about how to find him?’

‘Nope. I guess we turn our attention to his people, see if anyone working for him knows anything. I’ll ask Red if she knows a good place to start.’

Twilight nodded. ‘It’s a start. Oh… Um, I have a favour to ask.’

‘Shoot,’ Penny replied without a second’s thought.

‘Well, my day job… I work at a comic store, Radium…’

‘I know it.’ Penny gave her a grin. ‘Isn’t an Ultra working in a comic shop kind of weird?’

Twilight shrugged. ‘Pays the bills, or it will if it keeps going, but the owner is a little worried about sales. He thinks an evening where Cygnus turned up to sign comics, maybe promote that calendar you did? That could bring in more casual buyers.’


‘Just like that?’

‘Could be fun, and Svetilo would probably like the publicity for the calendar. Maybe she could get some pictures done up to give away, we took some with me in costume.’ There was another grin. ‘It’s a shame Twilight can’t be there.’

‘Huh. I’ll tell him you’re willing and set it up. Thanks. Really. You don’t have to do this.’

‘We’re partners,’ Penny replied. ‘We’re supposed to help each other out.’


The man probably weighed as much as Cygnus and Twilight combined. He was suspended six inches above the sidewalk, his legs kicking frantically, and the front of his jacket held firmly in Cygnus’ right fist, at arm’s length. The kicking was getting him nowhere, but it was starting to get annoying.

‘I don’t like drug dealers,’ she pointed out. ‘I
don’t like drug dealers peddling to kids in Friendship, so here’s the deal. You tell me everything you know about Ghostfire and I’ll hand you over to the cops.’

‘H-how’s that a deal?’ the dealer replied.

‘Well, if you don’t tell me, then I’ll give you to Twilight here so she can ask.’

Twilight smiled at the man, and reached over her shoulder for her sword.

‘Look, I don’t know nothing. No one does. He’s never seen. We get instructions by phone. The goods’re dropped off by couriers. No one knows nothing about him.’

Cygnus gave a disgusted grunt, dropped the man onto the ground where he fell to his knees, and then slammed her knee into his jaw. ‘It’s “I don’t know
,” moron,’ she told his unconscious body. ‘This is getting us nowhere. We’ve taken twelve drug dealers off the streets in two days, but none of them have ever met Ghostfire. None of them know who he is, or where he hangs out…’

‘On the plus side,’ Twilight told her, ‘we’ve taken twelve drug dealers off the street. The c
rack den in Churchton was particularly satisfying. I think I’ve been missing out concentrating on the Tonaldos.’

‘We need a lead.’

‘I know. We’ll hit more of them tomorrow. If we’re lucky we’ll push Ghostfire into doing something about it. And don’t forget the comic store on Friday.’

‘I haven’t forgotten. I’m picking up two boxes of glossies from Svetilo tomorrow. She’s had them printed with details on the calendar launch.’

Twilight grinned. ‘Great. Roger is going to be stoked.’


Penny landed in a small service alley at the back of the small block of shops carrying two large boxes full of glossy photographs of her. Turning, she spotted a small sign above one of the doors which said ‘Radium Comics. Service Entrance.’ She also spotted Andrea.

It was almost odd seeing the girl in normal clothes, if you counted black jeans and a black, cropped T-shirt bearing the words ‘Radium Comics’ in red letters as normal. Penny was used to the black catsuit, though the shirt was tight enough to suggest the shape of the bra under it so that was not that different. Except that she suspected Twilight did not wear a bra.

Penny shook the deliberation on her partner’s underwear choices out of her head. It was time to be Cygnus.

‘Want me to take one of those?’ Andrea asked, indicating the boxes.

‘They’re heavy.’

‘I’ll just get the door then. I was right, Roger’s stoked, and Zoe’s practically boiling over in anticipation.’ She stopped with her hand on the door handle. ‘Zoe’s the other shop assistant. She’s not quite as dumb as she acts.’

Penny gave her a grin. ‘I’ll try to remember that.’

Roger looked around as soon as the door opened, his eyes widening when he saw Cygnus strutting in, almost as though he had not really expected her to turn up.

‘You’re here! Awesome! Let me take those…’

‘They’re heavy,’ Penny said, but he had already grabbed a box. It dropped several inches as he took the weight.

‘Hey, wow, these things are heavy. And you’re carrying them like…’

‘She can lift cars, Roger,’ Andrea pointed out as she closed the back door.

‘Yeah… yeah, I know that. It’s just… You’re really slight, y’know? Slim, I mean, not all muscle…’ He blushed. ‘I’m yammering… We’ve got you set up on a table beside the counter. Plenty of pens and space for a box of these.’

‘Well, I hope I didn’t over-do the pictures,’ Penny said as she started for the door to the main shop floor.

A head capped with blonde hair poked through; it came with an enormous grin. ‘I don’t think there’s much danger of that,’ Zoe said.

‘I don’t know,’ Roger said, a little disconsolately. ‘I didn’t have much time to advertise…’

‘That’s why I suggested that Andrea post a few things on a few websites… They’re already queued up outside.’

‘Queued?’ Penny asked, blinking.

Zoe giggled. ‘Of course! God, if I looked like you do I’d have them queuing outside my house.’

‘All right then,’ Roger said, trying to put on a business-like demeanour, ‘let’s let them in before we have a riot.’

Penny had just managed to get sat down at the table when the first shopper was in front of her holding out a copy of the Ultranova comic for her to sign.

‘Could you make it out to Mike?’ the young man asked. He looked younger than she was.

‘Sure,’ she replied, making out the inscription.

When she looked up there were a dozen more behind him, all of them wearing cheesy grins.


‘It’s pretty intense out there,’ Zoe said as she handed Penny a mug of coffee.

‘Uh-huh. I’m not sure my wrist is ever going to be the same again. I’d better not take too long a break either.’

‘You can probably manage fifteen minutes before they start eating each other.’ The blonde giggled and Penny tried to remember what Andrea had said about her not being as dumb as she acted. ‘So… how come you know our Andrea?’

‘Well I don’t
her, exactly. We bump into each other at the Huntress’ Den sometimes. I know Red fairly well, she’s a bit of a mentor, I guess, and a friend of mine is dating her.’

‘Oh.’ Zoe seemed to contemplate that for a second. ‘I guess Andrea’s a perceptive sort of person…’ Penny frowned at her and she went on. ‘She just seems to know you better than that. She’s looking out for you. She knew when to fend off the horde to give you a break, and then she let you lift that second box. I bet Roger would have strained something to pick it up for you.’

No, Zoe was not as ditzy as she made out. ‘She knows what I can do. So does half the city since it was all over the news channels. I think Roger’s just being a gentleman and, let’s face it, I’m hardly a lady dressed like this.’

And like a switch had been flipped, Zoe was all blonde again. ‘Oh God, I’d kill to be able to pull off an outfit like that.’

Penny gave her a smile. ‘I almost died to be able to.’


‘All right,’ Roger said, heaving a sigh of relief, ‘Andrea, check the stacks in case any of them managed to hide in there.’

Penny laughed. ‘I don’t think they were

‘Don’t kid yourself,’ Andrea said as she walked off into the rows of shelves, ‘I just about needed a crowbar to get the last couple out.’

Shaking her head and flexing her right hand, Penny thanked her altered form for its fast healing and looked around at Roger. ‘Think that was a success?’ she asked.

‘I’ll have to completely restock the current issues and we even sold some of the collectors’ issues. Yes, that was a success. If you ever get a comic of your own, you’ll have to come back.’ He looked thoughtful for a second. ‘Maybe with that partner of yours. I know she wears a mask all the time, but people do like the bad girl image. It’s amazing how well that kind of thing sells.’

‘I think it’s the black bodysuit,’ Zoe put in. ‘Sexy and dark.’

‘Twilight…’ Penny began just as Andrea walked back to the counter. ‘She’s a lot more private than I am. She made me agree to handle the press calls when we hooked up.’

‘You never look like you really enjoy them either,’ Andrea said. Her right eyebrow and the corner of her mouth twitched as she said it.

‘Enjoy isn’t a word I’d use. I think Twilight could use a little more publicity, myself. She does good work and deserves more credit for it.’

‘Well if she wants to stick to the shadows, surely that’s her call?’

‘Oh, it is. I just feel like I’m cheating sometimes. I’m the one that gets all the good press when she does half the work.’ Penny glanced at Zoe and Roger, who were watching the exchange like a tennis match. Zoe’s eyebrows were a little raised. ‘But, that’s how she is.’

‘Shame,’ Roger stated. ‘Well, thank you for coming, Cygnus. It’s been a
pleasure meeting you.’

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