Read Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again) Online

Authors: Emma Grayson

Tags: #Contemporary

Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again) (13 page)

BOOK: Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again)
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I saw his lips twitch. “Just for a few days, got some shit I need to take care of. I’ll be back by Thursday in time to get you to work.”

“Lukas, you don’t have to rush back on my account. I’m capable of getting there on my own.” Then, just like a light bulb coming on, my eyes widened and I had an idea. “I could call and ask Danny to pick me up on his way in. I don’t think he will – ”

“I’ll be here by three thirty.”

“Lukas, really I’m sure it’s –”

“Three thirty Lex.” he clipped and I knew that was the end of it.

Stubborn, bossy ass.

“Ok. Alright.” I sighed, deciding arguing would get me nowhere. “I should get upstairs and put Finn to bed,” I said then motioned to the stairs.

“In a minute. Come here Lex,” he said, his voice low and deep making my heart race and palms sweat. I knew going to him would be a mistake, I could tell by the look in his eyes so I didn’t move.

“Uh... I have to get Finn to bed,” I stammered, my voice cracking.

“Lexie,” he growled , his grin not wavering

The way he said my name and the grin on his face did all sorts of things to my body, but I forced myself to stay put.

I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t a part of me that wanted something to happen between Lukas and me. But I couldn’t listen to that part of me, instead I listened to the part that begged, almost in fear, to stay away and keep him at an arm’s length, because I didn’t know him enough to feel so... not in control of myself when he was around.

A man as attractive and self-assured as Lukas couldn’t be interested in someone like me which could only mean a man like Lukas is only interested in one thing and that one thing is getting into my pants.

Lukas’ eyes burned into me as if he had heard everything that had just went through my head. My eyes shifted away from him nervously and I crossed my arms over my chest, the part of me that wanted to move towards him and into his arms was becoming harder to ignore, like a magnet ignoring its pull.

His expression turned unreadable, as his stare continued to burn into me, as he walked towards me. His eyes watched me expressively, as he stood in front of me, close enough I could feel the heat radiating off his body and engulfing me but not close enough for us to be touching. I watched his jaw clench and unclench few times before he spoke. “Give me your cell phone.”

Not thinking I reached into my back pocket and pulled my phone out and placed it in his waiting hand. “What are you doing?” I asked as he swiped his thumb across the screen.

“Programming my numbers and sending a text to mine so I have yours. If I’m not going to be back in time Thursday I’ll let you know,” he said firmly then held my phone out for me to take back.

I nodded, slipping my phone back in my pocket. “I should get upstairs, Finn’s waiting.” I stepped to move around him when he reached out and spun me into his arms so we were chest to chest. “Lukas,” I breathed out deeply, and noticed how heavily I was breathing.

His hand came up to my jaw, lifting it so our eyes locked.

His heated grey eyes, so stunning they made my stomach clench and fill with butterflies.

I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to stand on the tips of my toes, run my hand through his hair, grab ahold and crash my lips hungrily on his.

Fuck, I was so screwed.

I pushed the thought away fast; as I saw his eyes flicker. “You have no idea the effect you have on someone,” he murmured to himself.

I blinked and looked at him puzzled, “What?”

“Haunted, yet so beautiful, and you don’t even know it,” he said. “I don’t know how that’s possible.”

His voice was so low; it shot right between my legs like a jolt of electricity. I blinked up at him letting the words he said play over in my head. “Lukas,” I said trying to move out of his arms. “Let me go, Lukas,” I said softly.

His arms around me didn’t falter; only tightened as he pulled me closer.

“Lex.” It came out low and rough, almost pained.

“No Lukas, let me go. Finn’s waiting and I can’t... whatever this is,” motioning between us, “I can’t do it with you. You were right earlier, I’m dealing with shit, shit I don’t wanna get you involved in and sleeping with you or whatever it is you want from me... I just can’t,” I said, letting out an exasperated breath.


Lukas’ arms dropped from my waist and he took a step back. Not saying a word, he ran his hand through his hair before he turned away from me, leaving me nothing but his defined back to look at as he walked out of the living room. “Gotta get back to the station, don’t forget to keep your doors locked, I’ll be here Thursday at three thirty.” He left, slamming the door behind him.

I stared at the door long after he left, my chest felt as if it was going to explode as my shoulders slumped forward.

I was right and he just confirmed it.

The voice in my head told me I was wrong with everything I had said to him, but, like usual, I pushed it aside and I made my way up to Finn.

That was four days ago, since then I didn’t hear anything from Lukas. I hadn’t received a call or text from him so I knew he’d be by to pick me up for work today and I was nervous. And hearing the doorbell ring made me even more nervous.


I looked at the clock by my bed; the red lights flashed three thirty– right on time. Of course. I could hear Finn’s voice as he greeted Lukas and then both of their laughs filled the downstairs. Lukas’ laugh sent a shiver up my spine; I loved the way it sounded.

I finished getting ready for work and flicked the light off in the bathroom, then came to a halt outside the door, not hearing him enter.

Oh God.

What is he, a ninja?

My hand flew up to my chest. “Fuck Lukas, you scared the shit out of me. What are you doing in here?”

Fuck he looked good.

Amazingly good.

His eyes were intently on me, blazing and dark like the night sky. They dropped to my lips then gazed down my chest, slowly taking in the rest of me before traveling back up, our eyes locking.

This can’t end well.

The slow burning ball of fire in my stomach exploded, shooting in every direction over my body. Ignoring it was impossible. I licked my bottom lip and pulled it between my teeth. I was waiting for him to say something but he didn’t, instead he moved in my direction and was standing in front of me in two strides.

“Lukas did –”

“Where’s your head at?” he asked, his hand coming up and brushing my hair off my shoulders.

“I’m sorry?” I asked confused, looking up and meeting his eyes.

“Your head, where’s it at right this second?” he asked impatiently and demanding.

Bossy jerk.

My temper began to rise. “Wanting me to tell you to back off,” I snapped taking a step back.

His lips pulled at one corner.


I found it hard to resist and my stomach started to flutter. His arms shot out grabbing on to my hips, pulling me into him.

I glared up at him through narrowed eyes. “What the –”

His lips crashed on mine, cutting my words off.

They were wet, hot and wild as they moved over mine; hungrily. His arm slid around my waist, I couldn’t help myself, I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck, and my body slammed into his, my breasts pushed up against his solid chest.

A growl sounded in the back of his throat, as his tongue swiped across my bottom lip and they instantly parted, giving him access. His tongue shot inside and tangled with mine. I moaned as I tasted him, he tasted amazing, a taste made purely of Lukas with a hint of mint.

He smelled good too, as good as he tasted.

His arm tightened around my waist while his other hand fisted in my hair, and gently tugged. My hands moved up his neck, into his long, wavy hair at the back and it was just as soft as I imagined it would be. A low throaty growl rumbled, sending a jolt of heat directly between my legs.

I’ve never in my life been kissed the way Lukas was kissing me, I’d never felt what he made me feel and I never, ever wanted it to end; ever.

Fuck, I’m in trouble.

He slowed the kiss and pulled away resting his forehead against mine. My heart slammed against my chest repeatedly, my eyes were closed as both of us were breathing fast and rapidly. As our breathing slowed he brushed his lips against mine once more before he took a step back; my arms falling to rest on his biceps.

Ok…what the fuck just happened!

“Wow,” I breathed softly, slowly opening my eyes. My lips were still tingling and my entire body on alert.

“Beauty. Right fuckin’ here,” he said his voice thick.

“I’ll… umm… grab my coat then we can go,” I said and my voice cracked as I pushed back against his arms and backed away from him, our connection breaking in every way possible as I walked over to my closet.

Grabbing my coat that was hanging up, I turned to see Lukas standing in the spot I left him with his arms crossed over his chest, glaring at me with a hard face. “What?” I asked.

“That skirt’s too fuckin’ short. Leave it to fuckin’ Fisher,” he growled.

I blinked. “Excuse me?”

“Your skirt Lex,” his arm shot out, motioning. “It’s too fuckin’ short,” he bit out, his stance not wavering.

You’ve got to be fucking shitting me.

don’t have to like it. And if I could drive myself to work, you wouldn’t have to see it now would you.” He continued looking at me, not saying a word. “That’s what I thought.” My arms were now crossed over
chest, eyes glaring at

The high I had felt from our kiss was completely gone, out the window, now replaced with anger and irritation.

That didn’t take long.

His body relaxed as his face softened, “You’ll get it eventually.” He stated, anger no longer heating his eyes.

“Get what?” I snapped

“Peaches, let’s go or you’re gonna be late,” he said then was out the door and making his way down the stairs before I could get an answer.

God! Bossy jerk!

As I reached the bottom of the stairs I heard Mollie laugh and I looked over to see her and Lukas in the middle of a conversation both smiling at one another. He looked so...normal standing there talking to her. You wouldn’t have known a few minutes ago he was angry; he looked almost relaxed, laid back.

He can talk and be all smiles with her, but with me he’s an ass.

I wanted to kick myself for being jealous, I hated the feeling. But it was there, jealousy swirling inside me like a damn tornado, trying to suck me in. I pushed the feeling aside and said bye to Finn, giving him a hug and a kiss before following Lukas out the door.

Lukas reached for my hand but I slid both hands into my pockets. I didn’t know what he was trying to do, I thought I made it clear I didn’t want what he was looking for and kissing him back in my room was a mistake, it should never have happened.

Even though it was the best kiss I’d ever had.

He rested his hand on the small of my back, instantly igniting a flame and making my body jerk and my head whip in his direction. He wasn’t looking at me but in front of him as we walked around his truck and he opened the door for me, keeping his hand on my back ‘til I climbed in.

Lukas was in the truck, backing out before I had my seatbelt on. I hadn’t noticed before but his truck was new, you could tell by the plastic covering around the radio buttons and that new car smell that still lingered in the air. It suited him though. Big, black and sleek.

And he looked good behind the wheel.

“Where’s your bike?” I blurted out.

Lukas looked over at me then back to the road in front of him. “Sold it, bought this.”

“Oh,” I said, nodding my head and turning to look out the window.

My mood changed since getting in the truck. My heart was racing and I felt anxious and sick to my stomach– Fisher’s was the last place I wanted to be going to. With the attack still fresh in my mind, the guy still out there unknown to everyone, it didn’t sit well with me at all.

Over the past few days my mind went crazy taking me right there with it. Every time I left the house, whether it was to go to the store or if we took Finn down to the park, I felt it. Like someone was watching me and my every move but every time I looked, there was never anyone around.

I jumped as Lukas took my hand in his and placed it palm down on his thigh with his covering on top. I tried to pull it away but he just held it tighter and after a few more tries I gave up. He began softly drawing small patterns on the top of my hand completely relaxing me.

“You’re nervous,” he stated.

I didn’t want to admit to my weakness.

He stopped with the patterns and gently squeezed my hand, waiting for my answer. “Yeah, I’m nervous. I should have just called in but I can’t afford to miss shifts right now.”

“I’ll be around to keep an eye on you.”

My heart skipped a beat at his words.

BOOK: Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again)
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