Unbreakable (10 page)

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Authors: Amie Nichols

Tags: #romance, #love, #suspense, #mystery

BOOK: Unbreakable
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Every time our lips meet, I feel so much
excitement and intensity. I wonder if he feels the same way.
Hearing a low moan come from his throat tells me that he does.

“I’m starving,” I say moving away from his
lips slowly after I hear my stomach growl.

“You are so beautiful,” Luke whispers kissing
the tip of my nose before he straightens back up in the driver seat
to take off again. “Buckle up baby,” he says once he puts the car
in motion again.


Chapter 12



When we reach the coast, I wonder where we
are going. We seem to be off the beaten path. We pull into the
parking lot for a small wooden building. “It doesn’t look like
much, but the food is wonderful,” he tells me as I look at him
wondering if this is really it.

It’s right on a dock and we are seated on a
deck outside overlooking the water. There are boats everywhere, and
Luke tells me that most of the boats are seafood boats. The deck is
crowded with picnic tables full of people having a good time
drinking and eating. In the middle of the tables, are piles of crab
strewn directly on newspaper. We are seated at a table with two
other couples that have recently arrived and are just getting their
drinks. We greet them and Luke tells them this is my first

“Oh honey, you’re going to love it,” the
young woman sitting next to me says as she takes a sip of her

The waitress comes over to us and she stares
at Luke batting her eyelashes. “What can I get you guys to drink?”
She asks never taking her eyes off Luke. “I’ll have a Bud Light,”
he says then looks at me to put in my order. She doesn’t take her
eyes off Luke when I tell her I want a sweet tea. I am not of legal
drinking age. There are small wooden hammers and some other
interesting utensils on the table. I think to myself,
this is
going to be very fascinating,
not having the slightest idea how
to eat a crab.

All the picnic tables are close together on
the small deck. The table directly beside us has a family with two
teenage boys. The one appears to be around fourteen and the other
maybe eighteen or nineteen. The older of the boys keeps glancing my
way. I see Luke noticing the attention I‘m getting from the boy
that is my age. I start to feel self-conscious from his stares
thinking maybe I have something on my face. I try nonchalantly to
rub my hands around my face to see if there is something on it
while I look away from the table so no one can see my face.

“Hey,” Luke gets my attention and I turn to
face him. “He’s staring at you because you are drop dead gorgeous,”
he grins at me. I feel my face blush as I realize Luke knew what I
was doing. He leans off his seat stretching across the table to
give me a quick kiss, and then another. He gives me one last kiss
then leans back with a satisfied look on his face. I’m still
blushing as a few of the patrons around us stop and look our

“Now he knows your mine,” he whispers over
the table to me. I look toward the boy who now looks extremely
annoyed, but still keeps glancing at me from time to time.

We make small talk with the couple next to us
while we wait for our food. Before long, a waiter comes out with a
huge steaming pot and pours the crabs. It is mixed with corn on the
cob and little red potatoes on the newspaper covered table. Luke
shows me how to open the shell and take out the meat. The lady next
to me helps me as I struggle with the one. We are laughing
hysterically at my troubles. I’m clearly not the crab shack kind of
girl. It takes me ten minutes to get one little bite.

“She’s going to waist away to nothing before
she gets that crab open,” the man sitting next to Luke says. They
all laugh at my attempts to get into the crab, but I don’t care.
I’m having a great time, and Luke laughing is the best sight in the
world, even though it is at my expense. I finally give up and Luke
starts handing me pieces of crab. We continue to make conversation
with our picnic tablemates, finding out they are from Houma and
they come here a lot. They have two young children at home with a
babysitter, this being their date night.

“So are you guys married?” She asks us
looking our direction.

“First date actually, but we’ve known each
other a while,” I answer and she seems very surprised.

“No way! You guys seem so in tune with each
other. I would have never guessed,” she shakes her head. “Well, I
think you guys make a gorgeous couple and I can tell there will be
more dates.” She raises her beer and toasts us. “So what’s your
name honey, you look so familiar to me?” She asks. I realize we
have been sitting talking with this couple for over an hour and
none of us know each other’s names.

“I’m Luke Hansen and this is Lilly Sumnor,”
Luke introduces us. Her husband coughs and almost chokes on a piece
of crab looking surprised.

“Lilly Sumnor, as in Ted Sumnor’s daughter?”
He questions me. I nod my head.

“You’re the one who threatened to kill that
lady, what was her name…Adeline Grace.” The woman says looking at
me with astonishment.

“What are you talking about?” Luke demands
the woman. We still don’t know their names. She looks at me with
confusion. I know what she’s talking about, but I have no idea how
she knows this.

“It was in today’s paper,
The State Wide
. Honey, pull it up on your phone,” she orders her
husband. You’re no more than 110 soaking wet, how could anyone be
scared of you,” she adds still staring at me in amazement.

“Do you know what they are talking about?”
Luke turns to me baffled.

“She came over yesterday demanding money. She
started belittling me like Jane, and I guess I lost it,” I explain
to Luke, as the lady next to me listens in also. I don’t even own a
gun. I was just trying to get her out of the house,” I shrug and a
smile forms on his face. The man hands me his phone with the
article pulled up on it. It reads:

Heiress Gets Violent

Lilly Sumnor, the heiress to the Sumnor
fortune, threatened to shoot Adeline Grace yesterday when she
reports that she was requesting money for the Jane Sumnor
Charitable Society. “I’ve never been so scared in my life. She told
me that she would shoot me dead if I didn’t get out of her house
and that there was no way she would give one cent to charity,” Mrs.
Grace was quoted saying. “I tell you that the courts have to see
that she is not fit to control that money. She threatened me bodily
harm. Jane’s charity meant the world to Jane, and for her to deny
it is just appalling,” she was also quoted saying. When this
reporter asked her why she had not pressed charges on Miss. Sumnor
yet, she had no comment.


I look up from the phone, my mouth agape
handing it to Luke to read. “So is it true?” The lady next to me
asks. “You’re so sweet it can’t be true, right?”

“Oh it’s true, but it’s not like the way she
made it sound in that article,” I tell her as Luke looks up and
hands the phone back to its owner.

“I think it’s time to go,” Luke stands up
and takes my hand. “You have to remember there are two sides to
every story,” he says to the table. “It was nice meeting you all.
Dinner is on us,” he says to them their mouths agape. “Come on
baby,” he grabs my hand and leads me out of the restaurant stopping
to pay first. He opens the passenger side door and holds my hand to
help me in. When he’s in the car, and we are on the road, he starts

“What’s so funny?” I ask him and his chuckle
turns into a laugh.

“Oh just putting two and two together. I was
wondering who that crazy woman was that stormed out of your house
yesterday yelling obscenities and kept saying Jane was right.” He
laughs and looks my way. “Maybe you should’ve shot her,” he says
smiling at me. I can’t help but laugh, too.

“I can’t believe she put it in the paper,” I
say shaking my head. “What did she think she was going to
accomplish with it?” I turn to look at Luke who places his hand on
my thigh, my heart skipping a beat at the contact.

“Probably exactly what just happened at that
table,” he answers me and I’m sure he’s right. “No one who didn’t
see how Jane was with you will ever understand, and there is no
reason even trying to explain,” he says to me squeezing my thigh
lightly. “I know the truth, baby,” he whispers. He takes my hand,
brings it to his lips, and kisses my knuckles lightly.

“So should I do something, like a rebuttal,
or I don’t know something?” I ask his opinion. I’ll ask Elliot my
legal options first, I decide before I do anything drastic.

“You’re very sexy when you’re vindictive,”
Luke grins at me then kisses my knuckles again.

“Well, stick around handsome, because I’ve
only just begun.” My confidence is building more day by day.

“I’m not going anywhere,” he declares and I
believe him.


When we reach the plantation, Luke pulls the
car in the garage. He runs around the car so he can open my door
and takes my hand as I get out.

“This was a lot of fun,” I tell him sweetly.
“Thanks so much for taking me on a date.” I give him a huge smile.
He leans me up against the passenger side door and takes my face in
his hands. He moves brushing his lips against mine. I wrap my arms
around his neck and run my fingers through his hair. As the kiss
deepens and his tongue moves into my mouth, he moves closer to me
and pins me between him and the car. I feel his chest crush up
against my breasts, his hands move down my sides cupping my behind.
He pulls my pelvis up to meet his and I can feel his erection
against my stomach.

My heart feels like it is going to beat out
of my chest and my breath hitches when he presses his hardness
against me.

A low guttural moan comes from Luke. I want
him so bad right now. His lips leave mine and he starts to trail
kisses done my neck causing a moan to escape from deep within my
throat. He stops all of the sudden, eyes dark with lust and moves
away from me.

“Goodnight, Lilly. I will see you in the
morning,” he says frantic. I can tell he is fighting the urge to
come right back to me. I am still draped against the car. My top
has moved a little and more of my breast is showing. He stares at
me for a second fighting with himself, and he darts off in a slow
jog out of the garage and around the house to the cottage.

“Slow, we’re going slowly,” I say out loud
as I straighten up and adjust my top. What I really want to do
right now is run after him and finish what we just started.
Instead, I go inside up to my room where I flop on the bed. I let
out a little scream of frustration. I wish he were in this bed with
me right now.

I’m definitely way too wired to sleep. I
change my clothes putting on some silk pajama bottoms and a short
camisole that leaves my belly button exposed then I head down to
the kitchen stopping at Jacob’s door first and knocking to see if
he is home. It is only eleven so I’m not surprised he’s not. I
smile to myself about his getting lucky comment and wonder if he is
actually getting lucky. In the kitchen, I pour myself a glass of
white wine and step out onto the patio to see that the lights to
the cottage are off.

His truck is still here. I can’t believe he
would be asleep already, but maybe he is.

I sit in one of the lounges. It is a very
warm night and I lay back to relax. There’s a slight breeze making
the trees rustle and I almost feel like I could drift off to

I hear the sound of footsteps at the side of
the house and it startles me. I hear them getting closer and closer
then see Luke jogging up to the cottage in loose fitting shorts
with no shirt. He stops and stretches for a moment before he looks
over and notices me sitting there.

“Evening run?” I question him as he walks
closer to me. I see beads of sweat running down his face and chest.
My eyes follow one droplet of sweat that runs down the middle of
his chest and over his rippled abs then dips into his belly button
before it gets soaked up by his shorts. My heart flutters at the
sight of him, my body aching for his touch.

“I had some energy that I needed to use up,”
he says smiling and winking at me. He sits in the chair next to me
catching his breath.

“I could’ve helped you with that, you know.
It was your idea to go slow,” I smile and wink back at him.

“I’d better go to bed. Just looking at you
all sexy in your pj’s is starting to get me worked up again,” he
says leaning over and giving me a kiss on the cheek that makes me
straighten up. I grab his arm and pull on it to bring him back down
to me.

“I want you so bad it hurts, Lilly. I mean
it aches, and it is taking every fiber of my being right now to
control myself. I just want to wait,” he says. I can tell he is
fighting with himself to either stay or go, but his self-control
wins and he straightens back up. “Dream of me,” he says and heads
back to the cottage not turning around.

“I’ll be going to take a very cold shower
now!” I yell at him as he’s almost to the cottage.

“Me too, baby, me too,” and he disappears in
the cottage.

Damn it, I want to run in there and join him
in that shower.

I hear someone walk through the French doors
behind me. I stretch my neck to look when I see Jacob stepping
through with a beer in his hand. He sits in the chair that Luke
just got up from.

“I take it you didn’t get lucky,” I say
noticing he has a less than satisfied look on his face. I find it
hard to believe since he looks so good. His tight black polo shows
off his workouts in the gym. The hem of his sleeves looks like they
are cutting into his skin because his arms are very muscular. His
dark hair is buzzed with a typical military hairstyle. He is of
Italian origin so he has dark olive skin.

“I could have, but just didn’t click with
any of them. Some of the very beautiful women would have loved for
me to take them home,” he says boasting. Cockiness doesn’t suit him
so it sounds awkward and he knows it. It makes us both laugh out

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